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Book reviews for "Alvarez-Altman,_Grace_DeJesus" sorted by average review score:

Asymptotics in Statistics: Some Basic Concepts (Springer Series in Statistics)
Published in Hardcover by Springer Verlag (August, 2000)
Authors: Grace Lo Yang and Lucien M. Le Cam
Amazon base price: $76.95
Used price: $65.09
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Average review score:

asymptotic theory as developed by Le Cam at Berkeley
The first edition of this book was written in 1990. Le Cam was Professor of Statistics at the University of California at Berkeley where he taught since 1950. Grace Yang was one of his Ph.D. students who went on to become Professor of Statistics at the University of Maryland. They collaborated for many years. The book is based on lectures Le Cam gave at the University of Montreal in the summer of 1968. It was modified and first published in 1990 with some obsolete material deleted and sketches of new work over the 20 year interim added. This second edition was published just after Le Cam's death in April 2000. The second edition was revised to account for criticism of the first edition. The main criticism was that the book was difficult to understand even by a second year graduate student of statistics. This is clearly an advanced theoretical text but it includes many of Le Cam's important contributions and provides a unified theoretical treatment. Many typographical errors from the first edition have been removed. Chapter 4 is a new chapter on Gaussian and Poisson experiments.

It is by no means a complete treatment as the authors acknowledge in the Preface to the Second Edition material on von Mises differntiable functions, empirical processes and the recent developing school of Donoho and Johnstone is missing. The material on von Mises differentiable functions and empirical processes can be found in three recent texts by van der Vaart, van der Geer and Dudley. However, the authors did not feel prepared to summarize the Donoho and Johnstone work.

Autobiography of a Schizophrenic Girl: The True Story of "Renee"
Published in Paperback by Meridian Books (November, 1994)
Authors: Marguerite Sechehaye, Grace Rubin-Rabson, Renee, and Frank Conroy
Amazon base price: $11.20
List price: $14.00 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $3.50
Collectible price: $3.99
Buy one from zShops for: $6.18
Average review score:

i learned from this book.
The book starts out with an autobiography written by Renee, who suffers from schizophrenia. She recaps terrifying moments in her life and her writing is very vivid. After her story, her analyst, who authors the book, explains Renee's condition in more technical terms and does a very good job of this. For anyone interested in learning more about schizophrenia, this would be a good place to start.

The Baby Project
Published in Paperback by Harlequin (September, 1900)
Author: Grace Green
Amazon base price: $3.50
Average review score:

Very Very Good
From the back of the book ****** SHOULD THEY MARRY FOR THE BABY'S SAKE? .. Mallory had given up a high-powered job to look after her orphaned nephew, and no way was she going to let Jordan Caine walk in and steal custody!
It was true he had a valid claim to baby Matthew, but Mallory just couldn't bear to lose him.....
Only, Jordan's proposed solution was equally outrageous: he wanted them to marry and share custody!
Mallory had no choice but to live under Jordan's roof, but could she really agree to become his wife? *****
Trouble starts when they start thinking about kissing and helping one another and watching each other and.......
Little Matthew was Jordan's only connection left of his sister, Janine, he couldn't lose him.
Then Nick shows up -- Oh! Oh!
read it you will enjoy it.

The Bassett Women
Published in Hardcover by Swallow Pr (April, 1997)
Author: Grace McClure
Amazon base price: $28.00
Used price: $8.46
Collectible price: $19.06
Buy one from zShops for: $22.71
Average review score:

Somebody! Make this Movie!
This is a fascinating account of pioneer life in the great American West through the eyes of three gutsy, gritty women. These gals could outride, outrope, outshoot and outwit most men and did so on many occasions. The romantic history of Ann and Josie Bassett is amazing: Ann with several husbands and Josie with four plus a couple of long term relationships -- all at a time when divorce was hardly whispered. But what really shines through is the absolute can do attitude of these women. It seems there was nothing they couldn't accomplish. The story would make a wonderful movie.

