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Book reviews for "Alvarez-Altman,_Grace_DeJesus" sorted by average review score:

Disposable Domestics: Immigrant Women Workers in the Global Economy
Published in Paperback by Consortium Book Sales & Dist (June, 2000)
Authors: Grace Chang and Mimi Abramovitz
Amazon base price: $12.60
List price: $18.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $8.50
Buy one from zShops for: $10.00
Average review score:

A terse, important book
If only every person in public office today could read this book, and take it to heart... The authors waste no words arguing about an unseen traffic in women's labor that barely sustains them, and their families.

Highlights the unrewarded work immigrant women perform
In Disposable Domestics: Immigrant Women Workers In The Global Economy, writer and activist Grace Chang persuasively counters arguments in favor of curbing immigration and eliminating access to education, health care, and welfare as she exposes the racism and misogyny directed against female immigrant workers in American society. Chang also highlights the unrewarded work immigrant women perform as caregivers, cleaners, and servers, showing how these women are actively resisting the exploitation they face. Disposable Domestics is highly informative, recommended reading for feminists, unionists, immigration policy makers, and the non-specialist general reader with an interest in immigration issues, economics, women's rights, and fair labor practices.

Informative, recommended reading for feminists & unionists.
In Disposable Domestics: Immigrant Women Workers In The Global Economy, writer and activist Grace Chang persuasively counters arguments in favor of curbing immigration and eliminating access to education, health care, and welfare as she exposes the racism and misogyny directed against female immigrant workers in American society. Chang also highlights the unrewarded work immigrant women perform as caregivers, cleaners, and servers, showing how these women are actively resisting the exploitation they face. Disposable Domestics is highly informative, recommended reading for feminists, unionists, immigration policy makers, and the non-specialist general reader with an interest in immigration issues, economics, women's rights, and fair labor practices.

Enemies of the Heart
Published in Mass Market Paperback by Zebra Books (Mass Market) (August, 2001)
Author: Susan Grace
Amazon base price: $5.99
Used price: $1.65
Collectible price: $4.88
Buy one from zShops for: $2.00
Average review score:

Riveting...touching...a must read!!
Susan Grace once again captured this reader right from the beginning! This captivating story revolves around Diana [Ana}, Catherine and Miles fiesty daughter and twin to James! I thoroughly enjoyed this fast moving story! Diana certainly is every bit her mothers' daughter!! I only hope that Ms. Grace will somehow be able to expand beyond the six books that she initially slated for this series!

Begins in London, 1825. Lady Diana Grayson was the daughter of the Earl of Foxwood. When her friend, Stephen, helped her sneak into Satan's Pleasures for adventure (it was unwillingly done by him), she was cornered alone by the Marchioness Renwick, Barclay Evanston. Barclay had been trying to force Diana into marriage for some time now. Seeing her in a gaming den was the perfect opportunity for him to try again. While defending herself she shot him and thought him dead.

Diana "Ana" went to spend time with her Uncle Justin and Aunt Victoria at the Westlake Stables while things cooled down. She took along the new stallion she had purchased recently to begin her own horse breeding facility. There she met Jared Devlin!

Jared was the manager. He was so great with animals that one would believe he actually spoke to them! However, due to how his family in Ireland had been treated, he detested anyone with a title, with Justin being the only exception. Knowing that, Ana convinced everyone not to mention her title, so Jared would help her train her stallion. Ana and Justin ended up falling in love.

News came to Jared from Ireland that his brother, Ronan, was accused of attempting to murder a magistrate. Due to a misplaced letter, no one knew why Jared suddenly disappeared. When Barclay turned out to be hunting Ana, she went to the west coast of Ireland, to her mother's mountain top estate, Fellsmere. Fate had Ana and Jared teaming up to save Ronan, but at high cost!

