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Book reviews for "Alvarez-Altman,_Grace_DeJesus" sorted by average review score:

Windows Nt 4.0 Connectivity Guide
Published in Paperback by Hungry Minds, Inc (January, 1998)
Authors: Rich Grace and Richard Grace
Amazon base price: $39.99
Average review score:

A Technical Page-Turner!
I purchased this book primarily to use only 2 chapters. But in glancing over its introduction, I found it so much more clear and concise than any other book I've used that I am actually reading it cover-to-cover. I have a small library of books on NT and networking topics, but none covers even the most complex issues - TCP/IP, WINS, DHCP, RRAS - with such clarity or with such a focus upon essential and useful information. As another reviewer says, you'll keep looking at this one so often that you might wear it out.

A MUST HAVE in your library. Buy two, you'll wear one out re
Regardless of wether you're new to NT and networking or an old hand, this book is a must have. The author takes you by the hand and from scratch has you put together a professional working network in no time at all. Well written, clear, concise, can't say enough about this book. It takes a practical approach to the problem of networking.

A must have addition to any Admin's library
This book is a "Must Have" for any Admin that must work with NT 4 in a mixed invironment. It covers connectivity into UNIX, SNA, and Novell worlds with great details. Writen in a "First Person" format it is quite easy for anyone to understand. I had the good fortune to work hand in hand with Marc Bush the contributor to the Novell information in the book, and found multiple answer's, based on his input to issues I hit when integrating the NT and Novell servers I own.

Winter Grief, Summer Grace: Returning to Life After a Loved One Dies (Miller, James E., Willowgreen Series.)
Published in Paperback by Augsburg Fortress Publishers (October, 1995)
Author: James E. Miller
Amazon base price: $10.49
List price: $14.99 (that's 30% off!)
Average review score:

Source of Comfort
This book literally helped me make through many an evening after the death of a loved one. James Millers approach to comparing the seasons to grieving was so accurate. As your going through the Autumn of Grief you wonder if you will make it through to the Summer. You do, and this precious book will help to bring you to that bright Summer. The quotations written from other writers are placed strategically throughout the book and address the particular emotions being felt so beautifully. The emotions of grief can be very intense. This book helps you realize that you are not alone in your feelings, that they are normal. I have kept the original copy given to me; and have purchased several for others who have faced Grief. I can't recommend this book enough. It will be a tremendous assist as you go through this terribly LONELY time.

My Guide through Grief
After the death of my husband, I was given this most excellent book. James Miller's experience as a Grief Counselor and Clergyman came through beautifully. I read and re-read the consoling pages. I cried grieving tears with the assurance that someone knew the depths of the tears and the groanings. Each season of grief is beautifully broken down. The book begins in Autumn and walks with you day by day until finally you have arrived at the summer of your grief.
Throughout the entire book, there are quotations from various writers that just seemed to express the turmoil of mind and emotions that grief causes.
I have given this book to many who have lost someone dear to them.
I know it will help so many work through Grief.

A soft & refreshing book when dealing with grief.
In a time of grief when so many books are so harsh this is a very soft, feel good book that makes you reflect on the good that is still in your life. It does not focus on what you "should" be doing or feeling, but rather gives you permission to grieve and to also move forward.

Women of Power & Grace: Nine Astonishing, Inspiring Luminaries of Our Time
Published in Paperback by Wake Up Pr (June, 2000)
Author: Timothy Conway
Amazon base price: $11.87
List price: $16.95 (that's 30% off!)
Average review score:

A life-changing experience
Women of Power and Grace indeed! This is the story of nine beatiful souls,all female, all of the modern era, all filled with the love of God. The kind of single-minded, all encompassing Devotion that most of can only view from afar. Though these Great Souls are united in their love of God, the more mundane aspects of their lives are incredibly varied, even bizarre in some cases. The uniting thread, though, remains constant. Each Saint plays out her individual Divine Romance with mind-boggling determination and Christ-like resolve. From Shyama Mataji, a Hindu, who chanted God's name 23 hours a day, to Therese Neumann, the Catholic stigmatist, who fasted the last forty years of her life, you'll thrill with the depth and amazingly personal relationships each of these Holy Women develop with God. Inspiring is too lame a word. Read it, you'll be glad you did. Who knows, it could change your life.

