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Book reviews for "Alvarez-Altman,_Grace_DeJesus" sorted by average review score:

Dear Ms. Demeanor...: The Young Person's Etiquette Guide to Handling Any Social Situation With Confidence and Grace
Published in Hardcover by McGraw-Hill/Contemporary Books (September, 1994)
Author: Mary Mitchell
Amazon base price: $12.95
Used price: $0.87
Collectible price: $6.35
Buy one from zShops for: $6.19
Average review score:

This book is dangerous
Do Not let your kids read this book. This book may be helpful if your children attend a private school in one of the most affluent towns but then too, this book probably be worthless. If your child goes to a public school and reads this book be prepared they will either get beat-up or have some social emotional scars from using the advice given. The advice for situations for school is to ignore the problem and it will go away or tell somebody in charge. Ignoring a problem only causes the problem to become more pronounced. When a kid is being bullied, her advice is to tell a parent or teacher which will provide temporary protection. "True, lasting protection comes from believing in yourself, respecting others, and choosing your friends well" Bullying is a way of tormenting your child but after your child follows this advice, the bully will be upset and really want to hurt your child badly. The problems that she addresses may be real but they are the simple ones to fix. One situation was the school uniform includes skirts for girls and some guys are trying to look up them. The real problem would be the school uniform includes skirts and some guys keep putting their hands up them. Mary Mitchell has been away from kids for too long so keep your kids away from her book.

This is a marvelous book for adolescents/
DEAR MS. DEMEANOR is an essential book for any adolescent in today's society. It provides guidelines for acceptable social behavior in pretty much any situation. The book is quite easy and pleasant to read, well written and even enjoyable. It should be required reading for any American kids, ages 10 and up.

Fall from Grace: The Failed Crusade of the Christian Right
Published in Paperback by Rutgers University Press (August, 1992)
Author: Michael D'Antonio
Amazon base price: $16.00
Used price: $5.48
Collectible price: $7.41
Average review score:

An out of date book. The Christian right still wields power
This book is out of date and misguided. Ten years after the writing of this book, the Christian right yields more power than it ever has. Pat Robertson's Christian Coalition and the 700 Club still command influence among Republicans.

Interesting and Informative
This was a good, fairly balanced book about the rise and fall of the Christian Right in America. D'Antonio approaches the subject from an outsider's point of view, but he avoids generalization. Interesting book on an interesting phenomenon

Washakie: Chief of the Shoshones
Published in Paperback by Univ of Nebraska Pr (November, 1995)
Authors: Grace Raymond Hebard and Richard O. Clemmer-Smith
Amazon base price: $9.60
List price: $12.00 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $9.10
Buy one from zShops for: $9.00
Average review score:

Washakie: Chief of the Shoshones
This is the first published biography of Chief Washakie, the legendary leader of the Eastern Shoshone Indians, and is reprinted from Grace Raymond Hebard's original edition, "Washakie: An Account of Indian Resistance of the Covered Wagon and Union Pacific Railroad Invasions of their Territory " (1930). Hebard (1861-1936) was a professor of politcal economy at the University of Wyoming and became enamoured of Chief Washakie and the Shoshones during the early 1900s. Her book is basically an unstructured anecdotal read that jumps around in time and place.

I used her as a resource in my own book, "People of the Wind River: The Eastern Shoshones, 1825-1900," but only with great care and corroborating evidence. Hebard's sources were sons of Chief Washakie (including Dick, Charles, and George Washakie, all of whom were paid informants), the Reverend John Roberts (Episcopal priest on the Wind River Reservation from 1883-1948), Fincellius G. Burnett (Wind River agency farmer & ancestor of former Wyoming Senator Alan Simpson), and retired Indian agents and Army officers who had personal contact with Washakie. She also relied on some of the published annual reports of the Office of Indian Affairs (forerunner of the current Bureau of Indian Affairs).

That said, Hebard reveals family stories and legends about Washakie and often quotes verbatim from published government documents. Hers is a good introduction to the the famous chief and his people, but should be read with a cautionary eye. It is not a biography in the modern or scholarly sense, but functions more as remembrances of a cherished relative. Many of the events or actions attributed to Washakie by Hebard cannot be substantiated with other archival evidence and thus her work borders on hagiography. On the other hand, the very fact that such stories exist are testimony to the impact Chief Washakie had on those who knew him. He was a fascinating individual, leader, and statesperson during a difficult time of transition for the Eastern Shoshones.

The First Citizen of a New America
The author of this book, Grace R. Hebard, was a professor and it shows. This is an awkward book to read. She hops around in space and time and that can be quite confusing to someone who doesn't have her familarity with the history of the region.

