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Book reviews for "Alvarez-Altman,_Grace_DeJesus" sorted by average review score:

The Divine Initiative : Grace, World-Order, and Human Freedom in the Early Writings of Bernard Lonergan (Lonergan Studies)
Published in Hardcover by Univ of Toronto Pr (April, 1995)
Author: J. Michael Stebbins
Amazon base price: $65.00
Used price: $45.00
Average review score:

" invaluable resource..."
"The Divine Initiative is an invaluable resource and a major contribution to Lonergan studies... Stebbins has laid out [the] material...with a thoroughness and clarity that will be extraordinarily valuable to many people."

From: Robert Doran, Lonergan Research Institute, University of Toronto

"...makes Lonergan...accessible."
"The care with which Michael Stebbins has exposed Lonergan's method and its results...makes Lonergan's sometimes cryptic remarks accessible to all those who have the stamina to explore these issues, and so leaves both philosophers and theologians without excuse for attending to so demanding a synthesis."

From: The Thomist, 60, 1996, pages 484 - 488

"...this is a stellar achievement."
"In my judgement, this book is wonderfully accurate as an account of Lonergan. Stebbins analyzes and synthesizes with great skill. In his treatment of the operations of intellect (in chapter 1), right through to his concluding remarks about Lonergan on actual grace (in the latter half of chapter 8), he is extremely sensitive to details and distinctions that others often overlook or misunderstand. Moreover, he not only explains accurately, he clarifies. He understands the material so thoroughly that he is able to link Lonergan's claim in fresh ways, offer original examples, and thus teach the reader what Lonergan really is getting at. Given the challenging technical character of the material, this is a stellar achievement."

"I deem the book to include features of interest to systematic theologians in general, historians of theology, philosophers of religion, metaphysicians generally, persons interested specifically in Lonergan, and persons interested specifically in Aquinas. I commend it to them all."

From: Method: Journal of Lonergan Studies, Volume 14, Number 1, Spring 1996 Published by the Lonergan Institute at Boston College

Full of Grace: Women and the Abundant Life
Published in Paperback by Charis Books (May, 1998)
Author: Johnnette S. Benkovic
Amazon base price: $8.79
List price: $10.99 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $4.50
Buy one from zShops for: $7.49
Average review score:

Full of Grace: Women and athe Abundant Life
It was an excellent book. EAch time I read it I learn more and feel refreshed. I purchased a copy for my daughter and the lovely young women I wanted to be my daughter-in-law. No matter what, they both will benefit from this lovely book as women and as peace makers in this world.

Powerful! A 'must' for every library!
A stimulating and inspiring book with practical guidelines on how to live a victorious "grace-filled" life by patterning one's thoughts, words and actions after Mary, the perfect handmaiden. Full of Grace is like a manual that guides you through the basics of prayer, eucharistic adoration, spiritual direction, discerning the promptings of the Holy Spirit and growing in spiritual wisdom. I especially enjoyed chapter 7 entitled: "Resurrection" which helps you identify the "wounds of the heart" and offers practical guidelines for inner healing. This practical and insightful book may be used for personal or group study. It will help you to grow spiritually and to be a conduit of grace to others. Next to the Catechism and Bible it is a "must" for every library!

Benkovic Answers the Modern Woman's Spiritual Questions
Benkovic provides a clear and practical guidepost for women desiring a deeper understanding of their own spirituality and feminity in her book Full of Grace. Her inspiring testimony and inspired interpretation of feminity and the Catholic faith give readers a fresh perspective on modern spiritual living. Full of Grace is an excellent, dynamic resource for women today.

Grace Abounding
Published in Hardcover by Barbour Publishing (October, 1989)
Author: John Bunyan
Amazon base price: $14.95
Used price: $40.00
Buy one from zShops for: $11.75
Average review score:

A great theologian
I can't say that I have read this book...yet, but what I can say is that anyone who endeavours to read any work of Dr. Haykin is in for a real treat. He was my prof. for Church History, and a man whom I am thoroughly impressed with. He is a humble, diplomatic, professional person with a strong heart for God and His glory.
His knowledge on Church History is incredible, especially his understanding of the Reformation, the Puritans, and the Particular Baptist movements. But he cannot be limited there even. I could literally listen to him speak for hours.
I strongly recommend anything by Dr. Haykin as you will become well informed on the topic that he writes about, whether it's Cromwell, Bunyon, Edwards or anyone else.

