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Book reviews for "Alvarez-Altman,_Grace_DeJesus" sorted by average review score:

Grace in China: An American Woman Beyond the Great Wall, 1934-1974
Published in Hardcover by Black Belt Press (January, 2000)
Authors: Eleanor Cooper, Willaim Liu, and William Liu
Amazon base price: $28.95
Used price: $19.99
Collectible price: $95.00
Average review score:

An Uncommon "Ordinary" Woman
Grace, a woman from a fairly ordinary southern family, goes to New Yort City in the 1920's to study voice. There she falls in love with a Chinese engineer, goes to Tiensin in North China and has three children. At first she lives a luxurious life in a foreign "concession." She has a wide variety of friends: American service men and officers, Chinese, British, French and other nationalities. But her life slowly changes as the Japanese occupy China, as the Americans win the war, as the Nationalists take control and then the Communists. While her lifestyle descends into cold, hunger and illness, Grace reads and writes. She is astonished at the distortions of the American press and says so in letters she sends home and to officials. Grace's story is told through her letters, autobiographical fragments, the reports of her children and the narration of Eleanor Cooper and her son. I expected the book to be disjointed. It isn't. On the contrary, Grace's voice, her intelligence and her strength provide a unity that is beautifully upheld by her editors. Along with "Blowback" by Chalmers Johnson, this book gives us a view of "the East" that we are not often allowed.

More Than Personal History
I am ordering this book at the moment, although I have already read it. It was actually lent to me only three days ago by a person who is an expert on Chinese history and culture. She and I now both live in China, accompanying our Japanese husbands whose work is based in Beijing. I had just visited Tianjin on Chinese New Year's, and when I told her so, she immediately handed me the book. It got me firmly anchored on my sofa for 15 hours straight. I've never read a more intriguing book. Grace endured countless hardships not only as a foreigner but as a precious witness to one of the most important years of this great land. This excellently compiled collection of her letters and recollections also serves as a superb textbook of Chinese modern history. My husband, seeing how absorbed I was with this book, took it in his hands after I finished and now he can't put it down. So we decided to order it because we suspected our friend intends to get it back very soon. I recommend it to everyone, whether interested or not in China.

A Chinese reader praises this book
I came to USA from China. The true stories told in the book Grace in China are so believable and moving. I was so taken by the book that I finished it in one night. I recommend it highly to anyone who want to know something about China and Chinese people.

Grace's life was not an easy one. However, she always had the love in her heart, for her husband, children, family and friends, her neighbors and her work. She dealt with hardship of life with such courage and humor. Her modest attitude toward her own appearance and ability, in contrast to the terrific literature she was able to create, makes me love this lady who is older than my grandmother.

The observation and descriptions to things and people of China in this book are quite accurate. So many books about China published in USA are rather misleading in that they select only the materials that fit their agenda, no matter how untypical their examples are.

Graces son William Liu and cousin Eleanor Cooper have done a marvelous job in organizing the original materials in such a readable manner. The scattered photos and old newspaper articles are remarkable pieces.

Grace Rules
Published in Paperback by Harvest House Publishers, Inc. (July, 1998)
Author: Steve McVey
Amazon base price: $9.99
Used price: $6.94
Buy one from zShops for: $6.94
Average review score:

Amazing Grace
A powerful book, which opens the eyes of many Believers to a gift that is many times forsaken and abused. Grace rules Believers' lives, not the law. It's amazing how many times we fall into Satan's trap of earning grace or working towards it.

May our hope and prayer be that as Believers, grace rule our lives each day and hour. Such an amazing grace was freely given to us through Christ. A grace that will never fade or pass away, but live eternally.

Grace truly does Rule
In the book Grace Rules, the reader is asked to focus on the grace that God has imparted upon us as Christians through His son, Jesus Christ. Whether you are a believer or curious about religious thought, this book provides knowledge and numerous examples to explain the concept of grace.

As I traversed the pages of Grace Rules, I appreciated the fact that when the author presented a thought he included the appropriate scripture references. The scriptural basis was more than adequate to withstand even the toughest inquisitor. By the end of book, I realized the author's desire for the reader had been met and I walk each day with a different step than before, because I know that the grace of God is truly authentic.

I am pleased with the way the book unfolded and look forward to perusing the pages of it again in the future. It helped me desire the presence of my Lord and Savior and to know that His grace is sufficient for me. This paperback provided a great follow-up to the previous, Grace Walks, and is designed so one literary work is not dependent of the other.

