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Book reviews for "Alvarez-Altman,_Grace_DeJesus" sorted by average review score:

Bridesmaids: Grace Kelly, Princess of Monaco, and Six Intimate Friends
Published in Hardcover by Grove Press (June, 1989)
Authors: Judith Balaban Quine and Judy Quine
Amazon base price: $21.95
Used price: $0.99
Collectible price: $1.08
Buy one from zShops for: $6.00
Average review score:

All about Judy.
Ms. Quine, a long-standing friend of the late Princess Grace of Monaco, did a fine job of relating all the details of Grace's engagement and marriage; in fact, I felt that I was right there alongside her and Grace throughout all the proceedings. I simply couldn't have gotten a more detailed or accurate account of one of the greatest weddings of the 20th century.

What turned me off was that Ms. Quine spent way too much time discussing her own life: Her father's head-honcho job at a movie studio; her family's wealth and status; her own numerous, tumultuous marriages; her personal problems; and her errant children. She might as well have made this an autobiography! For those of you who don't know much about the details of Grace Kelly's life, you'll most certainly know less about her than you will about the author after you finish reading this book.

My Favourite book
This is my favourite book, Grace Kelly's legend will never be lived out, this book showed me that.

Cars! Cars! Cars (Story Corner)
Published in Hardcover by Cartwheel Books (April, 1995)
Authors: Grace MacCarone and David A. Carter
Amazon base price: $6.95
Used price: $0.99
Buy one from zShops for: $3.92
Average review score:

My son's favorite book at age 2
When my son was 2, this was his favorite book for many months running, and he's not even a big cars fan, much more of a train fan! I think he liked it that the text was so simple and easy to cue by looking at the pictures. He memorized the whole thing very easily. The pictures are the kind that often appeal to young kids---very clear and standing out against white background. He especially liked it that the last page says "say goodbye, car" giving the book a clear ending.

Cars Cars Cars is sure to please any child car enthusiast!
We bought this book for our two year old son, and he absolutely loved it. Loved it so much,in fact, that he loved it to death, and currently carries around only the empty shell saying "!" since he wore out the pages quite a while ago. we are getting him a new copy, since he is quite distressed that the old one is so damaged! It is a cheerful, brilliantly colored book, designed for any little car enthusiast. It's delightful rhymes will leave your child quoting from it in no time, and begging you to read it to them over and over.

Chance of a Lifetime: Nucky Johnson, Skinny D'Amato, and How Atlantic City Became the Naughty Queen of Resorts
Published in Hardcover by Down the Shore Pub (October, 2001)
Authors: Grace Anselmo D'Amato and Vicki Gold Levi
Amazon base price: $26.95
Used price: $25.95
Collectible price: $26.47
Buy one from zShops for: $25.93
Average review score:

Interesting subject matter...rambling prose
While the subject matter of this book is quite intriguing, the writing style of Ms. D'Amato leaves a great deal to be desired. Quite frequently the text goes off on a tangent, then quickly returns to the subject at hand, and the reader is left scratching their head, wondering why the author even brought up the "sidebar".

As it is probably the only book available (to my knowledge) on Mr. Johnson and Mr. D'Amato, I can recommend it from a subject perspective. Just be prepared to have to go back and re-read sections trying to make some sense of them.

A great book on Atlantic City in the pre casino days!!
Being a native New Jerseyan, I really appreciated this book. the author makes you feel as if you have a front row seat at the "Queen of Resorts" a.k.a. Atlantic City, New Jersey! The reader will get a close up view of the "Rat Pack" boys,Frank Sinatra and Dean Martine..and the close relationship they had to "Skinny" D'Amato. This wonderful book is packed with photos of life Atlantic City back in the 40's and 50' different life was then in the "nightclub" era..when people dressed up and went out in search of different we live now with cable TV, computers, etc. This book can almost be an historical document..into the past..and what a contrast between the Atlantic City of today with her towering casinos, and the Atlantic City of yesterday!

