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Book reviews for "Alvarez-Altman,_Grace_DeJesus" sorted by average review score:

Grace and Truth
Published in Paperback by Kregel Publications (March, 1991)
Authors: John F. Strombeck and Warren W. Wiersbe
Amazon base price: $10.99
Used price: $8.24
Average review score:

breaks the chains of those slaves of the law
I was a young man who struggled with the idea of doing great works to please my God. I would beat myself up for failing to be perfect and finally came to the point where I felt that God didn't care about me because He wouldn't give me to power to do "good". This book showed me that the problem was that I was trying to do "good" myself and not let God do "good" though me. Bottom line: if it was I doing the good works, then I would be the one that could take credit for it. Strombeck lets you know how grace works and how it is the only thing that we can depend on to do God's work. I strongly recommend this book to anyone claim to be a Christian.

encouragment for those slaves under the Law
I'm a Christian who has long struggled with making sense of how so many Christians could continue to live in sin as if it was just not worth trying to obey God. So for the longest time I made it my goal to show them that they were wrong and that one could walk and talk like Jesus. Well, I failed over and over and ended becoming upset with God. In my heart I wanted to do His will but felt that He had abandoned me because "I" couldn't obey his commandments. Well, Strombeck showed me what my horrible error was. The problem was that I was depending on myself, not God, to be a man of God. Jesus said that we need only to believe in Him. Not just acknowledging Him as Christ, but seeking Him daily with every part of our being. This is the only way I can avoid the snares of this evil world. If we could do it on our own, it would be us that deserved the credit. Strombeck's book will show you that you can't be perfect, but you can depend only on the Lord to make your paths straight. Because if you give yourself to Him fully, you will not fall into the pitfalls of the devil.

Grace at this Time
Published in Paperback by Morehouse Publishing (November, 1999)
Author: C. W. McPherson
Amazon base price: $11.87
List price: $16.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $11.25
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Average review score:

Required Reading
In 147 pages McPherson covers the evolution of the Daily Offices with remarkable clarity. The book is an easy read and covers the Morning Prayer office in beautiful detail. I suggest that it should be required reading for anyone new in the Episcopal Church.

This is an awesome book. It is especially recommended for persons who are new to praying the Daily Office. It simplifies what might seem to some a daunting task, while at the same time suffusing the words of the Book of Common Prayer with great meaning both intellectually and emotionally. One comes away from finishing this book with new resolve and excitment about incorporating the Office into one's daily life.

Grace for Grief
Published in Hardcover by World Publications Inc. (October, 1995)
Authors: Michael Pink and Brenda Pink
Amazon base price: $9.99
Used price: $5.00
Buy one from zShops for: $6.89
Average review score:

Surviving a Great Loss
The book is my salvation.. It contains words I need to hear to survive a great loss. The Pinks know the greif of a great loss and knows how to put it into words of comfort and hope. It gets me through each day of my greiving. It helps you spertully also.

Heart to Heart Meditations for those who Grieve
"GRACE FOR GRIEF" consists of brief, daily meditations for Christians who have suffered a loss. Each day's reading consists of a short Scripture passage and a very brief prayer. I have used this book for the last 9 months and found that the authors spoke to my heart in their thoughtful, gentle selections. They understand the up-and-down passage of the grieving process. Special selections are included for anniversaries and holidays. I appreciate the brievity of each day's selection which contains one thought I can focus on for that day.

Grace Hopper: Programming Pioneer (Science Superstars)
Published in Paperback by W H Freeman & Co. (August, 1995)
Authors: Nancy Whitelaw and Janet Hamlin
Amazon base price: $5.95
Used price: $4.95
Buy one from zShops for: $9.49
Average review score:

An officer, a programmer and a lady
While Ada Lovelace is heralded as the first computer programmer and has a programming language named after her, the woman who has had the greatest impact on computing was Grace Hopper. In the vast collection of role models for young women, there is none better. She was not only a pioneer in expanding the roles of women, but also in the development of what computing is today. Considered to be the grandmother of the language COBOL, much of her early work formed the basis for computing as we know it. And yet, she was a no-nonsense career officer in the Navy.
To understand her approach, consider what she did when assigned a Pentagon office with no furniture or supplies. Rather than waste time filling out the required forms she told her staff. "If you need something, 'liberate' or borrow it from the Air Force . . . If you can't get it from there, get it from the Army. They have almost everything, and they don't know how to count." Her two distinctive office symbols were a skull-and-crossbones flag and a clock that ran backwards.
A truly inspiring story that shows the value of determination and non-conformity, this book should be required reading of all early adolescents. Maybe someday justice will be served and there will be a programming language named after Grace Hopper. Without question, it is an honor she deserves.

Originally published in Journal of Recreational Mathematics, reprinted with permission.

this book was very exquisit to me.this book is great also.
we'll all im going to say is that i look up to ms.hopper because she is a strong willed woman and is not afraid of anything.i want to be just like grace hopper.

Grace Livingston Hill Collection: Collection No. 2 (2)
Published in Paperback by Barbour & Co (April, 1999)
Authors: Grace Livingston Hill, Deborah Cole, and Isabella Macdonald Interrupted Night Alden
Amazon base price: $6.97
Used price: $1.97
Collectible price: $4.00
Buy one from zShops for: $4.84
Average review score:

Romance with religious overtones
In this collection of books from Grace Livingston Hill one encounters a sister trying to reform a wayward brother in Because of Stephen. A young socialite decides to give kindness a try because of a handsome young minister in Lone Point and The Story of a Whim lets us look into the lives of a lonely bachelor and a group of girls out to civilize him. An Interrupted Night follows Marguerite as she must choose from a life without love to life with a married man.