***** If you followed this series, you know Ana's mother was the famous Lady Cat: smuggler, pirate, et all. Having such parents, they simply must show up for the conclusion of the saga, right? Of course! And being raised by them, Ana knows many things normal ladies never dreamed of! Then there is the author, Susan Grace. Everyone who has ever read any of her books knows that there is more going on than I reveal in the synopsis! Need I say more? I didn't think so. Spectacular series! Recommended. *****

Reviewed by Detra Fitch

Fiery tale of love -- Very highly recommended
Lovers of the fiercely tempered, highly spirited Lady Cat of DESTINY'S LADY will be equally pleased with her outspoken, independent daughter Diana in ENEMIES OF THE HEART. Once again Susan Grace creates a fiery tale of love with the blazing passion and spirit that marks all of her heroines.

Stephen Morgan was desperate, imploring Diana Grayson to lend him sufficient funds to pay a gambling debt. Rather than simply lending him the money, however, Diana insists upon dressing as a man and accompanying him to Satan's Pleasures, a gambling establishment in a dangerous part of town. There she not only manages to help him pay the debt, but also pickpockets the money right back again. Spurned would-be-suitor Marchioness Renwick, Barclay Evanston, recognizes Diana, despite the wig, beard and breeches. Taking advantage of the chaos created by the brawl that results from the missing money, Barclay determines to make Diana his wife, willing or not.

More than an act of defiance, Diana's refusal to marry comes from her irritation that once she came of age and had control of her own money, she must still yield to the dictates of society. Her frustration with society's rules led to her masquerade as a man, and ultimately to the dilemma that she now faces. He threatens to destroy Diana's reputation with the scandalous rumor that she was at Satan's Pleasure plying her wares. And if he rapes her, society will instantly forgive the dead if he marries her while she would be ruined regardless of her innocence in the act. In self-defense, Diana shots and kills Barclay. Faced with scandal of the worst magnitude, Diana flees Satan's Pleasures. Unfortunately, she leaves her beard behind.

Diana flees town to visit her Uncle and family, hoping no one connects her to Barclay's death. In addition, she arranges to have her new horse Thor delivered to her uncle's. Thor had demonstrated quite a temper tantrum just before she bought him at action. Jared Devlin had calmed him, and Diana hopes to have him assist her training of the spirited animal. An Irishman, Devlin has little patience for the aristocracy, and Diana plans to hide the fact that her father is an earl. Diana plans to use Thor to start her horse breeding business; the fact that she finds him attractive is simply coincidence, of course.

Jared isn't comfortable being included in family dinners every night, but he accepts the courtesy. Seeing the Prescotts with their children reminds him of everything he lost in Ireland. He blames himself for the deaths in his family. And when he's asked to help with Thor's training, he must work to control his snicker. Jared underestimates the kind of woman who would enter into the horse business. That is, until he meets her. He soon finds that the spirited woman who wears breeches for horse training will capture his imagination, though he believes she can never be his. Indeed, many secrets will come to light for both of them, if they wish to be together.

Once again Susan Grace creates a marvelous, passionate romance with a fast paced, convincing plot. Indeed, with each novel Grace's voice gains an even more powerful voice in the historical romance genre. Her tales of spirited heroines and lusty men make for hours of reading pleasure. Very highly recommended.

The Enlightened Entrepreneur: A Spiritual Approach to Creating & Marketing a Company
Published in Paperback by Marlowe & Co (15 December, 2001)
Author: Grace Bulger
Amazon base price: $11.17
List price: $15.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $2.89
Buy one from zShops for: $10.43
Average review score:

You Are The Essence of Your Business
This book was an excellent source for inspiration on many levels. It challenges the reader to think outside of the narrow path that the step-by-step business development plan suggests. The author provides insightful exercises for the reader to contemplate the desires behind a developing business idea. She also suggests as she believes that there is a greater power out there who has a hand on the successful and sometimes not so successful outcomes that should always be chalked up as learning lessons or blessings in life. It is an amazing and easy read that would be an excellent course requirement for any university business program.

How to be passionate and successful at the same time~
The Enlightened Entrepreneur, by Grace Bulger, is not your ordinary "how to" book. It starts with the simple premise of creating a business from the "inside out", from one's passions. Developing a business is not simple, but with Ms. Bulger's advise, insights and poignant questions, you can mold your passions into a successful business. From experience, I highly recommend her book.

