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Book reviews for "Alvarez-Altman,_Grace_DeJesus" sorted by average review score:

Feminist Theory and Christian Theology: Cartographies of Grace (Guides to Theological Inquiry)
Published in Paperback by Fortress Press (May, 2000)
Author: Serene Jones
Amazon base price: $11.90
List price: $17.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $11.81
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Average review score:

Mapping the way...
There is a problem with the term 'feminism' - it has acquired the status of many political terms that often inspires a knee-jerk reaction of one sort or another, positive or negative. This is unfortunate, given the depth and breadth of insight given to modern scholarship, politics, sociology and cultural awareness through those efforts and developments that might all well be classified under the term 'feminism'.

Unlike most feminist theoreticians and theologians, Jones has an acknowledged influence from John Calvin, who most people would agree is certainly no feminist.

Feminist Theory
Jones talks about the confusion of the idea of feminist theory in terms of her own experience of trying to explain it to interested but non-academic people. While it is certainly true that there is a fair share of ivory-tower-type elements in feminist theory, on the whole feminist theory has far reaching and more practical applications that anyone can utilise. Ultimately feminist theory strives toward the identification of oppressive structures and attitudes and works to overcome these in society.

Feminist Theology
Jones in this section explores what is meant by Christian theology and what is meant by feminist theology.

'Like many terms used in this book, 'feminist theology' means different things to different communities. For some people, it immediately calls up negative images of angry women destroying the church with pagan rituals. For others, it evokes more positive images, such as a round banquet table where feminist theology 'happens' as women gather, from all corners of the world, to celebrate creation and to praise the God of life and liberation.'

These are by no means the only distinctions that can be made. Jones' own tradition comes out of the Reformation; Luther and Calvin are constant companions in the development of her theological thought, as are the doctrines of basic Reformation Protestantism. She concentrates on this work particularly on three topics - faith, sin and community.

Cartographies of Grace
As this topic, the subtitle of the entire volume, indicates, Jones is looking toward a mapping technique to show metaphorically the various relationships highlighted in the text. Remapping different discussions which include the way women are traditionally viewed, countered with a new vision of women's place in creation; the liberation and freedom inherent in the gospel message not just for women but for all people in creation reflected in our faith and worship practices; the place of sanctification and justification in current theological thought.

Strategic Essentialism
Jones develops an interesting idea called strategic essentialism, which goes beyond the essentialist versus constructivist ideas of gender and sexuality. Drawing on the work of Irigaray and Cixous. Strategic essentialism acknowledges an interplay of universals layered with constructed elements.

'A strategic essentialist supports the practical importance of essentialism by reflecting on the fact that 'universals' about human nature abound in the most common tasks.'

However, the interpretation is subject to change, and each generation must redefine the parameters of the strategic essentials again for itself. Jones argues that the proper defining principles are those which lead to the greatest freedom, empowerment and self-embodiment of women.

Sanctification and Justification
Jones reverses the tradition Reformed order of justification and sanctification, arguing that for some, those who are oppressed or likely to be marginalised by the church or society, sanctification needs to be elevated first. It is too easy for those who are oppressed to take the messages of justification as part and parcel of the old oppressive regime. In remapping the cartography of these concepts, Jones shows the potential for a lived grace, in which sanctification and justification are ongoing processes. This is where Calvin plays a significant influence.

'Developed more fully by Calvin than by Luther, this doctrine [of sanctification] describes a lifelong process in which the justified sinner is empowered by the Holy Spirit for service to neighbour and faithful obedience to God. From the Latin sanctifactio, sanctification literally means 'the process of becoming a saint' or 'becoming holy', which for Calvin is the ongoing aim of Christian life - a struggle ever upward toward Christian perfection.'

By putting sanctification first, the first word that a person will hear, particularly important for women or others who have experienced oppression, will be constructive and supportive, and from that standpoint one may be empowered to strive toward justification

Oppression and Community
Jones describes in the final chapters the forms of oppression that have been present in history and how those continue to play out in the present for women. Oppression exists in potential or reality in several guises: exploitation, marginalisation, powerlessness, cultural imperialism, and violence. Each of these can be seen in the worst aspects of patriarchal societies. Sin is quite often defined in terms of resistance to such oppressive forces. In remapping the idea of sin, Jones again is heavily influenced by Calvin and seeks an understanding where sin is awaiting redemption.

'Knowing sin and living in the bounded openness of grace thus becomes a cause for rejoicing as much as a call to work for a future in which women (and all people) flourish.'

Seeking out remapping in terms of liberation, the community becomes all important, and particularly the church, as a graced community. Many theories of church community provide a framework: Luther's idea of church as a community of saints, Calvin's idea of the church as mother, and Jones' own identification of strategically essential elements in church community lead her to the concept of a bounded openness in which the church community can find organisation and structure but still be permitted room for action and growth.