The Beginning of Understanding
This book has been my "beginning of understanding" to the true message of Christ and the amazing love He has for us. I now understand that I am free from the power of sin that once seperated me from God. This book will show you how to practically walk out the message of grace by allowing Christ to live IN you and actually BE your life. You should read Steve McVey's first book "Grace Walk" as well if you want to get a more complete picture of God's grace. If you know there is something more to the Christian life but don't know how to experience it, this book is for you.

Grace: A Memoir
Published in Hardcover by Crown Pub (25 March, 2003)
Author: Mary Cartledgehayes
Amazon base price: $16.10
List price: $23.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $13.95
Buy one from zShops for: $14.50
Average review score:

Uplifting and enjoyable!
I thoroughly enjoyed Grace by Mary Cartledgehayes. It was recommended by Jill Connor Brown, the Sweet Potato Queen herself so I had to buy it. It is a true look at the life of a spiritual woman who is VERY human. Cartledgehayes shares her life story and I feel I know her as a friend. She deals with major changes in her life such as divorce, remarriage, step-parenting and seminary studies with dignity and grace. She never attempts to fit the image of what a minister "should" be but puts her own stamp on everything she touches. Read this if you are a spiritual person looking to connect with other people of faith or if you are on your own faith journey.

Superb Journey
I'm a fast, fast reader. Most books that are about a journey are maddening to me -- I'm impatient, too! I usually want the answer, the puzzle to be solved, or the next exciting thing to happen. Mary Cartledgehayes made me read slow so that I wouldn't miss a single part of her journey. The most important thing I heard from her: Be part of the human race and risk pain of love, or you're wasting oxygen. If you've ever struggled to know yourself (and who among the reflective has not?), or if you've struggled to know God and His leading (and who among the human has not?), this book is for you. Mary is real. And she's funny. I hope she comes to Indianapolis so I can ask her to dinner. Yep, I'd sure as hell go to her church, too.

An Inside Look by a Minister of Church Life
This book gives us a glimpse about what it means to be a minister in a church. Too often people think it's a Sunday only job. This author shows that no matter how hard you try, you find yourself personally engaged with your congregation, and you suffer along with them--their losses, etc. This book to me seemed similar to Nora Gallagher's book on parish life which was published a couple of years ago. It's generally speaking an easy read, although wrenching at times, because of the struggles the author confronts. Yet I feel it's honest and well worth the time to read.

Moments of Grace
Published in Hardcover by Hampton Roads Pub Co (July, 2001)
Author: Neale Donald Walsch
Amazon base price: $16.07
List price: $22.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $7.00
Buy one from zShops for: $10.49
Average review score:

Moments of Grace
Known world-wide for the Conversations with God trilogy, Neale Donald Walsch is back with his eighteenth book, Moments of Grace. Walsch says moments of grace occur "when God intervenes in our lives in very real, very direct, and very visible ways." The intervention usually results in individuals changing the course of their lives. His book is filled with real-life accounts of such moments.

Walsch asked people who'd had direct, life-changing experiences with God to contact him. He received an outpouring of stories, from which he selected more than twenty to offer as proof of God's existence. Each story is interwoven with commentaries and reflections based on the rich material in his earlier books. He says that his experiences and those of the people who've sent stories to him teaches us "that God talks to all of us, all of the time."

Walsch emphasizes that his purpose is not in forcing anyone to believe a particular thing, but rather to simply encourage people to share their experiences and stories. His goal is to have people "tell each other our innermost truth about God, about ourselves, about spirituality, about life, and about all the higher callings of life." In this way, we can answer for ourselves the important questions about our relationships to the Divine and to each other. He says we don't know far more than we do know, and it's only through openness and the sharing of our experiences that we can find answers that many of us seek.

Miracles occur every day in every life. Moments of Grace is designed to help individuals discover those miracles in their own lives. Readers will find themselves accepting the challenge of increasing their "openness to new ideas, to new possibilities, and to new ways of understanding each other and God-and God's many gifts."

Walsch writes another gem
A major theme in Walsch's "Conversations with God" series is the idea that God and humans are in constant contact. The only thing preventing that communication is our unwillingless to listen or our own doubt. Walsch presents interesting stories from real people who believe that they've experienced connection with a force greater than they, one which lovingly directs them to revelations and helps them with crisis and tragedy.