An excellent blend of personal and business fufillment
The author has provided an excellent framework for examining one's goals and personal beliefs, and will help in creating a cohesive strategy to keep their life in balance. This book is a must read for anyone interested in starting up a business they feel passionate about.

The Epistle of James: Proven Character Through Testing (The Grace New Testament Commentary Series)
Published in Paperback by Grace Evangelical Society (June, 1994)
Author: Zane C. Hodges
Amazon base price: $6.00
Used price: $109.88
Buy one from zShops for: $35.00
Average review score:

"James" Set Free
For many years, the traditional interpretations of James left me unconvinced and led to more questions than answers. The relation between faith and works has typically received strained and nebulous explanations. The tiny New Testament epistle of James was the centerpiece for most of this confusion.

Hodges masterfully clears away many incorrect presuppositions concerning James, and verse-by-verse, introduces us to a clear understanding of the faith-works relationship. The conclusions Hodges draws out of this epistle seem so obvious and clear (this is Zane's gift), yet theological tradition and preconceived ideas prevent us from seeing what it is James wanted us to see.

Key to this new understanding are discussions on: 1) two types of justification, 2) a different sense of salvation other than "from hell," 3) the objection to James found in 2:18-20, and 4) that the faith mentioned in James characterizes the stage of Christian experience AFTER regeneration. Needless to say, these are merely the confused passages of James. But Hodges goes on to draw out the many other gems contained in this epistle with the same exegetical skill and simplicity.

The only point on which I might disagree is his position concerning textual material. Hodges prefers the Majority Text in the few places where textual criticism is discussed. But this really does not affect the understanding of James which he presents to us.

A truly valuable work for New Testament and theological studies.

Theology at its Finest
This book is one of my favorites out of all my commentary collection. James is one of the primary books on faith and I feel that with this commentary you are able to grasp the full meaning and power that faith plays in a Christians walk.

The best commentary available on James.
Luther called the Epistle of James "a right strawy epistle." He wished to remove it from the canon of Scripture. Hodges shows that James does not contradict Paul or any other biblical author. Rightly understood James is not dealing with justification before God, but rather with justification before men. I highly recommend this book. It is outstanding. Anyone who is interested in the Book of James should own this commentary.

Ernie Out Of Control
Published in Paperback by Andrews McMeel Publishing (01 September, 1996)
Author: Grace
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $3.98
Buy one from zShops for: $4.14
Average review score:

Piranha Club Forever
Unfortunately, my local paper dropped Ernie like a hot potato years ago. Collections like this are the only way I have to satisfy my craving for "Sophisticated Literature". B. Grace keep them coming.

Ernie Is Full Of Laughs
To my knowledge, this is the first collection from Bud Grace's excellent comic strip 'Ernie' (now known as 'The Piranha Club'). Not done in the typical comic strip book style of publishing all comic strips from a certain time period, this book is divided into chaptered segments containing some of Bud's favorite earlier work. A must have for any Ernie fan!

It's all in the moose
If you are not already an Ernie fanatic, look at the cover of this book. If you suffer a hernia or suddenly find yourself in a room with padded walls, chances are you liked it. If you want to read about erudite subjects like moose-milking olympics, going on a date with a chicken, cross-dressing, nose-hair removal systems, etc., or merely want to find out whether Quacko the human duck is a duck who looks like a man or a man who looks like a duck, or in fact a mongoose, buy the book immediately. If you don't like it, give it to your mother-in-law. On second thoughts, even if you like it, give it to your mother-in-law. Chances are she'll never bother you again. On the other hand, of course, if you are already an Ernie fan you're probably too busy reading the book in your padded cell to read stupid book reviews.

Everything Talks to Me/the True Story of a Successful Search for Enlightenment
Published in Paperback by Harper Collins - UK (January, 1995)
Author: Grace Speare
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $2.95
Collectible price: $2.92
Average review score:

Everything Talks To Me
This book has played a remarkable role in my life. It has shaped the very fiber of my everyday. From it I have learned how to approach every new day as a limitless opportunity to achieve and explore. I have been lucky enough to work with some of these inimitable principles at an early age. Now I have the good fortune through this great book to apply these principles. When I have lost my way in the world I gratefully reach for "Everything Talks To Me" off the shelf and I am centered and focused once more. Finally, someone has taken what was once complicated and communicated it simply, wonderfully and most personally. I adore the writing style that greets and shares so directly. I would love an opportunity to meet with the author, have a cup of coffee and share life stories of searching and enlightenment. I completely recommend it to everyone.

