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Book reviews for "Alvarez-Altman,_Grace_DeJesus" sorted by average review score:

A Place for Grace
Published in Paperback by Sasquatch Books (March, 1996)
Authors: Jean Davies Okimoto and Doug Keith
Amazon base price: $7.95
Used price: $6.60
Average review score:

Finding Grace
The picture on the cover of the book caught my eye. I was in the waiting room of an audiologist's office looking through a catalog. My husband and I ride bicyles and we had just returned from a visit to San Francisco. While in San Fransisco, I saw a book about how to select the right breed of dog to suit you personalities and had decided we would look for a poodle. There it was, all together! A dog looking like a poodle riding in a basket on a bicycle with it's master with the Golden Gate Bridge and skyline of San Francisco in the background. My hearing was gone. (had declined from hard of hearing to deaf in about two years) I was going to be evaluated for a coclear implant and was in the market for a hearing dog. We had lived in San Francisco and I enjoyed the references to certain locations as Grace worked her way through the streets. I had researched schools for training service dogs and could imagine what it was like for Grace to try to learn special commands for deaf people. She passed the tests on responding to the sounds a deaf person would not hear such as doorbell, microwave, smoke alarm and phone, but had trouble reacting to the alarm clock without jumping in bed and dropping off to sleep. After much effort and some modifications, she was able to graduate and become a full-fledged hearing dog.

My Grace is two years old now. She is an unofficial hearing dog in that I chose not to have her go through the intensive training required to be a service dog. I have a cochlear implant and rely on her to alert me to emergencies through the night when my device is turned off and if my husband is away. She travels with us and is loved by all who meet her. She has never been denied access, a privilege we use discriminately. And yes, she jumps in bed with us and goes right to sleep.

It was after finding this book that I was able to find my Grace and return to the hearing world-AMAZING!

Pocahontas (The Civilization of the American Indian Series ; V. 93)
Published in Paperback by Univ of Oklahoma Pr (Trd) (February, 1980)
Authors: Grace Steele Woodard and Grace Steele Woodward
Amazon base price: $19.95
Used price: $1.25
Collectible price: $9.53
Buy one from zShops for: $7.94
Average review score:

A Surprising Impact: Pocahontas in Virginia and England
This is a captivating tale of the Powhatans and their Pocahontas, or Matoaka as she was known. Born the daughter of the powerful Powhatan, it's almost as though she were placed by providence at the juncture of the English and the eastern woodlands Indians.

Just ten when the Jamestown settlers arrived in 1607, she became early known for her cheer and joy in seeking friends amongst the colonists. But clashes came, and her aging father sought to expel the settlers, and almost succeeded, with the help the colonists' starvation and disease. Three years after their arrival, the colony was abandoned, the departing ships at the mouth of the James waiting for the morning tide to carry them to England.

The relief ships pulled into view at that instant, a miraculous event, and Jamestown survived, and in time established a firm foothold in Virginia. Clashes with the Powhatans continued, however, and the colonists captured Pocahontas as a hostage against the relief of the Indian-held English captives. In her captivity, which seems to have been a friendly one, she was converted to Christianity-- the stories of her memorizing the various church liturgies are dear-- and married the young colonist John Rolfe. Her father agreed to abandon his war against the settlers, and indeed touchingly sent a string of fresh water pearls for her wedding and deeded land to Rolfe. There were to be eight years of peace following their union.

The Virginia Company saw advantage to her traveling to London with her new husband, and by then young Thomas Rolfe, their child. They arrived in England in 1616, and she was received as royalty by King James and Queen Ann, and met many of the English notables of the day. But the climate took its toll, and she succumbed to tuberculosis or smallpox on the very eve of their departure for Virginia. She died in Gravesend in Kent County, and lies today in the little St. George's Churchyard there.

Her monument is the peace which allowed the English the final foothold in Virginia, in spite of its eventual price on the Indians. Barely twenty when she died, she is recalled as a sprightly girl, an evocation of an America long gone.

Woodward's book is filled with details and documentation, and well worth a five-star read! What she omits, however, is that Pocahontas is survived by thousands of American descendants today, each carrying her memory in their blood as the 400th anniversary of that first north American colony nears.

