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Book reviews for "Alvarez-Altman,_Grace_DeJesus" sorted by average review score:

Bumping into God: 35 Stories of Finding Grace in Unexpected Places
Published in Hardcover by Loyola Pr (April, 1999)
Author: Dominic Grassi
Amazon base price: $15.95
Used price: $3.20
Collectible price: $14.78
Buy one from zShops for: $6.49
Average review score:

encouraging heartwarming and entertaining true stories
After reading this book I looked up Fr. Grassi's church and attended Mass there. He wasn't the priest at that service, so I didn't hear one of his famous sermons, but I could tell this author's love of life and people has infected his parish. The story that sticks in my mind was when newleweds invited him for dinner, and the bride's discussion of having thawed and refrozen the lasagna made him suspect (correctly) that he'd get food poisoning if he ate it. He ate it. If there were more priests like this man, "fallen-away" Catholics wouldn't be America's second largest denomination.

Loving life and people
What an interesting way to percieve life- in a positive light rather than doom and gloom. Makes you want to take a look at how many times similar events could have occurred in ones own life.

Heartwarming stories that make you smile and make you think.
The author obviously has enjoyed and is enjoying his life. After reading his stories it caused me to reflect on my life and helped me realize that it is so easy to dismiss events and people as not important when ,in fact, there is nothing else more impactful if we only take a little time to appreciate the effects they have on us. This book is comfortable, feel good reading.

The Butterfly Factor
Published in Hardcover by Rock Hill Publishing (09 April, 2003)
Author: Carol Grace Anderson
Amazon base price: $19.95
Average review score:

What a book!
Oh, what a book! I loved the artwork and the story. I wish I was a better "butterfly". I am a bit on the grumpy, sleepy, doesn't like to change side! This book shows that there is hope for even me! And the CD that comes with it is a fantastic bonus. The song "Don't Bug Me" was taken right out of my head I do believe.
I loved the way it seemed to celebrate and laugh at/with my reluctance to change. As with all of Carol Anderson's books, this one made me feel accepted.

Butterly Factor Books and Songs
A friend gave me this lovely little book for Easter. It was so easy to read.
The characters are fun and creative. I couldn't believe the music. I was surprised it is not available yet anywhere else!

I was able to get it off the presses
This is a great concept. A treat for the eyes and ears! I loved the story, and the music is great.

By His Grace and for His Glory: A Historical Theological, and Practical Study of the Doctrines of Grace in Baptist Life
Published in Paperback by Baker Book House (April, 1986)
Authors: Thomas J. Nettles and Tom J. Nettles
Amazon base price: $14.99
Used price: $16.95
Average review score:

This Book was Quite a Surprise
Tom Nettles has put together a work that is quite surprising but yet very interesting. This book is essentially a history of the Southern Baptist Church and it's Calvinistic roots. Nettles give details of the history of certain Baptist ministers and theologians. He describes their lives and their Calvinistic theologies in great detail. Moreover, Nettles brings to the forefront a heritage that has been lost through the last dozen or so decades. This is a wonderful history of the Baptist Church and it's theology. Nettles discusses the tenets of Calvinism and describes famous Baptists who held to these historical doctrines. Some of the Baptist ministers and theologians that are discussed include B.H. Carroll (founder of the largest Southern Baptist Seminary in the country - Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Ft. Worth, TX), A. H. Strong, J.P. Boyce (Southern Baptist Theologian), Basil Manly, Sr. & Jr., and John L. Dagg (author of "Manual of Theology"). This book is a must for church history buffs, and also for those who simply like to study theology and Christian history.

I thought that I had a good understanding of the Doctrines of Grace until I read Prof. Nettles book. Chapter 12 - Christ Died for Our Sins, According to the Scriptures, is the most awe inspiring argument for Particular Redemption that I have read by a modern theologian. I once thought I was a "fish out of water", being a Calvinistic Southern Baptist. But, now I realize the depth of the soil from which I have grown. I wish modern Southern Baptists were as faithful to Sola Scriptura as the Founders of the Southern Baptist Convention were.

A history of the doctrines of grace in early Baptist history
The book contains a history of the doctrines of grace against the backdrop of the early Baptist preachers. Dr. Nettles also includes a wonderful primer on soteriology at the end of the book. A great resource for Baptists who want to know their history and who are looking for an introduction to the doctrines of grace.

