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Book reviews for "Alvarez-Altman,_Grace_DeJesus" sorted by average review score:

Karyn's Memory Box
Published in Paperback by Thomas Nelson (02 March, 1999)
Author: Stephanie Grace Whitson
Amazon base price: $10.39
List price: $12.99 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $2.24
Buy one from zShops for: $4.55
Average review score:

Stephanie Grace Whitson's BIGGEST fan!
If you haven't ever been a reader and you don't think any book will interest you enough to read it--pick up a Stephanie Grace Whitson book. Go to Nebraska and step into the life of Karyn Ritter. Stephanie Grace Whitson can take you into Karyn's life and you actually wish you were there. Stephanie Grace Whitson brought Karyn Ritter into my heart with her book Karyn's Memory Box. Everyone in the world could learn alot from Karyn and Mikal Ritter as well as all the characters in all the Stephanie Grace Whitson books. Stephanie has a little bit of scripture at the begining of each chapter and you may understand it in one way but after you read the chapter it shines a whole different light on that piece of scripture. Stephanie Grace Whitson has a way of using scripture and the characters in a story to move you spiritualy. If Karyn can endure all she did and still enjoy life-anyone can! I have read Karyn's Memory Box and every other Stephanie Grace Whitson Book and I can't wait for the next! Enjoy them--I did!

Not just an ordinary "convenience-marriage" story!
When young German Karyn came to America she was full of dreams of marriage and a good life. What she found was much different and nearly intolerable. She is stubborn and determined in spite of her gentle "giant" stranger husband and her "fancy" fragile sister, Sophie. Stephanie Grace Whitson writes another masterful Bible-centered fictional book with a great story line and suspenseful ending.

The ending of this book is so wonderful!
Stephanie Whitson has done it again--told a wonderful, historically accurate story with a a great romantic story woven in. The ending will leave your heart aflutter.

Truffles from Heaven: Discovering the Sweet Gift of God's Grace
Published in Hardcover by Chariot Victor Pub (August, 1999)
Authors: Kali Schnieders and Kali Schneiders
Amazon base price: $11.19
List price: $13.99 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $4.18
Collectible price: $4.75
Buy one from zShops for: $4.46
Average review score:

Kali Scores!
As a middle-aged guy who would rather watch football than read a book, I may not be the typical reader Kali had in mind when she wrote "Truffles From Heaven." But once I picked it up off the coffee table and started reading, I couldn't put it down. Her true-life stories are entertaining, yet filled with lessons (she calls them "nougat centers") that apply to everyone...even someone who's biggest tests of faith usually involve fourth and goal, down by six.

A word from the author--Kali Schnieders
Dear potential reader,

Sorry for the rating. They wouldn't let me send this note without one--so I just went with the average reader rating.

I would like to invite you to taste a sample chapter from my book by visiting my website. By going on line you can determine if my recipe of encouragement, blended with humor is the right gift for your friend. Yes, your friend who is hurting and in need a morsel of inspiration--the one grieving the loss of a spouse, a parent, a job, a pet or a dream. Your friend who is getting married--or wish they were. We all know someone in need of a truffle from Heaven, don't we?

The question is, "What EXACTLY is a truffle from Heaven, anyway?"

As any true chocolate lover knows, truffles are delicious, handmade, morself of chocolate--often a gift between lovers. Truffles From Heaven are gifts...from the lover of your soul. God's truffles are lovingly laid into the palms of our lives; they're exactly what we need, given in the moment we need them most and expect them least.

My stories are true, they are personal, and they are meant to encourage all readers to search for the evidence of such sweet gifts in their own daily lives. My prayer is that you (and your friend) will do just that.

Blessings, Kali Schnieders

Inspiring stories that give new understanding of God's grace
The author shares warm, inviting stories of real-life inspiration with a twist of humor. She helps her audience see God's grace in all circumstances of life as they look for the sweet morsels of His goodness in difficult times. I laughed and cried, smiled and sighed. It was just wonderful! Kali Schneiders, do you have Truffles II on the horizon? This is a delightful gift book. I know what my friends will get for the holidays.

