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Book reviews for "Alvarez-Altman,_Grace_DeJesus" sorted by average review score:

Shame and Grace
Published in Paperback by HarperCollins (paper) (May, 1994)
Author: Lewis B. Smedes
Amazon base price: $16.00
Used price: $2.75
Collectible price: $5.29
Buy one from zShops for: $11.95
Average review score:

Break Those Addictions!
If you have addictions of any kind, you should read this book. At the core of what keeps us addicted is often shame and the rejection of the power of grace. We may be shamed by ourselves, our family, our church or our society. We miss the magnitude and scope of God's grace. Satan thrives on that and convinces us how despicable we are, driving us further into our addictions (how can a miserable person like me deserve to be close to God). A vicious cycle, which was close to being broken, continues anew. This book helps us understand that, which gets us on the path to recovery.

Awesome Book
This book was given to me to read for a class I took in college, and am I ever glad it was! It's a great book! Once you start reading it, you really start understanding yourself and others better! It opened my eyes to the shame I don't deserve and the grace God offers me that I was pushing away! Read this book!

Excellent read and thoughtful...
This book was recommended to me by a counsellor. I could hardly put it down. Even after 3 years of Seminary training some of the principles and perspectives presented here were refreshing to my soul. Buy it and read it and give it to someone you love.

Srila Prabhupada Lilamrta: A Biography of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
Published in Hardcover by Bhaktivedanta Book Trust (2002)
Author: Satsvarupa Dasa Goswami
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:

a change in life
More than what his preachings attracted me, his biography did! I really would follow His way of striving to achieve the desired goals. This book was much more than a mere biography. I have been to many iskcon temples, but now after reading this biography, I understand much more about the processes going on, in these temples....

Srila Prabhupada-lilamrta
this is the best book i have ever gone through and thoroughly enjoyed. this book can bring tears to a pure devotee. hari bol ! sirila prabhupada ki jai

Great Inspiration for all interested in spiritual life
Very Scholarly done after considerable research into the life of a great devotee of the Lord. Extremely readable, entertaining, enlightening, knowledgeable book, opens a window to the spitirual world and the pure devotees who live there.

The Substitute Guest
Published in Paperback by Bantam Books (March, 1982)
Author: Grace Livingston Hill
Amazon base price: $1.95
Used price: $1.98
Collectible price: $3.13
Average review score:

All Hill's books deserve 5 stars
Grace Livingston Hill's books remain popular despite their age. The Christian message is strong and the romances are delightful and tasteful. I love Substitute Guest because it has a Christmas theme. If you have never read GLH and you like Christian romance, these are a must. Despite being old fashioned, they are a wonderful read.

Substitute Guest
The setting is a remote farm during a Christmas Eve blizzard. Into the home of father, mother, daughter and son comes a stranded traveler. How he ends up staying with them over Christmas, in the place of an invited guest who did not come, makes for a lovely, warm story that describes the celebration of Christmas as it should be. I wanted to move in with this family! The perfect Christmas story.

Faith and Character
I loved this book and its characters. If you ever wanted to accidentally stumble into another world than your own, you would do good to meet the family that Alan Monteith meets. May you meet the Savior that Alan comes to know.

A Way Out : Dis-ease Deception and the Truth About Health
Published in Paperback by CoHR Publishing (07 December, 2000)
Author: Matthew Grace
Amazon base price: $19.99
Used price: $12.50
Buy one from zShops for: $14.99
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I can't tell you how profound this book really is
I looked at the back cover of the book before I picked it up and read the content inside, and I did in fact judge a book by its cover. I saw Matthew flexing for the camera, and thought, "Wow, this guy is cheesy".

Well, about 1 Chapter into the book, I was sold. This book lays out the TRUTH about everything food related and how it applies to the lives we live. He speaks on how things really are in the slaughterhouse. I found that chapter very disturbing, but it was good to know the truth. It made me forever look at cuts of meat in a different light.

As profound and insightful as this book was, with its hard hitting data and info, I still laughed aloud several times throughout the book. He's got a good sense of humor.

All in all, top notch read for any vegetarian, or anyone wishing to improve their quality of life. His recovery from an incurable disease just puts the medical world to shame, and I love to see that. Instead of robbing people, let's help people.

