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Book reviews for "Alvarez-Altman,_Grace_DeJesus" sorted by average review score:

Courage a Grace: A Biography of Dame Mary Gilmore
Published in Hardcover by Melbourne University Press (April, 1989)
Author: W.H. Wilde
Amazon base price: $45.95
Used price: $6.30
Average review score:

I didn't really appreciate the book I have read.
I didn't like the book I have read and personally would never buy the book. My close friend and I also agree that the book has no real info

Published in Hardcover by Presidio Pr (April, 1991)
Author: Alexander M. Grace
Amazon base price: $19.95
Used price: $0.53
Collectible price: $2.11
Buy one from zShops for: $1.18
Average review score:

After falling asleep three times while reading this book I decided it was not for me. The worst part is that I could not seam to remember much about it at all, it left that little of an impression on you. The story is just not inventive.

Fathering: A Practical Guide for Dads (Framing Better Families, Bk. 3)
Published in Paperback by Beacon Hill Press (July, 1997)
Author: Grace H. Ketterman
Amazon base price: $9.99
Used price: $8.56
Buy one from zShops for: $8.60
Average review score:

Keep god away from children!
This book has no place in any responsible parent's house: it is a religious pamphlet, not a parenting book. If you are an open-minded person and want your child to become one too, god is not an appropriate character to enter your family's life. If you are looking for a real parenting guide that leaves mythology aside, look elsewhere.

A Garment of Grace
Published in Hardcover by Vantage Press (July, 1992)
Author: Dennis Tinsman
Amazon base price: $11.95
Used price: $1.48
Average review score:

A trail of Lies
My name is Tim Tinsman. In case your wondering about the last name, yes it's true he's my father. In this book he tells in his words the story of a man whom battles primarily through drug addiction and the loss of his family, that man being him. I encourage any reader of this book to not take pity on him at all his actions throughout the course of his life determind his future. Everyhting that has happend to him has been more than deserved. From my previous statement you might get this impression that I haven't forgiven my dad for his past mistakes, that's not true I've forgiven my on numerous acations. In his book he states he is a changed man and as far as my knowledge preceids me he's kept off drugs and I credit one when deserved. My father blamed substance abuse for everthing, all things: temper,lust,selfishness,the loss of ambition,futher sustance abuse,domestic vilence ect.and manage to hide behind the Bible the whole time. In times when contact has been made beetween my father and I haven't seen much of a personality change,not to mention he still uses the bile for his own personal scape goat. It has now been six-plus years since I've recieved a call on my birthday or christmas. In 5 months I'll be 18 and ready to start a life of my own,I'll be going off to colledge in three weeks and moving a 1000 miles from home. I guess it's up to him if he want's to make amends or not, either way my life will go on and I can only do my best not repeat his mistakes.

The Grace of Zen : parables, prayers, and meditations
Published in Unknown Binding by Search Press ()
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:

-------I didn't read the book, because first of all it seems boring and second of all, who would waste their money on that?

Grace: The Secret Lives of a Princess
Published in Hardcover by Thorndike Pr (Largeprint) (November, 1987)
Author: James Spada
Amazon base price: $7.95
Used price: $2.22
Collectible price: $4.24
Average review score:

"Love Lives of a Princess"?
James Spada aspires to create a shattering and shocking biography of the late Princess Grace Grimaldi, nee Grace Kelly. Unfortunately his biography reads less like a biography than like a listing of the affairs and miserable times she had.

It covers the background that Grace Kelly came from, and her rapid ascent into the Hollywood spotlight, where she became an adored and talented actress. She won the hearts of the public anew when she married Prince Rainier of Monaco, helped pull his small principality back into the spotlight -- and died tragically in a car crash at a relatively young age.

Spada certainly had the material for a good book in his hands, but like many other so-called biographers of famous and beloved personages, he descends to essentially repeating every little tabloid report and insinuation. Every one of Grace's lovers is listed, with Spada showing especial glee when the man in question was married. Literally half the book is taken up by descriptions of who she slept with and, very briefly, the movies she made. After reading this book, readers will be hard-put to remember the plots of her movies, but they will be able to remember her mother's argument with Oleg Cassini. Additionally, the only interactions in her life in Monaco that he focuses on are negative; one would think that Grace didn't have a satisfying five seconds after she married Rainier.

Similar treatment is given to her family. Rainier is a nebulous presence at best -- what little we hear is never enough to let us form a real picture of him as a person. Virtually no attention is paid to Caroline's role as First Lady, but plenty is paid to her tempestuous love life. Albert's adult life is summed up in a listing of his lovers, and Stephanie's accomplishments are crammed into a page and a half, in comparison to the pages dedicated to rebellion and, yes, her love life. To add insult to this amalgation of tabloid rumors, Spada even presents the assertion of a tabloid stringer that Grace's death was an attempted murder/suicide.

His writing style is dry and rushed. It is also repetitive; he often restates items such as the fiery personality under the ice queen exterior, or Grace's beauty, or how she only became involved with men if she believed they would marry her. Rather than grouping relevant quotes together, he allows them to crop up at random through the book.

For a better look at Grace's life, her flaws and gifts, and the lives of her family, try "Royal House of Monaco." If you're looking for a pointless listing of Grace's lovers, this is the book for you.

In the Way
Published in Hardcover by Amereon Ltd (July, 1985)
Author: Grace Livingston Hill
Amazon base price: $26.95
Average review score:

Not one of her Best
I am a major fan of Grace Livingston Hill, but this book didn't do much for me at all! The interaction between brothers and sister went well, but romantically it left much to be desired.

Lingo Handbook, The (Bk/CD-ROM)
Published in Paperback by Prentice Hall (17 October, 1997)
Authors: Rich Grace and Richard Grace
Amazon base price: $39.95
Used price: $2.39
Buy one from zShops for: $12.00
Average review score:

Not a helpful book for beginners
For a novice programmer this book is confusing. The beginning of the book has too many references to topics covered later in the book -- so you end up in a fog. Both I and another student who bought the book returned it. In addition, the accompanying CD prompted errors when using the interactive tutorials.

Marianne Moore: The Poetry of Engagement
Published in Paperback by Paragon House (October, 1988)
Author: Grace Schulman
Amazon base price: $12.95
Used price: $2.45
Average review score:

A Rearguard Study of an Avant-Gardist
Grace Schulman is a poet who pretends to write a critical study of Moore's work; her appeal to critical sources is amateur. The book is most useful where Schulman relies on her own readings, which nonetheless utilize such stodgy methods as counting syllables and stresses almost exclusively. Schulman has been meticulous and has uncovered a few things that could be helpful to readers, but her own logic is watery. This book serves as a good example of mainstream poetics trying to claim that Moore was a poet of the so-called "conversational" vein rather than an innovator who played--successfully--with the big boys.

Once Upon a Time: The Story of Princess Grace, Prince Rainier and Their Family
Published in Hardcover by Pan Macmillan (18 April, 2003)
Author: J. Randy Taraborelli
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $37.60
Buy one from zShops for: $37.60
Average review score:

Not again!
This work is both long (nearly 500 pages) and recently published (2003) so it woud be easy to assume that some new information would be presented about the colourful hstory of the Grimaldi family. Unfortunately, that is not the case. Mr. Taraborelli retells the same story of the "fairy tale gone wrong" that has been related in countless other books and magazines in the decades following the death of Grace de Monaco. Further, the author's plodding, amateurish and hackneyed style makes the task of searching for any new revelations a tedious one indeed. A boorish waste of time.

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