By the Grace of God: A True Story of Love, Family, War and Survival from the Congo
Published in Hardcover by New Horizon Press (February, 1999)
Authors: Suruba Ibumando Georgette Wechsler, Howell Wechsler, Suruba Georgette Iboumando Wechsler, and Suruba G. Ibumando Wechsler
Amazon base price: $24.95
Used price: $8.19
Collectible price: $12.71
Buy one from zShops for: $8.74
Average review score:

The Best book I've read
The author writes well, and explains well in her writing. I could actually picture myself in numerouse places which she had explained. From The war time, to her weding day, to what she went through during her sisters death.

fantastic :o)
...a truly excellent real-life story of tragedy and love.

I loved this book. It is truly touching.
The amazing things that the author went through throughout her life were very uplifting. I laughed and cried throughout. The author's experiences were vividly captured on the pages of the book. I was caught up in the horrific imagery of the war that was described, but also the beauty of her family relationships as well as her love for her country of birth. I recommed this book highly, but be prepared for an emotional roller coaster.

By the Grace of God: My Thoughts: A Gift from Him
Published in Paperback by Acw Pr (July, 2002)
Authors: Jerry A. Long and Phil Marocco
Amazon base price: $9.99
Used price: $6.50
Buy one from zShops for: $6.94
Average review score:

Get this into the hand of every person
This book is perfect for anyone going through tough times. Not only does it apply to those who have gone through some kind of loss, but just as good for someone going through personal struggles. Very simply but professionally written. Inspirational!

Future Bestseller!
The poems are touching and especially helpful for those that are looking for spiritual growth. Everyone can relate to the feelings in this book. Buy one now!

This book is full of beautiful poems and a wonderful tribute. I found this book to be inspirational.

The Christmas Bride
Published in Hardcover by William A. Thomas Braille Bookstore (February, 1994)
Author: Grace Livingston Hill
Amazon base price: $35.92
Used price: $26.47
Average review score:

Christmas Bride
This book is so sweet and so romantic! I bought 10 of them for Christmas gifts! Anything by Grace Livingston Hill is a must read.

An excellent book by a great author.
When Greg Sterling returns to his home town, he finds the second love of his life - he had just found the first on his return when a new friend introduced him to our Lord. Amazingly his second love is a Christian as well and after a period of trials, they find a unique love blessed by the Lord.

I've probably read this book at least a dozen times. It's one of my favorites by this great author.

Romance with spiritual content all ages above 12 will enjoy.
Young man leaves home to find his place in the world, only to return and find it in his home town
Wishes to find a girl with spiritual qualities, thinking that maybe he will in an "old flame" from his past
Finds the girl whom he wishes to marry and loses her for a time only to find her again and the family with whom he would like to belong
The story of romance of the young and the contented story of the twilight years of what faith and love of God helps us through this life on earth and its hardships

Published in Unknown Binding by Penguin Books ()
Author: Patricia Grace
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $5.00
Average review score:

Indigenous? Read this book immediately.
Honestly? I can say, without any hesitation: this is the most extraordinary work of literature I have ever read. The prose is breathtaking, the characters are like relatives to me now, and the experiences within the book will be familliar to any Native person who reads it.

How this woman missed out on the Nobel Prize (or the Booker, at *least*) is an utter mystery to me.

If you are an Indigenous person of any stripe, do yourself a favor and buy this book. Patricia Grace is a literary kaumaatua, and I thank her for her words.

My review
Although I read this book some time ago, I will try to make a review for some other readers passing by this page. It is about the different lifes and happenings of the members of a Maori family, mainly three women of the family, and the story spins around in time, in past and present. This is the second book I have read written by Patricia Grace and I'm lokking forward to reading some more of her work. I like her style so much, the way she can express so many feelings; you get into the story and the main caracters as you read the book, and you wish it didn't come to an end.

one of th emost important themes in this book is education
this is a great book to rea

Crimson Roses
Published in Paperback by Bantam Books (March, 1981)
Author: Grace Livingston Hill
Amazon base price: $1.95
Used price: $1.85
Collectible price: $29.00
Average review score:

Sweet romance
I really liked this book. The plot was predictable, but I very much enjoyed the journey to the happy ending. Marion is an excellent heroine and a great example of Christian love, mercy, and forgiveness.

Awesome heart warming romance!!!
This book not only leads you through Maion's lonely life, but also through a wonderful heart warming romance!! I definately recomment this book!!!!!