I shouldn't expect anything less of Matthew. I discovered the public access show he hosted, Accent On Wellness, back in 1993 as I was waiting for an early morning ride to a football game one Saturday morning. The topic was the AIDS/HIV Deception. Was hooked from day one. Over the past 9 years have watched him whenever I can. Was bummed when he left the show. The man knows health and he doesn't try to convince you of anything. He always tells you to seek and find for yourself. I love this man for his philosophy of honesty. I'm not an idol worshipper, just a hip-hop kid who appreciates REAL dudes. My mom just found out that she has what Western Medicine calls colon cancer. I've come here to replace my copy of A Way Out as the first thing I did was give her Matt's book and told her "don't let them cut a thing until you read this book, check out a few alternative health info packets and websites, and make up your own mind!" I pray she trust me. I know the deal, but you can only bring the loved one to the Truth, you can't make them believe and soak it up. The pharmeceutical-industrial complex has done a good job of brainwashing the world. Maybe with LIFE Warriors like Matt out there we'll all be free one day. Keep up the excellent work Matt.

I am so grateful!
I am so grateful to Matthew Grace for all he has contributed to my life and my future...and I haven't even met him! After reading his book, I went to his website ... which is listed on the copyright page of his book - and I was thrilled to see that he has tapes from his lecture series available. He has made such a contribution to my health. Thank you for that.

The Abyss
Published in Paperback by Noonday Press (January, 1997)
Authors: Marguerite Yourcenar and Grace Frick
Amazon base price: $29.00
Used price: $1.05
Buy one from zShops for: $12.53
Average review score:

A Monument in Literature
The Abyss is one of the two books that haunted Marguerite Yourcenar during her whole life, the other one being the famous "Memoirs of Hadrian".
Zenon, the Hero of the Abyss, is much closer to the author as he shares with her the passion for the unknown countries of the soul and the spirit. Like always, Marguerite Youcenar delivers an analytical vision of the universality of human condition without turning her book into a boring dogma. She has the unique talent and intelligence to be habited by her characters and delivers here a chef d'oeuvre in many regards. The accuracy of the description of the torments of Zenon emphasized by the precise knowledge of major events of this part of this history transforms almost this book into a mystical experience. The chapter named "The abyss" is a piece of literature that can be read many times while still discovering a teaching or a new element of poetry.
It would be VERY unfair not to mention here, Grace Frick, Marguerite's life companion, who was maybe the best French translator of her generation and delivers here a maginificient English text.
Du grand art!

A great study of a complex psyche
Reading a book by M. Yourcenar, a prose writer of great skill, is invariably a delight. The scope of her novels is epic, the composition is as intricate and carefully crafted as a Beethoven symphony. Here in The Abyss, the main theme of the book - the clash between the impetus of momentous historical forces and the destiny of a single human being - is introduced in the very first sentence of the book. It accompanies the reader throughout the book as an insistent motto theme. Yourcenar's prose is carefully polished and aristocratic and reflects her admirable erudition. It is a language with the colour, texture and depth of a precious fabric or an excellent wine. The pace of the book is naturally rather slow, particularly in its second part where the alchemist and doctor Zenon has settled down again in Bruges and is given to long bouts of introspection. But the noble pacing is fully in accord with the gravity of the subject matter and the stakes involved. I think the book has lost nothing of its relevance today, a time in which civil rights are being widely curtailed in the name of abstract principles. As such it warrants closer study by those wanting to resist these pressures and to stick to honest and authentic choices.

caught in the religious wars
After reading her Memoires of Hadrian, I was delighted to find that Yourcenar had written another historical novel. This book is so dense with detail and emotion that I was astounded and fascinated on almost every page. It is simply brilliant, successfully bringing to life a dark and alien period of history.

WHile this book, at least in French, is touted as being about a man "between the Medieval Ages and Renaissance," it is best at chronicling the personal consequences of the religious wars on everyday lives. Zenon is an alchemist, but above all a tolerant and humanistic physician in an age of religious intolerance. His caring and vision, after a neglected childhood in a merchants' household, are indeed deeply moving.

Zenon is a great original in historical fiction, an intellectual rather than a king or empire builder. You follow him as he wanders about Europe, learning, teaching, healing, and occasionally loving. The tenderness and empathy that he feels for those around him reveal the tenor of the times in exacting detail.

Warmly recommended.

