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Book reviews for "Alvarez-Altman,_Grace_DeJesus" sorted by average review score:

Sanity Rising: About Unnecessary Evil and Excelling in the 21st Century
Published in Paperback by 1stBooks Library (December, 1999)
Authors: John F. Nienstedt and J. G. Bennet Grace
Amazon base price: $12.45
Used price: $9.62
Buy one from zShops for: $4.98
Average review score:

Questioning the meaning of "evil."
Reviewed by Nancy Mehl, ...BR>Buy a Copy

SANITY RISING: UNECESSARY EVIL is a thought provoking book. It asks the reader to question the meaning of "evil." How is it judged, and what does it mean to each of us? Most of us believe our causes and beliefs are just - so how does one decide which actions are acceptable and which ones are not?

Author John Nienstedt makes us examine ourselves in a way that may make us uncomfortable, but can bring us to a better self-awareness about our judgments of others - and of ourselves. He also asks us to look more closely at our definition of ethics. Is fudging a little here and there acceptable, even if everyone else does it? Do we have a "herd" mentality, or are we finding our own way based on our own questions - and our own answers.

When it comes to defining "evil," many of us have found an interpretation through our religious beliefs. Even though I disagree with the idea that all evil is of our own making, I found most of Mr. Nienstadt's arguments compelling and applicable to everyone. There is no "anti-right" or "anti-left" in this book. Neither is there a spirit of "anti-religion." If anything, there is a call to come out of the herd, listen to your own calling - and learn to know yourself.

There are fascinating looks into famous figures - and the desires that drove them. A closer look at Lincoln's Gettysburg Address was compelling. Nienstedt shows the reader just why this speech was so successful - and what you can do to develop your own charisma and level of influence.

I read through this book faster than I wanted to. I will definitely go back and re-read it so that I can soak in some of the wonderful insight found within its pages.

Saving Grace
Published in Paperback by Trafalgar Square (September, 2000)
Author: Tom McGregor
Amazon base price: $6.95
Used price: $3.07
Average review score:

Hysterically funny!
Unlike the movie of the same name, this book is the funniest page-turner that I've purchased in a long time. The story takes place in the English countryside where a widow finds herself penniless but with a huge pile of bills left by her husband. She is about to loose her house when she comes up with a plan along with her gardener, to grow pot in her greenhouse. She has a 'greenthumb' and therefore has no problem cultivating the 'stuff.' The book is about all the ups and downs as she grows it, tries to keep it hidden, tries to sell it and many other very funny events. The book has a 'twister' ending which would be a spoiler if I told you so I won't. I fully recommend this very comical account of a granny with money problems and the delightful town she lives in with all of it's very amusing characters.

Saving Graces: The Inspirational Writings of Laura Ingalls Wilder
Published in Hardcover by Broadman & Holman Publishers (June, 1997)
Authors: Laura Ingalls Wilder and Stephen Hines
Amazon base price: $19.99
Used price: $9.25
Buy one from zShops for: $10.50
Average review score:

These are writings Mrs. Wilder did for an adult audience.
Uplifting, challenging, charming, these original writings
of Mrs. Wilder celebrate her positive approach to life
and her faith in God. Published as advice to women,
these writings predate her famous series of children's
books. In fact, they are part of the only writing Mrs. Wilder
ever did for adults.

Readers are brought face to face with the fact that the
problems and the solution to problems haven't changed
from the early part of this century until now. The strong
balance of family love, faith in God, and common sense
principles will see the weary pilgrim through the journey
of life.

Mrs. Wilder wrote from experience, and her words ring
true. This year marks the 130th anniversary of her birth.

Sawyer families of New England, 1636-1900
Published in Unknown Binding by Penobscot Press ; Available from E.G. Sawyer ()
Author: Eleanor Grace Sawyer
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:

What a find!
This book is a labor of love!
It's so extensively researched. Eleanor Grace Sawyer has each entry sourced. Extremely well done. If you have New England ancestry, you'll find yourself reaching for this book over and over again!

