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Book reviews for "Arthur,_Arthur" sorted by average review score:

As Silver Refined (Study Guide)
Published in Paperback by Waterbrook Press (March, 1998)
Author: Kay Arthur
Amazon base price: $6.99
Used price: $1.29
Buy one from zShops for: $4.65
Average review score:

My Mother-in-law passed away in February 2002. I really did not know where to turn. God seemed so far away. My husband and I decided to join a griefshare group, and Kay Arthur forms part of the videos, sharing her own experiences through her tough times. This book was on the "suggested read" list for griefshare. Although our group did not have this book on the shelf, I decided to go and buy it. (there were many to chose from, but because I am a Precept-upon-precept leader and student (try and find a study goin in your area - it will change you life forever). Well, i never looked back, I just could not put the book down, it helped me through those very dark tunnels, it guided me into seeing that my dissapointment could very well be God's appointments. The book has gone through my ladies book club as well as some of the students within my class. What makes this book brilliant is that God uses it to help us in our deepest pain and this I know because of all of the people that have borrowed my copy and read it - they have gone out to buy their own copy and some have even bought it as a gift for someone who needs encouragement and hope! I thank God for this book!

Facing Trials upon Trials - Read This
Kay sent me this book while I was going through one situation after another. It has totally uplifted me and changed my outlook on the things that keep happening to me. I am able to look as every disappointment as God's appointments. I am able to restore my confidence in God and trust Him because I know He has the whole picture where I can only see part of it.
I never succeeded in reading straight through this book on a daily basis as a Bible study. It seemed God had me read only what I needed on day's I needed but it sure was annointed by the Holy Spirit. I think every person needs this book

Kay Arthur At It Again!
Kay Arthur is a tremendous teacher and this book is even better than her others. The thing I like most about her books is her ability to guide us through the Word without telling us how to believe. I have read the beginning of this book over and over. The part about the potter is so descriptive and real that it had an enormous impact on me. I would highly recommend this book to anyone experiencing difficulty in their life.You will want to read it again and again.

Excess Heat: Why Cold Fusion Research Prevailed
Published in Paperback by Oak Grove Press (15 May, 2000)
Authors: Charles G. Beaudette, David J. Nagel, and Arthur C. Clarke
Amazon base price: $26.95
Average review score:

the definitive reference
As a journalist covering cold fusion, I turned again and again to this book to check or confirm facts, data, dates, chronologies, and other details and have found it to be the definitive resource in the field. Written by an engineer and vetted by scientists who participated in cold fusion research, the book is an indispensable guide to anyone interested in the history, data, issues, and future of this subject. Recommended without reservation.

Truth in Science: Future University Required Reading
I have read this book, "Excess Heat". I simply could not lay it down until I had finished it entirely. During the process of reading it, I kept repeating to myself (and my captive wife) how excellent a job "this man" did on setting down in philosophically logical terms the convincing facts and logic of the science of cold fusion. At one point I remarked to my wife that "this man" must have taken Apologetics in college and received an "A" mark, but then I remembered that such courses might not have been offered at our Alma Mater (MIT). I was impressed with the way the heretical errors developed, flourished and were brought out in clear plain logic in the book. I want to humbly congratulate the author on such a masterful account of what has happened in this important field. I predict this book will be required reading in some of the "truly best", finest universities in the future. Historically, it will be recorded that Beaudette wrote the truth at a time when science was a bit confused and not quite willing to accept it right away. Slowly it will gain momentum, understanding and finally acceptance. Congratulations on a book that is very well written with class, authority, and no doubt, with hard work, the old fashion way: a book for all seasons.
Dr. Michael R. Staker, P.E.

Excellent book
This book is a magnum opus on this fascinating field. Together with Fire from Ice : Searching for the Truth Behind the Cold Fusion Furor by Eugene J. Mallove, this is one book you really need to read. Not only because it is highly interesting, and a great work and example of what really good scholarship means, but also because it is very readable, detailed, honest and accurate. It provides a excellent insight about the early days of cold fusion, the confusion, and the later shortsighted, stupid rejection of the entire field by scientific establishment and mainstream media. The latter can be forgiven, they have no knowledge nor interest in the truth, but the scientists are really to blame. As you can see from previous reviews posted here by exceptional great minds like Arthur C. Clarke, prof. Bockris, and others, this is no joke at all. This is pure, honest, cutting edge science. This is the frontier thinking and research that made our age of technology possible. This is the science the world is needing so badly. Mr. Baudette has done a excellent job of presenting the fact and history of this exciting field of science. For people like him, and like Mallove, Clarke, Bockris, Pons & Fleischmann, and many, many others, I personally have the deepest respect. The truth will come out, one day. Let the critics state one desperate non-argument after the other - this is stuff is for real, and it's here to stay, boys and girls! And it's going to change our world for the better - sooner than you think. I wish I could rate this book 6 stars.

