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Book reviews for "Arthur,_Arthur" sorted by average review score:

Where's Arthur's Gerbil (Chunky Flap Books)
Published in Hardcover by Random House (Merchandising) (November, 1997)
Author: Marc Tolon Brown
Amazon base price: $3.99
Used price: $0.10
Buy one from zShops for: $2.99
Average review score:

Full of Surprises
I'm 18, and I love Marc Brown and his "Arthur" series. This is a great book, full of surprises, for more reasons than one! The first big surprise is that Arthur even has a gerbil. It's never been seen before in any of the other books. Then the surprises continue with a flap on every page! A cute mystery and the book is well illustrated as well. I'd recommend this book to anyone.

Who Owns Life?
Published in Hardcover by Prometheus Books (April, 2002)
Authors: David Magnus, Arthur L. Caplan, and Glenn McGee
Amazon base price: $18.20
List price: $26.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $13.38
Buy one from zShops for: $17.04
Average review score:

Some eye-opening issues of generic research
The cutting edge of ethics and biomedical research is revealed in Who Owns Life?, a study which considers how gene sequencing may constitute inventions of life subject to patents and profits. Important connections between the motive for profit and the creation and manipulation of life are revealed in chapters which consider some eye-opening issues of generic research.

Why You Get Sick, How You Get Well
Published in Audio Download by ()
Amazon base price: $7.16
List price: $17.95 (that's 60% off!)
Average review score:

La Asociación Primal (Spain) recomienda este libro
El último libro de Arthur Janov ha sido descrito como uno de los trabajos más impresionantes de este siglo. La conclusión de una década de investigación neurológica y biológica para explicar las "casi milagrosas" curaciones de la terapia primal.

El Dr. Arthur Janov, autor del bestseller "El Grito Primal" (1970), y de otras muchas publicaciones, nos revela por qué las fuerzas ocultas de nuestro inconsciente conspiran contra nosotros y nos hacen caer enfermos emocionalmente y físicamente.

Trabajando bajo la premisa de que la memoria permanece en un nivel de conciencia que desafía el lenguaje, el Dr. Janov explora la naturaleza de la memoria de la "sensación" y sus devastadores efectos sobre nuestro cuerpo y nuestras emociones. Las fuerzas inconscientes que nos dominan y fatigan no sólo provocan enfermedades psíquicas, sino que son la causa principal de muchas de nuestras enfermedades físicas. En términos sofisticados, pero comprensibles, Janov explica las causas y la cura para muchos males comunes tales como el insomnio, la tensión arterial alta, las jaquecas, los problemas estomacales, las palpitaciones, las convulsiones, los trastornos respiratorios, la anorexia, la bulimia, el estrés, la hiperactividad, las pesadillas, los miedos irracionales, las obsesiones, las paranoias, la ansiedad y la depresión en general. Analizando el inconsciente desde una perspectiva psicológica, neurológica y biológica, Janov explica el funcionamiento de nuestros tres niveles de conciencia, dedicando una especial atención al sexo, suicidio, la depresión maníaca, la ansiedad, las adicciones, el sistema inmunológico y el comportamiento neurótico en general.

Tras tres décadas viajando a las profundidades del inconsciente humano, Janov nos presenta los increíbles mecanismos fisiológicos de curación que produce el "sentirse". Él y sus pacientes han descubierto que el inconsciente no es un lugar misterioso lleno de demonios y de fuerzas oscuras, sino un lugar de luz y verdad en donde habitan los recuerdos de nuestra historia más temprana, esperando ser sentidos y resueltos.

The Wife of Shore : A Search
Published in Paperback by Mill Creek Press (28 December, 2000)
Author: Arthur R. G. Solmssen
Amazon base price: $20.00
Average review score:

Well done well researched
I was very impressed by this book. Not only does it present Richard III in an educated light but it also presents Jane Shore as more than just a harlot. As a fan of historical novels I would have to say this can be considered one of the best. The people are brought to light surrounded by facts and writers of the day giving history a more realistic and less flat feel.

Will of the Tribe
Published in Hardcover by Amereon Ltd (June, 1995)
Author: Arthur Upfield
Amazon base price: $20.95
Used price: $49.95
Average review score:

Upfield est un grand écrivain!
J'ai lu et relu ce livre. Voici un livre prenant qui m'a donné envie de lire les autres livres d'Upfield.

