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Book reviews for "Alvarez-Altman,_Grace_DeJesus" sorted by average review score:

Pinto And Sprinto
Published in Paperback by Vantage Pr (13 November, 2000)
Author: Grace R. Findlay
Amazon base price: $6.95
Average review score:

It's been my privilege to watch this book evolve from a relationship with two fuzzy bunnies to the finished product, almost thirty years later. Ours was an animal-adoring household where creatures of all types were underfoot. I can remember a day when the rabbits sat on the bookshelf lookings like bookends. The TV repairman almost lost five years growth when they moved! When Pinto got lost in the snow it was the deepest snowfall that season. We kept following his tunnel through the drifts, but I was afraid I was going to have to shovel the whole yard! The reading of the book is easy and flowing and the illustrations portray each rabbit's personality and distinguishing traits. I was always amazed that Pinto was shorter and more reserved like my younger sister, and Sprinto was lanky and lively like my other sister. I believe this story would be delightful reading for any animal-loving family.

The Portfolio Book: A Step-By-Step Guide for Teachers
Published in Paperback by Gryphon House (November, 1998)
Authors: Cathy Grace, Elizabeth F. Shores, and Kathy Charner
Amazon base price: $13.97
List price: $19.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $13.87
Buy one from zShops for: $12.98
Average review score:

A great step-by-step portfolio book
I thoroughly enjoyed this book on creating portfolios for the classroom. I know it will help me be more efficient as I create my portfolios for my classroom next year. Very concise and easy to follow book.

Praise, Anxiety, & Other Symptoms of Grace
Published in Paperback by Chalice Press (August, 2000)
Author: Joey Earl Horstman
Amazon base price: $11.89
List price: $16.99 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $11.84
Buy one from zShops for: $11.79
Average review score:

Humorous, with a message
My only regret is that this book was not available three years ago, when I started graduate school and had a class that looked extensively at post-modern theory. Horstman, in his wry witty way, critiques post-modernism, and in the process reaffirms the Truth about God without simply rejecting post-modernism out of hand.

Although most of his essays were humorous, the laughs came the loudest when he wasn't trying to make an especially deep point. His essay on summer commandments: to roughly paraphrase, "Bonk not thy brother with thy tennis racket, again I say, bonk not" -- was alone worth the price of the book.

Preparation for the Toefl: Test of English As a Foreign Language (Arco Acadmeic Test Preparation Series)
Published in Paperback by Hungry Minds, Inc (January, 1997)
Authors: Patricia Noble Sullivan, Grace Yi Qiu Zhong, and Grace Y. Qiu Zhong
Amazon base price: $29.95
Used price: $14.99
Average review score:

good book
I just started to read it but I find this book very clear and with many helpful exercises.

A Princess in Waiting (Silhouette Romance, No. 1588)
Published in Paperback by Silhouette (May, 2002)
Author: Carol Grace
Amazon base price: $3.99
Used price: $0.92
Collectible price: $2.50
Buy one from zShops for: $1.99
Average review score:

A very relaxing and enjoyable read
Princess Lise de Bergeron has been divorced and disinherited. Not only that but she is pregnant as well. However this bright determinded Princess vows she is going to make it on her own - she has everything she needs. A place to live(the gardener's cottage on the family estate)her work as an art restorer and her beloved nanny as a companion. She is relieved and happy to be at home in St. Michel again and wants nothing more then to forget the past months as a married woman. She is able to do this until the day that her ex-husband's twin brother walks into her life.

Charles Rodin is not only enchanted by his brother's ex-wife but he's ashamed of the way she has been treated by his brother and his parents. To make amends he has traveled to the small country of St. Michel to offer the security and protection of marriage to Princess Lise.
At first Lise is determinded to refuse him but when her not so nice stepmother(the Queen) kicks her out of the gardener's cottage Lise feels has no choice but to accept Charles's proposal.

Once married Charles and Lise realize almost immediately how attracted they are to each other but each refuses to admit to themselves or to each other how they feel. Slowly their feelings are revealed as they experience together Lise's pregnancy, political tensions in St. Michel, and the unraveling of a historical puzzle concerning their ancestors - one his, one hers.