Holy Clues : The Gospel According to Sherlock Holmes
Published in Hardcover by Random House (June, 1999)
Authors: Stephen Kendrick and Stephen Kendrich
Amazon base price: $21.00
Used price: $4.15
Collectible price: $6.99
Buy one from zShops for: $9.00
Average review score:

Wonderful Insights on Holmes, Doyle, and Mystery Literature
This little book is one of the most insightful books I have ever read. It makes a very convincing argument that Sherlock Holmes had a great understanding of the human spirit, and as a detective, brought both justice and mercy to bear in his cases. The author knows his Holmes literature very well and also pulls in a great deal of other literature from the mystery genre in a way that provokes a great deal of curiousity. I found myself reading and rereading a lot of mystery fiction after finishing this book.

This book will give you many insights into both Sherlock Holmes and Conan Doyle, along with other mystery literature. I have read the book through several times, and it has really deepened my appreciation of mystery literature and Holmes in general. I would put it into the "desert island" category of books.

A very entertaining way of looking at the questions of life, using the Sherlockian Canon as your guide.

Charming, delightful, and very wise
I found this book a very pleasant surprise. Sherlock Holmes on religion? Surely this could not be a serious book. Then I read a paragraph at random and was fascinated--and immediately bought a copy. Of course Stephen Kendrick edits his quotes from Holmes to show the detective's nobler sentiments; there is none of the negativity here (no reference to drugs or other evidence of the character's darker nature.) The book is very inspirational and is a real pleasure to read. I feel that there is no coincidence that early religious plays were called "Mystery Plays"--Mr. Kendrick argues that we are all detectives investigating the greatest mystery of all.

One should also remember that Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was committed to the Spiritualist cause at about the same time he started writing the Holmes stories, and these tales paid for and possibly helped propagandize his own religious views. Kendrick has simply uncovered the message that Doyle wrote in the stories a hundred years ago. He has done a very capable job.

Lord Heal My Hurts
Published in Paperback by Multnomah Publishers (June, 1993)
Author: Kay Arthur
Amazon base price: $10.99
Used price: $0.01
Collectible price: $4.24
Buy one from zShops for: $4.89
Average review score:

Can't even express it accurately
this is a book I pray someday I can do for a Bible Study, in my opinion, one of the best out there on topics of God as our Jehova Rapha, our Healer, and that is who He is. He is not way out there but very close and real, despite the pain endured this book will bring great insight, if doing it alone have a prayer warrior, if you get in depth issues may surface and you may not know how to deal with them (a survivor, no thriver of sexual abuse). Kay Arthur is very personable, a teacher, you learn the Word and how to know God and trust Him at His Word not by how we feel or think.

A must for anyone who has pain they have never allowed the Healer to place His Balm of Gilead upon.

Kay Arthur's book truly ministered to me, with the best source - THE WORD OF GOD. Kay is very personable in her writings, and all of it helps for God's healing process to occur. Totally RECOMMENDED - helped me a great deal.

Great study God's faithfulness
1 Corinthians 6:9-11 - "Do not be deceived, neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals . . . shall inherit the kingdom of God, and such were some of you; but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ." That's the powerful healing revealed through this excellent Bible study. You can be cleansed of anything. In a world where we spread around the pain more than the joy, this book could open your eyes to the real forgiveness and peace that is available to you through Jesus Christ.

This book will lead you through a powerful, yet light-weight, study of various important Bible passages. Formatted for your daily devotions, you should plan to spend thirty minutes or so each day to understand the material. If you're using this book in a small group (excellent idea, by the way), you may want to call Precept Ministries to request either the audio or video teaching tapes. They add another level of spiritual depth to your group's study. You may even want them for yourself.

The book doesn't leave you with some decent platitudes and wishful thinking. Kay Arthur is a woman of compassion who has endured pain and befriended the hurting. The beginning each week is almost a personal letter from her. She wants you to have the peace God promises for those "whose mind is stayed on Him." In the study, she teaches on God's character, His love for you, and your role in God's family. Then she deals with the importance of forgiveness and how to deal with anger and bitterness.

