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Book reviews for "Alvarez-Altman,_Grace_DeJesus" sorted by average review score:

Gifts of Grace: A Gathering of Personal Encounters With the Virgin Mary
Published in Hardcover by HarperCollins (September, 1995)
Author: Lone Jensen
Amazon base price: $18.00
Used price: $1.10
Collectible price: $3.97
Buy one from zShops for: $6.22
Average review score:

Gifts of Grace:A Gathering of Personal Encounters With the V
A book of generous people who have shared their stories of encounters with the Blessed Mother. I learned early, not to share my spiritual experiences because people reacted with, after reading this book, I know I am not alone, I am certain, I'm very blessed indeed with my own Gifts of Grace.

Inspiration from a young woman, non-Catholic
I read Lone's book about three years ago. I was very touched by her presentation of her personal experiences. She explains her upbringing as a moral person,in a family without church dogma.She simply explains her own experiences. This book is simple, but powerful. It furthered my knowledge and love of the Mother of Jesus.How she is trying to warn us to rethink our priorities, embrace our faith, be strong in our moral obligations. It is not frightening, but infused with love of all mankind. Expresses the power of our prayers. A book I would recommend to every person, I treasure mine.

A Dose of Inspiration and Affirmation - so HEALING!
Now this book, is such a great little book, interesting, easy to read and you won't be able to put it down. The stories may help bolster sagging faith and if you need something positive in this world - read this great little book!

His Grace
Published in Hardcover by Editions Paris Rive Gauche (02 December, 2002)
Author: Lee Andrew
Amazon base price: $75.00
Average review score:

beutiful book
Lee's photography is a beautiful display of the male form. His use of lighting is awesome. Very sensual pictures.

Great Male Photography
Reminiscent of photographers of the past, Blakely, French, Arimondi, and Ken Duncan, LeeAndrew's photographs offer mystery, openness and suggestive eroticism. This is quite an accomplishment in a first book. He is a pleasant surprise coming into a field of photography which is becoming more out with sexual detail rather than suggestion. Congratulations. Am looking for more by LeeAndrew in the future.

Erotic male perfection!
Well, I must say this book was a good investment and it is beautiful. Yet, I fail to see why so many people talk about the photos and not the text. It is very inspirational from me and for anyone who would read it! This photographer has to be one of the USA brightest hopeful stars. Also, I like the fact that I received a first edition print which regardless of the mistakes in translation from English to French or vise versa, it makes this a true collectors item. It you dont have it get it!

The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook: Golf
Published in Paperback by Chronicle Books (April, 2002)
Authors: Joshua Piven, James Grace, Brenda Brown, Jim Grace, and David Borgenicht
Amazon base price: $10.47
List price: $14.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $2.45
Buy one from zShops for: $6.99
Average review score:

the life and death adventures in golf
Survival Rule #1 Watch Where You're Driving and that doesn't just mean at the tee off! Like all the Worst-Case Scenario Books in the series, this one has the familiar, easy to read layout with step-by-step instructions that are brief but informative. Nice how this sport edition gives a few words of advice on playing the game and explains how the official rules of golf apply in the unique situations, plus highlights a few guidelines to keeping good golf etiquette, which is all helpful for preventing confusion and heated debate among players.

The topic is divided into just a few chapters called: Bad Lies, Equipment Disasters, Dangerous Animals and Golfing Emergencies. The scenarios covered range from how to retrieve a ball lost in the ball washer, retrieve a ball from a gopher hole, how to keep score without a pencil, how to spot a cheat, disarm an irate golfer, start a dead cart, stop a runaway cart or free a cart from a sand trap. How to prevent a club from flying out of your hand and how to retrieve a golf club or golf ball lodged in a tree [they recommend wearing a hard hat to protect your head during this operation, imagine that!]. How to drive with a putter or putt with a driver, how to survive if you run out of tees, how to treat a sprained ankle, a blister, poison ivy, sunburn, heatstroke or dehydration. How to deal with a brush fire, alligator, snake, rabid animal or an attack by birds, not to mention how to deal with a fashion emergency or recognize a golf addiction. There is even a little over view on gambling bets and some translation of golfspeak. Also advice is included for avoiding lighting strikes and tornados while you're outside in open areas.

This book is a riot and the illustrations are great, they add so much and they truly are hilarious. A golfer at any level or interest will love it and even those who make fun of the sport and hate it, might find the book enjoyable too. It has an answer for nearly every golfer's nightmare, giving tips for surviving a life and death situation that probably will just end up being all par for the course.