William Bradford: Governor of Plymouth Colony (Colonial Leaders)
Published in Library Binding by Chelsea House Publishing (March, 2000)
Authors: Marianne Kendrick Hering and Arthur M., Jr Schlesinger
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $8.58
Buy one from zShops for: $8.58
Average review score:

Not just a biography but an excellent Pilgrim history
The Colonial Leaders series offers two different perspectives on the Plymouth Colony founded by the Pilgrims. One book looks at Miles Standish, the "Stranger" who was the colony's military leader, while this volume tells of story from the perspective of the colony's governor, William Bradford, one of the "Saints." So instead of focusing on military exploits and relationships with the Indians, this juvenile biography by Marianne Hering deals with the religious life of the colony and what they did to survive in the New World. Bradford was raised in an Anglican family who intended for him to be a shepherd, but the young boy insisted on becoming a Puritan, eventually joining the Separatists who fled to Holland to escape persecution. This book talks about the voyage on the "Mayflower," the Mayflower Compact, and the peace treaty with the Indians. Bradford was not the colony's first governor, but assumed the post when the first one suddenly died and it was then that the first Thanksgiving was celebrated. It was under Bradford that the colony expanded and Hering focuses on some of the basic democratic principles embodied in his decisions. This book is illustrated with historic pictures of the Pilgrims as well as contemporary photographs of the Plymouth Plantation recreation that tourists can visit. Even more than being a satisfactory juvenile biography of Bradford, this is one of the better histories of the Plymouth Colony that I have read. One of the interesting sidebars in this book dispels some of the myths about the Pilgrims that we remember each Thanksgiving.

William Golding's Lord of the Flies (Casebook Edition Text Notes and Criticism)
Published in Paperback by Perigee (June, 1983)
Authors: William Golding, Arthur B. Siegler, and James R. Baker
Amazon base price: $7.95
Used price: $0.85
Collectible price: $3.49
Buy one from zShops for: $3.99
Average review score:

one of the classics of all time
what doesn't this book have. action, adventure, excitement, war, it has everything. it's written in an easy to understand language (tho' that doesn't necessarily mean that you'll pick up on the symbolism that golding put into everything). and you definately get a totally different perception of the book as you get older (this is my third reading of it, and each time, i get something different from it). i think this should be required reading and that everyone should own a copy.

William Sherman: Union General (Famous Figures of the Civil War Era)
Published in Library Binding by Chelsea House Pub (Library) (February, 2001)
Authors: Henna Remstein and Arthur M., Jr. Schlesinger
Amazon base price: $21.85
Buy one from zShops for: $19.88
Average review score:

A solid juvnile biograph of William Tecumseh Sherman
First off , I have to admit something about this Famous Figures of the Civil War Era juvenile biography of William Sherman strikes me as odd. Henna R. Remstein refers to Sherman as "William" throughout the book. Now, I have heard Sherman called "Uncle Billy," mostly by his troops, and "Cump" by his friends, but other than that Sherman has always been called Sherman. For that matter, it has always been William Tecumseh Sherman or William T. Sherman, but never just William Sherman. I guess I have a problem with calling someone whose destructive march through Georgia made him a legend by his first name. I am not a big fan of using first names as a way of building familiarization with the subject for young readers, but especially not with military leaders.

That reservation aside, Remstein provides a solid biography of Sherman's life and military career, focusing primarily on his military service during the Civil War, which saw him become the second most famous Union general. Ramstein also provides a context for understanding the war, and explains how the two sides in the war viewed Sherman's March to the Sea quite differently. This book is illustrated with historic photographs and pictures, including several rather well-known paintings that do not depict Sherman (such as boys playing crack the whip). Side-bars explain interesting details, such as telling about the Indian chief from whom Sherman got his middle name and explaining about "Sherman's neckties." One final note: I was surprised that Sherman's most famous quotation, "If nominated I will not run, if elected I will not serve" was not included.

Windows Nt Server 4.0 Advanced Technical Reference: Advanced Technical Reference
Published in Hardcover by Que (June, 1997)
Authors: John Enck, Joe Armitage, Robert Bogue, Jim Boyce, Donald, Dr Brown, Mark Edwards, Scott Fuller, Mike Greer, Jerry Honeycutt, and Jim Hoopes
Amazon base price: $59.99
Used price: $4.95
Collectible price: $40.00
Buy one from zShops for: $1.99
Average review score:

An Excellent Purchase for the IT Professional
This is the ultimate reference tool for the IT Professional required to work with NT Server. It covers the trickiest issues, and gives you simple solution options. A must have!

Winds of Evil
Published in Hardcover by Amereon Ltd (March, 1999)
Author: Arthur William Upfield
Amazon base price: $20.95
Used price: $14.71
Collectible price: $17.77
Average review score:

My favourite Bony book.
The Winds of Evil is Arthur Upfield at his best. We have Detective-Inspector Napolean Bonaparte using his bush skills and his brain. We have a plot where it isn't obvious "whodunnit". And we have the benefit of Upfield's gift for describing the town, the surroundings, and the winds of evil themselves, as evidenced in the opening pages. This is definitely my favourite so far of all of the Arthur Upfield books that I've read.

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