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Book reviews for "Alvarez-Altman,_Grace_DeJesus" sorted by average review score:

A Very Practical Guide to Discipline With Young Children
Published in Paperback by Gryphon House (December, 1982)
Author: Grace L. Mitchell
Amazon base price: $14.95
Used price: $0.49
Collectible price: $16.95
Buy one from zShops for: $4.59
Average review score:

true to its title
This book offers a number of ways adults can interact with children to improve everyone's sanity. The anecdotes are engaging, the ideas intriguing. Also, this book is very well written.

I don't think anyone yet has written a book that covers satisfactory discipline for ALL children, but this will definitely help with MOST of them!

a different approach than many current popular theories
Ms Mitchell presents a four step plan for the adult to use as they address a situation, a way of thinking and acting before approaching the child and during the interaction. These mandates are ANTICIPATE, HESITATE, INVESTIGATE and COMMUNICATE. Ms Mitchell explains these clearly and concisely. She uses many anecdotes and examples to explain her theories and to suggest alternative parental responses. Through the examples, she encourages the adult to think about their own initial "gut" reaction and how using her format, one might come up with a different, more effective response to the child. She also gives a comment at the end of each case to summarize the issue. She gives some very good concrete suggestions which are helpful and insightful. Ms Mitchell helps parents understand how their words and behaviors are received by the child, how it sounds to them and how it feels, both at the time it occurs as well as the cumulative effect. My only criticism is that there may be too many anecdotes. Often they flow one right after the other and the summary is brief, without more than one reframing of the situation. Overall, I felt she covered a large array of issues and situations and was consistent in her approach to each situation, keeping true to her mandates.

We Were Baptized Too: Claiming God's Grace for Lesbians and Gays
Published in Paperback by Westminster John Knox Press (January, 1996)
Authors: Marilyn Bennett Alexander and James Preston
Amazon base price: $13.97
List price: $19.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $3.13
Collectible price: $26.47
Buy one from zShops for: $13.87
Average review score:

BrianKate's Review
This is a very good book for gay/lesbian people who want to see some positive messages on the subject of religion, which is definitely needed. With all the hatred that masquerades as "God's word" when it comes to homosexuality (even though Jesus himself *never* mentions sexuality or gender identity *at all*, it's about time people started putting loving book which shows gay/lesbian people they don't have to abandon religion. My only complaint is that the authors don't ever mention or include bisexual or transgendered people at all. They just quickly say something to the effect of "we'd like to, but that's beyond the scope of our book." I'd say someone should write another book addressing this, since bi and trans people get the same harassment from so-called "religious" people, but except for that, this is a very good book. I'd recommend it to any gay/lesbian people I know who don't want to give up on religion, since it shows you *can* be gay *and* a Christian.

Can the Church Tell the Truth about Those Who are Different?
The subtitle of Alexander and Preston's book is "Claiming God's Grace for Lesbians and Gays." Nevertheless, this is not a book for homosexuals. This is a book that raises important theological and liturgical questions for all of God's people. Reduced to their simplest forms the question are: "DOES the Church tell the truth about those who are different?" and if not, "CAN the Church tell the truth about those who are different?"

Cutting through the psycho-babble and well-intentioned but destructive, liberal, social thinking, Alexander and Preston quickly get to the heart of the matter: (1) some denominations baptize infants and young children, boldly declaring that what matters is not our decision for Jesus, but his decision for us; (2) a growing body of scientific evidence argues for a significant genetic component to homosexuality, but (3) despite the commitment that denominations make in infant baptisms and a growing body of scientific evidence for sexual predispositions, most congregations effectively excommunicate homosexuals. The point is simple: every time the Church chases away an homosexual, we sin.

In the face of our religious hypocracy and failure to keep the promises of infant baptism, Alexander and Preston calmly remind us, "We Were Baptized, Too." This thought-provoking argument demands to be read and discussed within the "straight" Church. Can we tell the truth about those who share our faith, but whose ways of loving are different from our own?

Access to Algebra Book 2
Published in Paperback by Curriculum Corporation (01 January, 1993)
Authors: Ian Lowe, Sue Willis, Barry Kissane, Neville Grace, and Jayne Johnston
Amazon base price: $17.95
Used price: $8.50
Average review score:

Nice book
Nice and easy to understand. This can help a lot to people who forgot algebra and to learners also.