Even if you are new to Walsch's books (I strongly recommmend is "Conversations with God" series, Books 1-3), the stories of these every day people stand alone, and confirm that God is always talking, always communicating. Those who listen and trust are blessed with their own Moment of Grace.

There Are No Coincidences!
Neale Donald Walsch continues to spread God's loving message in another illuminating true-life work. This time he has gathered inspirational letters from real people who share their own experiences with God. A collection of short stories telling how their lives were undeniably touched by God and how they have transformed their lives. Heartwrenching stories that evoke deep feelings of sadness, joy and triumph! I really enjoyed reading about these real-life people. This book confirms my belief that there are no coincidences. We all have Moments of Grace in our lives. God sees fit to touch us all and in hope that we touch others. This is one of those books that has to be shared with loved ones. Give it to someone you love. And I hope it touches you profoundly. I look forward to another edition of Moments of Grace in the future.

My Daddy & Me
Published in Paperback by Leathers Publishing (11 November, 2002)
Author: Lauren Grace Marcucci
Amazon base price: $14.95
Used price: $10.69
Buy one from zShops for: $10.69
Average review score:

from a child grieving
This book helped me so much. It made me not feel like am the only person to lose a parent. Lauren writes honestly and openly, and the book is filled with helpful ideas to help those grieving. I wish I had had this book before my loss. It would have helped me a lot, and it would have helped my parents too. I recommend this book to EVERYONE! It is a wonderful gift to give to anyone who is facing the loss of a loved one!

For anyone who has loved and lost...for all of us!
Everyone has faced the death of a loved one. This story of a young girl's (11 years old) journey after the death of her father to cancer is uplifting, inspiring, practical, and encouraging. She tells her story, and then gently guides the reader to reflect on "their story" and to live their life in a way that honors their loved one. Although written to help children (specifically) with grief,I can think of dozens of adults I know that need to read her wisdom! She writes, "I am Daddy's legacy. This means that I am a part of him that lives on. Daddy was very courageous. If I live my life in a way that honors him, then he lives on in honor. Daddy wouldn't want me to become bitter and withdrawn over his death. He wanted me to have a good and happy life when he was alive, and he wouldn't want that to change now. So even though my life has changed, the values that Daddy taught me haven't. Daddy's death was a tragedy. But, it doesn't mean that my life is over. His life inspired me. His determination inspired me. I am so proud that he is my father." This book lifts the spirit. It is a treasure!

child's perspective
This book is an excellent Christian-centered perspective from a young girl about the death of her father.

Her life changes since her father's death are felt through her upfront and frank discussions about how a young child can cope and what helps and what doesn't. An excellent book for children or parents of children who have had a parent or close friend die.

North Star Conspiracy
Published in Hardcover by St. Martin's Press (August, 1993)
Author: Miriam Grace Monfredo
Amazon base price: $21.95
Used price: $2.95
Collectible price: $10.59
Average review score:

A terrific whodunnit, with a marvelous cast of characters
Miriam Grace Monfredo is one of the best historical mystery writers today, and her skills are well displayed in this book, the second in the Glynis Tryon series set in the upstate New York town of Seneca Falls in the middle of the 19th century. Glynis is the town librarian, with a strong belief in women's suffrage (along with her friend Elizabeth Cady Stanton). Until this story unfolds, however, she has been less supportive of the abolitionist cause which was strongly supported around Seneca Falls through participation in the Underground Railroad. Through the events linked to this murder mystery, however, Glynis is forced to rethink her position and ends up travelling as far as Richmond to fight against the Fugitive Slave Act.

One of the best things about Monfredo's stories is that she shares with you an entire town, in all its complexity and liveliness. Every character in the book is lovingly and lavishly drawn, and several plots unfold simultaneously which gives the stories a feeling of authenticity that is hard to beat.

You will want to rush out and buy the next story (Blackwater Spirits) immediately, to see how Glynis's friendship with the new Seneca/French constable, Jacques, turns out!

A Wonderful Story
This is the second Glynis Tryon Mystery, and it is even better than the first one, "Seneca Falls Inheritance." It is now 1854, six years after "Inheritance," and the abolitionist debate is going strong. The Republican Party has just been founded in Ripon, Wisconsin.

