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Book reviews for "Alvarez-Altman,_Grace_DeJesus" sorted by average review score:

Grace-Filled Moments
Published in Hardcover by Our Sunday Visitor (April, 2001)
Author: Johnnette S. Benkovic
Amazon base price: $13.97
List price: $19.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $3.50
Buy one from zShops for: $13.82
Average review score:

It Touched The Depths of My Soul!
Grace Filled Moments is a breath of fresh air. It's easy form of reflection leads one "beside the still waters" to refresh the soul. So many of the scripture quotes are ones that are dear to my heart. There are wonderful quotes from such well-known personalities and saints such as Dorothy Day, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Pope John Paul II, Mother Teresa of Calcutta and Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen to name a few. This is truly a vehicle that touches the depths of my being.

Every woman should have a copy of this book!
As a young woman who grew up surrounded by the popular feminist ideologies, I have been profoundly affected by this wonderful book. Grace-Filled Moments has helped me to deeply reflect on what it REALLY means to be a woman in the eyes of God and the specialness of our female gender. The world tells us that we have to hide or discard our feminity, and this book redirects us to truly appreciate our authentic feminity, especially in regards to the life bearing potential of our bodies and souls.

Each section has a wonderful theme related to the many aspects of true femininity. Having come full circle in my beliefs about abortion and contraception, I especially appreciated the reflective meditations on woman's fertility. This is a book which will transform your attitudes and your soul. My own spiritual walk with the Lord has deepened as I use the book for daily prayer and meditation. I have also found healing and comfort in the reflections about the wounds of the heart.

For those of you who are interested in the layout of the book, each section begins with a quote from a well-known spiritual writer, philosopher, or theologian (ex. St. Edith Stein, Pope John Paul II, Elisabeth Leseur.) The quote is followed by an inspiring prayer related to the theme. This is followed by a related quote from scripture and then there are several points/questions for prayer and meditation.

I can't recommend Grace-Filled Moments highly enough for all women, young or old, single or married. I plan on giving to all of my friends and loved ones as gifts!

The Joy and Blessings of Being a Woman
I love this book. From the first moment I picked it up I knew it was special. It is a joyous celebration of what makes us women so wonderful. I am deeply touched by so much of it. It is sometimes hard to find resources today for women that aren't affected by the liberal Feminist movement. I want real, authentic, meaty books that provide me with soul enriching material and treat womanhood with respect, joy, and dignity. This book provides all that. What I really liked was the emphasis on the fact that we are special and truly God's favored ones. That He gave us great gifts & graces within our femininity, and that we can and should share them with our families and the world.

If Not for the Grace of God: Learning to Live Independently from Struggles and Frustrations
Published in Paperback by Harrison House, Incorporated (December, 1995)
Author: Joyce Meyer
Amazon base price: $12.99
Used price: $3.95
Collectible price: $15.88
Buy one from zShops for: $4.95
Average review score:

My A-Ha! Moment
A good friend of mine let me borrow this book to read and it was just what I needed to hear! If you have ever struggled with feelings of unimportance or insignificance in your walk with God or within your church or maybe you find yourself getting caught up in "works" instead of strictly by faith, this book is definitely for you! In her every description, I could see myself mirrored in those actions, but the book helped me to see where I was going wrong and helped me to put the right attitudes into action in my life and get me back on track. There is also a great poem that is found in the book...but you have to piece it together. That poem is worth the purchase price of the book alone and in all sums up perfectly what God wants us to do in our everyday walk with Him!

Get a true understanding God's Grace!!!
This book gave me a true understanding of the scripture" His grace is sufficient". By understanding these principles, I am now free to be the vessel that God wants me to be. I have also gotten a new understanding of "the peace that passeth all understanding" because I am free from guilt!

A practical, day-to-day understanding of the grace of God!
Joyce Meyer honestly, practically and scripturally addresses many common hindrances to receiving the grace of God in day-to-day life. Her insights have totally changed my perspective, and my relationship with God -- I'm see much more fruit in my walk with Jesus -- and much less frustration.