Every girl's fairy tale romance dream come alive!
This is one of my favorite books! A lonely girl, left with a brother and unfriendly sister-in-law when her father dies, decides that she will strike it out on her own in the big city instead of going to the country with them. But who is leaving great, expensive, red, long-stemmed roses on her seat when she sacrifices some of her prescious earnings to buy season tickets to the symphony? And how did the roses get to her when she was sick? Will her wonderful mystery end when the season is over

A Deeper Shade of Grace
Published in Hardcover by Chordant Distribution (October, 1993)
Author: Bernadette Keaggy
Amazon base price: $9.99
Used price: $1.47
Collectible price: $8.00
Buy one from zShops for: $8.99
Average review score:

This is a beautiful book destined to touch wounded hearts.
There are some deep places in everyone's heart where few dare to explore. Bernadette went there, and boldly decided to share her discoveries with the world. Her openness concerning the loss of her sweet babies is heart-breaking but inspiring. Thank you, Bernadette, for speaking to the hearts of so many! God bless!

A most touching depiction of the mercy and love of God.
Bernadette shares with deep candidness her story of pain, loss, grief. In all of it, the grace, mercy and love of God saw her and her husband, Phil, through... to a peace that passes understanding. One cannot read this and think that a life is to be lived without problems. We only grow in and from the pain in our lives. The "good times" are when we enjoy the joy of having seen God's hand in the troubled times. Holding us when we can't hold ourselves,seeing us through when we can't see anything but blackness, is the grace of God. Read this and realize that your pain is no less or greater than that pain of someone else. It helped me be less short-sighted and hopefully less full of self-pity. susie melkus

Touches the heart of miscarriage and infant death issues.
As the directror of the Christian based infertility, pregnancy loss, and infant death ministry, "Hannah's Prayer," I would like to express my gratitude to Bernadette Keaggy for her touching presentation of her struggle to have a child. She is very honest about the pain involved in the emotional and spiritual struggle caused by the loss of her first 5 children (to miscarriage, stillbirth, and early infant death). I regularly recommend this book to couples facing such losses. _A Deeper Shade of Grace_ has also been a personal encouragement to me in dealing with my own infertility and the miscarriage of our daughter Noel. If you or a loved one face the loss of a child during pregnacy or shortly after birth, I know this book will offer you much comfort, encouragement, and insight. Please read it!
For further encouragement, please e-mail us directly at Hannah's Prayer.
Jennifer Saake

Dim Sum for Everyone
Published in Paperback by Dragonfly (14 January, 2003)
Author: Grace Lin
Amazon base price: $6.99
Used price: $5.56
Buy one from zShops for: $4.70
Average review score:

"two shoes"
My 2 yr old son absolutely loves this book! He can recite every single page!
I grew up speaking Cantonese and I didn't know how to pronounce all the dim sum dishes, but Ms. Lin has helped by listing the most popular dim sum dishes with the English translation and Cantonese pronunciations at the end of the book.
This book also contains very colorful illustrations and a little descriptive history on dim sum.
As for "two shoes", that is what seems to come out of my son's mouth whenever he tries to say "dishes". :)

This book is the perfect introduction to dim sum. If you haven't tried it yet, take this book to a dim sum restaurant and use it to help pick your dishes--if you point to the picture of the dish on the endpapers, the waiters are sure to know what you want! Kids will love it, too. If you extra-daring, try the chicken feet! My favorite dish is the turnip or radish cake.

I love Grace Lin's work--I have all of her books!

Dim Sum!
Each person in the family picks out something different as the cart with the little dishes comes around in the dim sum restaurant. With a sing-song rhythm, Lin describes the familiar ritual of a family having dim sum together, describing as she does so a bit of Chinese culture. "Little dishes on carts. Little dishes on tables...Everyone eats a little bit of everything." Her illustrations show a table full of brightly colored plates topped with small portions of various foods: fried shrimp, turnip cakes, sweet tofu, and little egg tarts. Ma-Ma, Ba-Ba, and the three daughters wear clothes with intricate patterns, set against a backdrop of swirls. The effect is a rich mesh of textures and a collage of little plates! Lin ends the book simply as she began it with the statement, "Now there are empty little dishes." She includes the history of the dim sum tradition at the end of the book, as well as small pictures of each dim sum dish, labeled in English and Chinese.

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