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Book reviews for "Alvarez-Altman,_Grace_DeJesus" sorted by average review score:

Grace Point
Published in Paperback by Signet (July, 1993)
Author: Anne D. Leclaire
Amazon base price: $5.99
Used price: $0.01
Collectible price: $1.00
Average review score:

Suspenseful, entertaining, thought-provoking
Although I love reading, often I don't have enough time to sit down and concentrate on a book; yet Grace Point is so enthralling, so suspenseful that I discovered I'd read it in just a matter of days. With alternating POV characters and two different time periods, this novel keeps the reader wondering what will happen next and how the two circumstances are connected . . . in the end, the stories were connected in a way I didn't predict. Fantastic! LeClaire is a fabulous writer.

Grace Stories
Published in Paperback by Harvest House Publishers, Inc. (June, 1900)
Author: Bob George
Amazon base price: $9.99
Used price: $3.95
Average review score:

Another Great Book From Bob George
I find all of Bob George's books to be right on the money when it comes to salvation and walking in our salvation. If you have every read any of Bob's other works you will find some familiar stories in Grace Stories but they are good to hear again because God's grace never gets old. Grace Stories also focuses in on how grace affects our everyday life and everyday circumstances. It is a refreshing work considering what is being preached today in religious circles.

Grace Under Pressure
Published in Paperback by Navpress (February, 1990)
Author: Penelope J. Stokes
Amazon base price: $6.95
Used price: $3.98
Buy one from zShops for: $7.99
Average review score:

Grace is God's Gift to Us
This book is a revealing reminder that God's grace is a precious gift and our actions should be the result of our thankfulness for that gift. Our prayers, church-going and involvement are not meant to spur God into action. The author reminds us to be thankful and graceful in our own lives.

Grace's Bullet
Published in Paperback by PublishAmerica (16 July, 2002)
Author: Keavy E. Clayton
Amazon base price: $19.95
Used price: $18.81
Buy one from zShops for: $18.70
Average review score:

Fun and fast to read!
Keavy writing puts you on the edge from the moment you read the first sentence! You will not put the book down! Well worth the time, you'll escape from your world into someone else drama! Lots of fun to read!

Grace's Card: Irish Catholic Landlords 1690-1800
Published in Paperback by Irish Amer Book Co (October, 1998)
Authors: Charles Chenevix Trench and Charles Chenevix Trench
Amazon base price: $19.95
Used price: $15.95
Average review score:

An excellent and entertaining history of a neglected subject
Grace's Card provides an insight into the way in which 1,200 Catholic landlords, who survived the confiscations and fortfeitures of Cromwell's plantation and the Williamite settlement, struggled to survive and keep their estates intact. The author, who was 83 when the book was published, appears to have a thorough grasp of this interesting period in Irish history. Apart from the general overview of the period and an analysis of the situation facing Catholic landlords, Charles Trench provides information about particular families and their descendants. As a social history, Grace's Card is fascinating, particularly the anecdotes about individuals. The book is beautifully written, with a lightness of touch that belies its sombre tale. Trench provides many examples of families keeping their heads down, and their lands intact, despite the provocation and draconian laws enacted against them as a class, based on fears of treason and religious bigotry. There are a number of amusing incidents involving duelists and swordsmen and family feuds. In attempting to strike a balance in telling this story, Trench appears to adopt a less critical attitude to the penal laws, claiming that they were laxly enforced. Yet, by the end of the period he documents, they had largely achieved their goal of wiping out the Catholic gentry and reducing them to the peasantry. Within 50 years of 1690 it seemed most of the Catholic landlords had conformed to the Protestant faith to preserve their estates from being divided up among their sons, or claimed by any one of them who 'conformed'. many of these early conversions were thus not the result of true religious conviction but politically motivated, and driven by a desire to protect the family inheritance and pass it on to the following generations. Trench puts much of the blame for the loss of Catholic estates on the families who continued to live above their means, according to custom, and continue wenching, drinking and dueling their way towards bankruptcy. Highly recommended to readers interested in this aspect of irish history.

