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Book reviews for "Alvarez-Altman,_Grace_DeJesus" sorted by average review score:

Amazing Grace
Published in Paperback by Virtual Publishing (29 August, 2002)
Author: Laura Knight-Jadczyk
Amazon base price: $21.95
Average review score:

A wonderful book detailing the beginnings in a life of a person searching for true meaning to life's mysteries of the world and the universe at large, as she takes a metaphysical, intellectual and spiriual journey into the nature of existence. Keenly seeking out the truth of what lies behind the phenomenal world, to understand what it is that makes life the way it is. A surpising, exciting, and uncommon account of this type of person on this type of journey. As events progressively unfold through the book, through her experiences, one is taken step by step to an ever expanding and grander vista on reality. I found the book to be a very interesting read.

highly recommended
Amazing Grace is one of the most exciting and intriguing auto-biographies I have ever had the privilege to read. It is not for the faint of heart or those strongly attached to particular belief systems. But, if you have ever questioned the reality around you and are willing to entertain various hypotheses as to what is going on behind the scenes in our lives, then you may have found a fellow traveler in Laura Knight.

Laura's life has not been an easy one, but she transforms these experiences and is willing to share and expose herself to the world in a way I have not witnessed before.

It is sure to elicit strong reactions. I just hope she will write volume II some day.

Amazing Grace by Laura Knight-Jadczyk
If you are a soul who has sought to learn the truth, then you realize the answers to that age old question are never in one place, and while i am not saying Mrs Knight-Jadczyk has all the answers in her book, she fascinatingly tells the story of her search for truth, and within her search resides a methodolgy and a way of being in the world, from which all souls can learn. I enjoyed reading Amazing Grace and can strongly recommend it because Mrs. Knight-Jadczyk takes nothing at face value, but conducts research to get to the heart of, the bottom of, the root of, the soul of...whatever subject presents itself in her journey to the truth. Mrs. Knight-Jadczyk provides extensive background on her roots, and life, in order to allow the reader to develop a resounding trust for her experience which provides a strong foundation upon which the reader can recognize uncovered truth as her search reveals it. Mrs. Knight-Jadczyk researches her subjects with an undaunting quest to get to the original source, whatever the subject at hand. She "thinks with a hammer", and the benefit of that methodology reverts to the reader. She responds to the "Yes, but what about..." questions all thinkers ask when reading metaphysical material even before they are asked. Her dedication to research is undaunting and thorough and her writing style engages the reader. If you have ever wondered if any connections exist amoung such diverse subjects as history, metaphysics, religion, secret societies, aliens, vampires, symbology, government, mind control, UFO's, the end times, spirituality, astronomy, hyperdimensional reality, alien abduction, time travel, astrology, and many other subjects which might come to mind, read Amazing Grace, it might tighten some loose ends for you. Mrs. Knight-Jadczyk will not suffer loose ends, and with her strong and precise intellect she brings the reader to the realization that what we may have thought of as the truth, may not in fact be, and she shows that no matter how much we think we know, there are many lessons yet to be learned. She is a thinker, no new agey raz ma taz here, she talks straight and provides a valuable perspective to soul searchers everywhere. I highly recommend.

Putting Amazing Back into Grace
Published in Paperback by Baker Book House (March, 1994)
Authors: Michael Scott Horton, John Deestyne, and J. I. Packer
Amazon base price: $14.99
Used price: $1.94
Average review score:

Scholarly yet extremely easy to read
Michael Horton in this book clears up many false presuppositions of people against Calvinism. In my own journey to Calvinism I struggled particurlarly with the doctrine of Limited Atonement. Horton defines it rather as "Particular Redemption." After reading this spin of it, my own logical fallacies were swept away and I began to rejoice in a God so beautiful as to ransom me. Another interesting part of the book is the end where he in gives the reader a bibliography to pursue furhter study. Also, he quotes extensivley from Church Fathers and their view on the 'Doctrines of Grace'. My only disagreement with Horton is his view on infant baptism. This is only natural, I being a Baptist. Be that as it may, this is a wonderful book and will be very helpful in helping young Calvinists gently and persuasivly explain their beliefs to their Arminian brethren.

