Almost impossible to put down, and I am usually a harsh critic of fiction. I'f Griffin and Clancy readers had found out about this guy, these books wouldn't be out of print now.
And what he knows is still true and will continue to be true in the years to come. Loeb's interviews gave him a strong understanding of why the young, intelligent, hard-working people of America would feel so disenchanted, disillusioned, and (deep down) betrayed by the purveyors (our so-called leaders) of politics and activism.
Part of it is the lessened sense of security about the future. Part of it is the futility felt when listening to yet another campaign promise, or the shame felt when seeing others more active and involved than oneself - causing one to hide in apathy from the former, while lashing out at the activist "saints" in the latter case.
If you want to understand more about what's going on in the minds of today's youth regarding politics and activism from a sympathetic, yet objective, point of view, I recommend that you read this book. The first step towards rejuvenation of a thriving political spirit is to understand the depths of its decline and the reasons for it.
Those interested in ethics and technology, especially database geeks, can harvest a Foucault analysis of power relationships and individual resistance in chapter three, which may provide insight into the minds of database end-users and decision-makers that utilize database results.
Students of Dr. Boileau will immediately hear his voice come alive while reading the Intro, which will be helpful for those new to Philosophy. Be prepared to hear that voice remind you to "read the footnotes." Read the book slowly, make notes on the other books Dr. B. refers to, and begin setting aside a small monthly allowance to spend on more existential philosophy books.
Sipiera tries to deal with the complexities of Watergate and the other issues that are considered to have cost Ford the 1976 election, but it really seems like he was running out of room at the end. The ordeal Ford went through to become Vice-President is clearly covered and these other, presumably more significant parts, are just not given the same consideration. Nor will young readers get a sense for the high regard Americans had for Betty Ford (remember the "Elect Betty's Husband" buttons?). Of course, it might simply be that I am more familiar with Ford (I cast my first vote for President for him), and I have certainly noticed that as a general rule the less I know about a President (e.g., Millard Fillmore, Calvin Coolidge), the more I am impressed by a particular Encyclopedia of Presidents volume.
This book is illustrated with black & white photographs from Ford's persona life as well as his political career. The back of the book contains a Chronology of American History from when Eric the Red reached Greenland in 982 to the election of George Bush as president in 1988. with the events from Ford's lifetime appearing in a shaded area. Students and teachers looking for more information about Ford can certainly check out his autobiography, "A Time To Heal."