Don't let your past ruin your future. Study the Bible with this book, and be free in the truth of God's unfailing love for you.

More Than Complete Hitchhiker's Guide: Complete & Unabridged
Published in Hardcover by Longmeadow Press (November, 1989)
Author: Douglas Adams
Amazon base price: $117.00
Used price: $4.95
Collectible price: $4.95
Average review score:

One of the few books that make me laugh out loud!
If everone could see the world as Douglas Adams did, we'd all be better off. Mix dry British humor with a group of idiosyncratic characters, drop them into the space-time continium and you get non-stop laughs. At times I often found myself with a grin from ear to ear! Sometimes laughing out-loud!! Even a die hard science fiction fan needs a little bit of humor to keep a perspective.

Life, The Universe, and HILARITY
This collection of sharp, witty, and observant books merits a space on every bookshelf. I am VERY disappointed to find that it
is out of print, as the copy I have is a beautiful black cushioned-leather covered, bible-page style with gold page edges.
Needless to say, I'm preserving it as much as I can! Douglas Adams is one of my favorite authors, with his ability to make
human existance seem so amusing, and yet so futile at the same time. He takes life, gives it a large drink, spins it around a few
times, and watches what happens. Adams is not above self-humiliation either:

"The idea for the title first cropped up when I was lying drunk in a field in Innsbruck, Austria. Well, not really drunk, just the
kind of drunk you get from having a couple of stiff Gossers after not having eaten for two days straight on account of being a
penniless hitchhiker. We are talking of a mild inability to stand up."

I THOROUGHLY recommend this book to ANYONE with a sense of humor, a mind for Sci-Fi, or an adequately functioning
brain. Actually, all carbon-based life-forms should be exposed to this book at some point or another...

Enjoy... I know I did!

Life, The Universe, and HILARITY!
This collection of sharp, witty, and observant books merits a space on every bookshelf. I am VERY disappointed to find that it is out of print, as the copy I have is a beautiful black cushioned-leather covered, bible-page style with gold page edges. Needless to say, I'm preserving it as much as I can! Douglas Adams is one of my favorite authors, with his ability to make human existance seem so amusing, and yet so futile at the same time. He takes life, gives it a large drink, spins it around a few times, and watches what happens. Adams is not above self-humiliation either:

"The idea for the title first cropped up when I was lying drunk in a field in Innsbruck, Austria. Well, not really drunk, just the kind of drunk you get from having a couple of stiff Gossers after not having eaten for two days straight on account of being a penniless hitchhiker. We are talking of a mild inability to stand up."

I THOROUGHLY recommend this book to ANYONE with a sense of humor, a mind for Sci-Fi, or an adequately functioning brain. Actually, all carbon-based life-forms should be exposed to this book at some point or another...

Enjoy... I know I did!

The Valley of Fear
Published in Hardcover by Wildside Press (March, 2003)
Author: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Amazon base price: $32.95
Used price: $9.45
Buy one from zShops for: $32.54
Average review score:

'The Valley of Fear'. A real page turner but what makes it most memorable for me is not that Holmes is at his best, but Conan Doyle is. After reading this book I recommend you to read this book because it was a suspense story. The whole story moves around Mcginty who was a big criminal in the valley of vermisa also called the valley of fear. There was only one person who could face to that criminal and his name was Jack McMurdo. He behaved as a gangster and he had taken many risks in his life and he was not afraid to take more risks. Don't miss 'The Valley of Fear'. It's terrifying, exciting, and best of all, real.

The Best of the Best
I have read all of the Holmes tales many times, and I think this one reigns supreme. I believe that was also Doyle's opinion. It is the finest detective story I have ever read, masterfully composed. The Vermissa Valley section builds to the most shocking moment I've ever experienced in literature.

Just Couldn't Put It Down....
Not being a Sherlock Holmes fan, I came by the "The Valley of Fear" through a somewhat less traditional route. I was familiar with Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's, "The White Company", "Sir Nigel" and "The Adventures of Gerard", but for some inexplicable reason his wonderful mysteries escaped my earlier readings. I aim to remedy the deficiency. For now, this is my first Sherlock Holmes book, and I just couldn't put it down.