An Amazing review of Amazing Grace
I was not raised a Calvinist but as a Roman Catholic. Presently I am an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God( That is correct, a Pentecostal Calvinist). This is one of the most readable and easily comprehendable books on Reformed theology that I have yet to encounter. No doubt there will be many who do not agree with the author's theological presuppostions. But for anyone who is curious, or perhaps, is being drawn to the Reformed tradition, this is an excellent place to begin. Horton merely takes "the cookies and places them down on the lower shelf," easily within a person's grasp. Agree or disagree, this book is a must for anyone who desires to understand the essentials of historic Christianity. And yes, there are many who are Pentecostal/charismatic who are also completely Reformed, while not being altogether cessasionist.

A very comprehensive guide to the Reformed Faith
Michael Horton's book on the Reformed faith is unlike any others. On one hand he packs a lot of theology in this book. On the other hand, he makes it look it readable with the various illustrations in the book, neat chapter titles and sub-titles and "less than serious" looking front cover.

Those who are familiar with the Christian organisation Mike works for [Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals (ACE), previously Christian United for Reformation (CURE)] and the organisation's Christian magazine - the excellent modern Reformation (mR) - will know what Mike is talking about in this book. Most of the insights in this book are used very often in an expanded and elaborate fashion in previous issues of mR.

Horton goes beyond mere 5 point Calvinism - though he writes no less on it in this book. He talks also about the 2 Sacraments and a bit of the Christian's role in the world (which is expanded in his other book, "Where in the world is the Church")

As i start to mature in my understanding of the Reformed faith, I've always been brought to refer back to this book. What this shows is that this book contains a lot of good stuff! Horton does a wonderful job in trying to write an introduction to the Reformed faith. But I always wonder if this would be a good book to give my non-Reformed friends. I don't know. For those who aren't familiar with the Reformed faith, they won't be able to get the full gisp of what Horton is saying. Nevertheless, that only shows that there is so much to learn in Reformed theology and that a book on introducing the Reformed faith is no doubt going to be very general in nature.

After all has been said, this still remains the best book and most comprehensive introduction on the Reformed faith!

Unashamed (Lineage of Grace #2)
Published in Hardcover by Tyndale House Pub (01 October, 2000)
Author: Francine Rivers
Amazon base price: $10.39
List price: $12.99 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $7.83
Collectible price: $10.95
Buy one from zShops for: $8.88
Average review score:

Enchanting Story
As in all her other books, Francine Rivers astounds the reader in her book "Unashamed", telling the story of Rahab in a way you usually don't consider. While I thought of Rahab as a special person who did a good deed, Francine Rivers draws the reader in to see how Rahab fit into God's plan, and how she drastically changed her life because of her craving to follow God. You feel like you're there- as if you are actually seeing the things Rahab did, and feeling the intensity of her deep desire to know the Lord. At the end of the book there's even a part for discussion in Bible studies that prods even an individual to search for an evaluation of their own spiritual life.

I loved this story! It's every bit as good as you can expect. Francine Rivers writes with such depth you can't help but stay glued to the end, even if you know how the story goes in the Bible. What I especially liked was how differently I viewed Rahab when I was finished reading. This book completely can change your perspective on her uniqueness. Her unshakeable faith, as a new believer with no support from any family or friends, inspired and encouraged me, as someone who has been raised in a Christian family, and opened my eyes to God's power to do anything and His ability to use anyone. Check this book out!

Another Example of God's Love Finding You
This is truly a marvelous read. As with her first book, Ms. Rivers has once again brought to life a woman, who by her faith and courage shows us, as women of today, how to live for God.

Joshua 6:25 And Joshua saved Rahab the harlot alive, and her father's household, and all that she had; and she dwelleth in Israel [even] unto this day; because she hid the messengers, which Joshua sent to spy out Jericho.


Hebrews 11:6 But without faith [it is] impossible to please [him]: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and [that] he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.


When I finished reading this book, my thoughts were of how God is no respecter of person. All you need is to believe and have a willing heart to serve Him.

Rehab was a prostitute, residing in Jericho who was chosen by God to be a help to His people, the Israelites. She not only believed and accepted the God of Israel as her God, but her faith was such that she trusted him to keep her and her family from harm even in the midst of all that was going on around her.