God bless and enjoy.

The Pilgrim's Progress is the 2nd most famous book in the world. John Bunyan is a genious and the arguments in the book are very convincing and hard to deny. Anyone who believes in "free will" would be turned around if they read this book. It clearly explains that we do not choose God, He chooses us, or rather, he CHOSE us before the foundations of the world. Everything in his book is scriptual and I love it!

Bunyan, my brother
John Bunyan's journey toward saving faith parallels my own more closely than any other fellow sinner's. When I first read his story, I grabbed a pen and filled the margins, and all the while my heart whispered, "Comrade!" At once, I was comforted by the realization that though Bunyan was long gone, there had been another human being who had known the same fearsome battles waged on our behalf by the God who never relinquishes what belongs to Him. Those years when I had felt strange and apart from other believers, suddenly became "safe" to recall. For anyone who is still holding on to the arrogant belief that a person chooses God, rather than the other way around, Bunyan's story is for you. It puts all arguments to rest, leaving only humility and worship in its wake.

Grace Matters : A True Story of Race, Friendship, and Faith in the Heart of the South
Published in Hardcover by Jossey-Bass (August, 2002)
Author: Chris P. Rice
Amazon base price: $16.07
List price: $22.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $8.65
Collectible price: $12.16
Buy one from zShops for: $14.95
Average review score:

Grace Matters
This is an important book about human relationships and how conditioning must be transcended to allow a new order of humanity to emerge. Chris's honesty is remarkable and refreshing. The forces against human beings coming together are big - the black/white racial issue just further highlights what most of us try to pretend isn't there. Their willingness to trust in God and something bigger than themselves because they know how important it is for the sake of humanity, is very moving and should not be missed. This is an unusual book because although the foundational faith is Christianity, the issues are human and can be appreciated by anyone interested in solving the complex issues of what it means to be a human being.

The path to lasting change
Chris Rice is brutally vulnerable and honest about his attempts to achieve the goal of racial reconciliation in partnership with Spencer Perkins. And, while the goal is important, the means of achieving it takes center stage in this poignant and absorbing chronicle of life in an intentional biracial community. Chris and Spencer discover that, when it comes right down to it, the only way they can overcome their own personal hangups and self-centeredness, and achieve true reconciliation between them, is by fully accepting God's grace. As they accept God's grace, they become transformed people who are whole, healed, and capable of truly seeking the best for others. The book clearly documents the work of God in the deep, private recesses of peoples' lives. It should be read by anyone who wants to achieve lasting change in their own life and the world around them.

So Honest a book!!
What a tremendously honest book. There are no shortcuts to true racial reconciliation and justice. Attempts at shortcuts usually lead to a perpetuation of racial injustice or merely a reversal of who is oppressed. Reading "Grace Matters" clearly indicates this truism. Most of the books on race relations are dogmatic about the ultimate solutions there are to racial harmonty. This book is a more honest reflection of the struggles we will have to undergo so that racial reconciliation is possible. Rice does not make himself the "hero" of this book. He freely reveals the ugly side of himself. But just as important he does not deify Spencoer Perkins - his best friend in the book who is black - or blacks in general. This is a real book about real people.
If you want to just rely on those who pretend that they know all of the answers to racism, from color-blind whites to afrocentric blacks, then this book is not for you. The answers in this book are not offered through an unrealistic idealism but through the blood, sweat and tears that happen when people of different races really start working at racial healing. So if you want to gain a little sense of the type of struggle that we are going to have to undergo to eliminate racism then go get this book as soon as you can.

Grace Plus Nothing
Published in Paperback by Tyndale House Pub (March, 1992)
Author: Jeff Harkin
Amazon base price: $9.99
Average review score:

Grace was the missing key for me...
If you don't understand Grace, you don't understand the Bible.