A wonderful read...
I read Grace Speare years ago in 1980. I enjoyed the book somuch. I wanted to share it with friends and lent her bookout. Mistake! I forgot which friend and lost track. Later, trying to locate it because I missed it, I did not figure out which friend receive the copy so I went to buy another. With no luck trying to locate a copy. It has gone out of print to my big disappointment. This book, "Everything Talks To Me" had left me with a lasting impression. I felt uplifted by Grace Speare's words and stories. In 2000, I was able to find a new copy of her book and I was thrilled! I found myself inspired having the opportunity to read it once again! Its a Wonderful read and most enjoyable. A wonderful spiritual adventure of enlightment for us all!

It's the Bible of self-knowledge!
I owe my success and my life to the author of this great work. You cannot read it without being altered to a new plain of evolvement. If you want to understand yourself and the world you inhabit, buy this book today!

Forever and Beyond
Published in Mass Market Paperback by Zebra Books (Mass Market) (January, 2001)
Author: Susan Grace
Amazon base price: $5.99
Used price: $3.00
Collectible price: $5.90
Buy one from zShops for: $2.25
Average review score:

Susan Grace delivers another masterpiece
I had anxiously awaited the release of "Forever and Beyond" and I can only say that Susan Grace did not disappoint! Once again, Ms. Grace has given us a book that is incredibly hard to put down! This story takes the reader from the pinnacle of happines and joy into the the sad and dark depths of hopelessness and despair! Many may wince at the thought of physical punishment and torture and yet mental punishment, especially that of our own making, can be far more consuming and debilitating making us wish for physical punishment to end our pain! Catherine and Myles certainly go through their fair share and also show us that sometimes, love just isn't enough especially without trust!

I am thankful that we only have to wait six months for "Enemies of the Heart" to be released!

Very highly recommended
The pirate Lady Cat returns in this historical romance, FOREVER AND BEYOND by Susan Grace. With the same indomitable spirit and fierce strength that endured her to fans of DESTINY'S LADY, Lady Cat once again faces overwhelming challenges with fire and determination, proving that she and her beloved Miles share a love that will last forever and beyond.

Four years have passed since the end of DESTINY'S LADY, but Catherine worries that her notorious past might yet catch up to her. Tales are still told of the fabulous Lady Cat who fights better than most men and captains her own ship. A five thousand pound bounty was posted on her head and songs still circulate in the pubs about her exploits. Now Catherine has much to protect from her past, especially her twins Diana and James.

At a ball she and Miles host, Catherine makes quite an impression on the ton. Unfortunately, she also catches the eye of Nicholas Atwood, who becomes determined to discover the secrets to her past. Soon Miles is drawn into service of the Navy using his previous experience and identity of The Fox in his country's service. Before he leaves, Miles gives Catherine a pendant in the ancient symbol of infinity, vowing to love her without end. Shortly thereafter, Catherine receives word of her husband's death.

Nicholas Atwood identifies Catherine as the famous pirate, and forces her into resuming the role to spy on the French. His cruelty results in tragedy, and soon Lady Cat finds herself aboard ship, once again in command. But this time her goal is to gain information in a valiant effort to protect her family and her husband's memory.

Lady Cat must ignore her grief in order to accomplish her mission. Moving among the elite of France, she must become Napoleon Bonaparte's latest mistress unless she can find a way to prevent it. And when Miles returns to England to find his beloved wife gone, it doesn't take much to connect Nicholas Atwood to the act of treason, to Catherine's departure, and to the service to Napoleon's General of Police, Joseph Fouche. Once again the Fox must return to the seas, and save Lady Cat before she's forced into Napoleon's personal service, or worse at the hands of the infamous Fouche.