Great book for reading with the family
I enjoyed this book when I read it and now we are reading it out loud together as a family. I felt it was important for my children to learn that there have been women on this planet who have done the same kind of important spiritual work for which traditionally only men have received credit. My whole family is enjoying it. Very inspirational, clearly written with philosophical background to give a context to the biographical stories. Especially nice is the fact that different religions are represented.

Fantastic Work!
I am absolutely enthralled at the superb quality of work found in this book. The book gives a fascinating introduction to these Great Saints, and includes an in depth survey of their teachings. Absolutely recommend this book to seekers on the spiritual path.

The Wonderful Winter
Published in Hardcover by Green Mansion Press (01 September, 2002)
Authors: Marchette Chute, Grace Golden, and Elizabeth Hauser
Amazon base price: $11.66
List price: $12.95 (that's 10% off!)
Average review score:

A wonderful book
The Wonderful Winter is a fantastic book. It is about a young boy, Sir Robert Wakefield, growing up in Elizabethian England. When his aunts refuse him the dog he has found, he decides to run away to London, with the dog, to obtain freedom.
This book contains all the elements of a classic: great characters, great story, and great writing. It is truly an enjoyable read. I recommend it to all.

This is such a great book! I really liked Robin, the main character, and his dog Ruff. I also learned a lot about Shakespeare. When I first read the book I could not put it down! It is so amusing and from every page you turn something amazing happens! If there is anyone out there looking for a good book to read, get The Wonderful Winter. It will keep you interested for hours.

A Wonderful Winter, A Wonderful Read
I first read this book as an eleven-year old in English class. We read the first chapter in class and then I stayed up reading far in to the night until I had turned the last page. It's a wonderful story. A young, orphaned boy goes to live with his two aged aunts. They are cold, aloof and don't know how to handle a young boy. When Robin finds a puppy, his aunts refuse to allow him to keep it. Robin and his dog run away to London, and there begins his adventures.

It's Elizabethian times; London is alive with gossip about the Globe Theatre, Shakespeare's plays and the rivalry between competing theatre companies. Robin is taken in by a family connected with the Globe and through them, Robin learns about loving family life, the magical world of theatre and the famous Will Shakespeare. It is the winter that changes his life.

This is an excellent book for boys and girls aged 10-13. Well written and touching on issues, such as loneliness, making friends and growing up, from the perspective of a young boy. It's one of the few books I have kept into adulthood.

You Deserve Healthy Love, Sis: The Seven Steps to Getting the Relationship You Want
Published in Hardcover by Crown Pub (14 January, 2003)
Authors: Gracie Cornish and Grace, Ph.D. Cornish
Amazon base price: $14.70
List price: $21.00 (that's 30% off!)
Average review score:

She did it again!!
Well, I won't say that it's not good. Quite the contrary, Sis Grace has done it again!! If you feel that you are somehow missing the boat on a great relationship, well, Here comes Dr Sis Grace to guide to that ultimate brother. In this book, she has seven steps where you can work on yourself and find out where you have gone wrong and get that brother of your dreams. She also talks about how she met her soulmate and husband, who she recently married. And as far as I'm concerned, this book is as part of the other two that she has written and could be read individually and together. You go Dr Cornish!!

don't pass this one by
Are you in a healthy relationship? Does the sound of your man's key in your front door make you happy or aprehensive? Do you keep ending up with the same types of dawgs over and over again? If you answered yes to any of these questions read Dr. Cornish's book. In an affectionate, down to earth way she shows women of color that they don't have to settle for second best in their relationships. This book, if you really read it could save your life.

Kimberley Wilson, author of 11 Things Mama Should've Told You About Men.

A Must Have- A Must Read
Dr Grace Cornish has five books under her skirt, which help African Americans make good choices, praise and empower themselves and succeed in getting healthy love. Her most recent threathens to be a National Bestseller.
All five books are like a never-ending conversation with your best friend. Sometimes preachy, sometimes repetitious however those are a few of the ingredients needed to sustain a conversation at times.

The book is categorized in steps, "The Seven Steps to Getting the Relationship You Want." Within the steps there are exercises to help you mentally maintain what you just read, questions to ponder which reiterates thoughts offered and affirmations to bring your journey into being. Many of the ideas are from Dr. Cornish's personal experience with finding her healthy love in her husband, Richard

You Deserve Healthy Love, Sis is not only a vehicle to get the mate you deserves but also it is for anyone seeking a healthy relationship with himself or herself, a friend, sibling or God. The steps are universal and can apply in the same way.
With the alarmingly high statistics of divorce, Dr. Cornish has written this books right on time. If following these seven steps segue us to healthy love, when do you plan to purchase this book?