Grace Pluse Nothing opened my eyes to what the Law was and what Grace is. We say with our mouth's we believe in Grace but with our actions we demonstrate the LAW. This book will help.

It works! Bob Coker, Canton, Illinois

God's Grace bestowed in a personal way
The Lutheran theologians stated in the 1500's, "sola gratia"--"by Grace Alone." Just what exactly did that mean? Many books have been written on this subject--the most famous being Walther's "The Proper Distinction Between Law and Gospel." Jeff Harken's book makes God's Grace personal, he shows how it impacts your daily life as well as your eternal life. The chapters are set up so that the book makes a perfect devotional book--as well as an ideal "stocking stuffer."

Grace Plus Nothing Spells It All Out!
I am reading this book for the second time and it is powerful. It sheds light on the difference between grace justification versus works justification. It is divided into 123 short daily readings that are illustrated with wonderful anecdotes. The author bares his soul as he prompts us to do also, in seeking a real relationship with God through Jesus Christ. This book changed my life dramatically as it helped me to understand the truth of grace and the futility of seeking justification through works. Try it, I think you'll like it.

Grace the Power to Change
Published in Paperback by Impact Ministries (December, 1993)
Author: James B, Dr Richards
Amazon base price: $12.95
Used price: $8.50
Average review score:

My favorite of Jim Richards books
This is my favorite of all of Jim Richard's books. I never understood what Grace meant until reading this book.

Excellent Book
This is the best book I have ever read second only to the Bible. I couldn't put it down. Dr. Richards explained so many things that had been frustrating me in my relationship with God. This book goes directly against much of the religious and traditional teaching of the church that is keeping people from experiencing a real relationship with God. My life will literally never be the same. WOW!

The Gospel
I have been searching for the truth now with all that I am for several years, and I believe that this book comes the closest I've found so far to presenting a totally scriptural Gospel, that is neither based on "cheap grace" or a legalistic grace negating self-righteousness. This book is very intensive on the Word, with few anecdotes, or personal notes, and its aim is to get you to fully believe and trust God's grace in every area of your life, and believe that that grace will change you and empower you to live the Christian life you've wanted to live since you got saved but couldn't. God bless your search for Him and His Kingdom!!

Grace Works
Published in Paperback by Multnomah Publishers Inc. (May, 2000)
Author: Dudley Hall
Amazon base price: $10.99
Used price: $6.90
Buy one from zShops for: $7.99
Average review score:

Excellent Book about Grace
Dudley Hall does a masterful job in showing how believers can be rescued from empty, dead religion. He shows that striving to please God is not the answer. This view, he argues, leaves one with a religion that breeds discontentment. What God offers, he declares, is grace. This is what truly transforms! He does a great job citing biblical examples of the grace of God. This is a very readable resource that is hard to put down.

This book is both fascinating and life changing at the same time. The author exposes the concept of how man has made it impossible to experience the free gift of God's grace that God wants us to receive and experience. Dudley clearly shows us how we have applied the wrong attitudes in the name of enforcing right doctrines in our lives and the lives around us. One concept that I enjoyed to read about and I found to be true in society today deals with the doctrine of avoidance where we love to expose evil, but we do not come nowhere close to it in order to snatch souls from the darkness of evil in the name of being "pure and holy" and "seperate" from the world.

I believe that the book will become a classic on Grace.
One of the best books that I've read on Grace. The author has a gift in being able to put into understanding biblical truths that are not being taught today as they should. I found the book to be very informative and enjoyable. The knowledge of the author is appearant and informative. I really felt after reading the book that it was life changing.

Breathing Sin's Grace
Published in Paperback by 1stBooks Library (July, 2000)
Author: Jonathan P. Epstein
Amazon base price: $18.34
Used price: $12.95
Buy one from zShops for: $14.90
Average review score:

awesome imagery
This book had some of the most novel ideas and though-provoking imagery I've seen in a while. Lots of really exciting ideas, ones that make you go, "that's what i'm talking about." Different stuff. Some were less well-written than others in this collection, but most were great. Wonder if this author has any other work.

