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Book reviews for "Alvarez-Altman,_Grace_DeJesus" sorted by average review score:

Leonardo: A Scrapbook in Words and Pictures
Published in Paperback by Dell Pub Co (February, 1998)
Authors: Grace Catalano and Doubleday Publishing
Amazon base price: $7.95
Used price: $0.80
Collectible price: $1.50
Buy one from zShops for: $2.95
Average review score:

It's not the best but it's not the worst either.
I have bought it I think last week because it was sold out before. I wasn't that enthusiastic about it when I have read and view it. But it's not really bad, if you're a first time Leo fan, but I'm not. The book was quite expensive here, than you bought it in U.S. But it was good for a purpose though, I scanned almost all of Leo's pictures there and posted it on my website. Grace Catalano put Leo in such simple words which easily describes him.

good book if searchin' for info & (hot) pics!
an interesting book where you can find lots of info, quotes and picks of leonardo dicaprio! interesting to read and look! i had a good time reading it, hope you'll too!


Grace at Bender Springs: A Novel
Published in Paperback by Broadman & Holman Publishers (September, 1999)
Author: Vinita Hampton Wright
Amazon base price: $10.39
List price: $12.99 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $4.30
Buy one from zShops for: $4.88
Average review score:

lots of sexual tension
I read a review about this book and author in Christianity Today, and the review stated that this author takes Christian fiction to a new level because she does not make the Christian characters perfect and the non-Christian characters evil, as is often the case in Christian fiction. I found the book to be very interesting, but I did not appreciate the level of sexual tension that went on throughout the book. While the author did not go into detail about the sex lives of her characters, throughout the book she kept letting you know that Randy and Dave were having sex, and Tony wanted to with Lena, and then Dave did with Lena even though he was living with Randy, and that Sarah and Jacob weren't having much lately. I thought all of that was a bit much for being considered "Christian" fiction. While she seemed to describe a genuine conversion in Randy, I felt she was almost mocking the "conversion" of Mamie when she prayed the sinner's prayer while wondering if the neighbor's dog was pooping in her yard again. While I'm sure that kind of thing happens, I felt she was poking more fun at the attempt to lead someone to the Lord than to Mamie for being so distracted during such a serious moment. These things caused me some disappointment with a book that received such high reviews here.

A Leisurely Read
I read the author's second novel, Velma Still Cooks in Leeway, first and enjoyed it more than this one. The character development was a strong point, though I wished things would have moved along a bit faster. But maybe that's just how things go in a slow-paced, small town. Realistic portrayal of saints and sinners but I felt very much on the outside and didn't really care very much about them. A good writer though and her second novel shows the kind of things I missed in this one.

Renewed in the springs!
Wright's characters capture you as eagerly turn each and every page, anxiously fretting along with them as they journey to find the graces that will quench their spiritual thirsts. Once I started reading it, I couldn't put it down. The juxtaposition of Bender Springs' past with its present was flawlessly written! Though not an epic, the finely-detailed characters and the author's attention to detail are reminiscient of Leon Uris'Trinity. The human weaknesses of the characters remind me of Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird and Wright makes no apologies for the humanity of her characters. This book should be made into a movie, but one wonders what the film industry would do to its essence of life.

Sisters of Cain
Published in Mass Market Paperback by Prime Crime (08 August, 2001)
Author: Miriam Grace Monfredo
Amazon base price: $6.99
Used price: $2.00
Buy one from zShops for: $3.99
Average review score:

Suspense and a lesson in history
This book was the first one I ever read from Miriam Monfredo and I hadn't heard fo the Seneca Falls series yet. So I was glad that there were only few cross references to the other books of the series.

"Sisters of Cain" has its little weaknesses, e.g. when the main character Bronwen tries to get through enemy lines, an old friend of hers (who incidentally is of Native American heritage AND a scout) appears out of the blue and helps her avoid the Southern troops. No explanation is given why this person is at this particular spot at this exact time.

Nevertheless, this book is great fun to read. The suspense in the story is increasing until almost the end, so I had a hard time to ever put it aside. The fact that it combines fiction with history made even more interesting, particularly because the story integrates two issues that are probably not well known in public. No. 1) the existence of women spies on both sides. No. 2) the fact that female nurses only started to be accepted in public hospitals and the military. (By the way, nuns in European convents played a major role in nursing for centuries before - but nobody seems to acknowledge this.)

I'm looking forward to reading the next books in the series, the brothers and the children of Cain.