Grace: A Biological Basis for the Theory and Practice of Christianity
Published in Paperback by Writers Club Press (October, 2002)
Author: Frank Dale Robinette
Amazon base price: $16.95
Collectible price: $21.54
Buy one from zShops for: $16.95
Average review score:

Finally a book that makes sense out of Christianity.
This is an important book. It takes all the things in Christianity that give different religions fodder for disagreement and tosses them out. Instead, the reader gets a concise outline of what Jesus was really about. We all talk about loving our neighbors as ourselves, nonjudgment, and honesty but have no idea how to make these idealistic precepts work. This book shows us how and what happens to us to make it all possible. It is simple and easy to understand. Not only that it just makes good sense. Whether you are a Christian or not, you will treasure this little book.

Grace: Freeing the Swan Within for a Beautiful Life
Published in Hardcover by Rodale Press (January, 1903)
Author: Nancy Mair
Amazon base price: $16.95
Used price: $0.78
Collectible price: $7.36
Buy one from zShops for: $2.00
Average review score:

This book is eloquently written - a fantastic read for a self-help book. And not only that, but it provides realistic guidance and real life examples to allow you to better identify with the concepts. I wish there were more books out from this author!

Graces of Interior Prayer
Published in Textbook Binding by Celtic Cross Books (May, 1978)
Author: Auguste Poulain
Amazon base price: $19.95
Average review score:

A classic of mystical theology
This book is indispensable for any good library in mystical theology. It is a classic in the area of discerning the true nature of mystical experiences. It is particularly useful for giving practical rules on discerning supposed apparitions and revelations. It systematically outlines the consistent teaching of doctors and saints on the nature of phenomenon associated with prayer. It recognizes the importance of modern science for recognizing the various psychological and physical factors that can mimic mystical experiences. Though written around the turn of the 20th century it is still very relevant for the questions one encounters today. I would recommend this book for any priest or serious student of mystical theology.

The Granite State New Hampshire: An Illustrated History
Published in Hardcover by American Historical Press (November, 2000)
Authors: Ronald Jager and Grace Jager
Amazon base price: $32.95
Used price: $26.59
Collectible price: $36.95
Buy one from zShops for: $26.23
Average review score:

History with Grit and Grime
This book is actually circa 1983. The first half is basic pretty interesting history, the last half is best. Here you will find company profiles for about 50 industries, and you can start sheding tears right now, as more than a few of these classic old companies are now gone. My interest is in old machine tools, so I found entries for Kingsbury Machine and Whitney Screw products fascinating. Speaking of Whitney, they are the LAST mfg in USA still in business makeing machine cut screws and this includes those quality brass wood screws you once bought at your local hardware. I hope someone buys this book and does something to help keep these industries alive!!!

The Greatest Gift: God's Amazing Grace
Published in Hardcover by Western Front Ltd (01 October, 1999)
Author: Hal Lindsey
Amazon base price: $11.69
List price: $12.99 (that's 10% off!)
Used price: $9.25
Collectible price: $22.50
Buy one from zShops for: $9.17
Average review score:

Hal writes the best gospel tract yet
Hal successfully has scaled down his earlier work "Amazing Grace". Published in a small, soft padded, gift book style, Hal delivers a powerful message of the truth of God's grace. This book will help the reader grasp the ultimate truth of God's most precious gift, grace. Chapters discuss Hal's personal "wild tugboat captain" days, reasons for the necessity of grace, forgiveness and freedom from shame and guilt. Hal, better than any other author, relates the truth of the Christian life. Which is that once the person understands what God did at the cross and the abundance of love that was expressed at the cross, and that in return all Jesus asks for is a personal relationship, people will flock to that truth of grace. Christianity is not about rules, it is about God's greatest gift - grace and Hal brings this message forth in crystal clarity. If you have only read Hal's prophecy works, treat yourself to another of his gifts, writing about grace. This book makes a wonderful gift to believers and non believers alike. Personally I have given away at least 4 books to friends in need of the simple assurance of grace. Read about God's greatest gift today.

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