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Book reviews for "Alvarez-Altman,_Grace_DeJesus" sorted by average review score:

Reggie Lewis: Quiet Grace
Published in Hardcover by Actex Pubns Inc (January, 1996)
Authors: R. Craig Windham and Craig Windham
Amazon base price: $15.50
Used price: $4.19
Collectible price: $7.41
Buy one from zShops for: $8.00
Average review score:

A superb biography that will inspire young people
At a time when most sports biographies have titles such as "I Love Being the Enemy" and "Bad As I Want To Be," "Reggie Lewis: Quiet Grace" stands out like a breath of fresh air. It has a positive,inspiring message, especially for young people (and not just basketball fans). Reggie was not overly-talented,but he made the most of the gifts he had."Quiet Grace" is a wonderful account of his life, from his boyhood in Baltimore to his stardom with the Boston Celtics (It also includes an interesting photo album section.) I have given this book as gifts to a number of teenagers, and they have all loved it. (Adults enjoy it, too.) And "Quiet Grace" lays to rest the rumors surrounding Reggie's tragic death. Craig Windham's writing style is conversational, colorful, and concise...just like his news reports on National Public Radio. This is an excellent, fascinating biography.

The Reign of Grace: The Delights and Demands of God's Love
Published in Paperback by Howard Publishing (March, 2003)
Author: Scotty Smith
Amazon base price: $10.49
List price: $14.99 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $8.63
Buy one from zShops for: $9.85
Average review score:

Let it Reign
I can do no better than to refer to the simple and beautiful tune by MWS: "Let It Rain". Indeed, open the floodgates of heaven...The Lord Reigns, Let the Earth Rejoice.
I haven't read this yet but I'm sure it's another gem by one of the finest pastors in the PCA (I'm sure Dr. Phil Douglass would agree)! Scotty always point to the Giver of all Grace. Hallelujah, what a Savior.
The message of this book is like what someone said of the John's Gospel, "shallow enough for a chilld to wade in yet deep enough for an elephant to swim in". Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!

Religious No More: Building Communities of Grace & Freedom
Published in Paperback by Intervarsity Press (June, 1999)
Author: Mark D. Baker
Amazon base price: $15.00
Used price: $11.38
Buy one from zShops for: $9.95
Average review score:

freedom, not independence
This book reminds me on how individualistic
many Christians are, and how we tend to add something
to the grace of God. Using his ministry experiences
in Honduras, Dr. Baker explained the necessity to see
grace of God as a sufficient grace, and the importance
of building a community of grace pretty well.
Though I think Dr. Baker needed to write more about
faith, not only as written in the epistle to Galatians,
but I think his book deserves a five-star rating.

The Reluctant Witch
Published in Paperback by LTDBooks (22 October, 2002)
Author: Susan Grace
Amazon base price: $20.99
Average review score:

fun paranormal romance
Aunt Nora and her niece Meredith Albright argue the merits of using magic. Nora is a major practitioner while Meredith prefers a more mundane lifestyle even knowing that if her deceased mother used her magic skills she probably would still be alive. However, Merry wants what her mother had, the love of a man, even a mortal.

Pediatric Oncologist Dr. Bryan Aldwyn enters Merry's Magic Emporium and Costume Shop to purchase items for a magic show he plans for a Halloween bash with his young patients at the Hopewell Hospital. However, he finds himself a bit clumsy and distracted as he wants to spend time with Merry. She feels the same way. However she fears how he will react if he meets her weird family members like Aunt Nora or Merry's biological father. Merry's sire has been around lately a lot more than he ever appeared in her twenty-six years of life as he has made her his chosen successor as the Grand Wizard.

THE RELUCTANT WITCH is a fun paranormal romance that though the plot never takes itself too seriously, the tale gracefully leads the audience into believing magic is real. Merry is a great protagonist as she deals with no men in her life ever since her stepfather died along side her mother to suddenly being a hunk magnet. Everyone wants to manipulate her to do his or her (mostly his) bidding. Fans of offbeat whimsical tales will want to be magically transported by THE RELUCTANT WITCH into her amusing world of Bell, Book, and Candle.