I can understand her "bullying" her family. Even today when a member of a household is 'Saved'; their only desire is to share and show what God has done for them and like Rehab's family, no matter how much they may see the marvelous workings of God around them, they just continue to hold fast to their 'idols' of man's making.

The love story is a small part of a small book, yet I think the love story is more about Rehab and God Himself. By her actions, she is changing because of her trust and faith in Him.

The romance with Salmon is well done for the time frame that its placed in. I would have liked to have read more about it, yet I can't image God bringing them together and not blessing her with a happy and fruitful marriage.

We have to remember that she is of course, named in the lineage of Jesus Christ.

I think that says it all.

I do like this book. It's the story of Rahab, a prositute who actually got to see the walls of Jericho fall down. She started to have faith in God, although none of her family really did which caused them to treat her badly and poorly, when she tried to save them from death. She hid two spies on her rooftop underneath some flax, who were a couple of Iraelites. I enjoyed this pretty short book, and the story was interesting. I recommend the other four books in this series by Mrs. Rivers, as well.

Culture Shock!: Philippines
Published in Paperback by Graphic Arts Center Publishing Co. (February, 1992)
Authors: Alfredo Roces and Grace Roces
Amazon base price: $13.95
Used price: $25.00
Buy one from zShops for: $19.90
Average review score:

A Good Handy Guide
I found this book to be a good and handy guide to understanding the culture of the Philippines as an Canadian-American married to a lady from the Philippines and a part time resident of DAVAO CITY about half the year, the information has proven useful. It certainly was well worth the small price I paid if only for the tips on understanding my IN LAWS! Anyways, a well worth read.

Excellent but what's with the cover?
Having been raised in one of the remote barangays in one of the remote provinces in Philippines, went to college in the city, and currently living in the U.S., I can relate to most of the things discussed in this book and how foreigners react to them. I still find our culture fascinating and I wouldn't hesitate to explain this to a foreigner who's interested to listen. But why the choice for the cover? Wouldn't it be nice if you put a picture of a 'bayanihan' or a child giving a 'mano po' to an elderly, instead of a man in white mask with a San Miguel Beer and a cigarette in hand? I know 'Sinulog' in Cebu, 'Dinagyang' in Iloilo, and 'Ati-ati' in Aklan, but these festivals do not reflect the 'culture shock' that's discussed in the book. It might give an impression that there's a lot of 'voo-doo' practitioners in the Phillipines. Ok..ok...let's not just the book by it's cover...Excellent reading for your 'Americanized' kid or your American in-law.

Yes! So true!
This book is a well written introduction to the culture of the Philippines. I was born and raised in the US but my ethnic background is Filipino and I am fluent in Tagalog. I didn't think I would need to prepare for the trip to the Philippines. I could not have been more incorrect. Unfortunately for me, I read this book after my trip. Roces and Roces clearly explain the idiosyncrasies of the Filipino culture without insulting Filipino people. I recommend this book to anyone who will embark on a trip to the Philippines. One piece of advice: read the book *before* the trip not after!

Published in Hardcover by Zondervan (01 June, 1999)
Authors: Steven Curtis Chapman and Scotty Smith
Amazon base price: $15.99
Used price: $1.39
Collectible price: $4.99
Buy one from zShops for: $4.80
Average review score:

An amazing book about Gods grace and love for us
This is a different book from others. Both Scotty and Steven share their hear in a wonderful way, for instance about hard times when they have experienced Gods grace. I have never read any books where the authors have been so honest and personal about their lives. This book has challenged me in my life, as well as get on my knees crying out to God for a change in my life. I am familiar with lots of the stories and I am gratefeul that they have shared their hear in such a personal way. I recommend this book to everyone who really wants to be challenged. Be blessed.