Amazing Grace
Published in Paperback by Western Front Ltd (November, 1900)
Author: Hal Lindsey
Amazon base price: $12.99
Used price: $0.50
Collectible price: $7.41
Average review score:

Grace is Amazing Indeed
This book is clear and to the point about the issue of "grace". It has been immensely helpful to me in learning to accept myself and others. Thank you, Mr. Lindsey for your insight

No one ever read any other book on eternal security!!!!!!!!!
I found this book by mistake, well at least I thought... but God knew!!! It was just what I needed!!!

Good Lord, what a book!
I'm rushin out to the nearest church and get myself baptized. THE WORLD IS COMING TO AN END!!! HHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLPPPPPP ME, GOD!!!!!

Save me a room in the mansion, Lord! I'm a comin!

Between Noon and Three: Romance, Law, and the Outrage of Grace
Published in Paperback by Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. (January, 1997)
Author: Robert Farrar Capon
Amazon base price: $18.00
Used price: $4.50
Collectible price: $12.71
Buy one from zShops for: $9.79
Average review score:

Grace, Grace and more GRACE
Capon continues to tantalise, entice and stimulate with this revised edition of Between Noon and Three. Capon captures the incredibly lavish Grace of God through a combination of wit, exegesis, and a carefully crafted story. This book is a real shock to the "grace-fearing spoilsport in every one of us". Capon confronts the menacing ugliness of legalism and drags it screaming into the light of the lavish Grace and Love of God. Capon expounds the Grace of God in such a way that one can't help salivating at the beauty of God made complete in his glorious Son. Throughout the novel one is continuously shouting AMEN (I Love you) to the Father who so loves his children that he does not give grace so that they will feel "much obliged" but rather extends totally free, unconditional, absolutely radical, all encompassing Grace. This is the grace for Dead people, and as Capon eloquently describes: all that is required of a dead body is to stink. I Love my God who makes the little, least, lost, last, losers and the DEAD - ALIVE! FREE and all this is GRATIS!

A great theological novel on grace
This was my first Capon book and it made me fall in love with his writing and the way he uses stories and dialogue to expound the meaning of grace.

I think almost all of his books are on grace and that's because he has been captivated by the grace of God.

This novel, like most of his other books, may not be that simple a read but once you get what he's getting at, then you start to stand in awe of the amazingness of God's grace.

Capon is pretty lutheran in his view on law and gospel and it shows clearly in his books.

This particular novel is interesting in the way he tries to convey God's grace to us. It's about two people who are married but carries on with an affair together. This story is meant to outrage us, but Capon uses this storyline to show us that God's grace is like that. Despite the sins we do, He still loves us and accepts us in Christ.

Has Capon gone a bit far in illustrating grace to us? Well, i don't know. All i can say is that he's at least half right! A good book to read and ponder about God's grace

Turns your world upside down
If you thought you knew about the scandal of God's Grace, then read this book and it will turn it all upside-down (as it should be!) Written and published in three separate parts in the 70s, this book is timeless. Its depth and daring surpass anything I have read in recent memory. Capon deliberately uses the parable of a love affair between two already married people just to push you a bit closer to the edge of discomfort. Actually, I think he pushed me over that edge. This book makes you want to raise your finger and say, "Yeah, but..." - then it silences you because you know that he is laying bare the scandal of God's love and grace, resurrecting us from the death of sin. Not "because of..." or "as long as...." not "only if you...."; there are no conditions, no promises of a changed life, no cost to ourselves and even no choice for us to make. Capon is clear that God's grace is entirely "In Spite Of"; no, perhaps thats too weak because you don't resurrect someone "in spite of death" just do it and give them life. God gives life out of Love...sin just doesn't come into play beyond the fact that it brought death in the first place. God just doesn't see it anymore. As Capon says, he only sees, "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus." Wow. There are few books that have made me want to shout to everyone the truth about Grace, the scandal of God's radical Liberation, Resurrection and Love. It is so radical as to be offensive. Yes, this book offends; may I be so offended more often by God's irrational Love for us!

The Rodale Book of Composting
Published in Hardcover by Rodale Press (February, 1992)
Authors: Deborah L. Martin, Grace Gershuny, and Jerry Rodale Guide to Composting Minnich
Amazon base price: $23.95
Used price: $4.15
Collectible price: $9.97
Average review score:

Worth its weight in manure :-)
Although the bulk of the material contained in this book could be found online, it's still a worthwhile purchase. Indeed, it is a must have. The purchase price of the book will be quickly regained in the money you will save making your own compost rather than purchasing bagged compost or synthetic fertiliser.