Romance that endures because of its emphasis on good works
Grace Livingston Hill has done it again. In this collection of stories one encounters a determined group of young heroes and heroines. In one story a egocentric and chauvenistic man seeks to trick the young heroine into running away with him but a special mentor helps the young girl discover his secret life. A sister tries to help reform her brother and finds her own values and ideals through their trials together. Another story deals with the story, Lone Point, where one sister finds her selfish attitude and beliefs changing thanks to the friendship of a young minister as her family vacations in a remote seaside resort. The final story in this collection involves a group of girls who befriend a stranger whom they believe is a girl like them. It turns out that the stranger is a young man who falls in love with one of the girls and must discover how he can win her heart.

The Grace of Coming Home: Spirituality, Sexuality, and the Struggle for Justice
Published in Paperback by Pilgrim Pr (November, 1995)
Author: Melanie Morrison
Amazon base price: $12.00
Used price: $4.45
Buy one from zShops for: $9.18
Average review score:

Wise, insightful and reassuring
I return to this book again and again for comfort. It does discuss issues of homosexuality and spirituality, but the focus is very much on spirituality, so it is appropriate for people of any or no sexual orientation who want to learn to love more deeply and purely. I also appreciate the friendly, conversational style of the book. It makes me feel as if Dr. Morrison were a good friend.

A superb book about what Christianity *should* be.
This book is the perfect response to those "Christians" who tell those of us that are gay that we must either change or go to hell. Ms. Morrison tackles the questions of inclusiveness of all in the modern church, and does it with love. This book is not just for homosexuals, it is for anyone who has ever felt unwelcome or unincluded in church. Read this book!

The Grace of God, the Bondage of the Will
Published in Paperback by Baker Book House (January, 1996)
Authors: Thomas R. Schreiner and Bruce Ware
Amazon base price: $29.99
Average review score:

This book is now reissued in paperback as "Still Sovereign"
Absolutely fantastic book that logically and systematically rips the foundation out from under the Arminianistic position. This is single most important book I have ever read on this topic. It answers most of the objections to Calvinism head on in a scholarly and highly readable fashion (assuming you at least got through a college education). Just check out who these authors are! The finest minds in the reformed field today! Piper and Ware are particularly convincing in their respective chapters. As I noted in the heading, you can still get most of the contents of this book as "Still Sovereign" in paperback -- it was recently reissued under that title. So read it, digest it, then rip apart the Arminianists!!! Have fun...

Thoughtful,challenging articles explaining Reformed theology
To many people today, Calvinism is an anachronism. How can 20th century people take a teaching seriously which proclaims that God is good, and yet completely in control of the world? Could a good God really be all-powerful, and yet allow (or even ordain) some of the atrocities that have been perpetrated in our own century?

The 10 contributors show that a proper understanding of the Bible involves believing that God is indeed sovereign, yet also loving, just and good.

John Piper's helpful chapter asks the question "Are there 2 wills in God?" And then seeks to show that God does indeed "fulfil all his will" and yet "is not willing that any should perish."

S.M. Baugh discusses the meaning of "foreknowledge" in the Bible, and argues persuasively that God's foreknowledge must mean a lot more than knowing what is going to happen in the future.

Jerry Bridges shows that a belief in the sovereignty of God has practical implications for everyday living, while Samuel Storms explains how it is worth praying to a God who has already decreed "the end from the beginning." In fact, he argues that there is not much point in praying to a God who is not in complete control of his world.

This book has been one of the most helpful explanations of Calvinism which I have read. Highly recommended.

The Grace of Repentance (Today's Issues (Wheaton, Ill.).)
Published in Paperback by Crossway Books (February, 2000)
Author: Sinclair B. Ferguson
Amazon base price: $4.99
Used price: $2.50
Buy one from zShops for: $3.29
Average review score:

Doctrine of Repentance
An excellent work on the doctrine of repentance. I have seen very little in print regarding the doctrine of repentance which I find to be rather odd with the plethora of books available in theology--perhaps because it is such a convicting topic. I find that the evangelical church is weak in this area as well as in the doctrine of sin. Though relatively brief Dr. Ferguson hits the nail right on the head and gets straight to the point in a very readable book. He weaves this important doctrine into the overall doctrine of God's grace.

A Brief Book With a Powerful Punch!
In a mere 48 pages, Ferguson takes a topic that is scarcely written about and reveals what is at the heart of repentance. Drawing upon Luther's 1st of 95 Theses, he maintains that Christianity does not just begin with an act of repentance, but is marked by an entire life of repentance. In addition to helpful bibilical analysis, he offers a warning to the contemporary church against lapsing into Medieval religious practices. All in all, a clear and warm balance of truth and grace!

Grace of the Wild Rose Inn 1944 (Wild Rose Inn, No 6)
Published in Paperback by Starfire (November, 1994)
Author: Jennifer Armstrong
Amazon base price: $3.99
Used price: $4.65
Average review score:

Two Thumbs Way Up for this Book
This book is a real page-turner and is filled with Romance and excitement. Anyone who buys this book is a very smart person and they've got a real winner!

Cool book
Grace MacKenzie's fiance, Jimmy, has finaly returned from World War 2. But Grace finds that Jimmy has changed. He brags about being a hero, and he says Grace can't run the Wild Rose Inn, which has been in her family since 1685, after they marry. Grace isn't sure she loves Jimmy anymore. But Jimmy has brought home his army buddy, Mike, and Mike is everything Grace hoped to find in Jimmy. Will Grace manage to find happiness?

The Grace of God That Justifies: A Biblical Defense of the Gospel of Free-Grace Justification
Published in Paperback by Writers Club Press (May, 2002)
Author: Erick D. Manard
Amazon base price: $23.95
Buy one from zShops for: $23.95

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