Amazing Grace, Lord Jesus Lives (Read-N-Sing Bible Stories Series)
Published in Hardcover by Concordia Publishing House (January, 1997)
Author: Carol Greene
Amazon base price: $6.99
Used price: $2.47
Collectible price: $10.59
Buy one from zShops for: $3.98
Average review score:

Amazing Grace
I can't find many preschool books about Jesus's death and resurrection. But this is it! The picures are cartoon. It does have one scene of Jesus on the cross but it is not graphic. No blood. The soldier has a hammer and the crowd looks mean. You could discuss it if you wanted to. The book starts out on Palm Sunday but the ending of the book is the main part -- Jesus Lives! The women visit the tomb & talk to angels. It is written in rhyme. I like it!

American Colonial: Puritan Simplicity to Georgian Grace
Published in Paperback by Monacelli Pr (December, 1998)
Authors: Wendell Garrett and Paul Rocheleau
Amazon base price: $24.50
List price: $35.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $14.95
Average review score:

Colonial America Pictoral
Wendell Garrett once again produced another great collection on fine furnishings and architecture. There is great range from simple colonial design to grand represented in this book. I highly recommend this to anyone who is interested in colonial furnishings and architecture, or who simply likes the finer things!

And Grace Will Lead Me Home
Published in Paperback by (August, 2001)
Author: Jane Mitchell
Amazon base price: $18.95
Buy one from zShops for: $18.95
Average review score:

Tender friendship and a mystery--a good read
And Grace Will Lead Me Home is a tender portrayal of friends surviving and even enjoying contemporary life, children, and work. I especially enjoy the setting--the references to old time and church music right out of my own culture. The mystery holds up and the characters are a delight. I keep thinking I'll run into one of them in town some weekend! Read and enjoy!

Angels: Ministers of Grace
Published in Paperback by Paragon House (January, 1988)
Author: Geddes MacGregor
Amazon base price: $12.95
Used price: $3.89
Collectible price: $4.66
Buy one from zShops for: $3.90
Average review score:

Proving the existence of angels
This is an interesting book that is divided into two major parts. The first is an attempt to tell you everything you every wanted to know about angels: Angels in song, Catholic tradition, and the Bible, all about the good and evil agencies not only in the Bible but in Gnostic literature, Satan, the love affairs between women and fallen angels, Patristic and Medieval angelologies, in later literature, the visual arts, in music and, finally, angel-like beings in other religions. The second part of the book is actually one long philosophical argument that attempts to prove that angels are scientifically possible. The argument starts with attempting to show that angels are clearly conceived to be a form of suprahumannes and that this view is compatible with modern theories of evolution. In many respects, the first part of the book is laying the foundation for this claim.

Anthony's Surprise
Published in Hardcover by Bmf Pr (01 August, 1999)
Authors: Roz Grace and James Melvin
Amazon base price: $12.95
Used price: $7.00
Collectible price: $15.88
Average review score:

Anthony, in addition to being adopted, is biracial. By having Anthony's parents tell him in a forthright way, the author impresses on the reader that it is okay to be who you are and to love yourself no matter what others might think of you or say to you.

April Gold
Published in Audio Cassette by Northstar Pub (June, 1997)
Authors: Grace Livingston Hill and Clive Chafer
Amazon base price: $42.95
Average review score:

April Gold
I checked this book out of the library to read and liked it so much I have to get my own copy! What made this book one I want to keep was the quality of the family relationships and friendships described by the author. Even though the main characters were going through a really difficult time in their lives, they didn't become bitter or mean spirited. Their faith in Christ grew as they worked through their struggles. It motivated me to improve the quality of my relationships and not give myself the excuse that "I'm having a hard time of things right now & I'll be better once I get over this crisis."

Yes it was written almost 65 years ago, but the less modern style works to its advantage in my opinion. Some may argue that no one is as positive & even happy in the face of adversity as Mrs. Hill portrays, but I have personally seen some comparable 'real life' examples around me and say "why not try!" We all have a choice as to how we respond to life's hard knocks and it's refreshing to have a model of a positive response!

As You Are
Published in Paperback by Dorrance Publishing Co (01 December, 1998)
Author: Sharron Grace Dumas
Amazon base price: $11.00
Average review score:

This is great
I recommend this book for anyone feeling down on themselves, or just in love with the idea of love. It's a story of two people who fall in love despite of their outward appearances. It focuses on true beauty, inner beauty, and the fact that love conquers all. I think teenage people especially should read this, as teen years are an awkward time. Besides, I've known the author of this book for 16 years, and I think she's beautiful. Way to go girl. I'm looking forward to more.

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