Falling from Grace: Downward Mobility in the Age of Affluence
Published in Paperback by University of California Press (February, 1999)
Author: Katherine S. Newman
Amazon base price: $18.95
Used price: $3.75
Average review score:

Great topic but missing something
Newman starts with a great topic. Downward mobility is a subject that not only isn't discussed in our society, most people try not to even think about it. Newman gives some very moving accounts of downwardly mobile workers and their families; however, these accounts are very inconsistent. With some of the accounts, I felt like there was almost too much information; however, with other accounts I felt like we barely got a taste of what their personal experience with downward mobility involved.

Newman depicts 4 different groups of downwardly mobile people (middle managers, striking air tower contol workers, workers at a Singer Sewing Company factory and divorced midddle-class women). However, there's really enough information on each group to necessitate 4 individual books. This is great starting point to examine downward mobility, but the book ultimately leaves you wanting more.

When I was downsized, after 27 yrs..she spoke to my soul
When the diciples asked Jesus why he spoke in parables, Jesus said that it was because they did not perceive from the Spirit. Throughout the ordeal of knowing whether I'd ever get a decent job again, Katherine was the only one whose words spoke to my soul. She is very perceptive in her assessment of what income loss and job loss does to the individual.

Girls of Grace: Faith, Family, Friends, and Boys
Published in Paperback by Howard Publishing Company (August, 2002)
Author: Point of Grace
Amazon base price: $11.19
List price: $13.99 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $9.47
Buy one from zShops for: $9.67
Average review score:

This Christian book is great reading when your questioning. Whenever just flip through and you will find some helpful stuff to get you through the day. Get it if your are Christian girl. It will be your friend! Lol!

Girls of Grace
"Girls of Grace" is a devotional and bible study workbook by the Christian music sensations 'Point of Grace'. There are four main sections to this book. Faith, Family, Friends and Boys. "Girls of Grace" is a devotional book that focuses on the problems and issues that teenage girls face everyday. You are going to love "Girls of grace"! I guarantee that you will want to grab a copy for every teenage girl you know.
Each chapter is written by a member of 'Point of Grace'. For example Shelley wrote the chapter on Family. Some of the issues dealt with in this chapter are: Honor Thy Father and Mother, the study guide for this section of the chapter is entitled 'Parents: God's Design?'
I really enjoyed reading this book. Within each study guide there are Bible texts to really bring the point home, as well as relevant illustrations covering each topic.
I recommend parents and youth leaders by this book for their teenage girls, it will help them with their spiritual growth, and well as personal development.

The God of Sarah, Rebekah, and Rachel
Published in Paperback by Herald Pr (May, 1995)
Authors: Barbara Keener Shenk, A. Grace Wenger, and Sibyl Graber Gerig
Amazon base price: $15.99
Used price: $9.75
Average review score:

This book was really good, I had just gotten it from my sister a couple of days ago. Before this book, she lent me a book called the Red Tent; Which is the story of Dinah, daughter of Jacob. The Red Tent was one of the best books I've ever read. It tells of everyone around her, starting with each of her aunts and her mother. Was an excellent book. I'm just starting on Rebekah from this triology today. (Rachel was in the Red Tent and Rebekah was in it a little)

Artistic Representation of women in the Bible
I find "The God of Sarah, Rebekah & Rachel" highlights the often overlooked people in the Bible in a sensitive manner. The Author gives creative insight into the hearts and minds of these hidden heroines. The poetry is delightfully complimented by the beautiful pencil and carbon dust illistrations. This book is an excellent resource for anyone interested in gaining a more complete understanding of women in the Hebrew scriptures.

Grace Among the Thorns
Published in Hardcover by Winston-Derek Pub (April, 1996)
Authors: Carter Stephenson and Stephen Carter
Amazon base price: $12.95
Used price: $9.00
Average review score:

Honest, touching, down to earth
Reading this book is like peeking into someone's private journal. It talks about a young man's struggles with family, beliefs and responsiblity. Although the main character is confronted with difficult choices and is often disillussioned he maintains a strong current of hope and optimism.

