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Book reviews for "Alvarez-Altman,_Grace_DeJesus" sorted by average review score:

Herbs of Grace: Becoming Independently Healthy
Published in Paperback by Wisdome Pr (01 October, 1994)
Authors: Farida Sharan and Farida Sharon
Amazon base price: $23.95
Used price: $12.00
Buy one from zShops for: $23.87
Average review score:

Farida Sharan is a Wise Woman & Guide in the art of Healing
I found Herbs of of Grace to be both educational and "user friendly". Farida guides the reader through empowering steps to heal themselves on all levels. This is required reading for all my students and without fail they have all responded with enthusiasm for this wonderful book of wisdom. I highly recommend Herbs of Grace for students, pracitioners, and anyone who would like to empower themselves to wholeness and wellness.

Excellent references for true natropathic healthcare.
Farida Sharan shares a wealth of information about the wonderful healing uses of Herbs. She incorporates with finite detail many herbal cleansing routines. When applying the information on an individual level, this reference will bring the reader to an understanding of the independently healthful lifestyle. A must have for anyone interested in natural health and herbal medicine.

Holiness by Grace
Published in Paperback by Crossway Books (February, 2003)
Author: Bryan Chapell
Amazon base price: $10.49
List price: $14.99 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $8.99
Buy one from zShops for: $10.39
Average review score:

The Solutions Longed For
If you ever read a Christian books, and you actually have a conscience that is displeased with your sin, this book will mean the most comfort to you, apart from reading the Bible yourself. Chapell takes us away from our delusions that we'll never be able to be holy, to the hope that we can be holy--a hope that only comes from the love of Jesus and the power of grace given by the Holy Spirit within. This book will transform not only your erroneous theological assumptions, but also the dread you feel in your heart towards God's standard of holiness. Read it! It is worth every penny...

God's unmerited favor
This book was my first encounter with Chapell. His clarity and exposition are excellent. I thoroughly enjoyed this work on the wonderful doctrine of grace. Chapell systematically demolishes the fallacy of human merit. He displays the beauty of liberation through justification based on Christ's imputed righteousness to the undeserving sinner. The entire book is one of liberation and spiritual growth. Highly reccomended!

Home Below Hell's Canyon
Published in Paperback by Univ of Nebraska Pr (June, 1962)
Author: Grace Jordan
Amazon base price: $25.00
Used price: $1.68
Average review score:

Great Period Piece
Like Douglas's "Of Men and Mountains", this book evokes a wonderful but challenging earlier period. In addition to giving a great sense of homesteading, the books gives a beautiful sense of the family, and the people who comprised their community.

Wonderful book
This is a terrific personal account of life in Hell's Canyon. It allows the read to vicariously live through the writer, who has a special ability to capture the reader's heart. Raising sheep on the hills of Hell's Canyon and enduring isolation for long stretches must have been hard, and the writer details it well. We also come to learn why she loved it.

Home is Always the Place You Just Left: A Memoir of Restless Longing and Persistent Grace
Published in Paperback by Paraclete Press (May, 2003)
Authors: Betty Smartt Carter and Betty Smartt Carter
Amazon base price: $11.17
List price: $15.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $7.17
Buy one from zShops for: $9.79
Average review score:

A New Friend for your bookshelf
I would reccommend this book for anyone in their 20's or 30's especially, anyone who has ever felt alone, anyone who has ever almost wanted their parents to catch them doing something they shouldn't - just so they could talk, and anyone who has ever asked "does God even care that I exist?"
Betty Smartt Carter has my respect and admiration for sharing so courgeously! This book deserves to be read! I wish I was rich enough to stand on a street corner and give copies away! Don't miss it.

I can't say enough
This is a book that I would recommend to just about anyone. Not only is Betty Carter down-to-earth, she is incredibly funny! I don't normally laugh out loud while reading, but several times I found myself shaking in my chair trying to contain my laughter.

Her honest account of her own struggles proves that there is hope for all of us.

Hutterite: A World of Grace
Published in Hardcover by Edition Stemmle (September, 1998)
Authors: Kristin Capp, Rod Slemmons, Sieglinde Geisel, and John S. Southard
Amazon base price: $75.00
Used price: $15.95
Buy one from zShops for: $50.00
Average review score:

The photographs calm your spirit like a meditation.
This is a book to return to over and over again. I've opened it in the midst of a hectic, demanding day and the clean black and white images made me feel refreshed and hopeful. The photographs embody a kind of peace I think we all yearn for.

An eye-opening adventure of a grossly-misunderstood people!
My name is Simone. I live in Oklahoma. My family and I have evangelized and sang all over the U.S. and Canada. We met a colony of Hutterian Brethren through a church pastor whom lives in PincherCreek, Alberta, Canada, whom invited us to preached at his church. We became really good friends with the Hutterites. I have been communicating by phone and letter over 11 years with them. I found out from my Hutterite friend Janet Walter from Lamona, Wash. that this book was coming out. I have actual pictures from this book that I've had for years from past letters. The Hutterite people usually don't associate with outsiders, but, by extraordinary happenstance, if invited into their way of life, they will be your friends-for-life; always possessing a place in their hearts. The Hutterites live in colonies and are a hard-working, God-fearing, and family-focused people. I love the Hutterites . . . so will you!

I Lost My Religion : When I Found Amazing Grace
Published in Paperback by Amer House (May, 2002)
Author: Jim Clifford
Amazon base price: $19.95
Used price: $18.81
Buy one from zShops for: $18.69
Average review score:

I Lost My Religion - When I Found Amazing Grace
Your book is proof that a new wave of though is sweeping over the land, opening the Bible allegories for the true message waiting to be taught. Truly, this is a sequel to my book, "Spiritual Awakening to a New World" in bringing to light the weakness in our old religious teachings.