Poetics Before Plato: Interpretation and Authority in Early Greek Theories of Poetry
Published in Hardcover by Princeton Univ Pr (November, 2002)
Author: Grace M. Ledbetter
Amazon base price: $29.95
Used price: $26.66
Buy one from zShops for: $27.55
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This book is the most brilliant synthesis of the clasics I've ever read! I recommend it to one and all!

The Poetry of Yunus Emre, a Turkish Sufi Poet (University of California Publications in Modern Philology, Vol 127)
Published in Paperback by University of California Press (August, 1993)
Authors: Yunus Emre, Grace Martin Smith, and Yunus Emre
Amazon base price: $17.95
Average review score:

One constant theme in Yunus' poetry is Love, that of God for man and, therefore, of man for God. Yunus' love is the most powerful of everything, it is for the creator of the universe but it is also the creator, it is fierce and burning, consuming Yunus' mere existence. Yunus is like Mecnun, "the mad man of Love" who suffered , appear to have gone mad, and died just for the love of Leyla. Yunus wants to be as drunk, i.e. mad, as Mecnun, for his Love which wounds him terribly. For Yunus external forms of religion are not important and reward and punishment are not of concern; he only cares for God, yearns of his Love. The world is temporary and even when he dies, even when he is killed like the martyr of love Hallaj (Yunus refers to him in various other pieces of poetry), whatever is left of him will be yearning for God. Yunus can argue with God that His Love is killing people, making them suffer enormously, he seems to complain of his unjust treatment, but regardless, his love is so great that he can not help yearning for Him. He believes that he existed with God before there was existence.

Published in Hardcover by Hungry Minds, Inc (April, 1992)
Authors: Peter Grace and H R H The Prince of Wales
Amazon base price: $45.00
Used price: $174.40
Buy one from zShops for: $50.00
Average review score:

Polo - an instruction handbook for all aspects of the game
Polo by Peter Grace is a comprehensive guide to the sport. It is full of photographs, anecdotes and helpful advice gleaned from the author's 25 years as one of the world's finest polo coaches. This hardback edition includes tips on everything to do with polo including match tactics and the basics of the swing, team selection and coaching, horse purchase and maintenence, establishing a club, and even instructions on how to build a wooden horse.

The Power of God at Home: Nurturing Our Children in Love and Grace
Published in Hardcover by Jossey-Bass (22 January, 2003)
Author: J. Bradley Wigger
Amazon base price: $13.97
List price: $19.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $10.31
Buy one from zShops for: $12.98
Average review score:

Great Resource!
Dr. Wigger avoids the temptation of academia to produce a book of depth but accessible to all, a book that will be a great inspiration to parents, and to anyone in pastoral leadership seeking to help families. He draws from his extensive reading and research as well as his own experiences as a father of two; his book has both sound 'theory' and very practical ideas for how parents can nurture their children's (and their own) faith. I look forward to using it with our congregation.

Predestined for Heaven? Yes!
Published in Paperback by Brentwood Christian Press (01 December, 1999)
Author: Jeffrey W. Alexander
Amazon base price: $19.99
Used price: $15.99
Average review score:

A good and pleasurable read.
Jeff Alexander's book, Predestined for Heaven, Yes!, outlines the real life study of one who has come from a fundamentalist Arminian perspective to a clear and convincing sovereign grace position. The book's title is a play on the title of John R. Rice's book, Predestined for Hell? No!, which purports to be the definitive polemic against the five points of Calvinism. Jeff's book is the culmination of years of study on the truthfulness of the system classically known Calvinism, or definitively known as the Canons of Dort. He treats the subject fairly, cogently, biblically, logically, and simply. After reading this treatise, any objective soul can understand the issues involved, what is at stake, and the need to embrace this theological position. It is written on a level that any lay person can understand, but also challenges the thinking of seasoned Bible students. It is a good and pleasurable read, and contributes greatly to the overall debate on the doctrine of salvation. I highly recommend it.