Glynis strongly believes in obeying the law of the land, but she is unable to obey the Fugitive Slave Act by turning in Kiri, a lovely young girl who has escaped from a plantation in Virginia, and who is the beloved of Glynis' landlady's son, Niles. Glynis helps get Kiri to the home of Frederick Douglass, where she is hidden awaiting the opportunity to escape to Canada, where Niles plans to join her. When Niles is captured and taken to Virginia for trial, Glynis and Jeremiah Merrycoyf go to Virginia to try to save him. There ensues a fine courtroom drama, with Glynis turning up a key piece of evidence. Glynis and Merrycoyf return to Seneca Falls, and the villian, Thomas Farley, is unmasked.

This is but a small sample of the plot twists of this delightful book. It is a great read, and you will learn a bit of American history in the bargain.

Historical Fiction At Its Best
I loved this book. Though it is the second in the series, it was the first one for me, and I intend to read the rest of the series now. It rates a close second to City Of Light in the realm of historical fiction based in my part of NY State. I like that it includes real characters along with the most important issues of the time, and murder, mystery, romance and good fictional character development.

Soaring Eagle A Novel <br>book Two In The Praire Winds Series
Published in Paperback by Thomas Nelson (19 April, 1996)
Author: Stephanie Grace Whitson
Amazon base price: $8.79
List price: $10.99 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $7.64
Buy one from zShops for: $7.59
Average review score:

Give me book three, these books keep getting better!
I LOVED Walks The Fire, and so I rushed out to get Soaring Eagle, and I'm really glad I did. I liked it ever better than the first book in the series! I'm eagerly awaiting the arrival of the third book, Red Bird, and can't wait to get my hands on it either. Whitson is one of the best, if not the best, Christian Historical Fiction authors out there!

Even Surpasses "Walks The Fire"!
First of all, if you haven't read "Walks The Fire", you really need to read that first or you will be lost with "Soaring Eagle".

Soaring Eagle, the adopted son of Jesse "Walks The Fire" King and half sister of Jesse's daughter Lisbeth, discovers that in a battle with the White man he has killed his sister's husband. This story follows Soaring Eagle and Lisbeth in their journey to forgiveness; Soaring Eagle and Lisbeth each discover the faith of Walks The Fire, and Lisbeth learns to love again.

Once I began this book I absolutely HAD to finish it, reading it in meetings, at work, even in the bathroom. This one has everything -- tragedy, action, romance -- you'll love it!

Have Tissues Nearby
I never expected Soaring Eagle to be better than Walks the Fire, but it was! I was totally caught up in the physical and spiritual journey of Soaring Eagle. His struggle to admit his connection to not only white people, but also to Christians, was enthralling. To add even more drama, Whitson has Soaring Eagle interact with Lisbeth's husband in a secondary plotline that will keep you spellbound. Normally I am not an emotional person, and I was actually sobbing out loud by the time that I read the last word of Soaring Eagle. I am a prolific reader of Christian fiction, and Whitson far outclasses her more well-known counterpart Lori Wick. The Prairie Winds and Keepsake Legacies series are likewise far above anything that I have read by Oke, Wick, Glover, or Peart (and I have read them all). My only complaint is that Whitson is not writing them fast enough!

Grace Upon Grace
Published in Paperback by Koinonia Press (15 May, 2000)
Author: Gregory S. Neal
Amazon base price: $24.99
Buy one from zShops for: $24.59
Average review score:

Out of the several dozen new books which I read in the course of a year, there are always two or three which make me sit back and reconsider everything that I have learned before. Thus far this year the only book that has done this for me has been Dr. Gregory Neal's incredible volume: "Grace Upon Grace."

I bought it on the suggestion of a friend, and I quickly found why she loved it so. Dr. Neal's simple, straightforward approach to complex theology is a breath of fresh air. He is largely unconcerned with trying to impress his readers with a vast vocabulary of difficult words, but rather focuses on explaining the field of Sacramental Theology in ways which make the subject come alive for the average Christian reader. Rare is the book which can do this, and Grace Upon Grace does it better than most.

For the simple beauty of the written word, Dr. Neal's book should be commended. For an excellent, theologically and Biblically sound study on the nature of Baptism, Communion, and the other Means of Grace, this book cannot be beat. If you're a Methodist, you MUST read this book. If you're any kind of catholic Christian, this book will help you greatly. Even if you're from the non-Sacramental tradition, you'll learn a LOT about why you think the way you do from reading this book.