Great Stuff
Bought this book after seeing an article in our local newspaper. Can't believe how much fun it was to read. I read the other reviews and agree, it's really interesting, and very vivid. Great word combinations. It's a lot of fun to find an unknown author, and I think this kid has a unique take on things. Definitely give it a shot, you'll have a name to throw around at parties to make you feel like you know something no one else does.

Glad I found it
I was just searching for a short stories collection. I'm glad I found this one. I was very excited to discover this one. It's full of great word choice and interesting ideas. Epstein looks young, but it's a book worth reading. And I look forward to reading a few favorites to my friends.

The Complete Idiot's Guide To Personal Finance in Your 20s and 30s (2nd Edition)
Published in Paperback by Alpha Books (10 April, 2002)
Authors: Sarah Young Fisher, Susan Shelly, and Grace W. Weinstein
Amazon base price: $13.97
List price: $19.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $12.39
Collectible price: $25.00
Buy one from zShops for: $12.39
Average review score:

Great starting point
Great for anyone who has to try to navigate the world of benefits and finance in this crazy it before you lose anymore money.

Excellent for Gen-X
I think this is the absolute best book out there for members of generation X. The ideas are presented in a clear and easy to understand way. I have purchased three copies of this book and keep loaning it out to friends. I have read many others including Personal Finance for Dummies, Complete Idiot's Guide to Getting Rich, and Investing for Dummies, but this is the best by far. If you are looking for a personal finance book and are under age 40, try this one.

Financial Guidance for me¿the 24 year-old Idiot¿
Okay, I am not an idiot by most standards. I do have a Master's Degree and certificates telling me honor societies let me join them. However, despite all my specialized studies, I learned very little about finances, investments, and economics. Since I try not to discuss things I know little about, at parties I avoided these topics. However, party-talk aside, the major benefit to knowing about finance is that it can help you plan you and your family's future.

Fisher and Shelly have compiled a very easy to read and direct book. I am a beginner, and felt as if I grasped most of what I read. Some of the material was even basic for me. They discuss bank accounts (compound or simple interest?), credit (annual fee or not?), personal budgets (do you need that $.70 Coke out of the machine everyday?), investments (CD here is not compact disc!), Housing, and much more. They cover every important aspect of personal finance for younger people approaching middle age. They make use of some quizzes so you can evaluate your financial know-how. The book will even pay for itself if you follow the 40 ways to save 10 dollars a week section. I have used many of their tips already. I recently (finally) got a credit card in order to establish my credit, but was sure to shop around using the web pages they provided.

Overall, this is not an advanced book, but it does cover the basic points. Some points might seem very simple and commonsense, but many of us have not had any education in financial matters. If you are in your 20s and 30s and feel like you have no financial guidelines or knowledge (as I did), this book should get you started in the right direction.

Getting There With Grace : Simple Exercises for Experiencing Joy
Published in Paperback by Charles Tuttle Co. (September, 2001)
Authors: Lisa Marie Coffey and David Simon
Amazon base price: $8.76
List price: $10.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $2.99
Collectible price: $6.95
Buy one from zShops for: $3.10
Average review score:

Wonderful book to read and follow!
Lisa Marie did it once again! She has inspired many of us through this beautiful book. I loved reading this book. In this book Lisa Marie has creatively explained every word in three simple sentences organized in nine short chapters.In these nine chapters Lisa Marie leads us to the spiritual journey by wisdom full examples and exercises. I would recommend this book to anyone who wants inspiration to learn to lead a meaningful life.

Getting There With Grace is truly a map that guides one through the perils and pleasures of life. It helps us accept the things we have done wrong and cannot change, and to look forward to a confident and serene future, regardless of your age.

If you want to get more out of each and every day by focusing on one thought at a time, then this book is for you! Lisa Marie Coffey can take you on a journey and by the end of the book you will be richer for it. This book is a must for all of us who want richer lives. "Getting There with Grace" is full of beautiful quotations and wisdom....... showing us that life is full of joy for us to experience!

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