Published in Audio Cassette by Reef Audio (April, 2001)
Authors: Elizabeth Peters and Grace Conlin
Amazon base price: $29.95
Used price: $29.60
Average review score:

A supernatural mystery delight
Now why is this book not available? At least it isn't as I write this review, which is a shame. This mystery is comparable to the queen of mystery, Agatha Christie. Full of chills, spills, witty dialogue and creepy people, this is a delight.

Ellie and her fiancee Henry arrive at the rambling mansion belonging to her aunt, who is an eccentric rumored to be a witch. Ellie is remaining in the house while Aunt Kate goes off on a trip, bringing a rare and quite dull book along as a gift (which she promptly forgets to give her). In the area is Ted, a friend of Kate's, and an enigmatic, quirky young man named Donald.

Soon Ellie suspects that the house is haunted, from a few specters that crop up. But she just as quickly suspects that the hauntings are all-human in origin. Is it the doc next door? The hypersensitive jerk? The humorless, desiccated librarian? The Senator who is up for reelection? The perky columnist? Creepy undertones are shown in all the characters, but which one of them would endanger -- and perhaps murder? And what secret is so terrible that would make this person so desperate?

Witchcraft, comedy, ghostliness and action are covered in this book, fast-paced and well-plotted, with lovable heroes (Ellie, Donald, Kate) and despicable people as well. One can only theorize who Marjorie Melody was based on, so cloyingly loathesome is she. And what kind of person could have inspired Henry, who readers will.... uh, react to from the first page.

A fantastic, chilling novel/mystery with wry wit, this is a book not to be missed.

An interesting plot
This mystery includes ghosts, people's reputations, and the dog
that barked in the night. It was difficult to put the book down.
Ellie goes off to housesit her aunt Kate's estate in the Virginia
horse country, and immediately encounters a resident ghost, or is
it? Various ancestors of "old families" make an appearance, and just what are the dark secrets the families have buried?

Between eccentric Aunt Kate, her friend Ted, the neighboring doctor and his son, Donald, some strange servants, and the present generation of the "old families," not to mention the large assortment of dogs and cats along with a pet rat, the story gets interesting. Is there trickery, perhaps mass hallucinations, or has someone really raised the dead?

There are some sidelights about the Washington Redskins, and an argument about who was the best quarterback of all times. Disagreement with Kate can give men a bad itch where gentlemen don't scratch. Overall, it was good reading for a rainy evening.

Very Good
Ellie has agreed to house sit for her Aunt Kate. Her pompous fiance drives her down to impress the rich old lady, who dislikes him immediately. After Kate's departure with the fiance to the airport. Ellie experiences all kinds of strange manifestations involving the six founding families of the area. A rare book telling of their boring scandals seems to be the trigger. A neighbor agrees to help her solve the mystery. It seems like a practical joke, until an old friend of Kate's gets seriously injured....

This was a very quick read and I enjoyed it thoroughly. I picked it up and didn't stop reading until the last page. The characters are quirky and entertaining. The atmosphere appropriately creepy, and the story line engrossing. A very good read.

Paul: A Man of Grit and Grace (Great Lives from God's Word, Volume 6)
Published in Hardcover by W Publishing Group (15 April, 2002)
Author: Charles R. Swindoll
Amazon base price: $15.39
List price: $21.99 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $12.16
Buy one from zShops for: $9.49
Average review score:

I'll never think of Paul the same way again
This is a wonderful book. I found myself staying up late so I could read "just one more chapter."

I have to admit that in the past I have had trouble with some of Paul's writings, while at the same time, his letters to the churches never fail to deepen my relationship with Christ. But,
I always tended to think of Paul as the "saint of saints" and this was very intimidating.

This book has helped me to see Paul as a real human being. I am still overwhelmed by his total faith in the grace of God, but I now have a deeper understanding of the journey he took and how he let God use him. I no longer feel that this type of faith is reserved for "the chosen few."

I appreciated Mr. Swindoll's way of showing how Paul's experiences could be applied in my life. This book is not just a traditional biography of a great man, but it has helped me see how to let God increase my faith.

A Must Read For Christians and Non-Christians Alike
Paul: A Man Of Grace and Grit is an extraordinary work detailing the life of the apostle Paul. The book outlines and explains the biblical and cultural history and signifigance of the life and times of Paul in a way I have never before discovered. I cannot recommend it enough. The book presents history mixed with important lessons mixed with timely analogies. It is a must read for Christians and non-Christians alike. I guarantee that reading it will affect your outlook on life and make you feel uplifted as it did me.