Dr. Neal's book covers the narrow branch of Christian studies known as Sacramental Theology from a protestant/catholic perspective. Any Methodist, Episcopalian, Lutheran, or Presbyterian will really love this book, and if you're a preacher in any of these denominations this book is a must-buy. Baptists and other non-sacramental Christians, however, will probably be challeneged by this book. Buy it only if you are ready and willing to have your preconceptions blown and your mind changed. I'm an American Baptist preacher and I'm still dealing with the BIG changes in thinking that Dr. Neal has challenged me to make. I'm not sure I agree with everything he has written, but I was amazed at how MUCH I found I simply could not refute.

Most theologians can't write a reasonable sentence to save their life, but Dr. Neal is a wonderful exception to this unfortnate truth. On the readability scale "Grace Upon Grace" ranks very high -- it is one of the best-written theological texts I've ever read, and should be fully understandable to the average Christian. In his preface Dr. Neal tells us that he wrote this book pretty much for the common man and woman; and he succeeded. He writes a great deal like he preaches, which is obvious when one listens to his audio sermons website. His stories, biblical interpretations, and theological discussions will all "preach," and in this way this book is useful to active preachers who are looking for new ways of communicating the concepts of Grace and the ordinances.

However, be warned: this book is not "lite devotional reading." If you're looking for simple ideas or concepts, look elsewhere. If you don't mind having your mind expanded, buy "Grace Upon Grace."

Prior to reading this book I had never given much thought to how I believed Grace to function in my life or in the lives or Christians. Neither had I ever connected the rituals of Baptism and the Lord's Supper with the idea of receiving God's Grace. This shouldn't be surprising, since I come from a Christian-tradition that Dr. Neal would call "Ordinance" in approach. However, after going on a Walk to Emmaus and experincing the love of Christ Jesus in Christans of many different denominations, and after hearing about the term "Means of Grace," I just had too find out more.

How shocked was I to discover that, after 30 years in the ministry, there was a whole field of Biblical Theology that I hadn't even noticed before! Dr. Neal's book, Grace Upon Grace, opened up this area of Biblical Study and Theology to me in a way that was both compelling and immediately agreeable. I wasn't sure what I was going to find when I began reading, and I must admit to never having read or known much about what Methodist, Anglicans, and Catholics believe about the Ordinances, but the discovery was well worth the time and effort. I was shocked to find a deep Biblical basis for Dr. Neal's Sacramental approach, and the more I read the more I found I which I could accept.

This book is DEEP, Biblical Theology for the pastor and the teacher and the curious Christian. If you're ready to have your understandings changed regarding how Grace functions and is received in the Chritian life, read this book.

The Haunt of Grace: Responses to the Mystery of God's Presence
Published in Paperback by Innisfree Press (September, 2002)
Author: Ted Loder
Amazon base price: $11.17
List price: $15.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $11.06
Buy one from zShops for: $10.95
Average review score:

Inspiring and thought-provoking
Ted Loder is the best kind of preacher ... one who is not obviously preaching. His storytelling is magnificent and his message is inspiring. For those who have lost faith in the whole faith industry, "The Haunt of Grace" should provide some hope, not just of a higher presence, but that we can find inspiration in common things around us.

Sweaty Praise
Ted Loder is a master storyteller and a wise preacher whose understanding of the human situation, and the divine response to it/us, is filled with nuance, ambiguity, blood, sweat, tears, laughter and love. You don't just read this book, you imbibe it and come away nourished and changed and ready for the long haul. I can't think of a better way to start the new year.

Visionary, Creative and Down-to-Earth
Whenever I read Ted Loder's writing, whether it's Guerillas of Grace, My Heart in My Mouth or The Haunt of Grace, my experience is consistent. Feelings I am unable to express, experiences I cannot articulate and nebulous connections which I cannot explain in a coherent way are, all of a sudden, made plain. As I read, I have on occasion, said out loud, "Yes, that's what I mean, that's what I feel." What a relief to know that someone can capture that inarticulated part of my life!

Still Sovereign: Contemporary Perspectives on Election, Foreknowledge, and Grace
Published in Paperback by Baker Book House (February, 2000)
Authors: Thomas R. Schreiner and Bruce A. Ware
Amazon base price: $15.39
List price: $21.99 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $13.00
Buy one from zShops for: $14.26
Average review score:

Stimulating Scholarship on Sovereignty
This stimulating and scholarly book was condensed from the two-volume "The Grace of God, the Bondage of the Will" published by Baker in 1995. Fourteen of those original chapters are included here, dealing with three areas of concern: 1. Biblical Analyses, 2. Theological Issues, and 3. Pastoral Reflections. Contributors include such renowned scholars, theologians, and pastors as Thomas Schreiner, D.A. Carson, J. I. Packer, John Piper, and Wayne Grudem.

