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Book reviews for "Alvarez-Altman,_Grace_DeJesus" sorted by average review score:

Versace (Universe of Fashion)
Published in Hardcover by Vendome Pr (May, 1997)
Authors: Richard Martin and Grace Mirabella
Amazon base price: $18.95
Used price: $5.80
Collectible price: $10.55
Buy one from zShops for: $7.60
Average review score:

Extraordinary Look At Fashion Today!
This book was amazing. Not only did it clearly and concisely explore the world of fashion, but photography and the models involved as well. Versace is a genius, may he rest in peace, and his clothing is wonderfully orchestrated. I recommend this book to anyone who is even remotely interested in fashion or the business which accompanies it. The story is shown through the pictures and the clothing, the smiles and the frowns. Versace is quite amazing, as is this book!

The Voyageur
Published in Paperback by Minnesota Historical Society (01 February, 1987)
Author: Grace Lee Nute
Amazon base price: $10.36
List price: $12.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $4.00
Collectible price: $12.00
Buy one from zShops for: $8.75
Average review score:

A vanished way of life
Our census returns published in 2001 indicate that the population of the United States is increasingly of mixed race and ethnic identity. If I had a dollar for every pundit who claimed that this is a revolutionary situation that has never happened before in America, I could buy my own fleet of birchbark canoes. Of course, there have been many subsets of North American society that have been characterized by a mixing and blurring of ethnic identity. Some of these subsets arose centuries ago. One of them is that group of French-Canadian-Indian men and women known as the "metis" or "voyageurs." The social customs of this group, their values, their strengths, their love of life, are recounted here by an enthusiast. Miss Nute was a pioneer. She wrote before her time. I heartily recommend this book to everyone.

The whisper of his grace : when we hurt and ask "why?"
Published in Unknown Binding by Word Publishing ()
Author: David L. McKenna
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $1.40
Collectible price: $2.92
Average review score:

For anyone who ever just wanted to ask "Why God? Why Me?"
This exposition on the Biblical book of Job with applications to modern life is a classic. It refines a sometimes difficult balance between reality and fear, despair and laughter, and love and hate. This sequel to the "Communicators Commentary" written by the same author is tremendous for persons hurting from tragedy suffered by or to a Loved One.

Clearly written from the prospective of a Christian believer, this author will send a message of hope to persons of all faiths and backrounds. An excellent 'How To' book with chapters such as, "How Righteousness Works", "How God Speaks", and arguably the best "How Grace Transforms".

If I have a complaint, it is with the choice of paper stock used and book binding proceedures. With such an eloquent work one would expect much higher quality, but then again, this is a book you hopefully will only read once or twice in the aftermath of the few moments of tragedy in all of our lives.

This work reminds us that Grace is a small whisper, the way G-d says "I Love You". This is the message of Job to all who suffer and ask "Why?". G-d will answer with 'The Whisper of His Grace'


Who Killed Marilyn Monroe? (PI Grace Smith Investigations)
Published in Mass Market Paperback by Orion (August, 2002)
Author: Liz Evans
Amazon base price: $7.95
Used price: $4.60
Collectible price: $6.35
Buy one from zShops for: $5.40
Average review score:

Marilyn Monroe ..The Donkey ! That is........
I'll admit, I saw this book in the bookstore several times and was put off by the title, Who Killed Marilyn Monroe, frankly who cares..Then the other day I was checking to see if the new Evanovich was in and actually picked the book up and read the jacket. This is when I discovered that the Marilyn in this book is actually a donkey,in my opinion any book with a male donkey called Marilyn Monroe, multiple murders and mayhem is worth a read.

This is the first book in the series featuring PI Grace Smith, Grace is tall, blonde and perpetually broke, she has as many problems and hangups as the rest of us and is very easy to identify with. The one-liners scattered through the text are brilliant, the dialogue is well written and fast paced with frequent oportunities for a laugh. I will definitely be buying the next three books to see what else Grace manages to get herself into.

Wife for a Night (Harlequin Silhouette Desire, No 1118)
Published in Paperback by Harlequin (January, 1998)
Author: Carol Grace
Amazon base price: $3.50
Used price: $0.01
Collectible price: $3.16
Buy one from zShops for: $1.94
Average review score:

True love waits!
I liked this book. I found it very romantic and funny. There is also a lot of humor throughout the book. My favorite is the skylight episode. True, the "Lonesome Cowboy" idea struck me as a little bit corny, but for all of us who have left a small town for the big city, a lot of what Margaret is feeling in the book is familiar. The characters are actually believable and I found myself enjoying reading this book.