A Pleasant Surprise
I had never heard of Scotty Smith and have never bought any of Steven's music. I have no idea why I even bought this book! But, I soon found out that the lessons Steven and Scotty have learned, the intimacy they have with God, the seasons of doubt they've experienced, and the freedom in God they've developed are for all of us. I have more of a sense of obedience to God, appreciation for his never ending grace and a healthy sense of His awesome holiness, than I ever had before. I want to walk closer, listen harder and love my Lord greater than I ever have before - and I can. It's hard to verbalize what I gained from this book, but I have internalized it and it is a tremendous blessing to have the help of these two Godly men who speak so freely and openly to us from their heart. I'm grateful for their struggles and their victories and even more grateful that they love us enough to transparently share it.

Gospel Reality
I'm at a loss for words, just read this gem of a book if you want to walk in the light with two brothers who know what that means.

To Be a Graceful Giant : A Living Expression of Grace
Published in Paperback by Wings of Angels Publishing (04 August, 2000)
Authors: Robert L. Litchfield Jr. and Robert L. Litchfield Jr.
Amazon base price: $14.95
Used price: $3.99
Collectible price: $7.50
Buy one from zShops for: $10.06
Average review score:

A Must Read for Our Current Recovery
What a life saver! I am so glad I found this book!!!
Graceful Giant IS an inspiring book that evoked in me, as I read it, a
sense of peace and calm. I found myself smiling as I recognized
people I know and as I recognized characteristics of myself that I
hadn't given much recognition. This is a book that will be a great
directive for how we can live from this moment on so the world can be
a better place. This is a book that gives me HOPE! Thank you Mr. Litchfield!

An Answer to the Question of "What now?"

What I noticed, as I read this book, is that even though there is reference to "God" throughout, its inspiration can be universal if one simply substitutes the name of their "Source". The common threads that run through most religions are 'love one another' and 'do unto others'. Graceful Giant is a 'How to' book that guided me to the recognition of the qualities in me that would allow me to live the kind of life I had only been SAYING I wanted to live. It gave me the courage to use those characteristics to overcome even the most complex obstacles that have been blocking me in my life. As a result of reading the book and putting Mr. Litchfield's suggestions into practice, I feel a greater connectedness to ALL others, no matter what religion. I feel peace and love in my heart and notice that intimacy, in the purest form, abounds in my life.

Graceful Giant is an easy book to read, and, although I myself don't have young children at home anymore, WOULD be great to read and discuss as a family - any family of any religion - keeping in mind appropriate 'translations'.

I liked the way Mr. Litchfield first presented the most common characteristics of a Graceful Giant and then gave me exercises to help me develop them. Now, more than ever, we need all the help we can get to bolster our courage to step up to the plate, and live our lives with joy and peace and love...and passion!

In my opinion, the contents of this book represent the pebbles that, when thrown into the river of humanity, could ripple out and make a huge difference in our world. If you're looking for 'A way', this COULD be it!

In this day and age it is hard to find people that are generally kind. I believe To be a Graceful Giant by Robert Litchfield is exacly the type of book Americans need to read after the Sept 11 attacks.
This book can help start the healing proccess that so many Americans need right now. Furthur, more I believe the steps in this book can provide a since of inner peace that the common working man is searching for.

The Complete Guide to Rubber Stamping: Design and Decorate Gifts and Keepsakes Simply and Beautifully With Rubber Stamps (Watson-Guptill Crafts)
Published in Paperback by Watson-Guptill Pubns (May, 1996)
Author: Grace Taormina
Amazon base price: $13.97
List price: $19.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $5.25
Collectible price: $9.48
Buy one from zShops for: $8.64
Average review score:

Not a great book for the very beginner
While I enjoyed the creative ideas in this book, this is NOT the book for the beginning stamper. This is the first book I purchased. At that time, I didn't know the difference between dye-based inks and pigment inks and where/how to use each. I didn't know how to do backgrounds. Essentially, I was beginning the craft, and I needed very basic to intermediate information. This book glosses over much of the vital basic information needed by beginning stampers.

The book's saving grace is its creative aspect. Each of the projects was accompanied by a very detailed description of the materials and techniques used for completing the project, with step-by-step instructions and color photographs. The book helped me develop my own creativity by providing me with an understanding of how each technique (within the project) affected the project's outcome.

Now that I have passed the novice level, I greatly enjoy Grace's creative ideas. I'd call this the "Almost Complete Guide to Rubber Stamping." Hopefully, in the next edition, we'll get something that does cover all the bases--in DETAIL.

