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Book reviews for "Arthur,_Arthur" sorted by average review score:

The Count: The Life and Films of Bela 'Dracula' Lugosi
Published in Hardcover by Putnam Pub Group (September, 1974)
Author: Arthur Lennig
Amazon base price: $10.00
Used price: $35.00
Collectible price: $116.47
Average review score:

This fascinating biography chronicles the life and work of Hollywood legend Bela Lugosi. Richly detailed, the book takes the reader through the highs and lows of Lugosi's life, from his early success as a stage actor, to his last tragic years working for the notorious producer Ed Wood. Professor Lennig is uniquely qualified to write this story, as he is a film scholar and was a personal friend of Lugosi. Thus, he has given us a work which is both meticulously researched and lovingly crafted. Thank you, Professor Lennig - beautifully done!

A must read for Bela Lugosi fans.
If you are a Bela Lugosi fan, you must read this book! It is very factual, and has many pictures. As far as I know, there are no mistakes. The author got a visit from Bela in 1947, so he knows quite a bit about him!

The Crucible/Book and Cd-Rom
Published in Hardcover by Penguin USA (October, 1995)
Author: Arthur Miller
Amazon base price: $64.95
Average review score:

Crucible review
The Crucible is very touching in places as Abigail strives and does everything in her grasp to get Proctor for herself, and ends up going too far. I am only 15 and yet I know a good book when I read one and this is a good book.

My Review on the Crucible
I am only 15 years old and am in a 11th grade Honors English class. We recently read the book and watched the movie afterwards. It really moved me and gave me an inspiration towards life. It is a must read and see. Arthur Miller portrays this story almost exactly relevant to the actual time period, only a few facts are absent. Thank you

Desiring God's Own Heart (International Inductive Study Series)
Published in Paperback by Harvest House Publishers, Inc. (May, 1997)
Authors: Kay Arthur, David Arthur, and Brad Bird
Amazon base price: $5.99
Used price: $0.94
Buy one from zShops for: $1.35
Average review score:

Best Bible study I have ever done
I did this study 1.5 years ago and still remember much of the information gleaned from it. This is a great way to understand differences between judges, kings, and prophets of the nation of Israel. The life of David is a main portion of the book.

A power packed bible study
This is a terrific encouragement to Christians who want to grow closer to God and to have a desire for His own heart in themselves. We have all fallen short, as did David so many times, but David kept coming back and so can we.

It is six lessons to be done over a six week period and can be used with the International Inductive Study Bible.

Published in Paperback by Harry N Abrams (April, 1995)
Authors: John Baeder and John Arthur
Amazon base price: $13.97
List price: $19.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $6.99
Collectible price: $7.65
Buy one from zShops for: $7.13
Average review score:

A poignant and beautifully-done collection of paintings so clear you can almost smell the burgers on the grill. A must-have both from an artistic standpoint and a preservationist standpoint, as diners become a rare breed.

A must have for both nostalgists and watercolorists
Sensitive photorealistic watercolor studies of east coast diners, both inside and out, mostly postcard-like frontal views, interspersed with conversations the artist had with the people in and around his finds. My favorite was the man who spoke to him of having "Diner Feet." Like the feet of Langston Hughes' Jesse B. Semple, his feet have lives of their own and tell their tales. The paintings themselves clearly convey the joy that Baeder takes in his finds; fabled jewels found in barnyards

Discipline With Dignity
Published in Paperback by Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development (March, 1989)
Authors: Richard L. Curwin, Allen N. Mendler, and Arthur L. Costa
Amazon base price: $11.95
Used price: $0.04
Collectible price: $8.99
Buy one from zShops for: $9.50
Average review score:

Discipline with dignity
The book povides suggestions and solutions for today's classrooms. It is also a good book to use as a quick reference for those disciplinary topics you may need. Very good!

A "must have" for all novice, and experienced teachers
Curwin and Mendler do an exceptional job breaking down classroom management in an easy to read and codified form. The book provides valuable insight into problems and solutions in today's classrooms and also functions well as a quick reference for those topics you may need "on the fly"

Discourses of Rumi
Published in Paperback by Curzon Press (April, 1994)
Author: Arthur J. Arberry
Amazon base price: $24.95
Used price: $15.95
Average review score:

Fihi ma fihi as it's called
I have previously read Rumi's poetry which I have found to have been hard to comprehend due to translation mistakes and cultural differences.

This book is like a Sufi version of say Confucius' Analects(discourses with pupils). Here Rumi and friends, and disciples converse on everything from mundane everyday matters to the esoteric, and connect them together into a whole.

This gives a more practical and down to earth approach into this Sufi's teachings.

This is perhaps the best work available from Rumi. His poetry is good and deep, but this is more accessable and therefore more enlightening. After reading this you will know why Rumi is concidered a Sufi master.

Strange that this book isn't more widely available....Theres thankfully a free E-book version of this outhere somewhere. Get that till this is reissued.

Speaking of silence
"What we cannot speak about we must pass over in silence" said Wittgenstein at the end of his Tractatus Logico Philosophicus. The breadth and scope of 'Discourses of Rumi', dictated during the closing years of Rumi's life, has not only anticipated but answered this most profound philosophical question. Silence does not equal being mute: to Rumi, and perhaps Wittgenstein silence is a journey into a world untouched by 'vulgar' words. It is a world beyond understanding. It is the world of 'knowing'.

