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Book reviews for "Alvarez-Altman,_Grace_DeJesus" sorted by average review score:

Farm Animals: At Your Fingertips (At Your Fingertips)
Published in Hardcover by McClanahan Book Co (July, 1997)
Authors: Marc Gave and Grace Goldberg
Amazon base price: $6.95
Used price: $0.80
Buy one from zShops for: $0.89
Average review score:

Fun Farm Animal Facts at Your Fingertips
This book offers children an opportunity to to learn about farmanimals and the proper names for infant and adult animals. Eachanimal that is described in this book offers fun facts that many children don't know. It's a great book to introduce children to farm animals. This book also separates the farm into different areas where the farm animals live on the farm.

Five Kids & A Monkey Investigate a Vicious Virus (Five Kids & A Monkey, Series 1)
Published in Paperback by Creative Attic (July, 1997)
Authors: Nina Riccio, Nina M. Riccio, Beth L. Blair, and Grace P. Kim
Amazon base price: $7.95
Used price: $6.14
Collectible price: $9.53
Average review score:

A fun, fact-filled book about germs!
If you're looking for a painless introduction to a healthy topic, this book is for you. It has an appealing cast of characters, an interactive format, and accurate information. My daughter (age 9) learned a lot of useful information while having a great time reading it

Flannery O'Connor: Images of Grace
Published in Paperback by Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. (June, 1986)
Authors: Harold Fickett and Douglas Gilbert
Amazon base price: $18.95
Used price: $12.71
Average review score:

At her death in 1964, Flannery O'Connor left a small canon of works that made her one of the most critically acclaimed authors of her time. Author Harold Fickett and photographer Douglass Gilbert have teamed up to produce a work that explores O'Connor's development as a Christian writer.

Fickett does a superb job in giving us a biographical view of her life and a detailed analysis of her works. He does a thorough exploration of her work through a Christian lens. Through his meticulous care, Fickett brings out the symbolism, concept of Grace, redemption and salvation that is found throughout her work. He looks at her life and shows how her religious faith as a Catholic served as the impetus for her work.
O'Connor's mission was for readers to see the grotesque and ugly that we in our fallen state share. The ugliness of our human condition is not the final answer for through her work we are shown how God's grace permeates even the darkest hearts.

Douglas Gilbert's black and white pictures of the south and its relationship to O'Connor's work is a compliment to the text. You can feel the soul of the southerner. You can see the human and natural devastation of man through these moving pictures. The two men have done a splendid job in presenting a critique of O'Connor through a Christian perspective.

My only criticism of the work is that Fickett overstates his case of O'Connor's Christian vision. He sees Christian themes in every detail of her works to the point where you become lost in attempting to focus on the main theme that she is trying to get across.

This is an excellent book for Christian writers and readers who can gain a greater appreciation for O'Connor through the author's analysis and the photographer's pictures. It is also a good work to have in your library for those who have studied O'Connor's works but have failed to consider her Christian perspective.

Flying the Andes: The Story of Pan American Grace Airways and Commercial Aviation in South America, 1926-1967
Published in Paperback by University of Tampa Press (November, 1997)
Authors: William A. Krusen, Stephen Morrill, and Harold R. Harris
Amazon base price: $18.95
Average review score:

An excellent book on one of the world's greatest airlines
Finally a book addressing the pioneering, perils and success of establishing such a great airline has been written. William A. Krusen's book did justice to all of them from the founding fathers to pilots, pursers and stewardesses -the name of flight attendants had not been invented yet-, mechanics, radio operators, baggage handlers, everybody did his or her work very professionally which in the final analysis helped PANAGRA set the standards that so many new airlines tried to emulate.

The book is 200% correct when praising Panagra for having taught Southamericans what transportation by air was all about starting with the acquisition of airplanes, setting up meteorological and radio stations, navigational aids, and most of all setting up very strict safety standards -which according to some well known world figures in the aviation industry it made them the safest and most safety-minded airline ever anywhere in the world. Their culture in spite of having disappeared more than 30 years ago still is there.

The book falls short though in what is a cardinal rule for identifying airplanes, instead of referring to them as P-1 (the first plane to enter the fleet, and so on) the authors should have done a bit more of research so when describing any particular event they should have identified them as lets say N49550 a Hyper DC-3, or N88937 a DC-4, and so on. As you know airplanes, like people, like to be referred to by their "baptism" names, not by their social security number, airplanes also have their own identities, and pride.

Also I would have just loooooved to see color pictures of the various airplanes specially any showing the bright yellow stripes they painted on the wings, 3 on each side for DC-3s and I guess 4 for bigger airplanes.

I would say that the book should have been more balanced in the amount of pages devoted to the various stages the airline wenth through, like for instance it was too heavy on the early times that is from its first flight in the 20s through the 40s, and too short chapters from the 40s on to the fateful day in April of 1967 when J. Peter Grace and Harding Lawrence held a press conference in N.Y. (was it at the Waldorf?) announcing the demise of Panagra, an airline very close to my heart. I was living in N.Y. at that time and I felt betrayed, as if a proverbial stab in the back had been placed on all of us who enjoyed flying PANAGRA.

Other than this, I enjoyed reading it enormously, sufficient would be for me to say that I finished reading it in a couple of nights, and I am going to start my second reading next week.