What the book lacks in structure, it more than makes up for with its compelling subject: Chief Washakie. I'm sure that few Americans outside of Wyoming have ever heard Chief Washakie's name, yet his accomplishments as a statesman, unifier and leader of his people is unequalled.

He led the Shoshone people through most of the 19th century, into the 20th century. He was a remarkable individual speaking English, French and Shoshone. His charismatic hold on his people only ended when he died in 1900 at the age of 102.

One thing that repeatedly struck me is, in the scheme of things, this was so recent. Another aspect that I enjoyed was that Chief Washakie encountered so many of the characters that we identify with the settling of the West: Kit Carson, Scajawea, Jim Bridger and many others.

The sensibilites of the times described in this book are not what we expect now, and the author brings contemporary (1930) biases to her interpretation. The updated introduction in this edition tries to alert the reader to some of the biases that influence Hebard's comments.

As difficult a read as this book is, I couldn't put it down. As a footnote, Chief Washakie will be memorialized in Statuary Hall the U.S. Capitol in the fall of 2000. He is one of two individuals chosen to represent the spirit of the State of Wyoming.

Bette Davis
Published in Audio Cassette by Blackstone Audiobooks (April, 1995)
Authors: Barbara Leaming and Grace Conlin
Amazon base price: $62.95
Used price: $37.06
Buy one from zShops for: $47.21
Average review score:

Very boring and poorly written!
I could barely finish this book,being a huge Bette Davis fan! I found it very boring! I kept turning the pages to try to get to an exciting part! the book was mostley based on documented material and not so much "the woman" than "the performer" I've started reading "Fasten Your Seatbelts" and it looks pretty good! try that instead don't waste your money on this! You'll be board to tears!!!

Whilst Barbara Leaming's biography can boast the virtue of originality, the book is skewed from the outset by its author's failure to come to grips with her subject. As both an artist and a person, Bette Davis repeatedly eludes the author's grasp. The result is eminently readable, but ultimately degenerates into a pointless ramble.

To believe Leaming, Bette Davis was a raging, deluded, egotistical drunk. Its hardly news that Davis was not universally loved by all who knew her - but her known acts of generosity and repose are significantly missing from this account. The rampaging monster who emerges is more akin to the BD Hyman diatribes than anything vaguely human or creative. And since Hyman's account, upon which Leaming bases much of her thesis, has been widely discredited, the book suffers a major credibility crisis.

On a professional level things are no better. Leaming rails against Davis for squandering her talents on 'junk' scripts and flashy, showy acting. She fails to recognise that the same charge can be raised against every great actor. How many really great movies did Garbo make? Even at her most mannered Davis was a force to be reckoned with. In her efforts to avoid falling under the Davis spell, Leaming has gone too far afield, dismissing fine performances such as The Catered Affair with only passing mention. Leaming implies that only the three films that Davis made with Wyler merit serious attention - a ludicrous assumption given the quality of Davis work in scores of films. (Not to mention that there is flashy, mannered acting galore in Jezebel!)

For a far more balanced account, try James Spada's "More Than a Woman." Barbara Leaming's book is a fine Devil's Advocate, but it gives the impression of being wholly defeated by its subject.

thorough & original, but biased
I have read all but two of the books Amazon lists about Bette Davis. This is one of the best. The writing is assurred but the writer herself has an agenda. Firstly, she frames Bette's most undisputed artistic achievements in terms of either personal failure (counterposed against coinciding personal events) or in terms of being short of what she might have achieved had she eschewed this mannerism or that feud. Uninformed readers would have no concept of how major a movie star Davis was or how hugely talented even her staunchest detractors acknowledged her to be. Additionally, this book was written with a lot of cooperation from Davis' discredited daughter, B.D. Hyman. It would appear that in exchange for unprecedented access to family archives & much direct information provided by B.D. herself, Leaming agreed to downplay the treachery & mistruths of Hyman's own account of her life with her mother. There are also some major factual & interpretive mistakes: that Davis fantasized the mysteries surrounding her second husband's death; that she made up the story of her first husband blackmailing her & Howard Hughes with a tape recording of her affair with the latter; that Davis' legendary battles with her bosses at Warner's were primarily about money & ego posturing & had little or nothing to do with artistic interests; that she was not a substantial source of income for daughter B.D. Hyman's family throughout Hyman's marriage; and that her father was neither cold nor distant towards his wife and daughters in the early stages of his marriage to Bette's mother. In fact, all of these assumptions have been disproven in other, equally thorough biographies, often using primary sources like previous sealed court, bank, and legal documents, as well as credible primary & secondary sources. The book is interesting but as a fan of Bette's abilities & also as someone who is sympathetic to the very real frailties & failures revealed in this and other biographies of her, I found the account to be biased towards a specific conclusion-- essentially that Bette supplemented the hollowness of her actual emotional & personal life by rewriting painful experiences to correspond with plots from her movies.