Great Book for Beginners and more advanced
This book is very informative. There are great tips and step-by-step instructions. The stamping techniques section of the book is wonderful, because it gave great tips and ideas for projects. The project section had very interesting ideas, a lot of which aren't for the beginners. I really thoroughly enjoy this book, and recommend it for anyone really interested in rubber stamping.

The Guide to stamping
This book is excellent for anyone. The pictures are fantastic and Grace Taormina knows how to stamp anything. She is a excellent teacher, and buying this book will certainly be helpful in learning how to stamp.

Grace Unknown: The Heart of Reformed Theology
Published in Hardcover by Baker Book House (March, 1997)
Author: R. C. Sproul
Amazon base price: $13.29
List price: $18.99 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $12.50
Collectible price: $12.00
Buy one from zShops for: $13.24
Average review score:

Every Christian Should Read This
"For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires, and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths."- 2 Timothy 4: 3-4

These words of Paul have proven to be increasingly prophetic in out time. This is particularly demonstrated in these very reviews in one from a reader in Atlanta. We need to quick subjecting the Bible to our own wretched biases and let it speak for itself. I spent many years locked in the prison of an arminian/open view of God. Then, one day when reading Romans 9, I couldn't lie to myself any longer.

This book has since helped me to have a complete grasp on the biblical God, and my life has been all the more enriched. We are living in a world where we have no knowledge of scripture and where we have no knowledge of theology. We want "spirituality" without truly striving to grasp the awesome totality of the Holy God. Whatever happened to loving God with all our minds?

If you want to hold onto your worldview, don't read this book. Go ahead and slander it, and you might as well slander John Calvin and all the other men(listed in another awesome review on this site) who lived and died on this passion. If you want to discover God in all His richness and love Him for who He is, let him speak to you through this book. Many thanks to R.C. Sproul for being used by God in writing this. May He bless you on your journey.

Reformed Theology-Grace Displayed
In 'Grace Unknown', R.C.Sproul is concerned with answering the question, what is Reformed Theology? The first half of the book deals with 'The Foundations of Reformed Theology'. The five foundations are as follows: 1)Centered on God, 2)Based on God's Word Alone, 3)Commited to Faith Alone, 4)Devoted to the Prophet,Priest,and King and 5)Nicknamed Covenant Theology. The second half of the book gives a summary of 'The Doctrines of Grace' often referred to by the popular acrostic TULIP. Mr. Sproul never disappoints when it comes to analyzing terms that are used and how at times they can be misleading. For example, in the acrostic 'TULIP', the T stands for Total Depravity. Total Depravity is often thought to be utter depravity, which would mean that a person is as wicked as he could be. The author writes on p.118 ,"The term Total Depravity... refers to the effect of sin and corruption on the whole person." He then suggests that a better term to use might be radical corruption. Mr. Sproul's extensive knowledge of church history as it relates to Reformed Theology will give the reader much help in understanding how Reformed Theology and "The Church of Rome" differ. Historic Protestantism views the Bible as the only source of infallible revelation. Whereas the Roman Catholic Church has taught historically that there are two sources of infallible special revelation: scripture and church tradition. If you need or would like an answer to the question "What is Reformed Theology?",it would be difficult to find a more clear and concise answer to that important question than is found in the book "Grace Unknown".

I was wrong! Calvinism is true!
I simply cannot believe it. I never thought it would happen. Lo and behold, I have become a 5-point Calvinist.

Sproul presents a cogent argument for Reformed Theology (5-point Calvinism). Learn about the Sovereignty of God and the depravity of man.

I discovered what Calvinism *was* through reading this book. What I *thought* Calvinism was, and what it really *was* were two different things. But Sproul made it crystal clear--and I'm convinced! To God ALONE be the glory!

If you've ever wondered "What is Calvinism?" then you'll want to read this book. Even if you're not convinced, at least you'll have a good understanding of the doctrinal position.