In His Grace : As Told By GOD THE FATHER to His Servant
Published in Paperback by PublishAmerica, Inc. (04 November, 2002)
Author: Wendy Bowles Coble
Amazon base price: $19.95
Used price: $19.90
Buy one from zShops for: $18.70
Average review score:

Thought Provoking
This is a book that will make you think. There are many inspirational books on the market, and there are books
like this one out there. The difference here is that the
author has shared her personal spiritual journey with you in
such a way that it makes the whole experience more believeable.
The author is humble and amazed at the experience of having
written this book--that she could write a prayer to God and that He would answer back. The words in it are written in such
a way that it is very easy to understand. The book tells of
how powerful we are with prayer and touches on other subjects
that are interesting. This is a book that is not of the general
spiritual genre---sweet and boring. You will read this and
not be able to put it down, because it will definitely get your attention.

wonderful book!
This deeply moving accountof the authors' personal story punctuates literal conversations with God. This book touches the reader on so many levels, that you'll find yourself re-reading it many times and recommending it to friends.
Heartfelt and inspiring!

Lovely Inspirational Text
IN HIS GRACE is indeed at the very top of my list of books with a true and divine message. The author, as she speaks with God and He to her, makes us feel the spirituality of our being. How beautifully written and masterful in a very down-to-earth 'heart to heart' with our Heavenly Father. This book is an 'easy read' and I find myself referring to it over and again as I seek guidance in my daily walk with God. His grace is everso amazing, and this book reminds us of that.

Legend of the Valentine, The
Published in Hardcover by Zondervan (01 January, 2002)
Authors: Katherine Grace Bond and Don Tate
Amazon base price: $10.49
List price: $14.99 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $10.42
Buy one from zShops for: $10.27
Average review score:

Beautifully told and illustrated
I love this book because it presents a powerful message in a simple, unsentimental way. The illustrations are amazing -- I'm partial because my daughter and ex-husband were models for several of the illustrations that appear in the book! So thank you, Don Tate. You did a wonderful job, as did the author. A beautiful story about something most of us have a hard time doing: loving our enemies.

Legend of the Valentine
simply beautiful, both visually and linguistically...powerful meaning as well...I recommend it highly.

For thinking readers tired of the trite and the cliche
Katherine Grace Bond's talent shines through the deceptively simple prose of this heartfelt, authentic-feeling story. Other reviewers have already posted the general story line. I just want to add that many books in the Christian kids' market drip with saccharine and go for a forced sunny ending; this book is a refreshing exception that will help you open a healthy, substantive, character-building discussion with a pre-teen you love. The combined efforts of a white author and a black illustrator speak convincingly not merely to the issue of race, but also to the core issue of what happens when you love your enemies. A small gem of a book.

Living & Dying With Grace: Counsels of Hadrat 'Ali
Published in Paperback by Shambhala Publications (April, 1996)
Authors: Thomas Cleary, Hadrat 'Ali, and Emily Bower
Amazon base price: $24.95
Used price: $5.00
Buy one from zShops for: $5.00
Average review score:

great book
I wish more people would translate his works. Thank you.

It's about you...
It is a book about morals. It has sayings in it which will make you think twice. It is a handybook. It will assist you towards finding your 'self'. Although better and more knowledgable books are out there, yet the sayings in this book make you aware. The thoughts in this book are inspired. A must have...

Wow ... what a mind
I was pretty closed to Islam. But after reading this it really makes sense.

Moonsnacks and Assorted Nuts
Published in Hardcover by Greene Bark Press (October, 1994)
Authors: Mary Grace Dembeck and Jean Pidgeon
Amazon base price: $15.95
Used price: $19.95
Buy one from zShops for: $15.88
Average review score:

A true delight
A true delight to find a childrens book that does not patronise its intended readers. It is full of wonderful illustrations and witty verse that will entertain and amuse generations of children. Destined to become a classic.

The poems are bound to delight any child, any age. They surely delighted me!

Delightful! An absolute pleasure...
Every now and then a book comes along that is a pure pleasure to read and see. This is one of those rare books that feels, and sees, and goes directly to the heart and the soul. Share it with a child you love.

Grace, Predestination, and the Salvific Will of God: New Answers to Old Questions
Published in Paperback by Christendom Press (November, 1996)
Author: William G. Most
Amazon base price: $15.95
Average review score:

Ok, but still has some major weaknesses
I read this book after I finished Father Garrigou-Lagrange's timeless work on the issue of predestination. It just so happened that Father Most was a student of Father Garrigou-Lagrange and could not fully accept the Thomistic system of predestination that he espoused. Therefore, Father Most set about to understand the issue of predestination and grace and this book is the product of his study.

Coming from a Reformed Protestant background I was inclined to give this book a lower rating, but I was impressed with Fr. Most's reasoning and argumentation. As far as books on grace and predestination are concerned, Most's book is one of the more coherent and well argued literary works available. Therefore, I believe the book itself has some merit, but it still did not convince me that the Reformed interpretation is incorrect or invalid and I will explain why.