Biblical characters brought to life
The Bible IS applicable to our life today, and Charles Swindoll, once again, shows us how. His book, Paul: A Man of Grace and Grit, is more than a storytelling of Paul's life. These pages are much more than an interesting biography of a converted tyrant. Swindoll examines and retells of the conversion and missionary journies, yes, but he uses the principles from them to show you and me how to model such passion for Christ.

An added bonus was the ability of this book to cause a great deal of the New Testament to come alive on a go-forward basis. Getting to know the author of almost 50% of the NT has helped me to understand and appreciate the books he has written.

Transforming Grace: Living Confidently in God's Unfailing Love
Published in Paperback by Navpress (July, 1993)
Author: Jerry Bridges
Amazon base price: $11.20
List price: $14.00 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $8.50
Buy one from zShops for: $9.68
Average review score:

Now I Understand!
I never understood God's grace and what it meant until I read "Transforming grace". I have spent years trying to earn what God had already given to me freely- eternal salvation. I no longer see God as a task master ready to step on me for the smallest infraction. I now see him as the God who loved me even when I was at emnity with him. Thats grace! I see God as a holy,gracious,generous,loving, and good God.

If you've been feeling like the life of the believer is more of a burden than a blessing, then you need to read this book. I promise that you won't feel like that after reading this book. You will be walking once and for all in the light of God's wonderful grace.

I really recommend this book. It's an easy read, and Jerry Bridges keeps it real and biblical.

Truly Transforming
Studying and learning about God's incredible grace changes and defines my perspective on who I am and what God has done for me. Bridges does an amazing job of getting back to the basics of the importance and life-channging essnece of God's grace. I would highly recommend this book.

Oh, the Power of God's Grace!
As a Christian for many years, it was not until I read this book along with God opening my eyes/heart upto scripture that I realized the power and FREEDOM that come from grace. With a proper understanding of grace (propitiation, justification, sanctification), living for God no longer became a burden but a natural JOY that didnt require me TRYING to do it w. my own strength. It helped me receive thru the Holy Spirit what God has already given me. It helped me to obey out of LOVE not out of obligation. Oh the wonders and riches of knowing the cross! This book has changed my life.

Animal Grace: Entering a Spiritual Relationship With Our Fellow Creatures
Published in Hardcover by New World Library (March, 1900)
Authors: Mary Lou Randour and Susan Chernak McElroy
Amazon base price: $20.00
Used price: $4.69
Collectible price: $5.25
Buy one from zShops for: $4.65
Average review score:

Animal Grace
Psychologist Mary Lou Randour, Ph.D. gave up her private practice to devote herself fulltime to animal advocacy. Animal Grace: Entering A Spiritual Relationship With Our Fellow Creatures is her third book.

Dr. Randour says that "I learned that as we gain access to our hearts and minds, by acknowledging the ways in which we affect the lives of animals, this knowledge benefits us as much as it does the animals." She believes that humans have much to learn from non-human beings and points out that people have had animal companions since the beginning of time.

One of the most important things about animal wisdom is that it's always available to us. All we need to is become aware, which is "about deciding, learning, and acting." Once aware, we then develop compassion. Dr. Randour has found that learning about the intelligence and emotions of non-humans enables us to "overcome other distinctions, such as race, gender, nationality, and religion."

Her underlying philosophy is "ahimsa--harmlessness to all living things."

Dr. Randour includes interviews with world religious and spiritual leaders regarding their beliefs about the ways animals should be treated. She also includes numerous anecdotes describing how animals help humans with love, healing, spiritual growth, and death experiences.

"My work on behalf of animals infused me with a sense of purpose and prepared me to accept my own spiritual energy," Dr. Randour says. Animal Grace will help all readers understand how they too can enter into "reciprocal spiritual relationships" with their fellow non-humans.

Excellent book, but NOT about communicating with animals
I wasn't sure what this book was about when I bought it, even after reading the description and reviews. It kept coming up in my search for books on Animal Communication, so I thought I would check it out.It is definitely NOT about communicating with animals. For books like that, see Penelope Smith, Ted Andrews, etc.