Women are queer
Published in Unknown Binding by Books for Libraries Press ()
Author: Grace Sartwell Mason
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $31.00
Average review score:

Uplifting stories by a forgotten but superb American writer.
Though Mason has all but disappeared from American literature, her fiction, written mostly between 1910 and 1935, and largely consisting of superb short stories, is deserving of our time and attention. She tells stories of ordinary men and women struggling inventively with the turmoils created by work, love affairs, money, and meddling relatives, and does so while examining the many subtle, psychological complexities her characters possess and employ. Her characters are sometimes self-aware, often not, and many of her stories deal with the self-discovery they experience as they try to make their way to greater happiness or success. Though the stories are wonderful period pieces, vividly recreating the atmosphere and values of the early part of this century, they are also timeless tales of ourselves and of our struggles. I have found many of her stories capable of adding an unexpected dimension to my own view of aspects of my life, and I find myself returning to them over and over for their simple wisdom, insight, and humor. They are entertaining, but what is more, they can often be enlightening. I am a great Jane Austen fan, and I find in Mason a twentieth-century American version of that early 18th-c. British writer in her dead-on satire, the gentle irony of her humor, and the recognizability of her many characters. I tracked down most of her stories in old issues of such magazines as The Saturday Evening Post, Ladies' Home Journal, etc. from the 1910's, 20's, and 30's, but this collection (which is a 1977 reprint of the original 1932 edition) offers twelve of her fine tales. In particular, look for "The Way to Heaven," a somewhat supernatural story of second chances in love, and "The First Stone," in which she examines the real nature of small-town prejudice through the eyes of a young boy. You won't be sorry for whatever trouble you must go through to get this book.

World's Greatest Tow Trucks
Published in Paperback by Motorbooks International (July, 1998)
Authors: Earl Johnson and Grace Hawkins
Amazon base price: $19.95
Used price: $9.86
Buy one from zShops for: $7.88
Average review score:

World's Greatest Tow Trucks
A book filled with pictures of tow trucks from all over the world. It has over 116 pages. I believe this is the second book he came out with. If you like tow trucks this is another one to have in your collection.

Patch of Blue
Published in Hardcover by Amereon Ltd (September, 1988)
Authors: Elizabeth Kata and Grace Livingston Hill
Amazon base price: $19.95
Average review score:

A Patch of Blue from Mike
I thought the book was great because is shows a love to all kinds of people. It proves the world is not in darkness after all. All people can get along if they cose to. The book has a good meaning and it also has a realistic outlook to it. It would make people have a feeling of goodness. Show them that racism is bad which is a good thing to know. When I read the book a new life sparked in me and now I look at life differently. I have a change in me. And like they say, life is not fair, but in the end it can be.

Entertaining, yet depressing
A Patch of Blue is an excellent book, but like almost any book, it has flaws. I really enjoyed this book because of the messages it sent. It teaches us that evil will never conquer a good heart. It teaches us that we are all te same, we are all people, and we all have the capabilities to love each other no matter what race or religion. Besides this, the book is very descriptive. If not for the book's lacking ending, I would have given it five stars.

Since I am black this book The Patch Of Blue was very interesting. I liked the book. It was a love story about a blind white girl that was in love with a black guy who she never knew was black. I hated the fact that Ole Pa and Roseanne taught her to be racist and that Rosseanne mistreated Selina.

I recommend tihs book to those who are in Selina's situation to let them know life is not about color.

Unafraid (Lineage of Grace Number 5)
Published in Hardcover by Tyndale House Pub (October, 2001)
Author: Francine Rivers
Amazon base price: $10.39
List price: $12.99 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $5.55
Collectible price: $10.05
Buy one from zShops for: $8.95
Average review score:

Didn't Stick to what was in the Bible
I was so excited to read the 5th Book the in the Lineage of Grace series. The other 4 books were true to the facts shown in the Bible and Francine Rivers added historical information as well as what might have been said between the characters.

The books made me go back to the Bible and re-read the story and in the first 4 books, I saw information, I had never learned before & I thank Ms. Rivers for that. It really invigorated my Bible study time.

However I was sadly disappointed with Book #5 about Mary. I didn't think she did the research that the other books had. Also I found a number of occasions where she deviated from what I found in the New Testament. She also left out the entire episode where she visits Elizabeth and Mary's prayer. I have read other material about what the times were like when Jesus was born, and I didn't think Ms. Rivers did thorough research this time.

I must respond though to another review. If you believe everything in the Bible is true, which I do, then Mary did have a sister (John 19:25) & she did have both sons & daughters (Matthew 13:55-56, Mark 6:3). You just have to look up the references in the Bible.

Mary mother of Jesus!
This was a very good book and a fast reading. I never was really much into religion and to me Jesus had seem more friendly then Mary, I don't know why? Maybe it's because when I was young I saw a movie about Jesus and Mary seem to severe but in this book Mary seem like any other women and now I see her more friendly and she's the one who bring me back to believe more in God. After reading this book I became more interested also about the old and new bible. I sure understand her to feel upset and sad when Jesus said, "Who is my mother, who are my brothers?" You can very well feel Mary pain and confusion about all that. She said often, "God I am sorry to think he his my son, he his yours." I was thinking, no Mary you got every right to feel bad and upset. The book keep saying the same things, I would had put less stars but I think it deserve a 4 because it was a fast reading, you know more about Mary and she bring back my faith in god. Mary is like any other human and to me now she seem more real!

