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Book reviews for "Arthur,_Arthur" sorted by average review score:

Bully Busters: A Teacher's Manual for Helping Bullies, Victims, and Bystanders
Published in Paperback by Research Press (August, 2000)
Authors: Arthur M. Horne, Dawn A. Newman, and Christi L. Bartolomucci
Amazon base price: $29.95
Average review score:

must read for all kids who get picked on!!
This is a wonderful book for helping kids deal with bullies and what not, and helped our family tremendously in dealing with the local "punk neighborhood kids." Plus, it also helped in raising my son's self-esteem, thus his social life improved dramatically. I'd like to personally thank Dawn Newman for writing such a great book. Now I don't have to worry about my kid coming home from school everyday crying with pinestraw down his clothes. Bully Busters did just that----it busted the bullies!!

Bully Busters is a "MUST HAVE" - Two thumbs up!
Two thumbs up to the authors of Bully Busters. The manual is an outstanding display of primary prevention. With the advent of violence in our schools today, Bully Busters serves as a tool to educate readers about bullying and victimization, while simultaneously building their confidence through knowledge enhancement and skills acquisition. Bully Busters is easy to read and user friendly. Its modular format and coinciding activities are excellent. Bully Busters is a "must have" manual for teachers, school counselors, and professionals alike.

Camelot Remembered: The Hidden Story of King Arthur and a Woman's Search for Self
Published in Paperback by (July, 2000)
Author: Janet Zibell
Amazon base price: $10.95
Used price: $8.50
Collectible price: $8.99
Average review score:

The Arthurian legend &identifying romantic love & real love
Janet's book is an absolute must for anyone looking for True Love. She identifies through Guinevere's experience with Arthur and Lancelot, the difference between "romantic" and "true" love. My favorite quote is from Merlin concerning the Holy Grail: "The Holy chalice is the sacred chalice of the heart, within the cavern of the body, and the wine of Truth. All who make the Journey through the labyrinth of mind and emotions to arrive at Truth are worthy of the Grail. To fully taste the wine of Truth is to sup, indeed, the wine of the mystic, and to know the meaning of joy and freedom. The key, however - the key to the chamber of the heart wherin the chalice lies, is love. And few there are, who truly know the meaning of love.

Guinevere's journey within
This delightful little volume tells the timeless story of King Arthur and his knights from a unique perspective--that of his queen Guinevere. The familiar story of Camelot brings surprising revelations as the wisdom of the ancients is imparted to Arthur's bereft widow by his tutor, the Druid sage Merlin. A unique combination of fact and fable, poignant memories and profound wisdom, this book will appeal to readers of all ages, especially young people and those who search for truth within themselves.

Careless Word...a Needless Sinking
Published in Hardcover by Granite Hill Corp (June, 1983)
Author: Arthur R. Moore
Amazon base price: $55.00
Collectible price: $55.00
Average review score:

Merchant Marine Bible of World War II
Wonderful research went into this book. Should be in every library for World War II research. Only book that gives facts of the United States Merchant Marine and U.S. Navy Armed Guard and of the horrific losses suffered by each service during WW II.

A survivor of WWII merchant marine praises this highly.
Robert Cusick, a survivor of WWII merchant ships, says of this book, "It was as if the sky had opened." This history does for the merchant marine what combat historians have done for the foot soldier.

Castle D'Or
Published in Mass Market Paperback by Random House of Canada Ltd. (December, 1994)
Author: Arthur Quiller-Couch
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $1.25
Collectible price: $3.00
Buy one from zShops for: $12.95
Average review score:

An overlooked Gem!!
This book was given to my by my uncle when I was 10, for he knew it would appeal to me. It did and still does. I have reread this many times, and was just pulling it out to do it again and thought maybe I would pass on my love for this book.