This book was a wonderful read on how to increase our spiritual attunement/connection to animals. Animals have so much to teach us, especially by their examples. It was thought provoking and gently written.

ANIMAL GRACE is a potentially life changing book. Ms. Randour approaches the topics of spirituality and the state of grace animals possess and that which can be achieved between humans and animals by not only delving deeply into the subject(s), but by addressing them from an unexpected standpoint. The standard approach is (of course) the emotional, but Ms. Randour instead makes MORE than just an emotional case, she makes an intellectual one. As a result, her arguments and points will not only touch your heart, they will (more importantly in many instances) touch your MIND. Why? Because they're LOGICAL and challenge any thinking person to stop and reconsider many things normally taken for granted. It is one thing to tug at someone's heart, but quite another to challenge someone intellectually to question their own thought process. And that is the beauty of this book, it touches the reader on so many levels: emotionally, intellectually, and finally, spiritually. Simply put: This is an amazing book, and I only wish everyone could read it. If ANIMAL GRACE does not speak to you, then I don't know if anything ever will. I was already a lover of animals and nature and believed in the spirituality of all living things before I read this book, but by the time I had finished it (less than a day after I'd started it), I had begun to question my own feelings and beliefs and have since gone from dabbling in vegetarianism, to becoming a vegetarian. Obviously, this book spoke to me very deeply, but the most amazing thing about this wonderfully written and surprisingly touching book is that it manages something few books of this kind ever do--it absolutely crushes apathy. And it manages to do so without preaching or pushing any views on the reader. Do yourself, the animals of the world, and the world itself a favor...PLEASE read this book.

Amazing Grace
Published in Paperback by Dramatic Pub Co (May, 1998)
Authors: Mary Hoffman and Shay Youngblood
Amazon base price: $5.95
Used price: $6.24
Collectible price: $10.00
Average review score:

Amazing Grace
Synopsis: Grace is a little girl who loves stories of all kinds, but especially adventure stories and fairy tales. Grace enjoys acting out the most exciting part in each story, no matter if that part is Hiawatha or Anansi the Spider. When she can, she makes her friends and family a part of her story-plays, but Grace can act out all the parts in a story on her own too. When Grace’s class is scheduled to perform Peter Pan, Grace knows immediately that she wants to fly in the part of Peter Pan. Her hopes are soon dampened, however, by classmates who tell her she’s not “right” for the role of Peter Pan. With encouragement from her Ma, and help from her Nana who takes Grace to see a ballerina from Trinidad, Grace realizes that she can be anything she wants to be. The result is a very amazing Peter Pan.

Evaluation: Amazing Grace is a lovely picture book story that stars a feisty heroine. The watercolor illustrations of Caroline Binch are as vibrant and real as Grace herself, and they reinforce the plot by depicting aspects of Grace’s life with Ma and Nana, and how Grace enthusiastically acts out the characters she loves. The illustrations are particularly effective in communicating the movement and color that characterize the world of Grace’s imagination. Young readers will relate well to both Grace and to her story. Grace is the kind of person that many of us â€"kids and adults alike-- long to be: a fun, take-charge kind of girl who sees life as an exciting adventure. Grace’s story, though simple enough to be told in a picture book, incorporates some traditional plot elements, including a problem for the heroine to overcome and a resolution to that problem. Amazing Grace would be a good addition to Kindergarten through 2nd grade reading curriculum for several reasons. It brings multi-culturalism into the classroom through its dynamic main character. It tells a positive message story about a girl who follows her dreams, without being preachy. And, it includes eye-catching illustrations that bring the heroine and her story to life.

The Beauty of Childhood Superbly Done
A child's imagination is one of the purest forms of expression. Author Hoffman has captured that innocence in this superb tale. Grace, like so many youngsters, spends much of her day in the pleasures of "acting out" the characters that populate the pages of the books she reads. She feels that she can do and be anything that she desires. The theme of pursuing one's dreams is the type of message to which all can relate.

As one turns the pages of this beautifully illustrated book, one can enjoy the little girl's imaginary adventures. When Grace learns of the part in "Peter Pan," the reader is able to identify with this as a part of school life. The illustrator has also balanced the classroom with children of varied ethnic and racial backgrounds. This is a plus in the age of being "politically correct."