Harriet Klausner

The Resonance of Allah: Resplendent Explanations Arising from the Nur, Allah's Wisdom of Grace
Published in Hardcover by Fellowship Press (October, 2001)
Author: M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen
Amazon base price: $50.00
Average review score:

A true oasis in a vast wasteland
...This is, with regards to the comprehension of Islam, one of the most powerful book I have ever read. It has certainly earned a place on my bookshelf reserved for the classics. It is also true to the very principals which constitute Islam. The Author, M R Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (a non-conventional spiritual teacher in the Sri Lankan Sufi tradition) presents Islam (as a concept of self-governance) unbound by the harsh symptoms of the spiritual disease of materialism and the social ills follow them. In the traditional oration of Tamil folklore mingled with traditional Islamic narratives and understandings Bawa explains the unique Sufi perspective on religion, devotion, and prayer as to instruct the reader in how to view themselves and their 'nearness' to Allah; and ultimately, how to draw closer to Allah through the submission of selfish endeavors to the higher principals vested by Allah into the path of Islam. His teachings are difficult to comprehend initially, but after some of the obsticles are overcome his words begin to pour deep meanings into the container of the readers heart. This work left me awake for many hours of the night contemplating its depth and gazing at my own faults. This is also a tome of wisdom which encourages the humble individual to strive toward that perfection so closely embodied by our Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) instead of simply mimicking his outward manifestations as recorded in the hadith literature. If the reader can suspend their own collections of opinions and read with the trusting heart of a child (the innocence of the true Adamic nature), than this work will undoubtably change their perspective of this great drama stage we call the world.

The Rest of Grace
Published in Paperback by Harvest House Publishers, Inc. (July, 1998)
Authors: Wayne Barber and Chip MacGregor
Amazon base price: $9.99
Used price: $29.29
Collectible price: $29.30
Average review score:

Down home & honestly wise counsel
In this age of psycho babble and the search for the right 12 step program out of any given circumstance, Wayne Barber cuts quickly to the chase. The problem is selfishness (sin) and the answer is Christ. He effectively weaves good ole down home cookin' counsel throughout the book with personal stories of failure and redemption, to make it clear that it IS really just that simple. If you have ever heard Wayne Barber speak, then you will recognize his writing as vintage Wayne Barber. Outdoorsmen will find a special liking for his illustrations. A must read.

Rethinking Ethnicity and Health Care: A Sociocultural Perspective
Published in Hardcover by Charles C Thomas Pub Ltd (August, 1999)
Authors: Grace Xueqin Ma and George Henderson
Amazon base price: $72.95
Average review score:

Exceptional in content and detail.
Rethinking Ethnicity and Health Care is a "must read" book on the complex subject of health care in the rapidly growing and evolving Hispanic, Asian American, African American, and Native American communities in the U.S. It sets a theoretical basis for discussion of this multidimensional topic, and provides the lay reader, service provider, and researcher with culturally sensitive and competent approaches and solutions to, and insights into the unique problems faced by these communities. Besides its didactic underpinnings, the book is enjoyable reading. I recommend it highly.

Return to Grace: A Theology for Infant Baptism
Published in Paperback by Liturgical Press (November, 1996)
Author: Kurt Stasiak
Amazon base price: $29.95
Used price: $15.76
Buy one from zShops for: $23.29
Average review score:

Thought provoking
Return to Grace is a deep yet brilliant book. The author has revisited infant baptism and given fresh insight to the theology.

The Riddle and the Rune: From Tales of Gom in the Legends of Ulm
Published in School & Library Binding by Simon & Schuster (Juv) (March, 1988)
Author: Grace Chetwin
Amazon base price: $15.95
Used price: $5.00
Collectible price: $5.29
Average review score:

Just like Prydain and Middle Earth
This book is excellent. Has a little Tolkien and lloyd alexander twist. About a boy who has to give his rune back to his mother and must solve a riddle. It has songs and in the back you can play them on the guitar

The Right Words: The Grace of Writing
Published in Paperback by Journey's Home Resource Center (June, 1993)
Author: Blair Adams
Amazon base price: $19.95
Average review score:

A Fresh Approach to Writing
In his instructional manual, The Right Words: The Grace of Writing, author Blair Adams takes basic composition class to a new level. I appreciated the book immensely, as I always had a problem with the dry instruction typical of English Grammar and Comp class. How were we supposed to produce a sensitive, meaningful essay after spending hours dissecting paragraphs and sentences and labeling their parts? The assignment was comperable to being asked to produce a living, breathing frog after slicing it apart in biology class. The Right Words teaches how to use words and structure to make writing live, breathe, and dance off the page into a reader's mind and heart. In short, Adams revives the lost art of true communication. Good writing effectively communicates the writer's self-expression to produce a work that connects with and speaks to others. Adams gives several guidelines that help budding writers to comfortably master the thinking and writing process. The book itself is a model of the principles that it encourages. In distinct contrast to most writing textbooks, The Right Words provides witty, enjoyable instruction. I highly recommend it for anyone, including children.

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