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Book reviews for "Alvarez-Altman,_Grace_DeJesus" sorted by average review score:

Katharine's Yesterday
Published in Paperback by Tyndale House Pub (March, 1992)
Author: Grace Livingston Hill
Amazon base price: $4.95
Used price: $70.00
Buy one from zShops for: $79.00
Average review score:

An excellent collection of inspiring stories
Way, WAY before there was such a thing as Chicken Soup for the Christian Soul, Grace Livingston Hill was writing stories about people who find that trusting in God works! This is my favorite collection of her short stories, in that it is geared mainly towards young people. Through a variety of plots, the stories are a reminder to stop the hustle and bustle of life and look up. A girl discovers God's ability to transform even the mundane things in life, while a young man comes face to face with God listening to Handel's Messiah. I fully recommend this book to anyone who needs to be refreshed, or even just entertained a little.

Knowing the Name of God: A Trinitarian Tapestry of Grace, Faith & Community
Published in Paperback by Intervarsity Press (November, 1996)
Author: Roderick T. Leupp
Amazon base price: $15.00
Used price: $5.18
Buy one from zShops for: $11.99
Average review score:

God Has a Name?
This is an excellent book, well researched and documented. Although I am a biased reviewer, being the brother of the author, I would recommend this book to anyone contemplating the nature of the divine trinity. I am looking forward to his next book to be published soon.

Published in Paperback by Bantam Doubleday Dell ()
Author: Grace Livingst Hill
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $1.00
Collectible price: $12.25
Average review score:

A modern-day parable of persistence in His presence
As we wend our way through Fraley's sorrow and survival, we sense her strength: strength derived from a firm foundation in God's word. This story allows us to discover times in our own lives when we can draw comfort from the Bible's promises. Danger, suspense, drama, and romance, fill the pages of this story without feeling unrealistically fabricated. A book you'll curl up with over and over.

Later the Same Day
Published in Hardcover by Farrar Straus & Giroux (April, 1985)
Author: Grace Paley
Amazon base price: $13.95
Used price: $0.98
Collectible price: $0.97
Buy one from zShops for: $7.95
Average review score:

Later the Same Day...a permanent resident of my headboard
I have a friend who is so well read that she refuses to discuss books with anyone else for fear they may "contaminate" her.

Although I think that I have great taste in the printed word, I seldom mention anything I have read to her for fear she will think me common.

When I read this book, I called her up and told her she must read it immediately.

I have read a book a day or so since I was six. I am now a women of a certain age. About once every three years, I read the first page of a book and feel lightening strike my brain. That happened with "Later the Same Day".

I now read and read again every book by Grace Paley, seeing my life in the lives of women who were wives/daughters/mothers/lovers/writers 50 years ago. (Is it that long?)

The difficulties of combining motherhood, marriage, extended family, creative fullfillment, community activism and friendship are explored in painful detail in these stories, and ring true to the lives of all the women I know in the year 2000.

Give this book to women in their 20s, 30s, and 40s, and ask them when it was written, and they will all say "this year".

Give a copy to all your literate friends, both male and female, and keep a copy in your own headboard or bedside table, for those lonely nights when you want to know you are not alone in the struggle to be a complete person.

Law & Grace
Published in Paperback by BMH Books (December, 1991)
Author: Alva J. McClain
Amazon base price: $3.95
Average review score:

An Excellent Concise Treatise on Law and Grace
This small work, by the Founding President of Grace Theological Seminary, is an excellent work by a classical dispensational writer. McClain, is known for tremendous scholarly work as is remembered by those who have read his magnum opus, "The Greatness of the Kingdom", which even got the likes of George Ladd fuming. Law and Grace is divided into 10 chapters which helps to understand McClain's approach. 1) "The Law" in New Testament Usage, 2) How the Law Could Give Eternal Life, 3) Law Unable to Save Men, 4) The Divine Purpose in Giving the Law, 5) God's Written Law and Israel, 6) The Mosaic Law and Gentiles, 7) The Christian and the Law, 8) Dangers of Putting Christians Under the Law, 9) The Standard of Life for Christians, 10) Objections, Questions and Problems.