Just Barely in the Glynis Tryon Series, but Still Great
Glynis Tryon and Seneca Falls make only a cameo appearence; most of the action is in Washington, D.C. and Richmond, Virginia and points between. The main character is Bronwen Llyr, Glynis' neice and a Union spy; and to a lesser extent, Bronwen's sister Kathryn, a nurse. There is adventure aplenty, and as usual, Monfredo brings American history alive, so you learn about it without even trying.

Great fun to read, and educational too. What more can you ask?

What makes Miriam Grace Monfredo's novels works of art, more than any other factor, is that the reader is there, immersed in the era and the setting. In "Sisters of Cain," you aren't reading about 1862 Richmond, you are in 1862 Richmond. The characters are vivid, to the point where when there's a movie version someday, if you've read the book you'll recognize the characters on sight. And characters like Bronwen don't behave like the cliched portrayals of demure, silent women of literature dealing with this era...they are real, even as they are different, sometimes wonderfully quirky, but always real.

If I Should Die: A Mali Anderson Mystery
Published in Hardcover by Doubleday (May, 1997)
Author: Grace F. Edwards
Amazon base price: $21.95
Used price: $1.59
Collectible price: $5.29
Buy one from zShops for: $2.28
Average review score:

Mali's on the Case
Unknowingly I have read this series of novels out of sequence, I thought "A toast before Dying" was the first one, but it doesn't matter because I love the series. Mali Anderson former cop now neighborhood "Protector" is a wonderful addition to the genre and Grace Edward's is a gifted writer and wordsmith.

I can only compare her style to that of Walter Mosely, which is the ultimate compliment because he is phenomenal. Edwards is able to convey a myraid of thoughts with just a few words but the feelings they evoke never miss their mark. This mystery starts with the attempted kidnapping of a member of the Harlem Chorus and the death of the director, who is an old friend of Mali's. She witnesses the incident and is able to save the child but arrives to late to help her old friend. Now she is determined not to rest until she finds out who is behind his senseless murder and enlists the help of her new boyfriend and hunk Detective Tad Honeywell. Well girl does not live my adventure alone and Honeywell is just what Mali needs and deserves. The police are investigating but Tad has been taken off the case and the new detective assigned is not very dedicated to getting results.

Mali has her work cut out for her on this one as clues point her to the seedy side of Harlem and to dealings with people we would rather believe did not exist.

A Real Page-turner
This was my introduction to Grace F. Edwards. I love way she develops the characters. Mali is a sister with attitude, compassion, strength, love for family, and just enough over-confidence to get herself into trouble. I enjoyed walking the streets of Harlem, visiting some places I used to know. I was captivated from the first page, and was kept guessing on to the end.

Well Done
This book was my introduction to the Mali Anderson series, and I was impressed. The lead character is smart, tough and a loving daughter and aunt. Like Valerie Wesley Wilson's Tamara Hayle, Mali is also a former cop. But unlike Hayle, who is based in New Jersey, Anderson is not a formal PI. She's just trying to get some answers.

Set on the mean streets of Harlem, this is a fast-paced contemporary mystery that engages the reader. Anderson is a complex character who is fraught by all types of demons -- harassment stemming from a lawsuit against the NYPD, the brutal death of her only sister and its impact on her nephew, and her feelings for the gorgeous detective Tad Honeywell.

The bad guys are all delightfully vile, an array of drug dealers, petty thieves and thugs. As a native New Yorker, I got a kick out her descriptions of Mayor Giuliani (whom she doesn't mention by name) when he was the D.A. I remember when he lead a mob of police officers in a disrespectful rally outside Gracie Mansion when Dinkins was mayor.

Her description of "The Inferno" reminded me of that scene in Jungle Fever where Spike Lee recreated a crack house. It was graphic and palpable. My only gripe with the book is that the ending seems a little abrupt. Edwards did a good job with the build-up, dropping clues here and there, but the resolution seemed a little rushed.

Overall, I was satisfied with this book and plan to buy more of this series.

Reframing Paul: Conversations in Grace & Community
Published in Paperback by Intervarsity Press (November, 2000)
Author: Mark Strom
Amazon base price: $12.60
List price: $18.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $12.54
Buy one from zShops for: $11.59
Average review score:

challenging if not comfortable
Reframing Paul in my opinion is a good book - not a 'nice' or 'comfortable' book, but one worth reading, especially if you aspire to having a "Berean" spirit -which implies a willingness to have your ideas about the New Testament (NT) and church challenged. But there is also comfort in this book - it gave shape to my increasing unease (over the last ~ 15 years) about the gap between what the NT seems to say - and what we do, and assert as 'biblical'. I no longer feel quite as alone.

But the book is not easy going in some places (unless you are skilled in reading Graeco-Roman philosophy/history). Someone suggested to me this reading plan: " Read chap 1, then 18, then skip 2-3 (or even 2-5), read the rest (feel free to skip around) and come back to the early ones last. They are important context setting, but a bit tough".