This book is RECOMMENDED FOR EVANGELICALS IN GENERAL AND PENTECOSTALS/CHARISMATICS IN PARTICULAR!Jim Clifford has given the church world an excellent guide to growing in the Grace of God. Besides having an excellent title, the book provides solid information that's practical, inspiring and certainly heart-felt. While it is designed as a teaching tool, it reads like a memoir. In fact, it reminded me of The Confessions of St. Augustine, in that is is very personal and challenging.Clifford holds nothing back and his sincerity is clear and convincing. He takes you inside his churches and reveals his own short-comings. He also brings you inside his home, where he addresses his failure with his wife and children. His feelings of hopelessness and anger are all noted.They are punctuated with his prayers to God.But then he describes his life-changing moment when he found amazing grace. Clifford hits the nail on the head when he shows how Christians rely on their works to please God. At the same time, he uses many Scriptures to explain the danger of such practice. Then he emphasizes the truth: God's gift of eternal life is received by faith alone in Christ alone. It's not of works, but is the gift of God so that no one can brag.Having grown up in a Pentecostal church myself, I could easily identify with Clifford's message. And I commend him putting this work in print. This book is beautifully written and filled with Scripture and sound doctrine. It should be on the shelf of every Christian library. It deserves the respect given to classic memoirs, such as those written by Augustine, Wesley, Calvin, etc.I say, BUY THIS BOOK! No, BUT TWO OR THREE COPIES and then share them with Christians who are trying to please God through their own efforts, outside the Grace of Christ.

If You Only Knew: Stories of Women Like You, Forever Changed by God's Astonishing Grace
Published in Paperback by Chariot Victor Books (July, 1997)
Author: Mary Whelchel
Amazon base price: $9.99
Used price: $1.45
Buy one from zShops for: $9.50
Average review score:

Wonderful Introduction to Grace
This book is a marvelous comparative work of the lives of women in the bible and the lives of today's christian women. Once you realize that God will still make something out of your lives after you have finished making a mess out of it, you realize how much the Father really loves us. And when we know we're loved, we feel secure, and when we feel secure, we live better lives.

Stimulating. I really enjoyed the old and new stories.
I am interested in learning the similarities in the women in the bible and our lives today. I think Mary has done an excellent job of doing this. I only wish there was more. I was at a retreat where I heard Mary speak. She is an elegant, sincere speaker and I can hear her voice in every word I read. Thank You Mary - You have enriched my life tremendously.

In The Spirit Of Grace
Published in Paperback by Pearl Publishing (14 February, 2001)
Author: Cleveland Pat
Amazon base price: $19.50
Average review score:

Can I get a Nobel over here?
Pat Cleveland, apart from being one of the most beautiful Filipina models to ever grace the pages of fashion catalogues, is also a literary genius. This work of resonance and impact deserves to be read by anyone with a clear eye and a tender heart. Go Pat!

365 Poems To Live By
I enjoy reading this book because the author has successfully shared her innermost feelings and thoughts about who she really is and what she can be for God. I like the way she started the book with the poem about making a lamp and being a light to the world. Indeed, if we all carry our lamps, what a bright world we would have. The book has 365 poems worth reading and sharing to remind us everyday of each year to put God first in our lives, and to be just what God has made of us, so that there is no struggle for happiness.

Inevitable Grace: Breakthroughs in the Lives of Great Men and Women: Guides to Your Self-Realization
Published in Paperback by J. P. Tarcher (April, 1991)
Author: Piero Ferrucci
Amazon base price: $13.95
Used price: $9.50
Average review score:

Grace Full
A stimulating read! I was often moved to stop reading and reflect upon my own path along the "way." I highly recommend this book.

Very motivational and inspirational book.
Excllent book to help guide you to your fullest potential. It shows how great people have obtained their amazing status with whatever they have/are doing. Everyone from sports figures, politicians and acters to spirtual icons, artists and people we shall never hear of. I highly recommend this book to anyone seriously involved with making themselves the best they can be!!

The Irish File: Images from a Land of Grace
Published in Hardcover by Rizzoli (March, 2002)
Authors: Jon Michael Riley and Nuala O'Faolain
Amazon base price: $35.00
List price: $50.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $28.75
Collectible price: $26.47
Buy one from zShops for: $33.63
Average review score:

Absolutely Beautiful!
The Irish File is the strikingly beautiful photographic works of Jon Michael Riley. Riley lives in North Carolina has done award winning works for numerous magazines and other publications. On his journey to the Emerald Isle, Riley incorporate in his photos a conjoining of dramatic elements.

The photographs are so absolutely beautiful it gives the viewer a sense of a Victorian era painting. The artist gives you the feeling of haunting sounds of music and gentle breezes. The sounds so lovely and celestial like an ethereal song-as he describes his visit in Co. Kerry at the gate entrance of St. Senan's Holy Well. The place inspires the spirit of the breezes tumbling about the metal pipes of the gate [on the front cover]. It's looking at the land with a sense of grace and prefection. Not seeing it as a picture postcard snapshot. Like a scene out of a cinema graphic still with soft overtones. He gives his images a vintage look yet bringing out the realness of their simplicity.

Nuala O'Faolain's author of 'Are You Somebody: The Accidental Memoir of a Dublin Woman', poetic words in the introduction expresses the photogrpher's broader ego to the spirit of the place. This would make a beautiful coffee table book for lovers of breathtaking photography and those who want to reminisce their travels to Ireland.

Stunning photography!
If you want to know the soul of Ireland then sit in a quiet spot with "The Irish File" and let the images show you an Ireland you probably never knew. As a photographer I am not easily impressed with "photography" books but Jon Riley's images in his book are absolutely stunning! Well done Jon and thank you!

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