The language of the book is reflective with the age of the intended reading audience. With a little adult help, the average primary child will "read" this one with great relish.

The resolve of the adults in the family to encourage Grace in pursuit of her dreams is refreshing. Most of us let barriers prevent us from doing the same.

This is one great children's book!

An "amazing" book!
This is an excellent children's book. I use it every year in my classroom because my students can identify so well with Grace. There are so many language arts activities that can be used with it. Grace is an unforgettable character. She knows what she wants and is undaunted by would-be obstacles in her path. With the help of loving family members she can do anything she sets her mind to!

Samantha Saves the Day: A Summer Story (American Girls Collection (Cloth))
Published in Hardcover by Pleasant Company Publications (April, 1991)
Authors: Valerie Tripp, Robert Grace, Jeanne Thieme, and Nancy Niles
Amazon base price: $10.36
List price: $12.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $1.63
Collectible price: $9.53
Buy one from zShops for: $5.00
Average review score:

Samantha Saves the Day
When Samantha stays at Piney Point with her family, she never dreams what will happen. Her mother died many years ago, but she always loved to spend time at Piney Point with her friends just like Samantha. But when she finds her mother's old sketchbook, she becomes interested. Where did her mom draw all the pictures of Samantha and her father, who also died, when she was a baby? Trying to understand her past, Samantha and her two cousins go to Teardrop Island, the place where the mystery pictures were drawn. Their grandma forbids them to go, but they go anyway. But when they get stuck on the island, they get scared and realize they shouldn't have gone. I liked this book, but it was more of a little-kid book than I expected it to be!

Samantha Saves The Day Review
This book is about Samantha going to Piney Point with her aunt,uncle,cousins,and Grandmary,and the admiral. On a rainy day Samantha and her cousins go up in the attic and discover her mother's sketch book. In it there's a map to Teardrop Island. One day Samantha and her cousins go to Teardrop Island. On their way there's a narrow passageway and there are rocks under the water they couldn't see. Once they got to the island, they went to go find the pretty waterfall and her mother's sketch book. They also had a picnic there. Then it starts to rain and they try to go find their canoe but they couldn't. They become stranded and the admiral sets out to find them but he hits his head and Samantha has to save the day.

a wonderfully exciting story
it's about samantha going to a vacation with her two other friends, they go to where her parents died because it looked wonderful, when they tried to get home, they find out that the storm swept their canoe and now they here moans for help! the rest is up to you to read.

Someone to Watch over Me: A Grace & Favor Mystery (Churchill, Jill, Grace and Favor Series,)
Published in Hardcover by William Morrow (13 November, 2001)
Author: Jill Churchill
Amazon base price: $24.00
Used price: $1.39
Collectible price: $7.75
Buy one from zShops for: $1.75
Average review score:

Someone to Watch over Me
Because Lily Brewster and her brother Robert live in a big house and drive a Duesenberg, their neighbors in Voorburg-on-Hudson assume they're well off. They don't know that the pair, wiped out in the crash of '29, will inherit their late great-uncle Horatio's estate, including that grand house and automobile, only if they satisfy his executor, Elgin Prinney, that they can support themselves for ten years. And what better way to support themselves than investigating the odd murder-like the case of a mummified corpse Robert finds in Horatio's long-disused icehouse, or the more recent demise of local vegetable grower Roxanne Anderson's lecherous husband Donald? Both these pale homicides are eclipsed by a subplot in which Jack Summer, editor of the newspaper Lily and Robert don't own, goes to Washington to report on the Bonus Army March-an episode that has precious little to do with the murders but at least generates some emotional warmth when President Hoover sends in troops to fire on the veterans of the world war. Even the home-front intrigue has less to do with crime and punishment-the tiny mystery breaks every rule for plotting the detective novel-than soap opera, as Lily's heroic sacrifice in getting her hair permed twice in order to pump a key witness upstages any interest in whodunit. The lack of momentum in Lily's and Robert's hardcover debut won't surprise Churchill's fans, who may well be curious to see how she handles a tale set in the '30s, the spiritual matrix for her contemporary Jane Jeffry series

Great mystery
At one time siblings Robert and Lily were card-carrying members of the idle rich, living off their father's fortune. When the stock market crashed in 1929, the duo was left destitute as their father committed suicide. Sadly, neither has a skill to earn a decent living--upper-class style, that is. However, a relative comes to the rescue by dying and leaving his vast estate to the brother and sister if they move into his mansion in Upstate New York and support themselves for the next ten years.