A few of the chapters are more interesting than useful to the home gardener. For instance, one of the early chapters discusses the history of composting beginning with the ancient Akkadians. The final chapter discusses managing large scale compost operations (by large scale, I mean tens and hundreds of tons of waste) on the farm or as part of a municipal waste management strategy.

The core of the book, however, is very directly useful. A chapter is provided describing the chemistry of what goes on in composting, and what goes on as plants attempt to take nutrients from the soil. Another chapter describes the various types of life from microbes to insects and worms (including lovely line drawings) that inhabit a compost pile during the various phases of its lifecycle.

By far the most useful chapter is chapter 6, which provides a list of potential ingredients for your pile and suggestions on how to obtain them. Numerous charts are provided that indicate on balance whether an item should be considered a "green" or a "brown", and (should you desire more specifics) the actual NPK content of various ingredients. This is fully a fifth of the book.

The next most useful chapter is chapter 10, which gives suggestions for various sorts of compost bins you can buy or build. Another chapter describes tools like chippers and shredders that might be useful to you if you plan to make a fair amount of compost. Alternatives are suggested for the folks who don't need quite that much labour saving help.

I can't think of anything that is not in this book that I wish it had. Nor for that matter, can I think of anything that needs to be cut from it. It strikes the perfect balance between comprehensiveness and brevity.

Don't throw those coffee grounds away....
I began using the Rodale methods for organic gardening including composting back in the early 1970s and continue to do so today. I swear to you these methods work. If you truly want to be a great gardener and help save the planet from the depredations of the backward and evil, read this book. Rodale's dream of a compost pile in every back yard is alive. We can all make a difference and THE RODALE BOOK OF COMPOSTING shows you how.

In the early pages of the book, the editors Deborah Martin and Grace Gersuny (the book is a composite of excellent articles published over the years in ORGANIC GARDENING) have included a history of composting. Composting was known to the Jews, the Romans, the Greeks, American Indians, and other traditional people. Washington and Jefferson used organic methods to grow their crops, vegetables, fruits, and flowers. Composting was a major activity for farmers until the petro-chemical industry persuaded farmers they needed oil-converted-to-fertilizer-and-poisons to grow crops. Practices are changing, but as the new AG bill shows, not fast enough.

Why should the little guy compost? This book gives you all sorts of reasons for composting, but my response is why not compost. You can compost if you live in an apartment on the 29th floor of a building in New York City, and you might want compost for your house plants after you read this book. I have composted for so long I cannot imagine how anyone gardens and does not compost. First of all you add nuitients not available from man-made sources and these nuitrients help you grow great plants. Think of compost as breast milk. Why would you give your roses canned formula when they can have the real thing? When you use compost on your plants, you strengthen them against disease and predators. Given drought conditions and water shortages which stress plants, it's nice to know that compost enhances moisture retention.

The book identifies the kinds of wastes that work best in the compost pile. For early farmers, manure was the answer. Most of us can still lay our hands on cow manure that has been composted, but it's expensive. There aren't as many farm animals as there once were and there are so many more of us. However, you do have some options even if you don't own your own cow. You produce things that can be converted into plant food.

The book suggests that you may not want use dog "feces" because it smells bad, but I do. My POMS poop and I pick it up and throw it in my black plastic compost container. (I have two kinds of composters and several loose piles--all described in the book). Guess what--dogs can eat a relatively vegetarian diet and they won't have stinky feces and they will be healthier (just like humans!!).

The book recommends against cat litter and feces, and I have used cat box litter after it was used by the cat and created HUGE plants (lots of nitrogen) so we stopped using cat stuff. I have used coco shells and they are great but cannot use them with dogs who are poisoned by the shells (the book does not tell you this, but as a rule of thumb don't let your dog eat compost or mulch). I love coffee grounds and throw them right on my rose bushes. Tea bags work better after they disintegrate in the compost bin. I also throw paper towels and kleenex from the waste baskets into the compost bin. Any vegetable matter can be composted. I avoid animal products except for the dog feces.

A friend of mine complained that her compost pile smelled bad. I asked her if she threw newly mowed grass on the pile. Yes she did. The book suggests you either let the grass lay where it falls (I've done this and it works--it does NOT cause thatch); Let the grass dry before you throw it on the compost pile; or don't grow grass. The latter has been my approach for some time. I do not have a blade of grass in my yard (a few in the brick walks, but that's another matter). Ground covers work well--especially creeping thyme.