APOOO BookClub

1621: A New Look At Thanksgiving
Published in Hardcover by National Geographic (01 September, 2001)
Authors: Grace, Sisse Brimberg, and Plimoth Plantation
Amazon base price: $12.57
List price: $17.95 (that's 30% off!)
Average review score:

A Refreshing View of the real Thanksgiving
I highly recommend this book. As the daughter of a Cherokee-English African-American woman,educator and grandmother I was always taught the truth along with my brothers about this very important holiday/harvest festival. Early on we were taught to share what we had with the less fortunate and to give to others who really needed something. Also my grandmother the late,great Hattie Little-Tabor who was my mom's mother fed homless people who stopped by her home during the Great Depression. This book brought back full circle the fact that we must all strive to work together to overcome greed to serve all in need. I highly recommend this book.

An exquisite book
This is a beautifully written and exquisitely photographed book about the first Thanksgiving celebration in 1621 (according to the Western calendar). The photos were taken during re-enactments at Plimoth Plantation, and are historically accurate as well as lovely to look at. The text gives the Wampanoag perspective on the event with sensitivity and vibrancy. All in a book that is clearly successful in engaging young readers, no matter how much or how little they already know--or think they know--about the history of Thanksgiving.

Advanced Forensic Civil Investigations
Published in Hardcover by Lawyers & Judges Publishing Company (June, 1997)
Authors: Paul J. Ciolino and Grace Elting Castle
Amazon base price: $99.00
Average review score:

A Must Have
"Advanced Forensic Civil Investigations is must readind for lawyers, investigators, educators, journalists and any professional who has a stake in finding the truth. It's quite simply the best nuts-and-bolts book of its kind.

David Protess, Ph.D. Professor of Journalism and Faculty Fellow Institute for Policy Research, Northwestern University

Advanced Forensic Civil Investigations for the first time brings together thirty-four eminently qualified investigators to write not on one subject, but on each of thier specialties. This book will be the cornerstone of any professional's collection of investigative books. It is the standard by which all civil investigationswill be held accoutable."

Steve Goodenow, CLI, CFE Former Chairman, Hawaii State Board of Private Detectives Past National Direstor, National Association of Legal Investigators, Inc.

"Advanced Forensic Civil Investigations presents an excellent, readable insight into fundamentals of civil investigations-it points the way. Moreover,drawing on the experiences of innovative, professional practioners provides the bguideposts for investigative approaches that are specific and realizable. Its a must-read for anyone serious about the subject of civil investigtion."

Superintendant Joseph C. Carter, CPP Boston Police Department Boston, MA.

"Some people actually think the facts have something to do with the outcome of legal disputes-this book proves them right".

Attorney William A. Barton Author, Recovering for Psychological Injuries: Past President of Oregon Trial Lawyers Association and Western Trial Lawyers Association

"Advanced Forensic Civil Investigations is truly one of a kind publication. I have not seen a better publication in this field. An excellent tool for anyone in the business of investigations."

Barry F. McNeil, Esq. Chair of the Litigation Section of the American Bar Association, and member of the College of Trial Lawyers

A Great Recipie
"There is a wonderful Cajun Recipie for the preparation of Rabbit Sauce Piquant that begins, "First you catch the rabbit". That is a good start also, for successful litigation. "First you get the facts". Advanced Forensic Civil Investigations tells you how."

Moon Landrieu, Judge, 4th Circut Court of Appeals, State of Louisiana

All It's Meant to Be
Published in Hardcover by Back to the Bible Publishing (July, 2002)
Authors: Bryan Clark and Point of Grace
Amazon base price: $10.99
Average review score:

beyond the "save sex for marriage" message
This is a truly inspiring book. It goes beyond the "save sex for marriage" message. We've all heard why we should save sex for marriage, and this book goes beyond that. The book is inspiring whether you are a virgin or have had sex before. You can start over and see why sex for marriage is truly worth waiting for.

