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Book reviews for "Alvarez-Altman,_Grace_DeJesus" sorted by average review score:

Grace Paley's Life Stories: A Literary Biography
Published in Hardcover by Univ of Illinois Pr (Pro Ref) (February, 1993)
Author: Judith Arcana
Amazon base price: $29.95
Used price: $6.29
Collectible price: $7.95
Average review score:

Paley deserves better
I enjoy Paley's writings very much, and feel that Judith Arcana has unfortunately misconstrued in a curiously vigorous way. Paley's life is a fascinating one, and one hopes it will be told later by a more discerning critic.

His Saving Grace (Zebra Regency Romance)
Published in Mass Market Paperback by Zebra Books (Mass Market) (July, 2002)
Author: Julia Parks
Amazon base price: $4.99
Used price: $1.90
Buy one from zShops for: $3.32
Average review score:

hero's & heroine's interaction lacked romance
If you like romance novels where the hero and the heroine are constantly misunderstanding each other and are at loggerheads, look no further, "His Saving Grace" is bound to satisfy. However, if you're looking for something more, like a tender romance, a hero and heroine that possess some charisma and that will have you rooting for them to get that happily ever-after fairy tale ending -- well, save your money for another book.

Adam Havenhurst, the younger brother of the Earl of Foxworth, has decided to turn over a new leaf. Where once he was a rakish fribble, he has turned to religion, determined to make up for his past dissipations. And he has just been appointed as the new vicar of Pixley, a small village parish. Adam is determined to do his best in his new job as spiritual leader of his new flock.

Almost the first person Adam meets as soon as he arrives at Pixley is the delectable Grace Edgewood, a schoolmistress at a local seminary for young girls. Adam finds that he is entirely susceptible to the charms of this beautiful school teacher. So that it is a shock when he realises that Grace teaches at a rather progressive seminary that teaches subjects like Latin, mathematics, geography and (gasp) swimming and fencing. Adam is aghast, and tries to warn Grace against embarking on such a curriculum.

Grace, on the other hand, is naturally incensed. Who exactly does this stiff, disapproving, supercilious vicar think he is? And what right does he have to disapprove of the school's curriculum for the girls? A battle of will ensues between the two combatants. Each sure that the other is wrong, with each secretly attracted to the other. And then Adam's rakish brother turns up and makes a play for Grace. Will Adam loose Grace to the earl? And will Grace and Adam be able see their way through the fog of misapprehensions in which they seem to fairly revel, in order to realise their feelings for each other?

The novel started out promisingly enough, and actually had a central theme I hold dear: the education of young girls. The trouble, for me, was with the manner in which the two principal characters interacted with each other. Except that each was drawn to the other's looks, I couldn't for the life of me see what they each saw in the other. They clearly did not share any ideas or beliefs. And they spent an awful lot of time snipping at and disapproving of each other. Also they were each really quick to believe the worst in the other. How romantic can that be? Adam was entirely too stiff, supercilious and unforgiving. Someone should have clued him into the fact that a vicar doesn't always have to disapprove of everything under the sun, and that an open minded and understanding man of the cloth is what everyone really needs. As for Grace, she frequently behaved in a very shrewish and shrill manner. How anyone can be expected to carry on caring for someone who is always railing and having tantrums at him, flabbergasted me.

I'm not sure what happened with "His Saving Grace." The plot premise was an interesting and promising one. And truth to tell some of the misunderstandings and situations that Adam and Grace found themselves in were mildly amusing. But for me the success of the novel finally boiled down to the chemistry between Grace and Adam. and I couldn't get past his disapproving stiffness and her shrewishness. Sad to say, in spite of its initial promise, this novel just didn't 'work' for me. And that is a shame.

Parenting the Difficult Child
Published in Hardcover by Thomas Nelson (October, 1994)
Author: Grace, M.D. Ketterman
Amazon base price: $18.99
Used price: $1.64
Collectible price: $8.47
Buy one from zShops for: $3.77
Average review score:

This book offers very little practical advice.
The text of this book can be summarized as "try to understand your child, accept and love him, acknowledge your part in the problem and everything will turn out alright." While there is a lot of truth in this, the book offers very little practical advice as to how to go about changing things. The STEP books by Dinkmeyer give the same advice but then go a step further and tell you how to do it

The Rosary-A Treasure of Graces
Published in Paperback by AGS Publishing (02 December, 1998)
Authors: Walter Pousson Jr. and Anathalee Sandlin
Amazon base price: $19.95
Average review score:

Not a crafter's book.
I bought this book with the intent to make rosaries, as such, the book is a bomb. There are a couple of pages about rosary-making.