Who can really add to all that has been written over the years about this classic? The reader cannot help but be struck with Doyle's writing style. Its economy is a marvel. It is crisp and crackling, not to mention spellbinding. Even a straightforward introduction is masterly handled. Here, for example, is Watson telling us about the crime scene we are about to enter: "....I will.... describe events which occurred before we arrived on the scene by the light of knowledge which came to us afterwards."

Of course Doyle can establish a new scene with the same economy, but turn up the atmospheric temperature a good deal higher. He begins his retrospective "Scowrers" section in the snowbound Gilmerton Mountains, where a single track railroad leads us through a "long, winding tortuous valley," which is part of the "gloomy land of black crag and tangled forest."

This book is really two books woven together by the mysterious history of the central crime victim. The first is set in England, the second in the United States. Keep a sharp ear out for Doyle's deft handling of the King's English and then its transformation into the 19th Century Americanized version. The King's English is all about civility and civilization. In the American tongue, Doyle takes us to the fringes of civilization, to a Western mining town, where cruelty -- not civility -- is the order of the day.

I suppose one could argue that Holmes' deductive reasoning is the ultimate bulwark against chaos and violence. Perhaps for another Sherlock Holmes book. But I can't help but cite one example of Watson's obvious English sense of what is proper. Holmes' companion/narrator takes a stroll in an old-world garden surrounded by ancient yew trees, where he accidentally overhears the murder victim's wife laughing. Worse, she is laughing with her just murdered husband's faithful male companion. As Watson the narrator puts it, "I bowed with a coldness which showed, I dare say, very plainly the impression which had been produced upon my mind......I greeted the lady with reserve. I had grieved with her grief in the dining room. Now I met her appealing gaze with an unresponsive eye." Good ol' Watson!

May I suggest to the reader that, after this classic, you turn to R.L. Stevenson's, "The Master of Ballantrae"? Stevenson's masterpiece also jumps from the old world to the new, and like "The Valley of Fear" the new world for Stevenson also represents murder and mayhem. Something to ponder from these two great Scottish novelists.

The Complete Annotated Gilbert and Sullivan
Published in Hardcover by Oxford University Press (October, 1996)
Authors: Arthur Sullivan, W. S. Gilbert, and Ian C. Bradley
Amazon base price: $49.95
Used price: $25.00
Collectible price: $35.00
Buy one from zShops for: $45.95
Average review score:

Just the best
This is just the best of several annotated G & S libretto collections that have been published over the years. It is actually a republication (with revisions) of two paperbacks by Bradley published some years earlier. They are listed as out of print, which they are, but that doesn't matter with this excellently produced single volume now available. Bradley doesn't have space to give us the last word on all aspects of the operas, but he is exhaustive on the texts, and no real G & S fan can afford not to have this on the shelf. The only other one to look for (it is out of print) is the volume by Martyn Green because his notes include a lot of valuable information about staging.

A must for any G&S Fan
This is the only book for a true Gilbert and Sullivan fan, especially since it literally is the only complete collection of their works available today for purchase. Luckily, it's a good one: it includes all of their Savoy operettas as well as their lesser-known later works such as Utopia Ltd. The real jewels of the collection, however, remain their best operas: HMS Pinafore, The Mikado, The Pirates of Penzance, The Sorcerer. This book is especially helpful because it contains all of the lyrics to all of the songs, and most CD recordings of the operas do not come with the lyrics (for many of the songs, it is impossible to catch all of the words simply by hearing them). Ian Bradley's notes, printed off to the side, are also interesting and help shed light on obscure words and phrases. Enjoy!

May be the only G&S reference you'll ever need.
This contains all the Gilbert & Sullivan librettos (excepting Thespis, the only opera whose music has not survived), complete with exhaustive notes, anecdotes and text varients by enthusiastic fan and scholar Ian Bradley. I found Bradley's introductory essays on each of the operas especially informative and rewarding, and the convenient layout of the libretto-on-the-right,-notes-on-the-left is a perfect format for this project as it saves the reader the trouble of constant page-turning. Utopia Limited and The Grand Duke are given somewhat briefer treatment, but these operas have been performed far less than the others (though nowadays it seems inexplicable, and Utopia Limited is my second-favorite of the Canon). I only wish Thespis had been included, as well as some more information about the original casts. For example, I would like to know why George Grossmith did not appear in the Gondoliers. Anyway, this is probably the most complete treatment Gilbert and Sullivan are likely to receive for some time, and it is certainly one of the most enthralling.