The Scripture Way of Salvation: The Heart of John Wesley's Theology
Published in Paperback by Abingdon Press (July, 1997)
Author: Kenneth J. Collins
Amazon base price: $22.00
Used price: $16.14
Buy one from zShops for: $16.14
Average review score:

An Important Work and a "Keeper"!
In this offering, Collins employs the Wesleyan "via salutis," or "the way of salvation", as a framework upon which he successfully maps out John Wesley's theological thought. What Collins has accomplished beyond his careful organization of this material, is to capture many of the important nuances found in Wesley's scriptural-based theology. Although deep and profound, this text is composed in such a way as to not only instruct, but also to engage the reader. Wesley's theological convictions are presented in a clear and crisp style to which the student cannot help but become involved, both spiritually and intellectually. I am convinced this is already an important text, and will grow to be more so as time goes by. "The Scripture Way of Salvation" will no doubt receive the wide reading it so richly deserves.

Seasons of Grace
Published in Mass Market Paperback by ACTA Publications (15 September, 2000)
Authors: Gail Fitzpatrick, Mother Gail Fitzpatrick, and Kathleen Norris
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $6.49
Buy one from zShops for: $6.92
Average review score:

prayerful and reflective
Those who are interested in taking a thoughtful look at how to nurture their spiritual lives by incorporating monastic values into their lives will find this book helpful. Unlike many popular writers who speak of the monastic journey even though they themselves do not live it, Mother Gail is a real pro. She obviously knows what she is talking about since she is the abbess of a cloistered community of monastic women. Her book is a beautiful collection of insights into what it means to seek God by paying attention to how He is present in our lives -- through each season of the year. This book is highly recommended.

Seasons of Grace: Reflections from the Christian Year
Published in Paperback by Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. (October, 1994)
Authors: James F. Kay and James A. Kay
Amazon base price: $10.00
Used price: $2.22
Buy one from zShops for: $4.98
Average review score:

distilled wisdom
Unlike a lot of spiritual writing, Kay's words are refreshingly free of cant and gratuitous term-juggling. They are so simply rich that I can't read more than one at a time. I keep buying copies to give away.

Seasons of Grief & Grace: A Sister's Story of AIDS
Published in Paperback by Vanderbilt Univ Pr (October, 1995)
Author: Susan Ford Wiltshire
Amazon base price: $17.95
Used price: $3.25
Collectible price: $18.95
Buy one from zShops for: $14.59
Average review score:

I live in Lubbock, Texas, where much of this story takes place, and I happen to know some of the people Dr. Ford mentions. But that was hardly the only reason I wanted to read this compassionate biography. Dr. Ford shows how her brother bravely faced AIDS and the bigotry related to it.

Despite its subject matter, this book is never depressing. Instead, Dr. Ford captures the inspirational aspects of her brother's life and how it touched the lives of people around him. I found her poems about his struggle especially touching and hope she'll share more of those in another book.

Sentimental Journeys: Images from a Lifetime of Observation
Published in Paperback by Bookwrights Pr (April, 1999)
Authors: Joe Lieberman, Lew Rector, and Grace Zisk
Amazon base price: $14.95
Used price: $6.49
Collectible price: $19.99
Average review score:

Upbeat life experiences loaded with humor and tenderness.
This book caught hold of me right at the start. I couldn't believe it! This man was telling about my life, too, in some of his stories. Now that I've finished it I realize I must begin now to keep a journal and write about my own life experiences and family history so that this won't be lost to my children and grandchildren.

The Seven Graces of God
Published in Paperback by PublishAmerica, Inc. (May, 2003)
Author: Andrew Laszlo
Amazon base price: $19.95
Used price: $19.90
Buy one from zShops for: $18.70
Average review score:

Seven great reasons to read this book
A great yarn: the story of a boy who arrives in America with nothing, and makes a great life for himself.

A heart-warming tale, with enough mischief, action, intrigue, passion, capers, romance, lust and twists to keep the pages turning.

Would make a great movie, which is understandable, since Mr. Laszlo was the cinematographer on scores of great movies.

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