But where to from here? The book does not offer easy solutions. (As a former Australian Prime Minister said: "Life wasn't meant to be easy" ;-) By the way, I admired the author's transparency/willingness to be vulnerable. I think that adds to the book. A book read by humans - a book written by a human.

Reframing Evangelical Practice?
Mark Strom has written a critique of much current evangelical practice. He outlines the world Paul operated in, a world where elitism and abstraction ruled, he then shows how the apostle Paul challenged this world. His critique is that, ironically, much contemporary evangelical practice more closely resembles the world Paul was challenging than Paul himself. A challenge worth sitting up and listening to.

A Daring Book . . . A Beacon of Hope
A daring book has appeared at a precipitous moment in history. Mark Strom's Reframing Paul rushes to the rescue of modern churches hopelessly lost in a postmodern world. With rare exception, that's every church! We are still trying to see that the baggage dragging us down is our own culture-a culture more dependent on the classical tradition than on the Judeo-Christian. Whenever religion gets too close to culture, tragic ignorance prevails. With breathtaking clarity, Mark Strom reveals this cultural blindness to Paul's true message. Reframing Paul is a beacon of hope for the future.

Published in Paperback by Plume (30 April, 2002)
Author: Jane Roberts Wood
Amazon base price: $10.40
List price: $13.00 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $2.00
Collectible price: $3.95
Buy one from zShops for: $3.25
Average review score:

Not As Graceful As I'd Hoped
I did enjoy the book. I read it for a book club, but might have read it on my own. My biggest problem was the way I met Grace. In the first chapter she has already slept with a man who isn't her husband and on the night of his wife's death. It just put a bad taste in my mouth. I never grew to like Grace Gillian, but I did grow to tolerate her, because I enjoyed the story.

Great Writing, Ok Stories
Grace the novel, centers on Grace Gillian, an English teacher in her 30's, living in a small, Texas town, Cold Springs. Grace's husband has recently left her, headed for NYC, and Grace has been left to deal with life on her own. We also meet several other members of the Cold Springs community, Bobby a highschool senior, who deeply desires to be a part of the war effort, the apple of his eye, Dixie, Bobby's family, and a few other side characters. Wood has a real gift for writing, her descriptions are excellent-you can picture each scene perfectly in your mind. Through Grace, we learn how the effects of the war turn life upside down in this small, close-knit community. As you follow the character's lives, you will see what their motivations and deepest desires are, how they all want to be accepted and understood in different forms and different ways. The story was entertaining, but not something that left much of an impression on me. To the author's credit, the writing was excellent (5 stars).

Good until end
I thought Grace was a hard book to get into until about chapter four. Then I really enjoyed until the end. I don't understand or like how she was obsessed with one guy through the whole book and then goes off and marries another man in the end. There just wasn't enough conclusion in this book. Otherwise the writing is well done. You really get to know each character because Jane wrote in third person. Jane has a unique writing style that is hard to get used to at first, but after a while is enjoyable.

Forcing God's Hand: Why Millions Pray for a Quick Rapture ... and Destruction of Planet Earth
Published in Paperback by Amana Pubns (18 November, 2002)
Author: Grace Halsell
Amazon base price: $14.95
Buy one from zShops for: $7.00
Average review score:

Spectacular book
Amazing book. It lists the selfish nature of these men of God and their selfish pursue of the life of the world. They have forgotten what Jesus said in Matthew 5:20 "For I say to you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven". All I want to ask the born again's is that how will your righteousness surpass the scribes and pharisees if you dont keep the commandments (Pray to ONE God, do not commit adultry, honour thy parents and on and on).

Shocking and eye-opening!
I read this book last night and the pieces began to fall together. Previous to reading this book I just could not understand the Bush administration's war madness...why is it so important to fight this war now with a nation that is no immediate threat to us? Now I least as much as one can understand the insanity of fundamental religion. Every person who wants to look behind the media headlines, behind the administration's cowboy rhetoric MUST read this book.

very informative,
I really enjoy reading this book; it is short but very informative. Reveals the real believes of the extreme right of protestant Christians in the United States. It shows how those believers interpret different verses that are mentioned in the Old Testament in a way that it will make the current events a part of it, and they build on that conclusion on how the near future will be. In other words, they are pushing towards the big battle between the good and the bad (Armageddon) and the end of the world. I recommend it!