P.S. Needless to say my first flight just had to be on a Panagra airplane, it was a DC-3 which flew my dad, a sister and me from Quito to Guayaquil in the summer of 1948. I guess she was N30008 or N30014 (too excited to write down the tail number I was)

Fountain Source of Occultism
Published in Hardcover by Theosophical Univ Pr (December, 1974)
Authors: Gottfried de Purucker, G. De Purucker, and Grace F. Knoche
Amazon base price: $29.95
Used price: $8.89
Collectible price: $42.35
Buy one from zShops for: $24.34
Average review score:

A more intelligible Secret Doctrine
This book is probably the best substitute for those seekers who want to study the Secret Doctrine but are intimidated by H.P. Blavatsky's own words. G.D. Purucker makes the Doctrine more accessible and intelligible, though I give it only 4* because he is not as plain as I would like a writer to be for a book like this. It is available online so you can check it out before buying. The table of contents is well-organized for easy reference, so you can look up a subject that interests you (the globes, chains, races and rounds, etc.) Don't read it from cover to cover; rather, use it as reference.

"The Fountain-Source of Occultism" is good for not-quite-beginner students of Theosophy. If you are a complete novice, check out "The Ocean of Theosophy" by William Q. Judge and "The Key To Theosophy" by Blavatsky.

Four Graces
Published in Hardcover by Ulverscroft Large Print Books (March, 1979)
Author: D. E. Stevenson
Amazon base price: $12.00
Used price: $28.39
Collectible price: $27.95
Average review score:

Far Better Than I Expected-- A Surprise and Delight!
...P>I bought THE FOUR GRACES for my wife. It had been a particular favorite of hers for a long time, and she had lost her copy. She had searched and searched, but I found it at, and I surprised her with it one Christmas. Needless to say, she was thrilled. I wasn't quite sure what all the fuss was about-- it didn't look like my kind of book at all-- but it made her happy.

About a week ago, I found myself with nothing to read. In my life, this is a tragedy: the equivalent of being abandoned, swimming in mid-ocean without raft or life jacket. Then I saw my wife's copy of THE FOUR GRACES (read and re-read by her), thought to myself "You only live once" and picked it up.

I was very pleasantly surprised. It is a delightful book, light and lovely, hearkening back to a time and style long since past. It is the story of one summer in England during the Second World War, and it details the lives and adventures of the four daughters of the Rev. Mr. Grace in a small country village.

D.E. Stevenson is the grandaughter of Robert Louis Stevenson, but her style owes a great deal more to Austen and Trollope (two writers directly referred to in the novel) than it does to the creator of Long John Silver and Mr. Hyde. That being said, the author she perhaps most closey resembles would be Angela Thirkell.

Stevenson's dialogue is smooth, rich, and a treat to listen to (because that is what you do when you read conversations between her characters, you hear them), and the plot, while simple and straightforward, is fun to follow.

I really enjoyed myself, and while it is still not my style of book (at least not for a steady diet) as a change of pace, it is the equivalent of a new and tasty light dessert. Anyway, I've read it now...

Friend Fire and the Dark Wings
Published in Hardcover by Oxford Univ Pr Childrens Books (March, 1990)
Author: Jennifer Grace Fyson
Amazon base price: $11.95
Average review score:

Quite an interesting tale
Young Lari is a Wise Animal--not an ape, but not quite a human. When making his first flint spearhead, he finds that striking the flint with a certain stone produces fantastic sparks, but making sparks quickly leads to a fire in the cave. When Lari and his family learn how useful their new friend can be, it becomes an integral part of their existence. But, friend fire can be capricious, and he does not always stay where Lari wishes him to stay.

This is quite an interesting tale. The award-winning author of this book shows off her immense talent, by bringing the situation of the story to life. Even though the characters were so different, I found myself caring for them. I enjoyed this book, and recommend it to anyone interested in fiction set in prehistoric times.

Friends in Time
Published in School & Library Binding by Atheneum (May, 1992)
Author: Grace Chetwin
Amazon base price: $13.95
Used price: $5.50
Collectible price: $9.53
Average review score:

It was yet another great book by Grace Chetwin. In this book friends cannot be seperated by time. This book is delightful and should be on fantasy lover's bookshelves. Friendship is a wonderful thing, and imagine being friends with someone before your time (or in the past). Well, your imagination will be satisfied with this great book!

Fundamental Nursing Concepts and Skills
Published in Paperback by Year Book Medical Pub (15 January, 1996)
Author: Grace, Rn Cole
Amazon base price: $47.95
Used price: $6.95
Buy one from zShops for: $46.93
Average review score:

Basic Knowlegde in a new career of a Nurse
This book was very helpful throughout my schooling in practical nursing. It had fully illustrated the basic skills needed to know by a starting nursing student and had described the important issues that would affect the life of a nurse. This book can be used at the start of a new career and can be used to look back in for reference.

Gays Under Grace
Published in Paperback by Winston-Derek Pub (June, 1991)
Author: Maury Johnston
Amazon base price: $
Collectible price: $25.00
Average review score:

Balanced and pretty comprehensive
I have read this book about 2-3 times. Maury Johnston does a good job of dealing with the major biblical issues surrounding the subject of homosexuality and Christianity. He doesn't shy away from criticizing both the church and the gay community when necessary. The book is logical and relatively clear in its presentation. While it does help in dealing with scriptural questions and providing some moral direction, it is a bit lacking in emotional and practical areas. In spite of this, it is definitely one of the best books I've read on the subject. It should be more prominent. I read Gays Under Grace again every few years and would recommend it. All-in-all it is balanced and pretty comprehensive.

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