Golfer's first aid (and second, and third...)
This is THE present for someone in your neighbourhood that's always boasting about his (or her) golf relations... Seen the beautiful greeeeeen cover? Me too...

Great pick
I picked this book up for my parents as an afterthought and a joke (one avid golfer for life, mother just picking it up) and they LOVED it! Both sat down and read it straight through, laughing out loud and enjoying it. Now I wish I had saved it for the holidays!

Banks to Sandberg to Grace : Five Decades of Love and Frustration with the Chicago Cubs
Published in Hardcover by McGraw-Hill/Contemporary Books (22 March, 2001)
Authors: Carrie Muskat and Bob Verdi
Amazon base price: $15.37
List price: $21.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $8.46
Buy one from zShops for: $14.13
Average review score:


A great experience for any sports fan
I absolutely loved this book, and I am not even a Cub's fan. It was very entertaining, very informatative, and very fun. It has great tales from Ernie Banks, Ron Santo, Billy Williams, and Andy Pafko. I would recommend this book to any baseball fan. No, I would recommend it to any sports fan!


Good as it gets
From a review in the Chicago Tribune Books section, July 8, 2001: I had no idea reading could be so much fun.... By turns, the players' tales are hilarious, heartbreaking, defensive, nostalgic and brutally honest... When he first walked onto Wrigley Field, says Ron Santo: "The stands were empty. It was so beautiful. It was like playing in my backyard. It didn't feel like, 'Jeez, I'm overwhelmed.' It felt like, 'This is baseball.' " In "Banks to Sandberg to Grace," Muskat captures that spirit and magic...

The Bridesmaids: Grace Kelly and Six Intimate Friends
Published in Paperback by Pocket Books (August, 1990)
Authors: Judith Balaban Quine and Julie Rubenstein
Amazon base price: $5.95
Used price: $0.01
Collectible price: $0.99
Buy one from zShops for: $7.95
Average review score:

A fascinating account of Grace Kelly's Life
The author provides an insider's glimpse into the worlds of show business, royalty, and the New York social scene in the 1950's. Not only does Quine bring the reader into the world of Grace Kelly as a young actress and ultimately Princess of Monaco, she also tells the story of the lives of her and the other bridesmaids. For readers unfamiliar with her life, you cannot help but admire and respect Grace Kelly after reading this book.

Excellent book for all readers!
Judith Quine's book on Grace Kelly is perhaps the most entralling books I've read! I recommend it to all Grace Kelly fans.

Fasinating intimate account of all the personalities.
Most appealing for its personal flavor of the events as they unfolded throughout the book. The reader will come away feeling she has shared in all the activities. A must for anyone who enjoys being part of the preparation and inside details of a friend or loved one's wedding. Not only is getting an inside perspective most appealing, but the sensitivity of the author's style makes the reading quite personal as if you, too, are involved in the friendship. Very enjoyable reading that lets you escape from the mundane into a world of glamour.

Breaking & Mending: Divorce & God's Grace
Published in Paperback by Upper (September, 1998)
Author: Mary L. Redding
Amazon base price: $9.60
List price: $12.00 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $4.85
Collectible price: $6.35
Buy one from zShops for: $5.97
Average review score:

I didn't care for it much
I found myself wishing I'd bought something else about halfway through this book. I recently came out of a very abusive marriage for unimpeachable reasons (adultery included) and I thought the author had no principles whatsoever. She had no biblical grounds for her divorce and actually boasted about dating and even kissing various men--and getting sexually aroused herself and arousing them--with no honorable intentions beyond. This really offended me. I could have gotten the same approach from a secular title.

In addition, her description of "predators" in Christian circles who go after divorced women scared the bejeebies out of me. I am trying hard in therapy to get over my terror of men and my conviction that they are all slimeballs out after only one thing, even when they hide it behind a religious facade, and this book only reinforced my fears.

Her thoughts that God still loves divorced people and still has a plan for their future were comforting, yes, but doesn't every Christian divorce title in print say this same thing?

Thumbs down.

Real Life
I really like this book because I felt that the author conveyed honesty and a real picture of married life and relationships (also after being single again). A lot of people do pretend in public that everything is okay when that is not always the case. This leaves a false impression on others on what a marriage is like. I think all marriages have problems that couples work on but this is the only book I have read that addressed the problem of one spouse not being in love with the other. I think this is a common problem when people marry for many other reasons such as pregnancy before marriage, money, and whatever else you can think of. The author did not try to gloss over problems and pretend that counseling and prayer solved her problems. She communicated everything that she tried to make the marriage work and how she honestly felt at the results of those efforts. I felt the author was honest in conveying her struggles as a christian and not wanting to disappoint God. The book is more about healing and God's grace after deciding to get divorce as opposed to God's commandments on divorce.