Icestars: A Celebration of the Artistry,Beauty, and Grace of the Ice Skating World
Published in Hardcover by Triumph Books (October, 1999)
Author: Kevin Bursey
Amazon base price: $22.95
Used price: $2.50
Collectible price: $6.81
Buy one from zShops for: $2.55
Average review score:

Editor needed
Yes, this book has some nice photos, but many are labelled wrong. Skaters who represent asian countries have photos labelled as "1999 European championships". Sure. Every time I look in this book, I find more spelling and factual errors. Who is Tatyana MalAnina? Plus some of the photos are not flattering at all! I agree that most of the info is straight from different websites, magazines and articles.

More of the same information
This book supplied more of the same information that you can find in any magazine interview or other story about many of today's famous figure skating stars (and a few from the past). The pictures were of good quality, but there was very little insight or new information to be found in the text, and many of the pictures were similar to what you'd find in other magazines or books about figure skaters.

All in all, it felt like someone just trying to cash in on the figure skating craze.

Clarence Honeybear shines his inner light
Published in Unknown Binding by Inner Light Found (1995)
Author: Jaclyn Grace
Amazon base price: $7.95
Used price: $4.80
Average review score:

Probably a good intentioned idea
Clarence Honeybear has cute illustrations but it doesn't have the charm associated with a book you'd want to read to your children over and over again.

The story is a relic from the days of rainbows, peace signs and psychic readings - not that there is anything wrong with that. It's just that today's kids are more intuitively able to see through stories which try to impart morality and address it in a manner which is boring - though well intentioned.

It doesn't mean that all stories have to have a super hero to make them work, it just has to have a character that seems real to the kids.

So if your child is just pleased with hearing your own voice or seems like they were born 20 years too late, then this is the one to get, otherwise I would hold off for something with a little more meat.

Dummies 101: Windows Nt (--For Dummies)
Published in Paperback by Hungry Minds, Inc (19 May, 1997)
Authors: Andy Rathbone and Rich Grace
Amazon base price: $24.99
Used price: $2.59
Buy one from zShops for: $3.97
Average review score:

Not much to offer
If you've never used a computer before, then this book will help. If you have any kind of a working knowledge of Windows 95 or NT (I mean if you know what a Start button is), then this book won't interest you. The CD is ok, but it doesn't have much to offer other than a couple of files you transfer or edit (text only). All in all, a disappointment.

Fall from Grace (Immoral Angel, Book 1)
Published in Paperback by Manga 18 (October, 2002)
Author: Koh Kawarajima
Amazon base price: $11.87
List price: $16.95 (that's 30% off!)
Average review score:

Although erotic manga has its appeal, this title
lacks any of its own. The quality of the art is
acceptable if not impressive and the translation
isn't bad, but that's the best I can say. The
Japanese have endless hentai titles to choose
from while only a choice few are "de-censored"
and translated into English so you'd expect those
titles that are available to be the cream of the
crop. Not so in this case. Immoral Angel
follows a bizzare and fairly uninteresting plot

interspersed with scenes of violent rape and
sexual assault against initially innocent girls.
If that's your thing you'll probably enjoy this
title, if not, there's not much else to redeem
Immoral Angel. I could barely stomach the first
volume so it may improve as the series progresses.
I'm sure some of those girls will eventually get
their revenge, but I won't be picking up any
new issues to find out.

Grace Beats Karma: Letters from Prison 1958-60
Published in Paperback by Blast Books (May, 1993)
Authors: Neal Cassady and Carolyn Cassady
Amazon base price: $12.95
Used price: $4.99
Collectible price: $11.98
Buy one from zShops for: $14.75
Average review score:

If you're a beat scholar, maybe worth reading
This isn't worth reading unless you are a beat scholar...It isn't insightful, interesting or very creative. It is however self-indulgent and rambling.

The Grace in Older Women
Published in Paperback by Penguin USA (Mm) (August, 1996)
Authors: Jonathan Gash and Jonathan Cash
Amazon base price: $5.95
Used price: $1.89
Average review score:

Plot twists that go nowhere
After reading several of Gash's novels this was one I could definitely put down. It started strong but ran too convoluted until the last few chapters when everything came to a quick solution. Not one of his better works.

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