This book will explain why the "Sex and the City" philosophy of sex doesn't work in the real world, and why God's way of sex works best. Its written with warmth and avoids cliches. You can bet that this book has found a place in my library. I liked it even more than Rebecca St. James book, "Wait for me."

Most inspiring christian book I've read in years!
This book was DEFINATELY inspired by our Lord. I have read dozens and dozens of christian books, but none have ever brought me so close to God (except, of course, His Word). I wish I had read this 20 years ago, before I bought into the world's lie and wreeked endless destruction through my sexual conquests. What God made to be the most beautiful experience in life has been misused and destroyed by the media, movies, and all of the brilliantly ignorant voices in our godless country. And in the process, deeply tarnished the beauty of our Lord. If your married, READ this, it will bring new levels to your intimacy. If your single and sexually active, your missing the greatest insight and inspiration you will ever experience if you don't hear what God has to say about sexuality. Sex outside of God will NEVER satisfy you, trust me, I've tried. If your single and celebate, this will inspire you so much you will never be tempted to not wait again. And if you are a parent, PLEASE get this for your kids, before Satan and his lies scar them forever, and dishonor our Lord. God isn't trying to restrict us - rather, He is trying to bless us beyond our understanding. Please take the time to read this. From one who has lived outside of God's will and seen the devastation - and it ALWAYS DEVASTATES. Now, I am thanking the Lord for His Mercy and looking forward with great hope and expectation to experiencing this most incredible and glorious blessing AS HE PLANNED IT.

Amazing Grace: Autobiography of a Survivor
Published in Paperback by North Star Pubns (October, 1993)
Author: Grace Halloran
Amazon base price: $11.96
List price: $14.95 (that's 20% off!)
Average review score:

An inspiration for anyone stuggling with a visual impairment
Grace tell her life story with a lot of spirit and inspiration. From a turbulent adolescence where she served time in Federal prison to where she is now, Co-director of Maximum Eyes an Institute of Visual Healing. Dr. Halloran eloquently tells of her struggle with retinitus pigmentosa for herself as well as her fears for her son. Anyone with a visual impairment will be able to relate to her pains, her joys and be inspired

It started me on a program of visual recovery.
In September 1995, I was diagnosed with cone-rod dystrophy, a degenerative condition of the retina. Two independent retinal specialists diagnosed me with this condition. Both specialists told me that the disease typically leads to legal blindness over time and that there was no treatment for the disease.

Fortunately, on the day the doctor called me with the diagnosis, I found the book, Amazing Grace - Autobiography of a Survivor, at the Chicago Public Library. I was immediately intrigued by the idea that something could be done, and that people had gotten results. After contacting Grace, I attended a one-week therapy session, and experienced improvement in my eyesight in only one week of therapy.

I am haunted by the thought of how many people walk out of the doctor's office each day with the same diagnosis and same feeling of helplessness that I once felt. I was lucky to have found Grace's book, Amazing Grace - Autobiography of a Survivor, and to have recovered a great deal of my eyesight as a result of her work. For those who have not been so lucky, I hope that her book and work finds its way into their lives. Please feel free to share this letter with other people who are interested in her work. I would also be pleased speak to people and share my experience with them. Grace has become a great friend, and I will always be thankful for what she has meant to my life.

Incidentally, as I am finishing this letter, I just walked outside and looked at the stars in the sky. I looked directly at them and could see them just fine.

Eric Lickteig / Chicag

Amusing Grace: Hilarity and Hope in the Everyday Calamity of Motherhood
Published in Paperback by Chariot Victor Pub (March, 2003)
Author: Rhonda Rhea
Amazon base price: $8.79
List price: $10.99 (that's 20% off!)
Average review score:

A Blessing for All
This book has been a joy for me. It is amazing how Rhonda Rhea can have insight into my life. What a comforting feeling to know that as a Mom, I am not alone, that we all experience great triumphs and the occasional sorrow. That life doesn't always flow as we think it should but Mrs. Rhea reminds us that it is God's way...not our's that matters. Within every life experience is a spiritual lesson and blessing. She helps us find humor in our daily journeys through motherhood. I find myself rereading a reminder...God is Good and has a sense of humor, so we must too.

Learning followed laughter
Now here's a book with a sense of humor. But I found that after I got through laughing, I reflected on the blessings I have with my own family and the opportunities I have to make a difference in the world by making a difference in my home.

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