What a blessing!
I picked this book up in the summber of 2000. I read this immediately after reading two other books that had a profound affect on me. Still unsure as to what the outcome was going to be in my marriage, after I finished this book, I felt relieved to know that I would not go to hell if I chose divorce.

I learned that God does allow u-turns in life.

My marriage has been very, very painful. I have endured years of verbal abuse and crazy making. I stayed in my relationship believing that I would be committing an unpardonable sin if I divorced. I no longer believe that...although I must admit, it's a day to day struggle.

I, like many wives out there, counseled till I was blue in the face (I'm still in counseling) while my husband did a few sessions and now believes he is well and healed.

Yesterday, I saw his heart through more abuse and now realize he is not going to change and that it's time for me to move forward with my life.

Because of this book, I know that God knows I have tried everything humanly possible to save my marriage, but now it's time to accept the grace that God is offering me in divorce. I know it breaks HIS heart, it breaks my heart too and it will break the children's hearts as well. However, it would break my heart to have my children endure the pain of accepting a relationship like this or become abusive as well when they marry.

I have my issues and I am not perfect, but I am doing what I can through counseling and reading, to work on myself so that I can be a good example to my children. As I move forward to become the person God created me to be (after years of feeling like a nobody, a zero, and brainless), I know HE is not waiting behind a cloud to smite me (as some pastors and elders all but say) because God loves me, I am wonderfully made by Him and He has plans for me...great plans!

In Search of Grace: A Religious Outsider's Journey Across America's Landscape of Faith
Published in Hardcover by William Morrow (26 March, 2002)
Author: Kristin Hahn
Amazon base price: $17.47
List price: $24.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $2.48
Collectible price: $15.88
Buy one from zShops for: $4.19
Average review score:

Fascinating and honest
This is a worthwhile addition to any spiritual seeker's bookshelf. Hahn goes to great lengths to interview shining stars in the firmament of several traditions, including Ram Dass (Hinduism), Yogi Bhajan (Sikhism), James Van Praagh (a famous medium included in her chapter on Spiritualism), and Neale Donald Walsch who has started his own spiritual movement with his best-selling Conversations With God books. She also spends time with some fascinating little ordinary people like an Ojibwe medicine man, a blind Amish farmer, a young guy in Alcoholics Anonymous, and a black man who is a self-taught artist illuminating his own understanding of the truth of the Old Testament.

She does the best she can to experience each tradition in its rightful context, and to access more than one disciple's point-of-view, if possible.

I found it fascinating to read through the accounts of the spiritual experiences that did seem to touch her personally (talking with the Native American medicine man, a service at a black Baptist church in Louisiana, keeping the Jewish Sabbath), and the ones that, through no fault of her own, she just did not connect with (auditing with the Scientologists, recruiting with the Mormons, getting a "treatment" for her nail-biting with the Christian Science church). She took a very smart approach to tackling such an immense subject as spirituality: describing on the literal level what each of her personal encounters were like with each faith. Wisely, she didn't try to explain each faith (beyond some italicized basics at the beginning of each chapter), or worse, compare and contrast each faith. In the end, her own personal experiences are revealing and informative.

I give her three solid stars for her honesty and her skill at pursuing such a difficult subject, organizing it, and conveying it in this book. I personally found her a little sarcastic, but then if I'd written the book she probably would have found me a little over-enthusiastic and naive.

I find it interesting in the editorial review by Publisher's Weekly that she got some facts wrong concerning the Mormon faith and the Christian Science faith. My own religion stands closest to her "neo-paganism" chapter, and I can correct a few mistakes I saw there. (1) the priestess who cast the circle in the ritual that Hahn witnessed probably did so with either a wand, known as a wand, or a dagger, known as an athame. I'm not sure where Hahn got the word "anthema." (2) Gerald Gardner was an Englishman, but definitely not of the eighteenth century (!), since he lived between 1884-1964. Otherwise, I found this an enjoyable and informative book and definitely a "keeper" for my collection.