I suppose it works as a devotional manual and good history lesson, but it really has no business in the crafting category.

However, even as a book about rosaries, there was a stunning lack of pictures of rosaries. Those on the front and back covers are all that exist. The rest of the photos are of pious statues. Why? I couldn't tell you.

Daddy Grace: An Annotated Bibliography (Bibliographies and Indexes in Afro-American and African Studies)
Published in Hardcover by Greenwood Publishing Group (April, 1992)
Author: Lenwood G. Davis
Amazon base price: $62.95
Buy one from zShops for: $50.36
Average review score:

Did you Know the Man?
From the reviews of previous readers, I know this book is full of lies. There is no more to be said!

you need to check your facts
hello, sister girl we are a church of dedicated members. now before you decided to write this book you should have called Daddy madison to get the full facts.

Great resource
For a lover of history that is interested in getting little known references about Daddy Grace I think Mr. Davis' book points you in the right direction. I was once a member of the United House of Prayer for All People for 14 years and unfortunately I didn't get a chance to see Daddy Grace. He died three years before I was born. Nevertheless the wonder about Bishop Grace thrived within me because of the stories my grandmothers told me. My grandmothers were loyal members of Bishop's Grace's church, joining in the early days, and filled my head with stories. They loved Daddy Grace. To be honest, when you interview members of the United House of Prayer for All People you get a one sided view, filled with legends about Bishop Grace. Mr. Davis' book lays out straightforward resources that examine the cult's founder. I didn't know there were so many articles, books, and dissertations written about Daddy Grace. What an interesting character in history he was. Thanks Mr. Davis.

Sneeze on Sunday
Published in Paperback by Tor Books (December, 1992)
Authors: Andre Norton and Grace Allen Hogarth
Amazon base price: $4.99
Used price: $1.88
Collectible price: $2.64
Average review score:

What a disappointment!
This book appears to be a collaberation between Andre Norton and Grace Hogarth, but it reads very unlike Ms. Norton's style. I was very disappointed in this book and had to stop reading it after only three chapters. The plot was very predictable, the characters are not very believable. I have to think Ms. Norton only glanced at what Ms. Hogarth was writing, and did not contribute to this book either in plotlines or in characterizations. Don't waste your money!

Good but dated (published in 1953)
Fredericka, a librarian on vacation, is definitely not a modern woman, being given to attacks of fright and a reluctance to do anything without the approval of the men in her life. A dead body in the backyard is a good reason to be nervous, but not to avoid going out, especially since murder isn't mentioned for quite a ways into the book. It's a good period piece, but has to be read with an eye to the times, as the characters all smoke and actions taken for granted in the 50's ie smoking in bed are no-nos in todays world. The solution was good, and the plot worked, but it seemed a little contrived, especially to a child of the computer age.

Cracking the Sat II: History: Subject Tests 1999-2000 (Princeton Review Series)
Published in Paperback by Princeton Review (March, 1999)
Authors: Grace Reegner Freedman and L. L. C. Lishing
Amazon base price: $17.00
Used price: $4.68
Buy one from zShops for: $8.99
Average review score:

I thought this book would be good because in general, I feel that books by TPR are accurate. However, this book is completely wrong. In addition to an index that points to the wrong pages and "review", there was nothing there. One test on World History...Thats it. No practice questions, Vague strategies we've heard a billion times before. Tests that are exceptionally easy; if I were you, I would just study using your textbook, cause this is no review book.

Nothing was on the test. Don't buy it!