First, I will tackle just a few of the weaknesses I saw in this book. Most begins the work by delving right into the issue of grace, predestination and the salvific will of God. Although this is the major element and focus of this work, I still believe that a cursory examination of other relevant issues such as man's spiritual depravity would have been helpful. Since Most is attempting to argue against a Thomistic/Calvinist system, he needed to show that man is not spiritually dead in sin and that he still retains the capacity to respond to God. This book just assumes that man still possesses some semblance of free-will because Most argues that it is within our power to resist grace or to omit resistance.

Next, his attempt to deal with Romans 9 was very unsatisfactory. Most simply says that these verses deal with the external economy of temporal placement and vocation, and not with the internal economy of salvation. Yet, if you look at the beginning of Romans 9 Paul is dealing squarely with the issue of the eternal salvation of the Israelites. When he picks up with the theme of Jacob and Esau, Pharoah, and God's initiative to bestow mercy on whomever He wishes in verses 6-19, the Apostle gives us no indicator that he has shifted focus from his original train of thought. Furthermore, even if Paul were discussing the external economy in those verses, he is doing it to prove a point about the internal economy which is the primary focus of this passage. Paul uses the example of choosing Jacob over Esau, as a comparsion for God choosing some for salvation while overlooking the rest.

Although Most attempts to deal with some problem passages, he completely passes over John 6. His silence on this passage speaks volumes, because it is basically conceeding that these verses cannot be reconciled with his soteriological system. In John 6 Jesus shows that the church is given to Him before they actually come, and that everyone who comes is raised on the last day. This is much different than Fr. Most's notion of being able to impede and resist God's grace. According to John 6, all who are given by the Father and drawn, inevitably come to the Son and the Son will raise them all up unto eternal life.

That being said, I think Fr. Most's work also had several strong points. Father Most's solution to the problem of maintaining the absolute gratuity of predestination while affirming man's ability to distinguish himself is interesting and unique. Placing predestination after lack of resistance but before works still maintains it's gratuity, albeit it is a little dark, and allows for God to keep His sovereignty. Also, I believe that Most definitely showed that this was the opinion of not only Aquinas, but also a majority of the chruch fathers.

Fr. Most's explanation of how lack of resistance is not a work was very interesting, but I still thought it could have been explained better. I could see what he wanted to say, but I thought the distinction was still a little gray. If one chooses to resist, then doesn't one also choose not to resist? Although he says that when under the influence of grace one can just let it operate unhindered, this explanation left me wanting a clearer explanation. His explanation made it sound like an individual would receive and be transformed by grace without even realizing it.

Finally, I really enjoyed his treatment of the distinction between the divine intellect and the divine will. You can't emphasize one of these divine attributes at the expense of the other like most theological systems do. I understood how both are equally attributes of God's character and need to be held in balance and each given their proper respect. Also, his treatment of God having recourse to eternity to know future events was enlightening.

Overall, this book provides a solid defense of a more free-will based soteriological system; Sadly, this is something that is sadly lacking in much of the literature that is produced by free-will theologians. Although I believe that the book had it's deficencies, it also had it's strong points as well. Ultimately, the book did not convince me of the error of Calvinist theology, but I do believe that it educated me and helped me to better understand the intricacies of such a system.

Quite simply the single best book on the topic available today. Absolutely decimates Calvinism, but without resorting to polemics. If you can buy just one book to help you understand how grace, predestination, and free will all come together, this is it. Examines all the key passages, all the key thinkers reflections on the questions, in a systematic way to shed light on perhaps the hardest questions facing theologians. You WILL gain a greater appreciation and insight into the bible from reading this book. Cannot be recommended too highly.

Great understanding of Justification
This book really opened the door for me to coming into the Catholic Church. I have studied alot of different theologies, from Calvinism to Thomists in the Catholic Church. I have never found a book that explains Justification in such a way that it grasps all the strong points from each and fits in perfectly with the bible and our form of Justice. This book does both, a great book for the Catholic understanding of Justification.

I Want to Be a Veterinarian
Published in Library Binding by Bt Bound (October, 1999)
Authors: Stephanie Maze and Catherine O'Neill Grace
Amazon base price: $12.11
List price: $17.30 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $13.13
Buy one from zShops for: $11.42
Average review score:

considering that i want to be a vet, i guess you could say that any book i read is "outstanding", but i really give this book nothing but loud cheers for the way it makes you almost "weak" i love animals so much and i always watch "Emergency Vets" on Animal Planet and i even volunteer at an animal hospital in La Jolla, Ca. i love being around animals, and my dream is to be a vet. i want to thank you for this outstanding book, i loved it!

