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Book reviews for "Alvarez-Altman,_Grace_DeJesus" sorted by average review score:

Joyful Meeting: Sexuality
Published in Paperback by Intl Marriage Encounter (June, 1981)
Authors: Mike Grace, Joyce Grace, David Mace, and Vera Mace
Amazon base price: $5.00
Used price: $9.95
Average review score:

Best, Most Helpful
This is the best, most helpful book about marriage that I have seen anywhere.
For men and women trying to understand each others needs, this book is phenomenal.

An excellent book with humor and outstanding informaion.
Excellent to give to couples in pre-marital counseling

Kite Flying
Published in Hardcover by Random House (Juv) (11 June, 2002)
Author: Grace Lin
Amazon base price: $10.47
List price: $14.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $10.39
Buy one from zShops for: $7.89
Average review score:

Simple, colorful, and like a kite.. surprising in direction
Grace Lin's pages are filled with spirograph-like swirls, bright patterns, bold colors, and even more colors. The inside cover is filled with drawings of the tools needed to make a kite (paper, scissors, paint, glue, etc), while the back inside cover is filled with the meanings attributed to the types of kites you fly (dragons for wisdom, dragonflies for Summer, butterflies for love, fish for abundance, taods for long life, etc). The whole family is involved in making the feng zheng kite, and then they ascend a hill to fly it with other families. She closes the book by asking the reader to imagine what people's kites are saying about their wishes and desires.

High-flying fun
In "Kite Flying," by Grace Lin, a family makes a dragon kite together and then takes it out for a flight. It's a simple story that effectively combines brightly colored illustrations with an easy-to-read text. Sample text: "It is a good day for kites." It's an enjoyable story that is also a positive portrayal of a family at work on a project together.

At the end of the book is a short supplemental article which describes the history of kite flying and discusses some Chinese traditions related to this activity. There is also an illustrated gallery of various animal kites: butterfly, crab, fish, etc.

Lapsing to Grace: Poems and Drawings
Published in Paperback by Bennett & Kitchel (June, 1992)
Author: Rhina P. Espaillat
Amazon base price: $15.00
Used price: $66.95
Average review score:

The Grace of Lapsing to Form
Meter and rhyme have never left the poetry world--that is, the world of real poets--and Rhina Espaillat's work is real poetry. Subtle sentences work their way gracefully over the wickets of meter. Metaphors stun with their accuracy and ingenuity. And a humane and wise voice speaks all the time, without a trace of arrogance or pretention. There is not a poetic form Ms. Espaillat attempts that she does not do honor to. How much more could one ask in our current, degraded culture of screaming and fatuousness? The only negative thing I could think to say about "Lapsing to Grace" is that as genuinely good as the book is, "Where Horizons Go," her second book, is even better.

Outstanding Voice Waiting to Be Heard
For poetry lovers, the work of Rhina Espillat is a priceless gem just waiting to be discovered. Her use of form, her graceful passion for articulating real and heart-felt emotions is the delight every poetry lover hopes to experience from a book. Her latest book, Where Horizons Go, is equally rewarding. I strongly recommend the work of this outstanding poet to anyone who values the high principles in the gift of poetry.

Little Acts of Grace
Published in Paperback by Our Sunday Visitor (March, 2002)
Authors: Rosemarie Gortler, Donna Piscitelli, and Mimi Sternhagen
Amazon base price: $5.95
Used price: $3.18
Buy one from zShops for: $3.75
Average review score:

It's a great book. I gave it out to the kids in my religion class at the end of last year. Little Acts of Grace is written so young children can easily understand it and acts as a great reminder for older Catholics! It makes a great gift and it's a good book to have in your home collection too!

Wonderful little book!
Although written for young children in order to gently introduce them to some of the little things we Catholics do (sign of the cross, genuflecting, using holy water, praying to Mary or the saints, etc.), this sweet book is a gem for anyone Catholic or anyone who ever wanted to know about such things. The whimsical illustrations are charming and especially appealing to very young children. The book is a perfect First Communion/Confirmation or birthday gift for a child or a gift for an adult who is becoming Catholic or thinking about doing so. I've already bought five copies!

Little Disturbances of Man
Published in Paperback by New American Library Trade (June, 1973)
Author: Grace Paley
Amazon base price: $5.95
Used price: $2.98
Average review score:

Dazzling control of language
These are stories of real-life love and relationships (ie: imperfect, strange and unexpected - not cheesy or sappy at all). Paley drops the reader into the heart of the character and creates for us a world so vivid, yet so different from what we know, that I felt dizzy the first time I read one of these stories. Her use of language is so perfect it makes me laugh out loud (on the subway) and I enjoy reading any given paragraph over several times. I use this book for inspiration every time I try (in vain) to write something creative myself... check it out!