Pretty Pillows: 40 Inspiring Projects to Grace Your Home
Published in Hardcover by Todtri Productions Ltd (September, 2002)
Author: Susie Johns
Amazon base price: $16.95
Used price: $10.00
Buy one from zShops for: $11.12
Average review score:

Ideas to sleep on!
Susie Johns has put together a beautiful book for anyone who has a yen to be creative. "Pretty Pillows" is packed with practical information. Each project has excellent step-by-step instructions and a colour photo to show you exactly what you are aiming for. The book covers many different techniques from cross-stitch to batik, patchwork to silk painting. Johns also encourages her readers to add their own touches in fabric and colour choice. A wealth of knowledge and ideas is contained in "Pretty Pillows". This makes it an ideal choice for the less experienced craftsperson. And a source of inspiration for the already competent.

Princeton Versus the New Divinity: The Meaning of Sin, Grace, Salvation, Revival
Published in Hardcover by Banner of Truth (August, 2001)
Author: Princeton Review
Amazon base price: $22.99
Buy one from zShops for: $14.95
Average review score:

These Messages Lead to More Biblically Founded Preaching
The topics discussed in this volume are of concern for the well-being of the church in every age. Take a fresh look at what some of the men at Princeton said during the time between 1830 and 1842. Selections in this volume include: Regeneration, by Charles Hodge (1830); The Early History of Pelagianism, by Archibald, Alexander, (1830); Original Sin, by Archibald Alexander, (1830); The Inability of Sinners, by Archibald Alexander, (1831); The New Divinity Tried, by Charles Hodge, (1832); On Revivals of Religion, by Albert B. Dod, (1835); Sanctification, by John Woodbridge, (1842); Bodily Effects of Religious Excitements, by Thomas Cleland (1834).
These Princeton men were convinced that the new views meant returning to old errors. They felt acceptance of these ideas would bring a bitter harvest. History proves they were correct. Looking at these messages will lead to a more biblically founded preaching.

The Prodigal Son: Reluctant Heroes (Zebra Ballad Romance)
Published in Mass Market Paperback by Zebra Books (Mass Market) (July, 2002)
Author: Susan Grace
Amazon base price: $5.99
Used price: $3.00
Buy one from zShops for: $4.16
Average review score:

Fantastic read! Very highly recommended
Eric and Trelane Grayson are mirror images of one another, identical to virtually everyone with the exception of their mother. When Eric enters the family library from the outside with his convenient stickpin and chances upon the beautiful Belle Kingsley, he can't resist stealing a kiss, little suspecting he holds his brother's fiancée. Near sighted and without her spectacles, Belle does not know that the first sensual kiss she has ever experienced was not delivered by her fiancé, Trelane.

Meanwhile, an argument distracts guests of the Grayson's ball. Belle's father wants Trelane to aid him with his next expedition, one in search of the Holy Grail. But Trelane believes the search to be a pipedream, and will not vote for her father's application. Someone, however, is listening and watching. Later that night Trelane is beaten and left for dead. Now Eric must take his brother's place and find the would-be killer and clear suspicion of Belle's father. Somehow he must also balance his emotions and desires while taking his brother's role as Belle's fiancé. Unfortunately, this woman who values truth and honesty above all else will not take kindly to such a profound a deception, regardless of the motives.

Author Susan Grace once again exhibits her mastery of the historical romance genre with the PRODIGAL SON in a combination of romance, mystery, and suspense. Grace's powerful story telling voice, spirited heroines and lusty men simply grow stronger and more exciting with each novel. Belle exhibits an odd combination of reticence and boldness as she acquiesces so easily to her fiancé's demands to leave behind her spectacles, yet she is an intellectual and world traveler. Like Lady Cat, she thrives upon her brand of adventure and daring. A mercenary, Eric can fight, plan subterfuge, and tread where angels fear, yet he is afraid of the dark. A rich secondary plot adds spice with the free spirited and boldly spoken Paris and Eric's staid brother Trelane.

Readers who adored "Lady Cat" and her wild adventures will welcome her return and will be happy to find her to still be the sparkling, daring woman of her youth. Fans who have not yet discovered the marvelous Destiny's Lady series will find themselves scurrying for the tales leading up to this wonderful new series. All fans will also find themselves eagerly awaiting the second book in the Reluctant Heroes series, THE RUNAWAY DUKE, which will be released in October 2002, when Lady Cat's brother Jonathan Carlisle finds the path to love cannot be denied. Incidentally, the promise of the maturing young India will also have readers casting their eyes to the future and hoping for a third generation of these memorable characters.

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