Do not buy this book!
Don't make the same mistake that I did. If you are studying for the SAT II in US or World History, buy the Barron's instead, NOT Princeton Review. The Princeton Review focuses on blatantly obvious test-taking tips and leaves you totally unprepared for the SAT II. It basically tells you, "Just don't fill in two answers for one question and you'll be fine." The book gives a grossly inadequate review of history. For example, in the World History section it reviews the entire history of China in about ten sentences! There are NO practice questions outside of the practice tests. The practice tests do not reflect the real SAT II at all, as I found out when I took the test. Don't believe the unsubstantiated showy claims of the book publisher. If you want to succeed on the SAT II, don't waste your money or time on this awful book.

Verbal Abuse: Healing the Hidden Wound
Published in Paperback by Vine Books (August, 1993)
Author: Grace H. Ketterman
Amazon base price: $8.79
List price: $10.99 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $4.82
Collectible price: $10.85
Buy one from zShops for: $5.82
Average review score:

A waste of money and time
If you are a woman involved with a true verbal abuser depending on this book for help could be hazardous to your health. Make no mistake, counselors can be just as injurious to the victims as the abuser is if they try to apply the typical therapeutic model of "shared responsibility" in a relationship. This doctor consistently simplifies the abusive scenario into a "disagreement" or "power struggle" and encourages the wife (victim) to understand her huband's need to "feel powerful" She writes "If a wife can recognize her husband's vulnerability,her love can help her to protect him rather than counter-attack"!! So the wife should be denigrtaed and humiliated by her husband and than help "fix" him with her love and devotion. This is not a counselor who has workable knowledge of a true abusive personality. True abusers are personality disordered; they operate from a completely different reality than their victims do, and their goal and eventual effect is to destroy the victim's soul. They don't accept responsibility for what they do and they don't apologize. They blame the victim, who already blames herself and has usually turned herself inside out trying to "fix" herself, him and everything she thinks, says and does. She could well die trying and some do. Verbal abuse is insidious and has far reaching effects, emotional,physical and psychological. Trying to "deal" with it, and ultimately, escape from it, are extremely complicated and difficult feats and this author just seems not to "get it" at all.
For meaningful information and help, read the works of Patricia Evans and Beverly Engel and acquaint yourself with the characteristics of the narcisisstic personality.

I'm sending it back
I did not find this book helpful at all. It started in the preface, where she urges the reader to turn to a loving Father God for healing.... In my experience, the words loving & father just don't go together -- I realize that she used the mainstream way of referring to God, but it was still kick in the gut. Later in the book, she has examples of people who were rejected & verbally abused by one parent or the other, and they turned out to be gay. The implication is that people become gay because of the rejection or acceptance of a parent -- a theory so ridiculously out of date and preposterous I can't believe it could be stated with a straight face. Her other examples were also either hard to relate to or just unhelpful.

I can see where this book was well-intentioned, and maybe I was biased because of the God language, but it didn't help me any.

Barney's Magical Picnic (Golden Sight 'N' Sound Book)
Published in Hardcover by Golden Pr (October, 1993)
Authors: Stephen White, Mary Grace Eubank, Steven White, Sidelines, and Stilton Jarlsberg
Amazon base price: $10.00
Used price: $0.55
Collectible price: $24.95
Buy one from zShops for: $4.00
Average review score:

I read this to my little 3 1/2 year old sister as a bedtime story. She loved it...But...I think I'm TOO OLD to read Barney! If I read it one more time, I'll go CRAZY! I wanted to have a review with no stars but I can't. When I went to the part where BabyBop counted the ducklings for the first time, i almost fell asleep! I'd rather read Junie B. jones to her. It's A little more grown-up. (But she doesen't understand Junie B., yet.) I bought Winniethepooh, Spot, and rugrats books. BUT ALL SHE WANTS IS BARNEY!
NOTE: If you are an older sis or brother who Hates Barney 'n' friends, don't read it!

Bring Out Your Dead
Published in Hardcover by Dufour Editions (May, 1999)
Author: Grace Ingoldby
Amazon base price: $32.00
Used price: $2.21
Buy one from zShops for: $25.84
Average review score:

An English Ken Kesey....Nah!
Try as I could to keep reading, this novel moved along as if it was sleepwalking. I am not quite sure what Ms Ingoldby is attempting to say but her characters don't shed much light. While Pat Barker and Patrick McGrath's recent books on asylums were captivating and special, this one misses the mark. A Cookoo's Nest this is not!

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