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Now, in my own not entirely humble opinion, Green's criticisms of other liberal theorists are well-founded and he himself has gotten the philosophical foundations just about exactly right. Basically, his claim is that (my paraphrase) the source of our rights against one another, as well as the source of the state itself, is our possession of an ideal common end in which the well-being of each of us is coherently included.
He develops this account very painstakingly, and one of the joys of reading it is watching him make sense of Rousseau's tortured notion of the "general will." By the time Green is through rescuing this doctrine from Rousseau, it becomes something altogether respectable: that (my paraphrase again) there is an overarching ideal end at which our actions aim, and it is that end which we _would_ have if all of our present aims were thoroughly modified and informed by reflective reason.
I say "_would_ have" with some reservations, since for Green (as for Bosanquet and Blanshard, who followed him here) there is a clear sense in which we _really_ have this ideal end. But this point takes us afield into Green's metaphysics, which are better covered in his _Prolegomena to Ethics_.
As I said, this volume marks the watershed between classical and modern liberalism. Green is often associated with the "modern" side of the divide, but today's reader will be surprised to see just how "classical liberal" Green was (in, e.g., his opposition to paternalistic government and in a good many other respects). Why, heck, there are passages that could have been lifted from David Conway's _Classical Liberalism: The Unvanquished Ideal_.
It does seem, though, that in allowing a positive role for the governmental institutions of a geographically-demarcated State, he has started down the slippery slope to the modern welfare-warfare state. Like Hegel before him and like Bosanquet after him, Green usually means by "state," not the bureaucratic machinery of a territorial government, but the whole of society including _all_ of its "institutions of governance." But -- also like Hegel and Bosanquet -- he does not always keep these two things firmly distinguished, and at times he is clearly thinking specifically of the governmental institutions of a territorial nation-state rather than what some of us would call the "market."
He is also a bit unclear on the ground of "rights." W.D. Ross rightly takes him to task for this in _The Right and the Good_: Green writes on one page that we have _no_ rights until these are recognized by society, and then turns around and writes as though "society" is recognizing rights we _already_ have. To my mind Ross clearly has the better of the argument here, though the problem is not, I think, terribly hard to fix.
On the whole, then, it is probably no wonder that Green and his crowd set into motion -- whether inadvertently or otherwise -- a stream of "liberalism" that would eventually find a far, far larger role for the State than any that Green himself would have approved. But to my mind, these difficulties are removable excrescences, not the heart of his theory. (And it is also worth bearing in mind that Green provides moral grounds for _resisting_ the State: he acknowledges that no actual State is really ideal and, insofar as it falls short of the ideal, should be brought firmly into the service of our common end.)
The theory itself seems to me to be sound. In fact, despite the aforementioned disagreements and several others, I would nominate this volume as perhaps _the_ single greatest work on liberal political theory.
Again, at some point every "liberal" of any stripe will have to come to terms with Green's ideas (perhaps in highly mutated form). And if, with minor tweezing, Green's basic outlook is sound, it also -- suitably adjusted -- forms the proper basis for the classical-liberal commonwealth.
It therefore behooves classical liberals and libertarians to get the word directly from Green himself. Those other "liberals" aren't _entirely_ wrong.
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He got the idea from the Book Society which operated a similar scheme as a conventional business. (X)
The anthology ranges across political reportage, autobiography, plays, science (eugenics), history and fiction. Everyone will have their favourites. I particularly liked Spanish Testament by Koestler which tells of his imprisonment by Franco forces and Our Street by Jan Petersen which is "an account of left-wing resistance to Nazism in the Charlottenburg district of Berlin". I was also intrigued by extracts from the Left Song Book and would like to have seen more of their Five Famous Rounds with New Words. The extract from Prices Rise (sung to the tune of Three Blind Mice) certainly whetted my appetite :
Prices rise, prices rise
See how they mount,
see how they mount
They've raised the price of your daily bread
And given you cruisers and guns instead
For they know it won't trouble you when your dead
That prices rise (p.174)
The LBC was a powerful political force; one which always had strong links with the Communist Party. Paul Laity doesn't shy away from this issue. He makes it clear that "One aspect of the selection process was never made explicit - the unwillingness on the part of Gollancz, Strachey and Laski to criticise the Soviet Union and its leadership, or to publish anything which would seriously annoy the Communist Party." (XV) Strachey in particular was keen on Stalin, commenting on the show trials he said there was "no conceivable alternative after the accused had told their stories but to shoot them". (XVII)
Laity concludes that "It's pretty clear now that it came close to being a 'front' organisation." (XV)
Perhaps it was inevitable that the enthusiasm and idealism of the LBC were accompanied by naivety. With the rise of Fascism in Europe young people had a clear enemy, and looked to Communism as a counter ideology and power. Orwell and other writers, however, were not comfortable with what came to be known as Stalinism.
Paul Laity has done an excellent job of putting the debates and works in a political and historical context.
Members of the LBC believed they could change the world... I hope that people read it now and take some of that with them.
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