General observations
This is an intensely personal book for Jones. She incorporates her own church experiences, academic career, and personal small-group work throughout the text, highlighting the principles she discusses to show that they are not merely theoretical and academic enterprises, but have direct bearing in the life and witness of the people in Jones' life, be they students, congregation members, colleagues, or even strangers.

A Christian Feminist Classic
Jones' book offers a re-mapping of traditional (Reformed) Christian concepts (justification and sanctification, sin, church) in light of contemporary feminist analyses of women's experience. She's faithful to both the Christian tradition and contemporary feminist thought, writes in an accessible style without talking down to the reader, and keeps things moving at a lively pace. You'll like this book if you're a feminist interested in traditional faiths, a Christian interested in feminism, or a feminist Christian trying to figure out how the two fit together.

Finding Grace in Monaco
Published in Paperback by Trafford (December, 2002)
Author: Cori Kirk
Amazon base price: $18.95
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Grace, Charm, Beauty and Class in Monaco
This book offer readers the rare chance to live inside and flirt with Monaco's Royalty. The opportunity is provided by the imagry of Cori's smooth, journal-type writing style. One can hear the music playing as she dances through each day with the monarchs and feel the passion of each affectionate royal embrace. Cori celebrates dreams, drama and intimacy with the publishing of her charmed-life story in "Finding Grace in Monaco".

1'st time for everything.
In the beginning, Ms. kirk's book was harder to believe than a Hollywood fantasy but as you race towards finding out what happens you know the wildest things are possible and do happen.

Pure Serendipity, and a wealth/health of succinct wisdom.

Written for women but strong enough for a man. Suspend your doubts and read it!

Finding Grace: A Novel
Published in Paperback by Spinsters Ink (November, 1999)
Author: Mary Saracino
Amazon base price: $12.00
Used price: $2.39
Collectible price: $5.29
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A story of love, loss, grief, betrayal, hope and redemption.
Eleven year old Peanut Giovanni describes the explosive aftermath of her mother's decision to run away with her lover (a priest), taking her three young daughters with her, leaving behind her home, marriage, and two teenaged sons in Mary Saracino's latest novel, Finding Grace. From the beginning it's clear to Peanut that her mother has made a terrible mistake. The idyllic life in "Happy Town" and harmonious family Marie Giovanni envisioned does not materialize. Instead, tragedy further devastates the family. Seeking to escape an intolerable situation and be reunited with her father, Peanut instead finds Grace and it is memories of Grace which give peanut the strength to protect herself from her mother's neurotic attachments and to forge her own identity as Regina Giovanni. Find Grace is a compelling story of love, loss, grief, betrayal, hope, and redemption. Mary Saracino is a uniquely talented author who work is as literate as it is engaging.

Mary Sacacino has written a story that will touch your soul. This story will make you laugh; and there will be moments when you find it difficult to read through tear-filled eyes. Finding Grace is about a mother's love for a man who has left the priesthood, and has forgotten the meaning of Christianity. They have hastily gathered the three youngest girls and the barest of necessities and fled before her husband returned, leaving her two older sons to cope with the devastation of having their family torn in half - and not being included. The girls are forced to cope with an alcoholic man and the abuse he heaps on the entire family. His favoritism is apparent with the attention the youngest girl is shown, and it is clear he is the child's father. The two oldest girls run away and are found by Grace; a woman who not only provides a sense of peace and quiet in their otherwise tormented lives, but teaches them how to find the inner tranquility and strength in their soul to continue. This is a touching story, with many turns and facets. I would highly recommend this book.

The Finding of Jasper (Living Books Romance, No 50)
Published in Paperback by Tyndale House Pub (March, 1993)
Author: Grace Livingston Hill
Amazon base price: $4.99
Used price: $1.58
Average review score:

An old friend
The Finding of Jasper Holt has been a favorite of mine for years. It is one of those books that have to be revisited over the years.

One of my all-time favorties.
This book has it all: romance, adventure, and excitement. I would heartily recommend it to anyone.

Freed by Grace: Release from Life's Imprisionments
Published in Paperback by Dimensions for Living (July, 1998)
Author: Hal Brady
Amazon base price: $10.00
Used price: $4.65
Collectible price: $10.00
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Average review score:

Great Book from a Great Preacher
This book is easy to read and I recommend it for everyone

Great Practical Help with Life's Challenges
Hal Brady does an excellent job in explaining how to deal with many trials and tribulations that affect us all.

