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Book reviews for "Alvarez-Altman,_Grace_DeJesus" sorted by average review score:

Published in Paperback by Tyndale House Pub (July, 1992)
Author: Grace Livingston Hill
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $5.00
Collectible price: $10.59
Buy one from zShops for: $4.50
Average review score:

Every teen should read and will love Patricia
I read this as a teen and today, I still love the story. It is a timeless and poignant story of "doing the right thing". I cry every time. It is a story that every dream should be. I highly reccommend it for Christians looking for a true romance to read.

I want a John Worth!
I just finished reading "Patricia" and I must say, this is probably the best romance novel I've ever read! (of course, this is also my first Grace Livingston Hill novel...) It is sweet and actually really inspirational. And, I'll admit it--I got quite teary. :)

Patterns of Grace: The Wonderful Ways God's Grace Touches Our Lives
Published in Hardcover by Garborg's Heart 'N' Home (January, 1900)
Authors: Roy Lessin and Heather Solum
Amazon base price: $9.99
Average review score:

Beautiful coffee table book
Discover your soul with these inspiring thoughts which are illustrated with beautiful quilts. This reminds us that we are bound by the threads of God's love.

An Inspiration and a Visual Delight
I received this book as a gift and it instantly became a favorite. It is a beautiful book visually, with wonderful pictures of quilts interwoven with short inspirational thoughts, stories and sayings portraying God's Grace. Various forms of calligraphy are used to express each thought, to add to the visual enjoyment of this book. It would make a wonderful gift for any quilter, or anyone that enjoys inspirational books. It is a book that I keep out all the time, and pick up frequently to spend time in reflection and enjoy my passion for quilting at the same time.

Paul: by the grace of god: Early Life Through Second Missionary Journey
Published in Spiral-bound by 21st Century Christian, Inc. (December, 1999)
Author: Casandra Martin
Amazon base price: $13.50
Used price: $14.95
Average review score:

Paul:By the Grace of God
The material follows the Scriptures and is very well organized. Ms. Martin does a beautiful job of leading the student through each lesson while at the same time stimulates thinking. The presentation of the material is attractive and she has given the student plenty of room to answer the questions and make notes. I strongly recommend this study book and plan to purchase other books by Ms. Martin.

Paul: By the Grace of God
This is truly a wonderful study covering the life of Paul. Written primarily for women's study groups, the apostle Paul comes to life as you step through the first book of a two-book study.

The best features of this study are its insight, accuracy, and application.

The insights into the apostle make him come more alive as you work through his life.

After working through the questions, you will appreciate the thoroughness and care with which the author stays true to the book of Acts and Paul's epistles.

Every lesson is dedicated not only to learning more than ever about Paul and his growth through his ministry, but how we too can grow by the grace of God.

Both volumes were hugely successful at area ladies Bible study classes.

Portrait of an Artist : A Biography of Georgia O'Keeffe
Published in Audio Cassette by Blackstone Audiobooks (July, 1995)
Authors: Laurie Lisle, Grace Conlin, and Frederick Davidson
Amazon base price: $69.95
Used price: $65.58
Buy one from zShops for: $52.46
Average review score:

Georgia O'keeffe is a true American treasure
Having just seen the Georgia Okeeffe exibition at the Phillips Gallery in Washington, DC, I had to run out and buy a biography to learn more about this incredible artist. This book gives deep personal insight to Ms O'keeffe's life and work.

lending and losing this book should have taught me a lesson
Having read Portrait of an Artist in college I learned to appreciate the talent, determination and self reliance that success requires. It should be required reading for every young woman

The Power of Loving Your Church: Leading Through Acceptance and Grace (Pastor's Soul Series)
Published in Hardcover by Bethany House (February, 1998)
Authors: David Hansen and David L. Goetz
Amazon base price: $16.99
Used price: $13.90
Collectible price: $10.95
Average review score:

Loving Your Church
In his book, The Power of Loving Your Church, David Hansen shows his readers Christ's love in action in the church. One story especially touched me. While ministering in Rural Montana, David met a feisty 94-year old blind woman whose fierce independence buffeted his early attempts to minister to her. She chopped her own wood, cooked her own meals and wouldn't accept help from anyone, much less the preacher. She would, however, allow him to drop by to give her the Lord's Supper. For the longest time, he couldn't convince her that people loved her. "Love isn't in the Bible," she said, "The Bible calls it charity, not love." He continued to be faithful to minister to her on her terms. With time, she began to allow the church to bring meals by and even let the Pastor chop some wood for her. Her cold exterior began to thaw. The church started helping her with her bills and assisted her niece in cleaning up around the place. Pastor David began chopping wood for her on a regular basis-it was his way of showing Christ's love for one of His children. Before her hundredth birthday, she went into a local nursing home where she receives the care she needs. Though Pastor David didn't need to chop wood for her anymore, he continued to minister to her. In his book, he describes what happened after stopping by the nursing home to give her communion one day. "Upon rising to leave, I stoop over and give her a hug. She reaches up and returns my embrace." Before leaving, he tells her something powerful "'I have charity for you, Kathryn," And she responds, "Well, that's nice, a person needs a lot of that." (Hansen, 169-170) Christ's love, excuse me, charity can melt the hardest heart and heal the deepest hurts. Kathryn was right, a person needs a lot of it.

Practical and encouraging.
I picked up this book on a Saturday night when I had to face the congregation from the pulpit the next morning, and I didn't want to see some of them. I couldn't put it down until I finished it. Hansen's stories, told with humility and light handedness, helped me "get real" about what I expect from the congregation I serve. The church hasn't changed much, but I have. This book helped me see myself differently and helped me get into the pulpit the next morning with charity and hope. Great stories told well - in a style similar to Hansen's earlier THE ART OF PASTORING: MINISTRY WITHOUT ALL THE ANSWERS.

Regency Etiquette: The Mirror of Graces, 1811
Published in Paperback by R. L. Shep Publications (August, 1997)
Author: Lady of Distinction
Amazon base price: $17.95
Average review score:

Not so out-dated as one might think...
While a good deal of this 1811 anonymously written etiquette primer is out-of-date and hopelessly old-fashioned, it still contains some remarkably good advice to women. Examples?? (1) Dress properly. Understand your body type and what type of, what cut of, and what color(s) of clothes truly flatter you. Do not be a slave to fashion. (2) Maybe I am a bit old-fashioned on this next one: dress modestly. I find it difficult to respect a woman in a too-short and too-tight skirt. (3) Try to better yourself by improving your mind and manners.

Otherwise, the book is a product of its time. We today obviously do not differentiate between a morning dress, a walking gown, or an opera dress. We do not dance the same type of dances. And the balance of power in terms of sexual politics has changed quite a bit.

On the whole, I found this a fascinating look at the world of women in the Regency. If you are a big fan of Jane Austen or Fanny Burney, this is a great companion text to understand the women and the motivations of their female characters.

RL Shep, the publisher who had the foresight to reprint this wonderful book first published in 1811 deserve all the compliments in this world (and the next) for recognsing this book as a classic. It is at once hilarious to our modern eyes, and a startling insight into life of the well bred miss in Regency Times.

The book is packed full of classical references and piously rendered good advice which jostle in happy company in each breathless sentence. Don't think that the archaic language will put you off- it is too funny to put down.

for example - on Dancing and other accomplishments we are confidently informed; "Set then, this music of Paphos far aside; instead of songs of wantons, if we are to have amatory odes, let us listen to the chaste pleadings of Plutarch, to the mutual vows of virtuous attachment."

This book was not a comical portrayal of its day, it was read for the good advice it rendered and indeed it is very revealing on the fashion dictates of the day - washing, exercise, diet, dancing, dress and general deportment. There are even a stack of cosmetic recipes in the back which you can have a go at trying for yourself - including Eau de Veau, a face tonic, which is made by boiling up a calves foot!

From the chapter "On Deportment": "Their is scarcely an observer of manners and their effects who will not maintain that the most beautiful and well-dressed woman will soon cease to please unless her charms are accompanied with the ineffable enchantment of a graceful demeanour."

There is good advice on colours, flowers, - I guess I could go on all day. The content is absolutely matchless and if you have an interest in this period - the Regency or Georgian times, you must have a copy.

My final note is on the quality of RL Sheps books - in short Excellent. They have bound the copy so well that despite my frequent mistreatment, bending it at the spine, throwing it in full bags to carry around and so on, it is sitll in almost perfect condition.