A Breath of Fresh Air
I am going through a spiritual journey now, and reading up on many different religions and beliefs. This book is so refreshing. Most books on religion are 3rd person, very bland, and sometimes biased. This book is the complete opposite:1st person POV, so interesting and personal, and very open towards different beliefs. She wants to experience faith, not just learn what people believe. Some experiences she is involved in: An Native american spiritual prayer/blessing ceremony; a retreat w/benedicte (spelled it wrong)monks and nuns, amish, roman catholics, mormons, everybody. This is an actual hands-on experience that sheds so much light into people's spiritual life. This book in no way advocates one belief or another. I feel this is a great experience reading this book because it has opened my eyes so much during my journey. I only wish I had this book when I began my journey, enlightening me on every course I later look into.

Traveling Through American Religions
In my frequent conversations with Christians, I am often surprised at how many think this is a Christian nation, founded by Christian Fathers. It is true, of course, that most people here claiming religion claim one form or other of Christianity, but it is also true that there is no national religion here and that plenty of the Founding Fathers were not Christians or were even anti-Christian. Given our national history, it is not at all surprising that we should be a religious melting pot. None of the organized religions had included Kristin Hahn when she was growing up. Pushing thirty, tired of working in Hollywood, she determined that she would hit the road to see what religions in America had to offer. The picaresque result, _In Search of Grace: A Religious Outsider's Journey Across America's Landscape of Faith_ (Morrow) came after three years of what was essentially a religious quest. She was not shopping for a religion she could call her own. She was looking to find what universal qualities sincerely religious people seek and display. The broad answers are unsurprising, but the variations in detail of practice and belief in each particular sect are worth reading about.

She did not, of course, shun Christianity, there being more chapters devoted to that belief than to others. She did, however, look into some unusual aspects of different sects of that practice. She had little luck penetrating Harmony, an Amish community, beyond what a usual tourist sees. She participated in prayers with nuns and monks in a Benedictine abbey. Most of us have been visited by Mormon missionaries, but Hahn went testifying with them. The closest she gets to disbelief is at a Unitarian Universalist church, where she is told that although that particular church is "Christian-leaning," the last time Jesus Christ's name was spoken inside the church was when the janitor bumped his head on the basement rafter. In her non-Christian endeavors, she took some peyote with Native Americans. She kept the Sabbath with Reformed and Orthodox Jews. She fasted with Muslims during Ramadan. She used the bogus e-meters of the Church of Scientology. She tortured herself with the rigors of Kundalini yoga, and of different forms of Hindu and Buddhist meditation. She went to a Wiccan convention in a Las Vegas casino, of all places.

It's a wide-ranging survey. Sometimes she is exhausted or perplexed, obviously a tourist within deeply mysterious lands, but she is able to convey the strangeness with clarity. She has been gentle even with the strangest of beliefs, preserving a wide-eyed and seldom critical stance that makes for good understanding and reporting. For each of the main beliefs she has described, she gives a useful capsule history of the faith and its main ideas before going into her own experience of it. No, Hahn did not find a religion she could join. During the time of this intelligent search, she did find a husband, and bore a child, and she wisely incorporates the universal lessons of gratitude, reverence, sanctification of daily events, belonging, and honoring life into her new family. In examining these universals from the many vantages she has taken, she has simply drawn on the best that all religions, even the daffiest, have to offer. It is a good, and particularly American, lesson, and it is an encouragement to ideals of American tolerance.

Pour for More: Receiving God's Grace
Published in Hardcover by Looking Glass Books (July, 2002)
Authors: Jackie Beavers and Dick Parker
Amazon base price: $12.00
Used price: $8.30
Buy one from zShops for: $9.18
Average review score:

Love, Trust, Faith, Healing
Jackie tells her story of brokenness to receiving God's grace in a genuine, heartfelt way. Everyone can identify with her struggles, internal and external, and how God used these trials to bring Jackie to a greater knowledge of God's faithfulness. She continues to pour herself out to others, impacting the world for Christ.

Moving and inspirational
This book is a testimony to God's grace and redeeming love, and to Jackie Beavers' faith and courage. She is a remarkable woman of God, Christian mother, and successful business woman. This book is beautifully and movingly written. Her labor of love, it gives inspirational insights into how God can lift up a faithful believer like Jackie from the depths of despair.

Hope for the Future
Jackie Beaver's new book Pour for More is a great testimony to the perseverance of a single mom in the face of almost insurmountable obstacles. It is also a book that will give both men and women a reason to hope in the future because we have a God who sees and who cares and who is powerful enough to change our circumstances. In the process, he will heal and change us, just as he did for Jackie. This is a must read for single moms, and anyone going through hardship, struggles or pain.

