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Book reviews for "Alvarez-Altman,_Grace_DeJesus" sorted by average review score:

Life's Greatest Grace: Why I Belong to the Catholic Church
Published in Paperback by Our Sunday Visitor (November, 1993)
Author: J. Michael Miller
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $16.95
Average review score:

A Concise Roadmap to the Catholic Faith
I recommend this book to all bible-Christians who have questions about the Church. The author uses modern, clear and concise language in explaining the finer points of Christian doctrine on topics covering from Sacred Scripture to authentic Christian sexuality. The focus throughout this work is God's interest in man realized fully in the Incarnation.

Life, Love, & Other Mysteries: Advice and Inspiration from America's #1 Christian Pop Group
Published in Hardcover by Pocket Star (October, 1996)
Authors: Davin Seay, David Seay, Denise Jones, Terry Jones, Heather Floyd, Shelley Phillips, and Point of Grace
Amazon base price: $23.00
Used price: $0.40
Collectible price: $0.99
Buy one from zShops for: $1.75
Average review score:

An awesome book for anyone who loves CCM
This is a great book for anyone who loves Point of Grace (like me) or Christian Contemperary Music, or a story of four girls keeping their virtue in a world where singers and movie stars alike are losing theirs. The book is divided up into sections. Each of the girls, Heather, Shelley, Denise, and Terry take a chapter and tell about their lives and how they got into music, etc... and the rest is kind of question and answer sections where they address topics like friends, family, dating, clothes, etc... It is a very inspiring book, besides being great fun to read. I rate it a 10!

Little Clown Car's Big Day : Squeak-and-Go! Series
Published in Hardcover by Readers Digest (April, 1996)
Author: Mary Grace Eubank
Amazon base price: $5.99
Used price: $1.99
Collectible price: $8.47
Average review score:

Little Clown Car's Big Day
Your kids will enjoy this interactive book that allows the listener to actively 'toot' Little Clown Car's horn as they squeeze the plastic car in the middle of each page. The book is entertaining to both reader and encourages participation by requiring the listener to follow each word until they are required to 'toot' (squeeze) each time they see a certain clown-car symbol. Your kids will certainly have fun with Little Clown Car's Big Day words, colors and sounds.

Little Prayer Series: Mealtime Prayers
Published in Hardcover by Thomas Nelson (23 March, 1995)
Authors: Alan Parry and Linda Parry
Amazon base price: $3.99
Used price: $1.04
Buy one from zShops for: $1.49
Average review score:

A Wonderful way to get prayers said!
This book is helpful to come up with new and fun ways to give thanks and ask for blessings at mealtime. There are lots of different prayers, your kids are sure to pick a favorite one and use it over and over again. Memorization is key to understanding more about God for little folks!

Little Red Riding Hood (A Golden Little Look-Look Book)
Published in Paperback by Golden Pr (June, 1991)
Authors: Rita Balducci, Mary Grace Eubank, and Rita Walsh-Balducci
Amazon base price: $1.79
Used price: $0.74
Average review score:

Little Red Riding Hood
Enjoyed the age old tale - but most importantly loved the colorful and captivating illustrations.

Living by Grace: The Path to Inner Discovery
Published in Paperback by Harper SanFrancisco (September, 1994)
Author: Joel S. Goldsmith
Amazon base price: $11.00
Used price: $9.40
Buy one from zShops for: $8.41
Average review score:

Amazing Grace! Amazing Life! Amazing Life by Grace!
There is always an alternative to the human condition. Many people go through their individual lives living and laboring under the law of karma (causation). But Joel Goldsmith presents us with the genuine alternative in his mystical teaching, The Infinite Way; this is to live "life by grace" -- the grace of spiritual consciousness.

In this title, Joel instructs us how we can live by Spirit's grace. By maintaining a consciousness steeped in Truth in contemplating the letter of Truth and in silent meditation, one is brought into the fourth dimensional realm of the Spirit. When life is lived daily in the consciousness of God's presence, one permits the activity of grace in consciousness. This translates in the human experience as our perfect good that comes to us without the difficulties and anxieties typical of the human condition.

The book is highly recommended to anyone aspiring to live a life by grace in the presence of God!

A Loftier Flight; The Life and Accomplishments of Charles-Louis Didelot, Balletmaster.
Published in Hardcover by Wesleyan Univ Pr (December, 1974)
Author: Mary Grace. Swift
Amazon base price: $18.50
Used price: $13.00
Collectible price: $10.59
Average review score:

A balletmaster 200 years ago
One of the most important persons in ballet history is Charles-Louis Didelot. Mary Grace Swift has written a most learned biography about him. In this scholarly volume, winner of the De la Torre Bueno Prize in 1973, there are many illustrations, both from Russian archives and from the British Museum and the Victoria and Albert Museum in London. Didelot (1767-1837) was born in Sweden and again I can note that I have a very famous compatriot in the field of dance. He was of French parentage and born in the reign of King Gustavus III who was known as "The Theatre King". But Didelot did not remain faithful to his king or the country of his birth. The king felt the need to write a rather desperate letter: "The contract of our Didelot is finished after the fire in the theater and I beg you to let him return as soon as possible, so that I again might have the pleasure of seeing him dance, as I cannot understand why we pay him when he is dancing in London". There is also a most interesting chronology of Dances and Pantomimes staged by Didelot. For the student of dance history this book provides the answers to many questions about early ballet. A most valuable document, painstakingly researched.

Louisiana's Plantation Homes: The Grace and Grandeur
Published in Paperback by Voyageur Press (January, 2002)
Authors: Dick Dietrich and Joseph A. Arrigo
Amazon base price: $13.97
List price: $19.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $7.79
Collectible price: $145.00
Buy one from zShops for: $12.98
Average review score:

The Majestic and the Mysterious
This beautifully written and illustrated book renewed my interest in the history and beauty of the plantations on river road. I have lived in the New Orleans area my entire life and until I read this book I had no interest in visiting the homes. Now I do! This book invoked the history and mystery of these majestic homes. If you can't visit these homes in person, buy this book, and it will be as if you had.

Love Bites: Photographs
Published in Paperback by Heretic Books (April, 2003)
Authors: Della Grace, Del Lagrace Volcano, and Sarah Schulman
Amazon base price: $14.95
Used price: $11.95
Collectible price: $35.00
Buy one from zShops for: $13.00
Average review score:

A proud, sometimes raunchy, sometimes sensitive celebration
The book revealed a world that I hadn't noticed. A society, relationships and ways of expressing myself in an in-your-face but never aggressive way. The style is imaginative, the quality of the photographs is good and the subjects exude self confidence. The book inspires me

Lunch Bag Notes: A Father's Inspirational Messages to His Daughter and Her Friends
Published in Paperback by Trafford (March, 2003)
Author: Ann Marie Grace Parisi
Amazon base price: $15.25
Buy one from zShops for: $15.25
Average review score:

I Enjoyed Reading Lunch Bag Notes
Lunch Bag Notes by Ann Marie Parisi is a book full of love and wisdom. The father's daily lunch bag notes to his daughter reflect warmth, care, love and good advice. It often quotes wise proverbs as an example to something the daughter and her closest friends are going through. Then, the message that follows is very meaningful and full of love. This book is great to build positive character education. Faith, love, choosing friends wisely, self-esteem, plus many other topics makes the book very special. Ana Monnar, Mother, Wife, Teacher, Author of Half Full, Or Half Empty? A Collection of Poems, Poetry from Planet Earth, Adoption? Thank God for That Option! and coming soon The Law of the Funnel.

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