Disturbing, yet inspirational for disenfranchised Christians
This book is powerful. It is thought-provoking on many levels. It is about a sincere christian, strugling with lust, greed and power as he goes from young , idealistic Jesus freak in the '70s, to middle-class suburbanite in the '80s and '90s. his dreams fade, his values compromised,mirroring the concurring Jim Bakker and Jimmy Swaggart scandals of the time. He is a frustrated songwriter and his lyrics are stinging and powerful statements to the hypocrites, that is, the christian pharisees in today's american mainstream christian culture. The protagonist is like a modern day king David, making one think that modern day moralists would have excommunicated King David rather than forgiven him. The sweet secret is that Evan, the protagonist and his life, symbolizes the seed sewn among the thorns in Jesus' parable. Even with this R-rated account of temptation, sin and discouragement, there is ultimately, forgiveness and encouragement for those who find themselves caught "among the thorns."

Grace Murray Hopper : working to create the future
Published in Unknown Binding by Sofwest Press ()
Author: Carl J. Schneider
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $2.95
Buy one from zShops for: $5.95
Average review score:

Grace Hoopper
I like it this book because it talks about her life.I also like it because you also learn about her life.If you read the book you will like it.The genre is biography.[Vanessa Luna]

Excellent for teaching!
I teach GED class for adults. This book was a great (small) book for adults to read that have hesitations toward learning about history or even reading. Reading level ranges between 4-7. This is an excellent story and great teachings on the beginning of computers and computer programming.


The Honor Girl, No. 57
Published in Paperback by Bantam Books (February, 1984)
Author: Grace Livingston Hill
Amazon base price: $2.50
Used price: $9.95
Average review score:

Nice story - but one of my least favorite GLH books
I am a big GLH (Grace Livingston Hill) fan. The Honor Girl is a nice story - and I give it 4 stars. However, it is one of my least favorite GLH books...Simply because the romantic element of the story is lacking. Yes, the young man gains a respect and esteem for "the honor girl", but there is no strong romantic attachment that develops as in most GLH books. I was a little disapointed when I finished reading it. When I finish reading most GLH books, I put it on my shelf and look forward to reading it again. However, one reading of The Honor Girl will probably be enough for me.

Old fashion girl at heart
This is one of my favorite books. Unfortunately this book is out of print and I lost the copy I bought. When you're a book junkie like me, you get adept at scouring second hand stores for books. This is where I first found this gem. I have a standing order to buy this book as second hand in good condition.

This story is set in the depresssion area. It is about a girl who lived with her aunt/uncle/cousins for several years after her mother died. After graduating from school, she visits her old home and realizes that she might be able to make a difference in the lives of her father and brothers.

She decides to move back home. There is something fine, noble and loving about this 'honor girl' that uplifts and encourages her father and brother to see themselves as more that what they really are.

What's a Grace Livingston Hill novel without a lovely Christian man praying and quietly supporting the lovely girl living her faith admist wordly values and worldly morals?

This is not a book for feminists. It is a lovely old fashion romance set in a time when segregation existed. It is definately a culture shock for someone under 40 and of color. However, the message is beautiful. God is alive in this world and woman do make a difference with their gentle and loving ways.

I gave it a 4 stars simply because I was uncomfortable by my 'culture shock'.

Internet Directory for Teachers (1st Ed)
Published in Paperback by Hungry Minds, Inc (26 November, 1997)
Authors: Grace Jasmine and Julia Jasmine
Amazon base price: $24.99
Used price: $5.20
Buy one from zShops for: $8.99
Average review score:

Lots of sites, but not much content...
Was a bit disappointed in the content of this book. While well-written, it missed the excitement and ideas of other "...for Teachers" books. For a better overall look at the subject, check out "The Internet for Teachers".

Very Helpful
I am a teacher in an elementary setting and I found this book to be very helpful in my classroom computer center. Jasmine and Jasmine really presented some great sites and I loved the activity ideas. I also liked the resources for educators. My team has used it too.

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