Excellent Book
This is an excellent book for anyone who dreams of being a veterinarian, like me. The book talks about all types of different veterinarians, such as holistic, large animal, small animal, and more. This is a great book and a must read for anyone interested in going into the veterinary field.

It's a cute book for the younger animal lovers like myself.
Very good book for those who are younger

Measures of Grace (Victorian Serenade #2)
Published in Paperback by Tyndale House Pub (April, 1996)
Author: Lawana Blackwell
Amazon base price: $10.99
Average review score:

Really enjoyable read about the Grace of God!
I really, really love this book. Lawana Blackwell did another inspiring job on her VICTORIAN SERANADE series. Corrine is great character struggling with her spiritual growth when she sets out to reunite with her husband and daughter. Joseph is an interesting,unique character who must track down Corrine and bring her to justice for all the crimes she has committed against people. Jenny is Corrine's daughter who finds herself the pawn in a insane woman's plot to make Jenny her daughter to replace the daughter that was killed by drowning. Corrine finds herself abducted and then later have her abductor at her mercy when he gets deathly ill. Lawana Blackwell did a great job on the character of a woman's faith put to the test. Only the grace of God could bring her and her family back together.

A very good read!
I really enjoyed this book. The story really kept my interest. I enjoy Christian fiction. Lawana Blackwell is one of the best Christian fiction writers out there.

a good continuation of this series
At the end of Victorian seranade #1, Corrine had accepted Christ and become determined to seek out her long-abandoned husband and daughter to beg forgiveness and make amends. In this second book of the series, however, she is intercepted by Mr. Price, a detective who represents someone in her old life who now wants vengeance for the wrongs that she did. An unbeliever, he refuses to see that Corrine in reborn into a different person and continues with his plan to abduct her and deliver her to the man that she had wronged in the past. As they journey together, it becomes clear to her that Mr. Price is a very sick man, perhaps even at death's door. Although his illness gives her chance to escape, her new Christian faith will not allow her to leave him to die alone, and she cares for him for weeks on end. In the meantime, Corrine's daughter Jenny is taken out of her impoverished home and sent to the home of a wealthy landowner. However, this move soon proves to not be good for Jenny, as she realizes that the mistress of the house borders on insanity. Will Corrine be able to break away from Mr. Price? Will Jenny still be in her original home when Corrine arrives there? More importantly, is Jenny's life in danger with her "new Mother?" This a very good continuation of this series, and I highly recommend it.

Naikan: Gratitude, Grace, and the Japanese Art of Self-Reflection
Published in Paperback by Stone Bridge Press (01 November, 2001)
Author: Gregg Krech
Amazon base price: $10.47
List price: $14.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $9.75
Buy one from zShops for: $9.85
Average review score:

Insightful, readable, practical
This book offers much to anyone interested in cultivating a grateful outlook in life through reflection. Inspiring quotes, poetry and practical exercises complement the text, which describes Naikan's Japanese roots, but is presented in a Westerner-friendly way. There's even a little section on Benjamin Franklin's efforts at self-reflection. The book's format lends itself to dipping in for a quick tidbit as well as a cover-to-cover read. Readers may find themselves thanking their socks for keeping them warm, or enjoying a pizza with mindful attention. Very inspiring!

The Art of Self-Reflection
A fine, wise book. Direct, simple and useful. It helps one focus on what is truly important. Naikan is beautifully produced and a pleasure to read and hold. Author Gregg Krech has a graceful prose style that provides the reader with a clear, insightful roadmap. A welcome addition for those who value a purposeful, personal library.

Simple exercises that the reader can do to train himself
Naikan: Gratitude, Grace, And The Japanese Art Of Self-Reflection by Gregg Krech (Executive Director, ToDo Institute, Middlebury, Vermont) is an accessible, "reader friendly" guide to the spiritual art of mental composure and cleansing through an ancient tradition of harmony and balance. Individual chapters address the nature of Naikan, and its practice and usefulness in everyday life. Offering simple exercises that the reader can do to train himself or herself in this healing and revealing way of deeper understanding, Naikan is a fascinating and meaningful guide, and highly recommended reading for anyone seeking to improve themselves in general, and their emotional well-being in particular.

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