Leann Rimes: Teen Country Queen (Laurel-Leaf Books)
Published in Paperback by Laurel Leaf (01 May, 1997)
Author: Grace Catalano
Amazon base price: $4.99
Used price: $0.01
Collectible price: $3.95
Buy one from zShops for: $1.50
Average review score:

I did not like the book
Since I do not like Leann Rimes ,I did not find this book appeling and would not recommend this book to anyone except people withreally bad taste.

My favorite part of the book is all the great photos of her.
I love the book.My favorite part is all photos of LeAnn Rimes

Great for all, but not enough
This biography is a great layout for the LeAnn Rimes fan to learn about this musical sensation. However, it did not include a lot of LeAnn's personal thoughts on things, only her likes and dislikes. It is a great book for a newcoming fan, but for those of you who have been following her since day one (like me), would want something a little more. I just wish she would write an autobiography! There have been rumors of her soing so, so if you have any info, please e-mail me immediatly! Love to all you LeAnn fans, and especially to LeAnn! We love you! :)

Fall from Grace
Published in Hardcover by Doubleday Books (January, 1997)
Author: Megan Chance
Amazon base price: $9.94
Used price: $2.60
Collectible price: $15.00
Buy one from zShops for: $5.75
Average review score:

Were they ever in grace?
I'm a recent convert to Megan Chance' novels. Megan's stories are always well-written, the characters well-drawn out and blistering human.  "Fall from Grace" was no exception, however, the two romantic leads were less appealing than the characters from her other novels, which was disappointing.
Fall from Grace is the story of "Lily" AKA "Lily the Cat." Lily's parents are killed by the Sharpe gang, and so in an act of kindness (?) , they adopt her. This turns out to be two-edged sword, for while Lily shapes up to be a competent outlaw, she hungers for revenge... And succeeds in getting it when she turns 23.....She betrays the gang to the local sheriff.

Tex Sharpe, Lily's husband isn't willing to give up on Lily. He pursues her, and convinces her to return to the gang. Lily agrees... But then tries to shoot him! What follows is a tale of betrayal, love, and reconciliation.  

Lily's Mae West style 'bad girl' character was refreshing for this genre. She's an outlaw, a killer, and unrepentant. Her husband Tex, is good-hearted, but kind of naive which I found annoying.. Unfortunately, these characters just didn't mesh well. Lily resented Tex throughout the book. Tex misunderstands her, worries about her, and loves her for no discernable reason since all Lily does is belittle him. Even towards the end, these characters never really come to an understanding, which was unsatisfying.
Overall, I liked the book, it was realistic. But I admit, I got tired of the constant fighting between Sharpe and Lily. This couple was a romantic failure, at least for this reader. Ohwell. Perhaps there will be a sequel?

Good Read Bad Ending
This is the first book I have read from Megan Chance and I had to say I did like the story line of this book, but I could not understand the ending of this book. I think that more should had been said in order to make it more of a better ending; other then that I enjoyed this book and I look forward to reading other books by Megan Chance.

Enjoyable Reading
This is the first Megan Chance book that I read and I found it to be well written. It is a sad story of a little girl forced to become an outlaw because she was made part of the gang after the outlaws killed her parents. Her hero, Texas is wonderful...

Cover Me Naked
Published in Paperback by (March, 2001)
Authors: Dawn Grace Jones, Dawn Grace-Jones, and E Grace-Jones
Amazon base price: $13.95
Used price: $11.14
Average review score:

This book was very interesting to read, it was straight to the point. It had a little suspense to it also which i enjoyed. It makes you want to finish it. You want to know what is going to happen to the characters. Wihtout giving anything away the ending was also great. So in a nut shell it's worth it. I would recommend it to anyone.

Enjoyable read!
This was a very good quick read.... I enjoyed the author's character development. She did a good job in showing all sides of each person. The plot was also good. She keeps you reading, never quite knowing exactly what is coming next. I thought this was a great first effort by this writer and look forward to more works.

Vanessa's Review on cover me naked
This book was excellent reality of the coporate structure,romance and issue of today's world. The content and characters felt real and I connected with some because of my career; which was a career choice of one of the character. The content also revealed some of Today's issues of Legality, Ethics and Social pressures.
My career as a nurse has many challenges and power play games that becomes a part of the work place. The work environment for a nurse 2000 was layout very well in cover me naked;opening up the issue that are part of the nurse's day to day world.
Some of the legal issue that we face in today's society with career choices and false assumptions and misrepresentation of cultures was well represented in Cover Me Naked.
The social issues we deal with in relationships and the choices we make in dealing with them were all displayed in Cover Me Naked. The name of the book itself gives you a suggestion that everything is spelled out and no rose colored glasses are worn. All in All the book would be an excellent choice for a book club or just your own personal choice. Cover me Naked allows you to get in touch with its characters.

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