The original manuscript was done by Arthur Quiller-Couch but never finished, so the great Daphne Dumaurier picked up the baton and carried on to give us a haunting tale of Auld Souls, star-crossed lovers shrouded in the mists of Cornwall. A simply country doctor recognises the signs and moves to keep the doomed lovers apart so the ancient pattern will not be repeated. But the more they try to keep them from each other, the more Fate steps is so prove the pattern cannot be broken.

A stunning gem, one I am surprised is not reprinted more or made in a movie.

DuMaurier's overlooked gem
Castle Dor's 19th-century Cornwall and its Arthurian mists have kept me coming back since I was a "in love with love" teenager. Like all of DuMaurier's work, it's either the first step -- or surely the determining step if you're already on the path -- to total Anglophilia (the only "philia" I think I care to own up to!).

The original manuscript was started by Arthur Quiller-Couch, and completed with remarkable seamlessness by DuMaurier upon his death. Written from the perspective of a quiet and respected country doctor, it's also an unusual lens for an author known best for her heroines.

A solitary "man of science," Dr. Carfax recognizes the pattern of an ancient and eternal doomed love being replayed in his era, and is pulled into it ... as are we, inevitably, with the coincidence of names and circumstance hinting at one of the greatest tragedies of Morte D'Arthur.

This is a lovely book; haunting, and a guaranteed keeper for devotees of the bittersweet.

Catching the Light: The Entwined History of Light and Mind
Published in Paperback by Oxford University Press (April, 1995)
Author: Arthur Zajonc
Amazon base price: $12.57
List price: $17.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $4.36
Buy one from zShops for: $6.97
Average review score:

What is Light?
This book is a powerful expose' revealing some of the true qualities of Light. What is Light? True, it is bright, it shines, it energizes all life on Earth, yet what, exactly, is it? Humans not only need the qualities of light from the Sun, but we breathe Light, we absorb Light. We need the Energy produced by the Light in order to live. Readers interested in delving beneath the surface of the visible world will be enthralled by this book. You will finally understand who you are, where you've come from, where you're going. Your soul will revel in this insightful book.

Let there be light! Read this masterpiece.
On the cover of this book, James Gleick (of Chaos fame) calls it a "small gem". Indeed. It shines.

Arthur Zajonc has written a contrapuntal study of light and mind. He plays mankind's understanding of one against the other and shows how insights of mind, by mind, illume our notion of light. Zajonc tells how these, in turn, relect back onto our idea of mind. Brilliant.

The Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy Treatment Planner
Published in Paperback by John Wiley & Sons (July, 1996)
Authors: L. Mark Peterson, William P. McInnis, and Arthur E., Jr. Jongsma
Amazon base price: $39.95
Used price: $69.95
Average review score:

Easy to read and easy to implement.
It's super organized. Very structured. Helps a lot to get ideas that are easily to put into practice.

An essential tool for therapists working with managed care
This planner is a wonderful resource to use when developing treatment plans for child clients. It's ease of use and broad range of goals and specific interventions are quite useful

A Child of Jago (Everyman Paperback Classics)
Published in Paperback by Everyman Paperback Classics (October, 1996)
Authors: Arthur Morrison and Peter Miles
Amazon base price: $7.95
Used price: $6.99
Average review score:

Harshly Realistic
Arthur Morrison's novel provides an excellent (if harsh) counterpoint to the relative gentility of Great Expectations or Wuthering Heights. You may be thinking, "Dickens and Bronte didn't pull punches," but read A Child of the Jago, and suddenly Pip's life will seem downright bucolic.
Morrison gives the reader a window into the seamy underbelly of Victorian London, and exposes unimaginable living conditions and inhuman treatment. This book is a must-read if you enjoy Victorian literature. It brings to life a part of London that must be experienced to be believed.