The book commences with a very satisfying look at the sovereignty of God in the Old Testament, worked out carefully by Raymond Ortland Jr. Tom Schreiner's chapter on Romans 9 is likewise excellent and persuasive. Piper's chapter "Are There Two Wills in God?" is worthy of careful consideration for die-hard Calvinists. He offers a reconciliation between sovereign election and God's desire for all to be saved that is interesting . . . although I am not persuaded that his interpretation of I Tim. 2:4 is correct! Wayne Grudem's careful study of the Hebrews warning passages and the doctrine of perseverance is of special value. I highly commend it. His arguments are convincing and (I think) virtually impossible to refute. Packer's chapter on God's love is typically clear and concise and witty - but maybe a little too short for a book of this caliber. Carson's reflections on assurance offer food for thought by tying the issue together with other pertinent areas of theology. Baugh's look at foreknowledge and Schreiner's look at the Wesleyan doctrine of prevenient grace are also of value. Sam Storms, Jerry Bridges, and Ed Clowney offer helpful thoughts on the more pastoral issues.

The book is of special value in that it interacts well with opposing views and especially takes on Clark Pinnock and company who wrote "The Grace of God, the Will of Man" which is an attempted defense of Arminian theology. I think any theologian (from either side!) would benefit from a careful perusal of these pages.

Thoughtful, challenging explanation of Reformed theology
This book is a condensation of "The Grace of God, The Bondage of the Will," which was a 2 volume work written to defend Calvinism, and as a response to 2 books by Clark Pinnock: "The Grace of God" and "The Grace of God, the Will of Man."
A few chapters have been removed to make the original into one book, but most of the terrific articles remain.

To many people today, Calvinism is an anachronism. After the 11th September outrage, How can people take a teaching seriously which proclaims that God is good, and yet completely in control of the world? Could a good God really be all-powerful, and yet allow (or even ordain) atrocities like that?

The contributors show that a proper understanding of the Bible involves believing that God is indeed sovereign, yet also loving, just and good.

John Piper's helpful chapter asks the question "Are there 2 wills in God?" And then seeks to show that God does indeed "fulfil all his will" and yet "is not willing that any should perish."

S.M. Baugh discusses the meaning of "foreknowledge" in the Bible, and argues persuasively that God's foreknowledge must mean a lot more than knowing what is going to happen in the future.

Jerry Bridges shows that a belief in the sovereignty of God has practical implications for everyday living, while Samuel Storms explains how it is worth praying to a God who has already decreed "the end from the beginning." In fact, he argues that there is not much point in praying to a God who is not in complete control of his world.

This book has been one of the most helpful explanations of Calvinism which I have read. Highly recommended.

Best Available
If you are looking for single, sustained, scholarly, and Biblical defense of predestination, then this book is a must-read. Several scholars join forces in this work to show that Arminianism is Biblically indefensible. Thomas Schreiner argues in his essay that Romans 9 teaches "individual election unto salvation," and his presentation is, in my mind at least, irrefutable. John Piper shows that the Calvinistic God is loving, and sincerely desires the salvation of all men, but still ordains only some to heaven. His essay on the "two wills of God" is one of the most enlightening articles I have read. Wayne Grudem spends a massive fifty pages exegeting passages in Hebrews that Arminians have claimed show that genuine Christians can lose salvation. His conclusion is that the Reformed doctrine of the "perseverance of the saints" stands firm, despite the warning passages of the book of Hebrews. S. M. Baugh's essay on the Biblical meaning of the term "foreknowledge" is more than a rehashing of the traditional Calvinistic prooftexts, and offers some fresh insights into the meaning of this word.

Overall, this book was well-written, scholarly, and Biblical. I highly recommend it. While not an easy-read, it is one of the best defenses of Calvinism I have encountered, and it puts most Arminian parallels to shame. For links to essays and articles written by John Piper and other Calvinists on predestination, I recommend the site,


This website is a massive resource of arguments for and against Calvinism, and is the best I have seen on this issue.

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