Righteous Sinners: The Believer's Struggle With Faith, Grace, and Works
Published in Paperback by Navpress (April, 1998)
Author: Ron Julian
Amazon base price: $12.00
Used price: $7.99
Buy one from zShops for: $7.50
Average review score:

Well intentioned, but...
This book is well intentioned, but actually only serves to muddy the water regarding faith, grace, and works. Mr. Julian is right on target in his belief that a christian will always struggle with sin. That is man's nature. If it were not, there would be no need for grace, and no need for Jesus. Where the book takes a wrong turn, in my humble opinion, is on the subject of works. Mr. Julian says that you CANNOT earn salvation. It is available through faith and God's grace only. Curiously, he then goes on to say that you cannot have true faith without works. If you are saved and do not follow it up with works, then you are not truly saved to begin with. So, how much works does it take to prove to God (or as it seems to me Mr. Julian wants to prove it to other men)that you are saved? He says that God can see inside your heart. I agree 100%. However, if that is the case, then, we do not have to prove to God that we are saved by performing works. He already knows! My point is simply this: If we must perform works to prove that we are saved, is that not the same as earning salvation? According to the author, no works, no salvation. Thankfully, grace is free. I don't see God as a bookkeeper who is keeping track of what we do and don't do. If he sees us through Christ at the judgement, then we are sinless. If not, well not one of us will survive. Otherwise, we would have to determine how much of our time should be dedicated to works. 10%? 20%? Perhaps anything less than 100% is a sin, thus we are all in big trouble. There are many good points in this book, but I am afraid that it will convince some that God will judge us on the basis of our works, not through his risen Son, Jesus.

A Must Read Book!!
This book is original, profound, practical, and essential. It was extremely refreshing to read this book on the Lordship debate, which all too often follows extremely predictable patterns. It seems that all in this debate have intuitively realized the need for a solution that allows assurance, but excludes the possibility of license. This book is rare in that Julian clearly sets forth a deceptively profound, down to earth solution to the problem of assurance that maintains the balance. Those who think this issue is simple have not grappled realistically with the passages. I have been dealing with this topic for some time and have read everything from the Free Grace perspective writings, MacArthur's writings, to the more academic writings on this topic of Carson, Schreiner, Borchert, Gundry Volf, and many others. Oddly enough this book, written at such a popular level, may have made more gains toward a solution than any of the others. I could not more highly recommend this book and can hardly think of a book that could help more Christians, because of how vividly and accurately Julian describes what the average Christian often faces!

Accurate representation of Biblical grace and works. Winner!
This book is a detailed and fair account of what the Bible teaches about faith, grace, and works. Many are led astray with bad teachings leaning toward legalism or liscense in respect to sin. The Bible teaches neither and Ron Julian shows that in an extremely readable and clear way. This is not a "scholarly" book, though it treats the issues with scholarly attention and accurateness. Overall an excellent introduction... hats off to Ron Julian and glory be to God!

State of Grace
Published in Hardcover by Free Press (September, 2003)
Author: Robert Timberg
Amazon base price: $18.20
List price: $26.00 (that's 30% off!)
Average review score:

John McCain: An American Odyssey
I read this book before McCain withdrew from the Presidential race. Though there was some "selling of the candidate," I found the book to be mainly quite objective. I wish I could feel so informed about all candidates and will try in the future to read biographies before I vote. I now see that as my responsibility.

A solid introduction to an intriguing man
Love him or hate him, John McCain is one of the most interesting and provocative public figures in America today. This book, by Robert Timberg, does a nice job of introducing McCain to the voting public, much of which knows little about this presidential candidate. Timberg's book is short - you can read it in a day - but it is surprisingly deep and well-researched. Timberg's judgement of McCain is positive, although not gushy. You will come away from this book not only with a better understanding of Senator McCain but a better appreciation of his positive impact on our country.

An Intriguing Unbiased Account of McCain
John McCain may be a character that is currently considered either in love or hate, but either of those opinions could be well challenged by the facts presented in this well-written account of the Senator's life. From his boyhood in the shadow of his father and grandfather (both US admirals themselves) to his escapades at the Academy and then into his heroic tenure in Vietnam, this book does a superb job of detailing the life and ideologies of this provacative man that one ay never understand by simply watching CNN or CNBC. Even his rise into politics is detailed in an unbiased manner and I firmly believe that this book should be essential reading for anyone with an interest in American politics or recent political and military history.

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