A Dickensian style novel said with much fewer words
The Jago was one of, if not the worst slums in London. Dicky Perrot is the main character of the story and we follow him form age 8 to about 17. His fight for survival and the responsibility he feels for his mother and sister whilst his Father is in prison makes you feel like crying. He has nothing and knows, as the local eccentric put it, that the Jago had got him and that there are only two ways out for him - to become a "Swellmobsmen" ( successful thief ) or death. Dicky is encouraged by the local Parson, Father Sturt, who is tireless in his work with the people of the Jago, to try to make something decent and honest with his life and enjoy all the things that the people who he robs enjoy and manages to secure him a job as a delivery boy for the local chandler. Unfortunately for Dicky he is dismissed thanks to an old friend who does not want him to take the straight and narrow path. After this Dicky goes down hill fast, he loses patience with his mother who takes to the Gin and leaves Em his sister to crawl in the gutter and fend for herself, his Father, disenchanted with life after coming out of prison, does his one last fatal job and at the end we see a small, poor desperate Dicky and like his old friend Beveridge told him years before, there are only two ways out of the Jago... Find out which way Dicky gets out in this excellent and realistic portrayal of life in a London slum at the turn of the century.

Children of the Morning Sun
Published in Paperback by Highbridge Press (August, 2000)
Author: William Arthur Barnhill
Amazon base price: $19.95
Buy one from zShops for: $12.00
Average review score:

Wonderful story
I really enjoyed this book, it took me on an adventure with a crow, a toad and a possum,It has an environmental message along with imagination. I liked that concept. It is a well written tale to be enjoyed by all.

Children of the Morning sun
The book was a real pleasure to read from start to finish. A well written and balanced story that takes the reader into a mystical place set within the beauty of the English countryside. Under the skillfull hands of the author the characters come alive and seam very real. If you loved Watership Down then you'll go crazy for this one. *Five Stars*

Children of the Sun
Published in Hardcover by Child's Play International, Ltd. (May, 1994)
Author: Arthur John L'Hommedieu
Amazon base price: $10.99
Used price: $5.05
Buy one from zShops for: $7.64
Average review score:

Interesting Concept
I like this book because of the fact that it's format is not traditional. I love seeing interesting subjects, such as the planets, presented in an interesting way so as to capture both the child's and adult's imagination. This book does it all. The illustrator, Arthur L'Hommedieu, shows us the planets - and asteriods! - from the sun's view, in perspective, as a tunnel. You open up the book to a vivid view of the solar system, then page by page read pertinent information on each planet, as well as getting a single view of it. Stretch the book out a little, as it is accordion-style, for a stunning 3-D view! I recommend this over any other children's book on the planets. It's not a dry rehashing of scientific information - it's FUN!

Breathtaking! *Ü*
"Children of the Sun" is one of a kind. It's fascinating - for the children as well as the adults, for the facts stated in it are not common knowledge that is easily obtained, but a product of extensive research, outlined in a comprehensive and assesible manner. The artwork is simply splendid! It is colorful, which would most certainly appeal to the children, but it is also educational and realistic and may be helpful to teenagers and even adults. The paper engineering composing the book is simply unique. It allows it to be Child's play, as well as the educational instrument. Applause to Mr. Arthur J. L'Hommendieu!

The Civil War Reminiscences of Major Silas T. Grisamore, C.S.A.
Published in Hardcover by Louisiana State University Press (May, 1993)
Authors: Silas, Arthur W., Jr. Bergeron, and Silas T. Grisamore
Amazon base price: $29.95
Used price: $7.00
Collectible price: $10.59
Average review score:

A look to the west. . .
This book is a must read. A refreshing glimpse into the adventures of a Western Theater Quartermaster. Obviously intense and very thorough research was done editing these memoirs. Dr. Bergeron is indeed a premier Civil War historian.

This is an extremely important Civil War source book.
Grisamore's memoir is an important source of information on the Western and Trans-Mississippi theaters of the Civil War. Because he was a quartermaster, his story is a unique one because few quartermaster officers left memoirs. The book is full of humor as well as little known episodes of the war. Grisamore was a native of Indiana but felt strongly enough about the Confederate war effort to join the army and risk his life.

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