Riddle and the Rune
Published in Paperback by Laureleaf (March, 1990)
Author: Grace Chetwin
Amazon base price: $3.50
Used price: $3.25
Collectible price: $6.00
Average review score:

Gom seeks to find his mother, and runs into many adventures.
Gom's mother Harga, a wizard, left gom special powers,like talking to animals. When Gom leaves Windy Mountain to find her, he meets many friends and runs into many adventures. Zamul and Katak hope to find Gom, kill him and take a special stone, a rune, which his mother left him. Harga only gives Gom one clue, a riddle, and when he solves it, he meets Harga.

Synopsis & Opinion
Alone now that his father the elderly Stig has died, Gom of Windy Mouton set's out from that lonely home, leaving all he has known behind him, to find his mother Harga. With nothing more than a black stone (left with him by his mother) a stick carved by his father to resemble the creatures of the forest, and the magical ability to speak with animals. Huddled one night in a cave long forgotten by a bear, he is visited through a creature carved on his staff, by his mother's voice. She gives him a riddle telling young Gom that when he answers it he shall find her. Gom encounter's a multitude of friendly people and creatures, but with every good there is a greater evil which manifest's itself through people and monsters. A Death's Head bird stalk's him for his stone, a village conjurer also for the same item. Leaving Gom to puzzle, just who is his mother? From the creator of the chime's of Alyafalen, and Jason's Magical Midnight Ride Through Time, Grace Chetwin, comes the second book in the tale's of Gom filled with magic, mystery and wonder enough to please even the most hard core fantasy buff. I give this book a 5 and encourage you to read it. (It also doesn't hurt that the writer is EXTREMLY nice and replied to my letter concerning the book unlike a certain Ms. Marion Zimmer Bradly.)

Sailing by Grace
Published in Paperback by (April, 2001)
Author: Roger Cook
Amazon base price: $15.95
Average review score:

I found "Sailing By Grace" to be very inspiring! Not only is this book a collection of wonderfully written poems, but the author has taken the time to include a Biblical truth that applies to each of his poems. His opening comments challenge the reader and put the poem in context to be enjoyed to its fullest. Truly a work of art from a man who loves his Lord, his family, his church and those whom he has had the privilege of impacting! I highly recommend this book!

"Sailing By Grace" is truly a work of art. As an editor, I found this book to be beautifully put together and inspiring. I highly recommend "Sailing By Grace" to anyone looking for a book of comfort and God's grace.

Saved by Grace
Published in Paperback by Authentic Media (December, 1994)
Author: Anthony A. Hoekema
Amazon base price: $15.40
List price: $22.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $13.88
Buy one from zShops for: $15.29
Average review score:

Great Book on Soteriology
This book is a very good outline of soteriology from the Reformed perspective. Anyone who wants to get a good dose of the doctrine of salvation from a traditional Reformed perspective should read this. Though it gets into technicalities and some Greek it is readable and organized. However, Hoekema's "Dutch Reformed" background lets some of his interpretations be influenced by that background. For example, his interpretation of Romans 7. For students wanting to understand what the Reformed camp teaches regarding salvation this book is for you.

The best reading available on the topic of salvation!
Hoekema brings much light to a dark soul! If you are looking for a book about Christian salvation that is both readable and academically solid look no further. Hoekema writes clearly and with both a clear pastoral perspective and a sharp theological edge. You will walk away from this book with a solid understanding of the doctrines of salvation.

A must read for every Christian!

Saving Grace
Published in Paperback by Naiad Pr (May, 1993)
Author: Jennifer Fulton
Amazon base price: $11.95
Used price: $2.25
Collectible price: $10.00
Average review score:

Outstanding, Fun, and interesting
Saving Grace, the second book featuring the heavenly Moon Island and it's owners, truly lived up to its predecessor. I can't wait, and hope that it is not the last to feature Annabel and Cody, or Grace and Dawn. The characters are easy to like and care about, and you find yourself unable to put the book down, until you find out how everything ends. Jennifer, can we beg you to write another!?

A great sequel to Passion Bay. Where's the next one?
This book is easy to read and flows well. It proficiently picks up right where Passion Bay left off. I'm anxiously awaiting the next one(s)!!

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