This is a great book and a great place to begin if you are a new gardener. A kid can follow these directions. The authors include a chapter on organic gardening "experiments" you could try yourself or with a child--great ideas for science projects for school!! Also, if your family likes to fish, compost piles grow great worms, another benefit of composting.

The Composting Bible
While there is a lot of detail in this book about how to maximize your composting quality, the basics are all here. Anyone with vegetable garbage from the kitchen, grass clippings and maybe even a neighbor with horses or chickens (not required) can make "black gold" and you don't need a degree in agronomy.

Some of the composter designs in the book are simple; some are complicated, but all work just fine. We have the simplest kind--just a bin. Because of the recycling laws, everyone in our town including us walks to their compost heap after dinner and drops off the vegetable clippings. We don't have a sink garbage disposal and we don't miss it. Anyone can do this. Everyone with a garden plot or a yard, even if it is a postage stamp size, should do this.

Valley Of The Shadow A Novel <br>book One In The Dakota Moons Series
Published in Paperback by Thomas Nelson (09 January, 2001)
Author: Stephanie Grace Whitson
Amazon base price: $10.39
List price: $12.99 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $2.94
Collectible price: $12.71
Buy one from zShops for: $4.90
Average review score:

Starts with a bang. Can't put it down. Edge of your seat drama featuring missionaries confronting Dakota culture and God's grace working in and through and in spite of them all. Agonize with Simon Dane's years of frustration with a fruitless ministry and his fall from a pedestal to become a mere mortal. Struggle with Genevieve LaCroix as she comes to terms with her French father's thinking, her Indian mother's looks, a white man's God who does not fight back, and the making of a man for Daniel Two Stars. Stephanie Whitson makes you care about the people caught in a gruesome slice of history. Janet Chester Bly, [...]

once again, Whitson proves she is the best
Valley of the Shadow is the story of the Dane family, Simon, a man of God who feels led to work with the Dakota Indians, his wife Ellen and two chilren. In a related storyline, Genvieve is the daughter of a French trapper and Dakota Indian who meets the Danes and becomes their friend and later companion after she arrives at their mission. Two Stars is a Dakota Indian who also finds himself with the Danes, but for an entirely different reason than wanting education and spiritual instruction. Central to the story is the Dakota uprising, with Gen and Two Stars especially proving their bravery. As Gen and Two Stars begin to fall in love, events in the story constantly interfere to keep them apart. The conclusion of Valley of the Shadow will make you anxiously await the sequel.

A Historical Romance With A Higher Calling!
An engaging tale of Romans 8:28. Stephanie Grace Whitson creates a haunting story of hope in the midst of death, peace in the midst of war, comfort in the midst of loneliness. An encouragement to anyone walking in their own valley of shadows. --Lisa Samson, author of The Church Ladies.

The Best Man's Handbook: A Guy's Guide to the Big Event
Published in Hardcover by Running Press (May, 1999)
Authors: Jim Grace and James H. Grace
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $5.99
Buy one from zShops for: $6.77
Average review score:

Great book to help you get prepared!
I am definitely glad I purchased this book. While I had a pretty good idea of what I was required to do as the Best Man, this book gave me a lot of helpful hints as well as some good ideas. A lot of people congratulated me on how well a job I did as the best man. This book helped a great deal in being prepared and ready for any possible scenario that may have come up. It is very easy to read and has a great sense of humor.

The perfect primmer for a most important job.
Having never been married or even been a part of a wedding party before, I was tapped to go to France and be the best man for one of my oldest friends (25 years). This with 3 weeks notice! The book was instrumental in allowing me to successfully perform my function with a minimum of stress. It was an easy read, it was humorous, and it was comprehensive. I could not have done without it. Thank you for the help Mr. Grace.

This Is The Only Book You'll Need!
I bought this book because my fiance was about to be the best man in a wedding. He was nervous because he had no idea what best men do. This book was all he needed. It tells what the best man's duties are to the groom, bride and everyone else. Tells about etiquette and even talks about what to do in specific religious or cultural weddings. What we found even more useful was it's section on speeches and toasts. We had bought a book especially for that, but it wasn't any good. This book explained the do's and don'ts and gave great examples that helped my fiance to write a great speech. (by the way, his speech went beautifully) He got a big laugh from the crowd and an Ahhh. Just what you want. This book is a must have for any groomsmen or Best man.

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