Utterly Humane; Stylistic Economy
What makes Paley worth reading and important is her language, which is plain, simple english, but the order in which she places the words create sentences that burst with gut-life. Her sentences are like clever, immigrant hands--hard-won wisdom with an untiring lust for life. Most of the stories are set in a New York reminiscent of The Honeymooners, unfortunately due to my age my only point of reference. But ultimately, as the subtitle says, these are clear, gritty stories of men and women at love. This is writing that your mother would understand; and make you glad to be alive.

Living for Change: An Autobiography
Published in Paperback by Univ of Minnesota Pr (Trd) (March, 1998)
Authors: Grace Lee Boggs and Ossie Davis
Amazon base price: $13.27
List price: $18.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $9.95
Buy one from zShops for: $12.40
Average review score:

An interesting take on racism in America
I was impressed to find this book at my public library. It is an important remembrance of some of the movements that were occurring during the 1940's through the 1990's. Lots of acronyms! Some of the history of the splits in the Party got tedious.

It was interesting to read about some of the options people had besides the Panthers, to hear the view of taking responsibilty, not only blaming the man for the situation. And to reaffirm the idea that a great shift in society needs to occur before we can have true equality.


Amazing Grace

For anyone who has ever wanted to work for social change, this life story by a wise and vital woman is a guidebook. As the book's cover tells us, "Grace Lee Boggs is a first-generation Chinese American who has been a speaker, writer, and movement activist in the African- American community for fifty-five years." After earning her Ph.D. in philosophy at Bryn Mawr in June of 1940, Grace wanted to become an activist. She moved to Chicago in the fall of 1940 and began working with the South Side Tenants Organization--a group that had been set up by the Workers Party.

When distinguished "labor leader A. Phillip Randolph issued a call for blacks all over the country to march on Washington to demand jobs in the defense plants," more and more people began attending the Workers Party discussions in Chicago's Washington Park. Grace had been invited to participate in those discussions. She said, "The more I went out in the community and met people, the more inadequate I was beginning to feel." When Randolph's leadership of the March on Washington movement was successful and President Roosevelt issued Executive Order 8802, Grace realized "the power that the black community has within itself to change this country when it begins to move. As a result, I decided that what I wanted to do with the rest of my life was to become a movement activist in the black community." To Grace, "Joining the Workers Party seemed a good way to start," and that's what she did, in order to get the political education she felt she needed.

In the 1950s, Grace moved to Detroit where she worked on the Socialist Workers Party newsletter and met Jimmy Boggs, "A rank-and-file black Chrysler-Jefferson worker and community activist." Grace liked living in Detroit because it "felt like a 'Movement' city where radical history had been made and could be made again." She also liked working with Jimmy. Having worked closely with C. L. R. James, the intellectually powerful Socialist philosopher, Grace felt that her life had been "exciting but also extremely intellectual." She reasoned that she "needed to return to the concrete." Grace and Jimmy married in 1953 and began a life together that was rooted in the concrete reality of a major 20th-century industrialized city that had been abandoned by the large corporations that built it and by much of its white population.

As Ossie Davis says in his foreword to Grace's book, "Through these pages walk causes, gatherings, confrontations, movements, and the men and women who made them: workers and students and committees of the People...." Studs Terkel has called Grace's book "More than a deeply moving memoir...." He said, "...this is a book of revelation."

It is just that, for with passion and reason, Grace invites us to join her and Jimmy. She shows how they made "Detroit Summer" and "Gardening Angels" part of a new urban economic system, and she shows us how to interact multiculturally and multi-generationally. She doesn't merely talk about it--she does it and reports on its results. Grace Boggs educates us in her book and helps us see the possibilities of what we can do in our own cities.

Lo, Michael
Published in Hardcover by Fleming H Revell Co (October, 1984)
Author: Grace Livingston Hill
Amazon base price: $7.95
Used price: $1.50
Average review score:

Loved it!
This book is one of Grace Livingston Hill's best. I love the fact that Michael keeps his word about helping other "street kids" like himself. The romance eliment is subtle, but it's very powerful and touching.

Moving book, with wholesome romance and satisfying morale.
This book was really powerful. I am not a crier, but I found my emotions touched by this beautiful story. One can almost see the author's love for humankind shining through. The main character was a wonderful man, suitable for being a hero to any little boy. I think the author truly must have been inspired to write such a magnificent piece of literature. This book was so good, I wish that everybody could truly appreciate it like I do. I have several friends who have also discovered the beauty in this long-forgotten book. I am hoping to read more of this author

Losing Face & Finding Grace: 12 Bible Studies for Asian-Americans
Published in Paperback by Intervarsity Press (January, 1997)
Authors: Tom Lin and David K. Gibbons
Amazon base price: $7.00
Used price: $4.20
Buy one from zShops for: $4.81
Average review score:

Wonderful Bible Study Guide For Asian Americans
I saw this book while I was doing inner city missions during Summer 2000. Later that year, I bought a copy of it for myself. It is perhaps the best Bible Study guide for Asian Americans I've ever found.
This book has 12 Bible studies that are designed for Asian Americans who struggle with their cross-cultural identity. Some of the topics covered are grace, the Asian work ethic, filael piety, marriage, and other things that Asian Americans go through. It also provides a Biblical framework, so that when Asians ask, "How do I overcome this?", they have a ready reference. This Bible study guide is also very helpful for those Asians who don't feel totally Asian nor totally American, either (this is what Asians commonly refer to as "Bamboo").
Incidently, I'm not Asian. I'm a Caucasian Pastor out of Chicago who God has called to worship with and minister to Asian Americans, mostly ages 18-30. Anyone out there who has full time contact with Asians like I do should go through all of the 12 Bible studies in this book. It will better equip you for ministering to and worshiping with Asian Americans. I'm sure it will be a blessing to you as it has been to me.
I'd like to personally thank Tom Lin for seeing the vision to do this and also to InterVarsity Press for putting it out. Praise God!

Excellent Bible study for Asian Americans
If you haven't seen any of my other book reviews, let me first tell you about myself. I'm a white guy who worships with, pastors, and mentors Asian Americans, mostly 18-30. I was first called by God to be a cross cultural pastor to Asian Americans back in 1996. I've read many cross cultural books that have helped me, this being one of them.
As for this book, I'd call this a must read for anyone who is Asian American, from the 1.5's, 2nd generation, and beyond. You'll understand so much more about yourself, your ethnic heritage, and your Asian culture in light of the Bible. This Bible study guide addresses such issues as grace, the Asian work ethic, God's will vs. Parent's will, and other simular topics that Asian American Christians struggle with.
So many Asian-Americans struggle with their cross-cultrual identity while living here in America. While this book may not be the "end all" for all Asian American Christians and their struggles, this will certainly get the ball rolling in terms of the healing process. It will also help them come to terms with their cross cultural identity by showing what the Bible says and what they should live out.
In short, this book opened my eyes to many of the struggles that Asian American Christians go through. Again, I'm not Asian, nor do I pretend to be. However, this book has made me better prepared for the ministry that God has called me to.

Lucado 3 in 1: In the Grip of Grace/When God Whispers Your Name/Applause of Heaven
Published in Hardcover by Word Publishing (March, 1900)
Author: Max Lucado
Amazon base price: $16.99
Used price: $8.25
Buy one from zShops for: $10.95
Average review score:

What a deal!
3 Max Lucado book's for the price of one! Incredible! Sit back, relax and watch how Max paints a picture with words. Uplifting, inspiring and just the thing you need to draw you closer to God. Enjoy!

The Best Trilogy Ever!
Max Lucado's books are masterpieces alone, and the fact that you get 3 in 1 with this book is outstanding. Max really knows how to let God speak through his writing in such a way that if a person reads his writing with an open heart they will feel like they are on their face in front of the Almighty. I highly recommend this book to Everyone!

Mass for the Grace of a Happy Death: 1994 Anhinga Prize for Poetry
Published in Paperback by Anhinga Press (February, 1995)
Authors: Frank X. Gaspar, Frank Gasper, and Rex West
Amazon base price: $10.00
Used price: $6.37
Buy one from zShops for: $9.06
Average review score:

Someone say a Mass for Frank Gaspar
I carry this book with me, pull it out of my backpack at the slightest opportunity and wave its little red heart like a tract, like a knife. Gaspar's poems are my lifeline. I've read almost everything I can get my hands on about my hometown of Provincetown and Gaspar is the only writer since 1890 to accurately reflect the life of a *native* of my town.

Like Gaspar, I too had to leave the town of my Azorean ancestors to make a life for myself. I too am haunted. His lines come back to me daily. From a poem about these ancestors: "And this old country is any place we have to leave/The voices of the dead follow me across a continent now/They still want to speak with my voice." From a poem about his mother, limited lives and the lost industry of ice-cutting: she stands as a young girl on the frozen pond with "the look of all the rest of her life in her eyes."

I asked for this book, and his previous book of poems, "The Holyoke" (with an exquisite introduction by Mary Oliver) in the Provincetown Bookshop, something of a local institution. After I'd spelled out Gaspar's name to the clerk and repeated the title twice, she said, condescendingly, "Are you sure you really want it? Why don't you go to the library and make sure before I try to special-order it for you?" For the bookstores in town not to carry this book, not to fill their windows with Frank Gaspar's work, for the streets there not to ring with the sound of his poems being read aloud--is a slap in the face, a knife in the gut to the native population.

I thank God for Frank Gaspar.

A book you'll want to read more than once.
Mr. Gaspar's poetry puts you into his his memories as if they were your own. From listening to his grandfather and uncle tell OLD STORIES around the kitchen table to recieving the EUCHARIST at Sunday mass his memories of life in a small Cape Cod town are real. Although he left the town at a young age, his poetry is deeply rooted there and conveys to the reader the longing that he has to return to that time and place

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