The Social Lives of Dogs : The Grace of Canine Company
Published in Hardcover by (June, 2000)
Authors: Elizabeth Marshall Thomas and Jared Taylor Williams
Amazon base price: $6.99
List price: $24.00 (that's 71% off!)
Average review score:

Charming and thoughtful
This is an excellent book about dogs, readable even by those who do not like them. Elizabeth Maxwell Thomas writes fascinating stories about daily life with her pets, anecdotes both humorous and sad. As I read about her wonderful dogs--the incredibly intelligent Sundog, sweet Pearl, confused Misty, and goofy Ruby--I found myself looking at my dog, wondering why she wasn't nearly as interesting as Thomas's. (If I had to choose a favorite dog from the book, the human-like Sundog would be my choice.) There are also scientific bits about how wolves gradually became domesticated and why, dogs of Third World nations, and so on. This is a great book, one that everyone should read.

Delightful multi-species family memoir
A savvy TV producer once invited New Hampshire author Elizabeth Marshall Thomas to host a local cable show for the Humane Society. Her job was to introduce four animals in need of homes; an unruly dog with an incontinence problem, two feral kittens and one normal cat. Thomas adopted all four of them.

Anthropologist, novelist, and animal lover, Elizabeth Marshall Thomas writes of dog behavior with sympathy, insight and considerable humor. Following her bestseller, "The Hidden Life of Dogs" (which explored dog-with-dog culture), "The Social Life of Dogs," examines dog adaptation to human households, or, in the Thomas case, a multiple-species household.

At the time the book opens, Thomas and her husband, Steve, had three old dogs left from "The Hidden Life of Dogs" pack and didn't want any more. Steve "didn't want another animal of any description" and Elizabeth, while "always open to another dog," plans to wait until the old dogs died before getting an adult dog she can learn from, an Indian dog from Northern Canada, say, or a pariah dog from a Third World village. What she doesn't want is the white dog who quietly appears and won't leave - an American purebred cross.

Thomas does not approve of purebreds. "The important features of a dog are his brains and his persona," not looks. Still, unable to find the dog's owners, after a few days Thomas begins to ask herself, "what, after all, is really so wrong with a few purebred strains?"

And so begins her relationship with Sundog, the animal whose ashes will someday be mingled with her and Steve's. Her descriptions of Sundog's adoption of human mannerisms (the three old dogs rejected him totally) - his sharing of food, for instance, are touching and fascinating. Although Sundog did not like popcorn, the ritual of sharing was important to him - a kernel for Sundog, a kernel for Steve - until the bowl was empty. One evening Steve wanted to read without interruption. When Sundog took his usual chair at the table, Steve said "no" and put a handful of popcorn on the floor. Sundog, hurt, left the room. Although they swiftly followed him with the bowl, entreating him to return, Sundog never touched popcorn again and never returned to the table to share.

The next dog was a purebred (for what reason Marshall does not explain) purchased as a companion for Sundog. Having spent her first year of life without stimulation in a crate, the dog is a mess and Thomas buys her out of pity. Sundog rejects her. Misty's difficulties teach Marshall a great deal about the importance of early learning and Misty's insecurities about keeping "place two" lead to behavioral difficulties with visitors (canine or human), incoming cats and, especially, incoming dogs.

The third dog, Pearl, came from Marshall's son in Colorado and furnishes much of the book's hilarity and color. Protective, kindly and dignified, she disarms aggressive Misty by respectfully ignoring her furious antics. Over a period of four months she trains Marshall to rise at 4:30 am. She barks at everything and on a trip to the city barks herself hoarse at the strange cars until forced to take refuge on the floor. Distracted by the barking, late for a book signing, Marshall parks on an unfamiliar street and dashes to the bookstore, asking directions on the way. Only afterwards does she realize she has no idea whatsoever where the car might be. Marshall's description of Pearl's quick grasp of the situation and her take-charge solution is second only to the story of Pearl's knocking her headlong down a flight of stairs which ends, "Who could resist such a dog?"

When Marshall uses radio collars to find out what the cats are hunting (one is hurrying each morning to harrass a housebound cat through a window), Pearl accompanies her. When a radio collar fails, Pearl somehow deduces the problem and leads Marshall to the unappreciative feline.

The fourth dog is the incontinent, cat-chasing, chicken-killing Ruby, rescued from the Humane Society. Since her behavior is primarily unbearable to the other animals, Rajah the alpha cat and Rima the macaw train her swiftly, with none of Marshall's inexhuastible patience.