Historical fans will truly enjoy this step into the past when sails ruled the seas and Napoleon ravaged the world. Moreover, if you've loved Lady Cat then be sure to watch for ENEMIES OF MY HEART, to be released in April 2001 by Kensington Publishing for its Zebra Romance line, which picks up with Catherine and Mile's daughter Diana. GOLDEN FIRE, published October 1999, tells the story of Catherine and Mile's son James, who falls in love with the empathic Miranda. Overall, this series, read separately or together, makes for a terrific escape into the past that this reviewer heartily recommends.

Forever and Beyond
Susan Grace's "Forever and Beyond" is a heartfelt love story. Miles and Catherine have a love relationship that makes you sigh. Sure they had their problems (caused by others, of course). They make you believe the old saying 'Love Conquers All'. This book is part of an impending series (6 books). Destiny's Lady and Golden Fire are the other two titles available now in the series. Look for the next installment August 2001 (Enemies of the Heart). This book is a keeper for my shelf.

Found in Paradise
Published in Paperback by Creative Arts Book Co (01 June, 1999)
Author: Neal Grace
Amazon base price: $12.95
Used price: $6.99
Collectible price: $12.99
Buy one from zShops for: $8.88
Average review score:

A magical, mystical adventure!
I just finished this new book by author/poet Neal Grace. A magical, mystical adventure story that had me sharing in every moment of Ravi's quest. The author's ability to paint an image and bring me inside the character's emotional life, all the while caressing me with beautifully orchestrated text, left me breathless for a sequal. TLC

Fantastic Book! A modern day Siddhartha with a romance.
I loved this book from start to finish. It's thought-provoking, poetic and has luscious prose and descriptions. The main character goes through all kinds of adventures to find the meaning of life and I couldn't put it down.

This is an extraordinary book!
Found in Paradise speaks directly to the heart and soul of every person who has ever wondered, 'Why am I here?' Ravi's journey to the Island of Truth is a metaphor for the journey we are all taking every moment of our existence. Neal Grace writes with such sensitivity and inspiration, the reader rejoices because at last, someone has put into words what we have been longing to know for such a long time! --Rev. Rainbow Johnson

Full House : Selling Rooms & Space With Style & Grace
Published in Paperback by Hospitality Masters Press (15 October, 1999)
Author: Stephanie A. Horton
Amazon base price: $14.95
Used price: $24.95
Average review score:

Full House: Selling Rooms & Space With Style & Grace
Stephanie's writing style is engaging and encouraging. The information is fresh, her advice is right on the mark and when applied to real life situations, actually works! I highly recommend this book to everyone in the hospitality industry. Newcomers and veterans can benefit from Stephanie's expertise and kindly guidance. In addition, she is a truly gifted speaker with tremendous appeal. Her audiences have given consistant high marks on the quality of her delivery and the value of her information.

Full House : Selling Rooms & Space With Style & Grace
This is a must read for all of our new employees. We have several copies in strategic locations around the hotel. It is so easy to just pick it up and read a chapter or two in your spare time. The concepts are broken up into succinct chapters and are well defined. I highly recommend this book for the seasoned sales veteran, who needs a quick brush up, and the first time sales person, who needs to learn it all from the ground up. This book covers all the bases.

Great Reference Material
One of the most comprehensive and information books on the market in it's field. Anyone interested in selling rooms/meeting spaces should have this book in their reference library!

Published in Audio Cassette by Sound Library (March, 2003)
Author: Elizabeth Nunez
Amazon base price: $59.95
Average review score:

Elizabeth does it again!
The above reviews cover this book great so I'll just add a few...

Sally, a primary school teacher on the verge of turning 40 finds herself wanting more. She finds herself feeling like she just exist, a mother, a wife, a friend,a teacher. She struggles with some serious wounds of the past that haunt her. Feeling unfulfilled she wants more, to feel like her life has meaning. Justin starts to open his eyes to his wife once she says" she needs space" he fears her leaving,Justin loves his wife and he also has issues from the past. Sally attends a retreat where can think, find her meaning, her worth. She discovers what it is she needs and where she wants to be..she already has the things she needs and she is the woman that she wants to be.
This was a moving, realistic family drama about love,marriage,finding yourself, letting go and having peace of mind and heart.