This book was great fun to read and I read it in two days. Charles and Lise were so wonderfully full of life, so real that they practically jumped off the page for me and kept me reading - I really wanted to know what would happen to them. And to the rest of the de Bergeron Family. Though I was slightly disturbed that a lot of the details regarding both the political and emotional issues in the book were gleaned from random, overheard conversations rather than in a direct active way by the main characters themselves. I found it a little hard to believe that two such intelligent people who claimed to be not only friends but best friends would have trouble confinding in each other over gossip or would in anyway make decisions about themselves or each other based on such dubious information.

Despite this though I really enjoyed this book and those random evesdropping incidents in no way detracted from Charles and Lise as likeable characters. I can't wait to read the next book in the "Royally Wed" series as all in all the de Bergeron family from St.Michel is intriguing.

Putting the Amazing Back in Grace
Published in Hardcover by Presbyterian Publishing Corporation (October, 1999)
Author: Ann Weems
Amazon base price: $12.57
List price: $17.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $4.50
Buy one from zShops for: $3.49
Average review score:

Amazing Weems
Once again, Ann Weems invites us into the world of faith with her poetic imagery. Putting the Amazing Back in Grace speaks with a deeply intimate knowledge of the present reality in Church life. There is both pain and beauty, struggle and hope in this rather raw book. I've used it already to speak for me in a couple of different venues.

Queen of the Golden Age: The Fabulous Story of Grace Wilson Vanderbilt
Published in Paperback by George Mann Books (1989)
Author: Cornelius Vanderbilt
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $10.00
Average review score:

From a son's perspective
This is an interesting book for those who desire an inside look at what life was like for America's robber barons and their immediate families during the Gilded Age. Cornelius Vanderbilt writes a valentine here to his mother, Grace Wilson Vanderbilt.

Cornelius's father was all but disowned by his parents for marrying the purportedly notorious Grace, herself from a rich and prominent family. Nonetheless, he made as much money as any other member of his estranged family, despite being cast out on his own, and he raised his children as the closest thing to royalty that this country ever will know.

Accordingly, Cornelius and his siblings were given childhoods filled with yachts and mansions in Newport and on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan, along with a lavishly bejeweled mother who entertained magnificently. The author himself was largely disowned by his father when he chose a career as a newspaper reporter. Still, his own professional experience probably makes him a more objective diarist than a conventional loving son might be. The details that he provides are fascinating, and these certainly would be unknown to an unrelated researcher.

This is an interesting and worthwhile book for those intrigued by this unique period in American history.

Recess Mess (First Grade Friends, Hello Reader Level 1)
Published in Paperback by Scholastic (September, 1996)
Authors: Grace MacCarone and Betsy Lewin
Amazon base price: $3.99
Used price: $0.65
Collectible price: $1.99
Buy one from zShops for: $1.75
Average review score:

Easy to read book about school events.
This is good book for emerging readers. A lot of the simple words are repeated, making it easier for kids who are learning to read. Rhyming text also helps early readers. Most of the pages have just one or two sentences, but the last few pages suddenly have more text. It can be a bit discouraging for kids who were doing great reading on their own to suddenly have more trouble on the last few pages, when they are so close to the end! Kids enjoy reading about common school dilemmas- in this case, all the kids are out on the playground when a boy has to use the restroom- but he isn't sure which is the boy's room. There is nice mix of races in the illustrations and one child in a wheel chair.

A Register of Deceased Persons at Sea and on Grosse Ile in 1847
Published in Paperback by International Specialized Book Services (September, 1997)
Authors: Andre Charbonneau, Doris Drolet-Dube, Robert J. Grace, Sylvie Tremblay, and Parks Canada
Amazon base price: $16.95
Average review score:

Great genealogical research aid but contained blank pages
This book filled a vacuum for me in fleshing out my great grandfather's account of his passage from Ireland and the number who died on his ship. Unfortunately, I found eight pages that did not "print out," including one key page that might contain the name of a cousin who allegedly died on his ship.

Religions of Asia
Published in Paperback by Bedford/St. Martin's (June, 1993)
Authors: Niels Neilsen, Frank E. Reynolds, Alan L. Miller, and Grace G. Burford
Amazon base price: $46.15
Used price: $3.95
Buy one from zShops for: $16.00
Average review score:

Religions of Asia
This is a textbook-type of book in the good sense of the term: it is well-written, information-packed, but yet relatively simply portrayed. A good introduction to the major religions of Asia. The focus is on the texts of each religion. What is missing is more discussion on how various elements of the population (underclass, women, etc.) incorporate the textual-based religous practices described in the text. Would have to look elsewhere for such a discussion.

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