McClain, having been a dispensationalist, holds the common view that Christians are not under the law. He even goes as far as to go against the modern trend to divide the law into three sections: moral, ceremonial, and civil. Since he does not trichotimize the law into these sections, he does not feel we can place a Christian under just the moral law because one cannot divide the law.

One must read this book when studying law and grace. While it is just a brief treatment, it is an excellent starter to this subject. McClain was a brilliant writer and that is affirmed even by his opponents. He is missed as he has gone to be with the Lord. In conclusion, read this book. It will stimulate and perhaps provoke your thinking, which is what Christians need.

Law or Grace No 954
Published in Paperback by Zondervan (June, 1984)
Author: M.R. Dehaan
Amazon base price: $6.95
Average review score:

Law or Grace
This book is life changing. I had the wonderful opportunity to read this book as a college course through Calvary Baptist Bible Institute. If you can find this out of print book, do your self a favor and buy it. This book clearly explains the differences (with scripture) between the two subjects. If you have problems in life with some tough issues about:Salvtion, Grace, or Law; this book is the one you've been searching for. A True must read for every Bible believer out there. (Notice I did not say just Baptist?)This book will strengthen your faith in God and help you resolve your unconfessed sin problems, and teach you more about God's wonderful(understatement)loving Grace and why we need it.

Leaving Home
Published in Paperback by Cookbook Resources (January, 1984)
Author: Lulu Grace
Amazon base price: $10.36
List price: $12.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $9.82
Buy one from zShops for: $9.82
Average review score:

One of my favorite cookbooks
I'm so sad this book isn't in print anymore because it is the perfect cookbook to give someone that doesn't know how to cook. She gives recipes for cooking steaks, baking potatoes, and other simple tasks. She also has wonderful, easy recipes that always turn out perfect. This is not a low-fat cookbook, but it is good! My favorite recipe in the book is Chicken with Mushrooms. The chicken is sauteed in a skillet and you add a little sherry. Delicious! Get a copy if you can.

Leaving Home: For People Who Love Good Food-- But Don't Know How to Cook-- Are Too Tired to Cook-- Or Don't Want to Cook
Published in Paperback by L.P. Grace (September, 1984)
Author: Louise P. Grace
Amazon base price: $11.95
Average review score:

Don't Leave Home Without It
I am what people refer to as an excellent cook. This is the first cookbook I ever got and still a main source for me. I can't remember when I "didn't know how to cook," but I'm sure I didn't when I was leaving least not as well as I do know. Personally, I don't follow recipes in terms of measuring, etc. but I use them as a guideline. If you can read, you CAN cook! And once you are comfortable in the kitchen, you will be comfortable to experiment and learn how much fun cooking can be....especially when your friends rave that you're a gourmet, and you know, "you're just faking it!" This cookbook is all about great tasting food that is TRULY EASY to prepare. I can't believe it's out of print! Enjoy!

Letters Sounds and Words
Published in Paperback by Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company (November, 1993)
Authors: Grace M. Brown and Michael J. Hulbert
Amazon base price: $23.95
Used price: $23.95
Average review score:

I learned to pronounce English correctly using this book.
This book is very useful for teenagers and adults who want to be able to pronounce any English word whether they have seen it before or not. It integrates phonics with the reading of interesting selections. Very good for the improvement of spelling as well.

The Life Story of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Founder-Acarya of the Internatio
Published in Hardcover by Bala Books (January, 1983)
Author: Satsvarupa Dasa Gosvami
Amazon base price: $2.95
Average review score:

If it's difficult to get...GET it as soon as you can!
I never thaught that I could get so much from somebody I knew almost nothing. I liked biographies, but this one... Excellent for people who always think that what they think is always right, and who are (like I was) inclined to critizise without knowing. Do not let prejudice blow your mind. This is a good one! Why not a postumous Peace Nobel Prize to this man?

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