It proves very difficult to find work in 1932, but neither sit idle. Robert finds a body on the property and is determined to find out who he was, especially since Lily's new friend Roxanne is believed to have killed her husband though no corpse has been found. Lily knows her friend did not commit any homicide and decides to prove she is right. Is amateur sleuthing acceptable under the stipulations of their inheritance? The Brewsters do not care because they believe they must do the right thing regardless.

Jill Churchill has written a delightful historical cozy that captures much of the ambience of America's Great Depression. The bewitching Brewsters brood is adjusting to a radical lifestyle change while trying to help a neighbor. SOMEONE TO WATCH OVER ME is enjoyable: the characters are engaging, the plot strong and vibrant, and the mystery cleverly executed.

Harriet Klausner

Another good title in the Grace and Favor series!
Someone to Watch Over Me by Jill Churchill is the third book in her Grace and Favor series. The previous two titles, Anything Goes and In the Still of the Night were delightful mysteries and Someone to Watch Over Me is a welcome addition to this series.

Set during the Depression, the once wealthy Brother and sister Lily and Robert inherit their uncle's mansion on the Hudson River. But the inheritance is predicated on the English law of Grace and Favor where they must live in the house for a period of time before they can rightfully own it. And their uncle added one more element to this inheritance in that both Lily and Robert must have jobs in the area and live only in the house before they inherit anything. The house comes with an array of interesting people who work for them in addition to some of the townspeople who quickly become part of their lives.

Unfortunately, times are tough for all including Lily and Robert who few in the village know that their family was a casualty of the Depression early on and their fortune no longer exists. With both their parents now gone, they must figure out a way to make ends meet. They come up with one idea after another to bring in some much needed income while they also somehow become amateur detectives. As she did in her two previous books, Ms. Churchill presents first one murder victim and then another as Lily and Robert become entangled in solving the murder And not content to have only one main plot at work, Churchill fully explores the plight of the average person as they deal with the Depression. A most interesting part of the book is when the author describes the workers march on Washington, DC for wages as well as their living conditions in tent cities erected around this area.

While I enjoyed the mystery angle of this book, which is enough to satisfy most mystery readers, it is the description of the area around the Hudson and the characters that really interest me in these books. Now once again I am waiting for the next title in this series to find out what everyone is doing and how life has been treating all of them.

Tired of Trying to Measure Up
Published in Paperback by Bethany House (December, 1989)
Authors: Jeffrey Vanvonderen and Jeff Vanvonderen
Amazon base price: $9.59
List price: $11.99 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $4.42
Buy one from zShops for: $8.28
Average review score:

Definitely worth reading (thank you Jeff)!
This book was recommended to me several years ago when I was going through some extremely horrible situations with coming out of a borderline cult and dealing with some of the radical movements and teachings that are out there these days.

The book really helped me sort out a lot of things and helped me understand the difference between trying to find life through our works (either 'positive' religious activities or 'negative' sinful fulfilment), and the realization that Christ is our true source life.

He also alludes to how we try to rely on other people as our source of life. We place great demands on our spouse, kids, and others and expect them to give us what only Christ can fulfill.

A true classic for getting away from the performance treadmill and learning the sufficiency and completeness of accepting Christ. I really ought to read it again.

Please get this book. I also recommend Dudley Hall's "Grace Works".

Has this guy been reading my mail? This book gets specific and deals with common scenarios--not just the way-out stuff. Six stars!

The Most Life Transforming Book I've Ever Read
The truth in this book freed me! This is the most life transforming book I have ever read. The author's style is very straightforward and very truth-telling. He does not just quote scripture, but his work is really Biblically based. But if you are not a Christian, it is for you too - not "preachy". I have new joy and peace, and am off the "try hard" treadmill, as a result of the truth I found in this book. If you have read other books, and are still "searching", this one is a must. I almost didn't get it because I have bought so many books on trying to enjoy life, but this one truly made the difference for me. I'll be rereading it and recommending it to everyone I know!

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