A Gallery of Grace
Published in Paperback by Kregel Publications (October, 2002)
Author: Warren W. Wiersbe
Amazon base price: $8.79
List price: $10.99 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $7.50
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Average review score:

What it truly means to live in Christ
A Gallery Of Grace: 12 New Testament Pictures Of The Christian Life by Pastor Warren W. Wiersbe is a compendium of dynamic, profound, and powerful interpretations of the New Testament and its message for daily life as a Christian. A Gallery Of Grace is very highly recommended as a moving, soul-searching account of what it truly means to live in Christ and embrace the love of God.

A moving, soul-searching account
A Gallery Of Grace: 12 New Testament Pictures Of The Christian Life by Pastor Warren W. Wiersbe is a compendium of dynamic, profound, and powerful interpretations of the New Testament and its message for daily life as a Christian. A Gallery Of Grace is very highly recommended as a moving, soul-searching account of what it truly means to live in Christ and embrace the love of God.

Gardens Are for People
Published in Paperback by University of California Press (May, 1995)
Authors: Thomas D. Church, Grace Hall, and Michael Laurie
Amazon base price: $24.50
List price: $35.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $18.39
Collectible price: $24.99
Buy one from zShops for: $23.14
Average review score:

A classic
I loved to read this book. After reading it you can clearly see how much Thomas Church influenced the modern designers. I really enojoyed reading the needs of the clients for their garden and then how Church solved and designed great gardens based on the clients'needs. A Classic.

My grandfather was Thomas Church
This is a revised version of the hardback printed in the 50's. It was revised by his long time assistant Grace Hall whom he trusted and adored. It has a more indepth look at his own home which still looks the same to this day. The original hardback version can be found if we like you.

Genesis of Grace: A Lenten Book of Days
Published in Paperback by Upper Room (January, 1998)
Author: John Indermark
Amazon base price: $8.00
List price: $10.00 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $0.71
Buy one from zShops for: $6.90
Average review score:

Excellent Daily Devotional Study
The problem with Indermark's Genesis of Grace is that it ends. I wanted his insights and daily readings to continue beyond Easter. Here it is fifty days later and I still miss the book. I hope the author will publish other materials.

Indermark's writing combines biblical stories (readings each day in Genesis) with a commentary that ranges from biblical practice to a very contemporary visit to Auschwitz. This is a good daily devotional book.

Surprising study for Lent
Daily readings in the book of Genesis are a bit of a surprise for the season of Lent, but I found this book to be an exception aid during Lent of '98. Indermark focuses on the spiritual journey and makes some surprising connections with contemporary concerns.

Gift of Grace: Little Inspirations That Invite God's Blessings
Published in Hardcover by Fair Winds Press (February, 2003)
Author: Candy Chand
Amazon base price: $10.47
List price: $14.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $7.25
Buy one from zShops for: $8.00
Average review score:

Beautiful book of inspiration
This book is a lovely explication of the seven virtues, complete with Scripture quotes and personal stories. Anyone who loves the Chicken Soup or Heartwarmers books will love this book too (the author wrote stories for those series as well). Each chapter centers on one of the virtues, and I read one each night for a week. It's a quick read, and I found myself returning to certain passages over and over. This is the best book on grace that I've found.

Blessed By Candy's Insights
I've read all of Candy Chand's books and have felt much encouragement and inspiration from her stories and experiences. I've always related and grown after reading her stories, for I have experienced myself God's immense loving grace, and have seen the loving hand of God in many difficult, as well as simple, trials.
Candy reminds readers to look for God's voice daily and to recognize His intimate communications in the depth of our heart and in the situations we encounter each day.
I hope Candy will continue to write more books with her experiences and insights for she shares from her heart and has a depth in her relationship with God that inspires me to grow deeper myself with my relationship with Him.

Gifts of Grace
Published in Mass Market Paperback by Steeple Hill (November, 1999)
Author: Lynn Bulock
Amazon base price: $4.50
Used price: $0.90
Collectible price: $2.12
Buy one from zShops for: $2.49
Average review score:

Heartwarming and Inspiring!
A wonderful story with a strong heroine and a man who really earns the title 'hero'. It's a 'can't resist' story that has you rooting for the romance but has a believable thread of faith throughout. Just the thing to put you in the perfect holiday mood, even if it's not December! Can't wait for the sequel!

A perfect book
This book is wonderful. I would definetly recomend it to all my friends. It shows that people do not have to give into peer presure.When carl and Grace are faced with the task of sleaping in the same room at a hotel, whal they are already engaded and to add to that on the same twin bed. They chose the right way to go and not give into temtation.

Grace learns to let go and not always Keep a list of who she has to pay back for doing a simple thing as cooking a meal for her and her two kids.

Al together This is one of my Favorite Books.

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