El Consejero Sentimental
Published in Paperback by Editorial Libra (03 August, 1995)
Author: Arthur Roberts
Amazon base price: $13.50
Average review score:

Para empezar, me encanta el chisme
...como a todos, aunque la gente no lo confiesa.
Para seguir, aqui he aprendido mucho de la vida

Y además de que te diviertes horros con las respuestas de Roberts, APRENDES MUCHO, PORQUE LA MAYORÍA DE LOS CASOS, QUE SON DE LA VIDA REAL, SE PRESENTA EN LA VIDA DE TODOS NOSOTROS..
Y las contestaciones de Roberts son SABIAS !

Letters asking for advice about love,romance, marriage, work, husbands/wifes...and the most varied answers you can imagine:
Funny, wise, full of common sense...

It Came from Ohio!: My Life As a Writer (Goosebumps)
Published in Hardcover by Scholastic (April, 1997)
Authors: R. L. Stine, Joe Arthur, and Parker
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $2.80
Collectible price: $8.72
Buy one from zShops for: $4.95
Average review score:

easy to read
I like this book because it had large type and I found it very easy to read. This would be a good book for readers who are not so advanced yet, because here you don't have to worry about difficult words. It's also funny and the pictures were a great addition to the book. It really stuck to the "My Life as a Writer" part of the title, because it just says how R.L. Stine has been writing all his life, from little comics to magazines and finally to books, and the rest of it, which wasn't all that much, was about his family. This is the perfect book I know about that will help fans learn about R.L. Stine, so I suggest you read it and see what you think.

A great read
This book is really fun & interesting. R.L. Stine tells about why he likes scary things. You get to see his early works he did as a child. You also get to find out what "R.L." stands for and when his birthday is. Very informative! If your child is an R.L. Stine fan, this is the book for them.

Laugh Your Head Off
It Came From Ohio

This is a book about R.L. Stine's growth from an infant to an adult. This book is filled with pictures, humor, and more about his exciting life in Ohio. Did you know that R.L. Stine has written over 100 books in his career? One of the reasons I like this book is because you spend 85% of the time laughing your head off. Another reason I like this wonderful masterpiece is because he includes lots of interesting pictures of him and his family, which are very unique. I have no dislikes so I can not criticize this book. I highly recommend It Came From Ohio to readers from age 9 and up.

Kissing Chaos
Published in Paperback by Oni Pr (18 September, 2002)
Author: Arthur Dela Cruz
Amazon base price: $12.57
List price: $17.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $10.95
Buy one from zShops for: $12.47
Average review score:

On the road to adventure
I remember hearing rumors about Kissing Chaos when it was first published. When Oni announced they were releasing a collection of the first series, I suddenly became entrenched in intrigue. I ran out and bought most of the issues, unable to wait for the trade. The story and art were fascinating. A great deal of the events and characters are shrouded in mystery, which adds a huge ammount to the epic nature of the tale. This collection is well-worth a close look. First, it collects the entire first storyarc into one book. Second, it has a bunch of backup stories orginally printed online and at conventions. It also features Dela-Cruz's sketchbook and a how-to on his coloring technique. Finally, the unique size of the graphic novel makes it look just like a paperback novel, so no one knows you're reading comics! I am in eager anticipation of the next collection.

Beautiful Chaos
This is one of the most beautiful comics i have ever seen. ADC's use of grey's to create an almost surreal mood is wonderful. The story itself is also surreal, you never know what is really going on, kinda like watching a David Lynch movie. If you like Lynch, I suspect you'll like this too. Can't wait for the rest of the series' to come out, i can't wait to see where the road ends. I find ADC's website useful, [website] for when you want to find out info on the next series' and some samples from the book if you want to take a look. And if you want to get your girlfriend into comics, this is the perfect choice.

Best Comic i've read in a while
I'm not a huge comic collector, but this stands out as the best series I own. The story is well written and the artwork is amazing, creating a great book about kids running away from the law. Reading it, you will get the feeling that this could be easily turned into a film, or be right out of a regular novel, which makes it great to buy even if you don't normally read comics or graphic novels. I'd highly recommend this to anyone, whether you own a huge collection of action comics and appreciate great graphic novels, or if you've never really liked comics and was looking to just start getting into them. After reading this one several times over, it seems clear that Arthur Dela Cruz will soon become a big name in the comic world.

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