For Better or For Worse¿I Take Thee As My Spouse!
American Book Award-winning author Elizabeth Nunez's latest novel, Grace, is a moving and poignant story that explores a woman's search for self. Justin Peters and his wife, Sally are an African-American, middle-class couple in distress; both are highly intelligent, educated and successful in their careers but things are amidst in their marriage. Sally is on the verge of turning forty and it appears experiencing mid-life crisis; all she knows is that she needs space from her husband Justin. For her happiness has always been based on a slogan she saw once which said 'joy is a learned skill, and that it takes strength to be happy." Justin has observed lately that Sally is still a good wife, a good mother, a good friend and a good role model; but is she happy in her role as wife and mother or does she need more to complete her. When Sally is not forthcoming with why she is unhappy or why she needs space Justin begins to believe it is because she is seeing someone else. Justin is at wits-ends and struggling emotionally because he does not know what to do to make Sally happy and keep their marriage intact. As he surmises why Sally no longer wants him, he comes to the conclusion that she never got over her former lover and believes that therein lies the problem. However, when Sally decides to move out with their four year old daughter, Giselle, and into a girlfriend's apartment, Justin becomes extremely suspicious and suspects that his wife is a lesbian. Will Justin find the TRUTH and the answers to the questions that elude him? Can he create a solution before it is too late? Can he save his marriage?

Nunez paints an exquisitively written novel yet complex portrayal of a marriage in transition. She takes a mundane subject (i.e. marriage) and adds her creative flair to make it a fluid and mesmerizing tale. She writes deftly while inserting lesbianism, racism, segregation, and classism into a story that also speaks truth to marriage, friendship, love and commitment. Grace is well crafted and Nunez does an excellent job of narrating the character's point of view especially Justin's. While Sally was the partner experiencing the crisis it is Justin's male point of view and voice which the reader more closely empathizes with and even identifies with; one cannot help but have compassion for Justin and admire that he is an African-American male who is not ready to give up on his union. I felt like I was in his head and sharing his thoughts as he struggled to figure out how to save his marriage. I also enjoyed the voices of the secondary characters and sub-plots along the way as they gave depth and substance to the novel without feeling forced or out of place. I have only read two novels by Nunez (although she is now one of my favorite writers and I plan to read all of them); however, in both of them she adds rich African American history as a backdrop. In doing so, her stories not only entertain and provide a means to escape but they also teach and enlighten without being preachy or condescending. Nunez is a phenomenal author with an excellent talent for weaving a beautiful and intricate tale while simultaneously offering the reader a great deal of knowledge and outstanding stories. I appreciated that she did not necessarily wrap Grace up in a neat little package but left just enough of an opening to allow me to form my own opinion regarding the ending. I look forward to future novels from this talented author and I highly recommend her to others who enjoy literary reads and stories that empower.

APOOO BookClub

His saving grace
A story of a marriage. A story of growth. A story of sacrifice. A story of heart. A love story. Elizabeth Nunez encapsulates all of these in her latest novel about the Trinidad-born Justin and Harlemite Sally, who are teetering on the edge of their once marital bliss. Justin, a British literary scholar, is convinced that his wife is seeing someone else. Sally has become despondent, turned from him in bed, and seems to just be going through the motions. She no longer takes pride in reading the great works, instead turning to self-help books and talk shows for enlightenment. In short, things have changed. Determined to hold the family together, Justin refuses to accept the fact that Sally may be leaving him. He endures other trials outside of his marriage in his workplace that get him thinking about what he must do to prevent the ties that bind his family from severing.

Nunez has a beautiful way with language, comforting the reader with her lilting prose. With this language, she brings a vibrance to her characters that is rarely paralleled. Don't expect a highly-charged dramatic plotline. Nunez instead relies on realistic human situations, emotions, and personas to captivate her readers. This book is titled appropriately, as Nunez handles the trying times of her characters with an abundance of grace.

Reviewed by CandaceK
The RAWSISTAZ Reviewers

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