Diseases of the Nervous System: Clinical Neurobiology
Published in Hardcover by Elsevier (01 September, 1986)
Authors: Arthur K. Ashbury, Guy McKhann, and W.Ian McDonald
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:

Excelent book(2) for residentes, MD, Doctor , PDr
This books have excellent program a crucial question is whether to recognition a new challenges and use new technologies, have a new concept about of neurologic disease. The basis for the technical advances that them have discussed has not from the neurosciences. I recomend this book (2) es very important for verific some nerologic diseases. Its very,very,well. Excellent.

Not another Textbook of Neurology. A wonderful piece of work
To my knowledge, this text succeeds in bridging the gap between clinical neurology and basic neurosciences as no other one did before. In doing so it makes significantly more rational the current management of neurologic diseases. A new edition should be available soon.

The Dog Days of Arthur Cane
Published in School & Library Binding by Holiday House (July, 1976)
Author: T. Ernesto Bethancourt
Amazon base price: $19.50
Used price: $1.75
Collectible price: $15.00
Average review score:

D.D.O.A.C Rocks!
Dog days of Arthur Cane is a funny and feel-good book. As soon as you begin to read this book, you start to see things through the eyes of Artur, teenage boy/Awful, mutt dog as he tries to plead his case to a range of people. As he tries more and more to get people to help him, he also becomes more accustomed to being a dog and begins to even enjoy it a little. A fascinating book that paints a vivid picture in your mind and wakes you up to the cruelty of some humans, D.D.O.A.C is truly stunning read, and after you've counted the humor, feeling, and plot of this book, you feel unfair for giving it only five stars.

The Dog Days Of Authur Cane
What can I say... It's brilliant!

"This books is about a boy, Authur Cane, who turns into dog" is what most people say about this book, but it's not. its about someone, just after a few weeks, sees how much people are cruel... and how loving people are too. Its about someone who relizes how much people are selfish and mean, but there are good sides to people as well. Ya, The guy does turn into a Dog, but the adventure that he takes you on is... well, I can't explain it. The book is brillian, the bad thing is a out of publish. You can't find it anywhere anymore. I know because My teacher look everywhere for the book and he could not find it. Finally he found it in the school libary. Nobody read it so they were going to give it away, then my teacher took it. He read it to the class. Brillian, funny, moving and drama, what can I say...

I can't explain it, just read it. I did (well actually heard it), and I love it!

Draugr (Northern Frights (Victoria, B.C.).)
Published in Paperback by Orca Book Publishers (February, 1998)
Authors: Arthur G. Slade and Ljuba Levstek
Amazon base price: $6.95
Used price: $2.23
Average review score:

A wonderful book for young teens.
Summer vacation with a ghost-story telling Grandpa is always filled with thrills and chills. But this year in Gimli, Manitoba, twins Michael and Angela and their cousin, Sarah, find the summer nights and sights prove more frightening than ever. Not long after Grandpa tells a spooky myth about an Icelandic ghost called a Draugr, the trio encounters something ghastly in the woods. Can ghosts really come back from the dead to cure their unrest? Sarah, Michael and Angela don't want to wait around to find out. And, just as the pieces to the mystery start to fit, Grandpa tries to send them back home to the United States. Before they leave Gimli, however, a dog turns dead and Grandpa suddenly disappears. Determined to get to the bottom of the strange happenings, Angie leads the others on a wild goose chase--that may just turn into a ghost chase. "You do have the Grettir's blood." I didn't know exactly what she was talk about, but I nodded as if I understood. Althea looked at me up and down..."Perhaps I've underestimated you. All of you. Maybe it would have been better if I told you the truth from the beginning." She paused for another second. "Alright," she said. "I'll tell you everything I know, and you can deal with the nightmares and the possibilities--it's a deal. But first each of you must give me your version of what happened. And don't leave out the smallest detail." Again we spoke about seeing the little boy in the forest and about how he had disappeared... Draugr is a wonderful book for young teens of either sex---a quick, but engaging read, with compelling chapter openings and cliffhanging endings. Arthur Slade has woven just enough fright into the story to keep the reader sitting on the edge of their chair, yet anxiously turning the pages. With Slade's newest book, The Loki Wolf, soon to be released by Orca, readers won't have long to wait for their next "shivers."

Lynne Remick, Reviewer

A suspense filled thriller that is sure to please.
As an elementary teacher I found this book to be a great motivator for my Grade Six students. I found the content to be very enticing for this age level without the "gore" that is present in other books of this genre. Slade does an excellent job of filling all chapters with suspense and encouraging the reader to forge on into the story. An excellent classroom resource to excite readers and a wonderful read.

The Dwarf, the Giant, and the Unicorn : A Tale of King Arthur
Published in School & Library Binding by Clarion Books (October, 1996)
Authors: Claire Ewart and James Cross Giblin
Amazon base price: $11.17
List price: $15.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $4.96
Collectible price: $19.06
Buy one from zShops for: $2.85
Average review score:

A Peaceful King Arthur
This is a great alternative to the many King Arthur stories that include lots of violence. It is nice to see another side of the legend, and the story of the young giant being suckled by a unicorn is fascinating. This is LONG, but for kids who are fans of knights and castles, it is not to be missed.

A great book with many surprises.
In this book, King Arthur and his knights sailed through a storm and got stranded on an island. King Arthur set out to find someone to help them get their boat off of the sandbar. He found a dwarf in a tall tower, his son who was a giant, and a unicorn. I liked this book because there were many surprises. The tiny dwarf had a giant for a son, and the unicorn was a hero. I would recommend this book to kids who liked the movie "Quest for Camelot."

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