The Very Best of Francine Rivers
Each book of the Lineage of Grace series is excellent in its own right; however, UNAFRAID is exceptional. After finishing the book, I just could not help but praise the Lord. While UNAFRAID is the story of Mary, at its heart is the story of every person and his or her choice to either accept or reject Christ.

Through Mrs. Rivers' unbelievable insight and her personal relationship with Christ, the story of Mary truly comes alive. While many authors would be afraid to put words in Jesus' mouth, Mrs. Rivers does so beautifully. The interaction between Joseph, Mary, and Jesus when Joseph is on his deathbed is so real that it brought tears to my eyes. No matter how gifted an author is, only someone who knows the Savior very intimately could write such a scene. The same questions that Mary and Jesus' siblings ask are the very ones so many of us ask today-why did Jesus come into the world the way He did, why did He live the way He lived, and why did He have to die. The answers Mrs. Rivers provides are not unique but they are provided in a unique way.

If you desire to expand your understanding of the story of Mary and to grow in your Christian walk, this is the book for you. One of the things I truly love about Mrs. Rivers' writings is that I cannot read them and not be changed.

Somebody to Love?
Published in Audio Download by ()
Amazon base price: $8.76
List price: $17.98 (that's 51% off!)
Average review score:

Grace Slick Feeds Our Heads with a look at her life.
Grace Slick, although long retired from the Rock and Roll scene has come up at age 59 with an interesting look at her life, loves, music, and being part of the dynamic Jefferson Airplane. After 1967 the Airplane emerged out the Haight-Ashbury as the leading edge of the San Francisco Sound that included the Dead, Quicksilver Messenger Service, Country Joe and the Fish, and Big Brother and the Holding Company. Grace was viewed as the Acid Queen by psychedelic revelers who would time their peaking to commence with the Airplane set at San Francisco's Fillmore or Avalon Ballroom's. The memoir will have some historical value as an example of life and activities in San Francisco during the 60's and 70's. Some of her memories definately will become Rock and Roll trivia items now that they are in print - some of them are x-rated for sure and not for the timid reader. I guess you will have to read the book to find out more about it.

An enchanting, humorous tour of Grace's high and low moments
An autobiographical plane ride through the highlights, success, and rock bottom moments of Grace Slick's life and her musical career with Jefferson Airplane/Starship. Grace pulls no punches as she describes her relationships, substance use and abuse , and her musical experiences, while adding a clever dose of humor and insight. Grace provides a candid view of her artistic inspiration through her early appreciation of literature and drama in a memoir that flows quickly and covers all the topics - Woodstock, Monterey, Altamont, and tours with the Doors, Rolling Stones, etc. Grace tells it like it was during a time of musical revolution, experimentation, and frequent excess. Chapters in the book are rather short, however, and often leave the reader looking for more on interesting, colorful subjects with so much nostalgic potential. Interestingly, Grace Slick proves in this memoir that she is, and wasn't, just "Spacey Gracey," as many consider her. A great deal of the book "Somebody To Love" demonstrates a true sense of her creativity, wisdom, and intellect, while refusing to deviate from the hard-edged, outspoken style for which she is famous. Grace also seems to have found her purpose and her peace, and the book overall is a rollicking jaunt through some serious rock and roll times from a music legend who added so much to the experience.

A great memoir from a living legend
I'm glad Grace wrote this autobiography; she truly is a unique woman and her book attests to it. "Somebody to Love?" is an easy and fast read filled with humor, wit, and honesty. Even though Grace is best known as a rock diva of the 1960's I like that she writes in equal portion about the 70's and 80's as well as the 60's. (Her entire life isn't centered around Jefferson Airplane and the 60's.) Reading this book, it's as if she has written it to you personally; it's like she's just come over to your house and plops down on the sofa, kicks up her heels on the coffee table, and tells you her life story. Grace is not only outrageous, but intelligent as well. She's nobody's fool and she'll let you know it. She has attitude and chutzpah, and that's what I love about her. What's more, Grace is candid in her autobiography with everything, good and bad.

I learned a few things about her that I never knew, such as her fling with Jim Morrison (what heterosexual woman in her right mind wouldn't have wanted a fling with Morrison?), her bout with alcoholism, and her childhood (it was surprisingly normal).

Grace has had her share of ups and downs, and through it all she remains true to herself and others. Although she knocks her age and body, I think she looks fantastic! And her smile still says it all. She is a testament of perseverance. Grace, you go girl!!

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