The Best of California: The World's Greatest Working Trucks
Published in Paperback by Motorbooks International (15 January, 2001)
Authors: Earl L. Johnson, Grace M. Hawkins, and Grace Hawkins
Amazon base price: $13.97
List price: $19.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $12.00
Buy one from zShops for: $13.87
Average review score:

Superb photography
This man really knows how to photograph trucks. The backdrops are awesome, the trucks are super sharp and the colour and paper quality are superb. Be warned though, Kenworths are very scarce in this book, but Peterbilt fans will love it, and other makes are given some coverage also.( KW and Pete lovers must also buy the sister book to this one, being 'The working trucks of Colorado' that is a book!)

Beyond the Horizon
Published in Textbook Binding by Attic Pr (December, 1961)
Author: Grace Rosher
Amazon base price: $12.00
Average review score:

Pretty Good
I seem to have enjoyed this book so much and it really is very interesting Try it out!

Brimming over
Published in Paperback by Mini World Pubns (June, 1978)
Author: Grace Layton Sandness
Amazon base price: $5.95
Used price: $7.50
Average review score:

Heart-warming and amazing.
Grace Layton had just finished her freshman year in college when she was stricken with polio. It was 1950, five years before the polio vaccine, and the disease was merciless, leaving her a quadriplegic. Brimming Over tells the story not only of her disease and the painful, frightening short-term recovery, but of the life that unfolded after the disease. Layton went on to marry and adopt nine non-white children, each with a physical or emotional handicap. The book recounts the early efforts of her and husband Dave Sandness to establish independence, of the greeting card business she established by drawing charcoal illustrations using her mouth, of several moves the family made around the country, and of the trials, tribulations and joys of raising nine children, each with their own distinct personality. Brimming Over challenges the reader's attitudes racial discrimination, people with disabilities, and overcoming hardship. It will leave you filled with optimism and wonder, marveling at the courage of the Sandnesses, for whom no problem seemed too big. Grace Layton was born in my hometown of Valley City, North Dakota, which is why the book initially appealed to me. Local readers may find her omission of last names a bit frustrating, as it is difficult to understand sometimes the local people to whom she is referring. But of course, as she notes in the preface, a name is only what you are called -- it tells nothing about the kind of person you are. So it is that Grace Layton is an inspirational model not only for the people of her hometown, but people everywhere.

Captain Oates: Soldier and Explorer
Published in Hardcover by Batsford (December, 1982)
Author: Sue Limb
Amazon base price: $34.95
Average review score:

great book
This is an insightful and well-researched biography. Using sources previously kept within the Oates family, including a collection of over three hundred of Captain Oates' letters and portions of his Antarctic diary, Sue Limb and P. Cordingly recreate many details of the explorer's life and experiences which had previously been unknown. The result is an account focusing on Oates' LIFE, rather than his famous DEATH after reaching the South Pole with Scott in 1912. Oates is shown to be not a sublime martyr, but instead an intelligent, remarkable man grounded in reality, whose life ended too soon as a result of the blunders of others.

The Chautauqua Girls at Home (Grace Livingstone Hill Library , No 14)
Published in Paperback by Tyndale House Pub (March, 1997)
Author: Isabella MacDonald Alden
Amazon base price: $5.99
Used price: $13.27
Buy one from zShops for: $19.95
Average review score:

I found this book very encouraging in living everyday Christian lives. Ruth, Miriam, Flossy and Eureka have returned home from Chautauqua to live out their new lives as newborn believers. They find out that it isn't as easy as they thought. The story takes some interesting and surprising twists. The story drags a little, but the girls discuss such topics such as dancing, card-playing, etc. I highly recommend this book, but it is not really a romance novel.

Christian Learn at Home Grade 4
Published in Paperback by Grace Publications (July, 1998)
Author: Grace Pub
Amazon base price: $13.97
List price: $19.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $10.95
Buy one from zShops for: $15.14
Average review score:

A Good Book for Homeschooling
Being homeschoolers on a limited budget, we were looking for a book that was as comprehensive as possible but still reasonably priced. This was the first book we purchased, and we were so happy with it that we continue to use this series! The feature that's best about this book is the lesson plan section at the beginning of each week. The books are divided into sections of 36 weeks, each week having a lesson plan (broken down by subject) and worksheets. If you use the lesson plans and worksheets, and supplement with a few free library materials, you can have a homeschool program customized to your child's level for [a small amount of money] per year!

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