But Marshall delivers more than a collection of fascinating, poignant, hilarious anecdotes (though there is the rabbit who hunts squirrels with its dog companion, the birds who scold the dogs and summon the cats in Marshall's voice). A thoughtful, meticulous observor, she shares compelling insights into animal behavior, the social workings of groups (her own menage breaks down into smaller, multi-species units), and common difficulties with training.

So who is this book for? Dog lovers, obviously. But even dog fascists (her term) will appreciate the scope and grace of Marshall's writing, her abundant personality and forceful, controversial opinions. While focused primarily on dog behavior, the book is a delightful memoir of a very large, multi-species family, complete with belly laughs and tears.

Her Nanny Was A Newfie
Who could be better qualified to write about the hearts, minds and souls of dogs than Elizabeth Marshall Thomas? Not only is she the celebrated anthropologist who was the first to chronicle the lives of the Bushmen; not only has she studied and published scientific and popular articles on animals from African elephants to Arctic wolves; but she quite literally grew up among dogs. As we learn in the first captivating sentences of this splendid, surprising book, one of her most attentive caretakers as a child was a Newfoundland dog, whose job, as the dog saw it, was to keep the helpless human child from drowning in the sea while the dog's group, her family, lived at the beach. The dog was actually her nanny, writes Thomas--the sort of insight that at once makes perfect sense and yet takes one's breath away, and the sort of insight that characterizes this book. The Social Lives of Dogs is as wide-ranging and as deep as Thomas' best-selling The Hidden Life of Dogs. That book asked the simple and profound question: What do dogs want? The answer: other dogs. But the social grace of dogs is such that they are capable of forming deep, lasting, complex and highly individualized relationships with many species other than their own (including birds, who are, as Thomas points out, more closely related to dinosaurs than to dogs), and this is the fertile ground explored in this riveting new book. In it, we meet a great new cast of characters: brave, stoic, soldierly Sundog, a former stray; Misty, a victim of AKC breeding who grew up in a crate and didn't understand grass; curly-tailed Pearl, who made an art of barking. The Thomas household is, as she writes, a "churning cauldron" of (at its high point) five dogs, a dozen cats, five parrots and a varying number of people. There's a dog-chasing cat named Rajah and a cat-biting cockatoo named Carmen. These animals don't always behave in the ways we think they "should"--they are far too creative, inventive and individual. And that's the delight of their keenly-observed stories--stories which collectively form a rich biography of their relationships with one another. Although The Hidden Life of Dogs was highly praised by some of the world's top animal behaviorists, including George Schaller, in some circles the book was controversial, as The Social Lives of Dogs will surely be. A few scientists still consider the mere suggestion that animals think is "anthropomorphic." But for the rest of us, who know that non-human as well as human animals may enjoy rich inner lives, this book offers profound evidence that our closest animal friends still surprise us--and have much to teach us about social graces.

Days of Grace
Published in Hardcover by Random House Value Publishing (July, 1995)
Author: A. Ashe
Amazon base price: $6.99
Used price: $7.53
Collectible price: $4.24
Average review score:

The Reflection of the Life of a Star!!
This book is one of the greatest books I have read. The flashbacks of all the important memories of his life reflect that he was a man who wanted to be known as something more than a mere tennis player. I find it amazing that a person can go through so much and could still stand up after it. I recomend this book to those who want to remember the memory of Arthur Ashe, and those who don't even know who the man is. After reading this book I tip my hat in repect to the memory of Arthur Ashe.

would have wanted to meet ashe after reading the book...
and that, to me, is a good sign . . . my only disappointment is that i would have perhaps wanted to see a bit more about his tennis-playing days . . . it instead concentrated on his role as a citizen and American . . . particularly moving was the conclusion, in which he writes a letter to his daughter.

Simply Beautiful
'Days of Grace' is possibly the most moving biography, if not book, I have ever read, by a man whose courage, determination and decency towards fellow man have left me in awe.

The book contains moments of humour, of deep sadness and of joy, and throughout there is a vein of truthfulness that is unparalleled in anything I have ever read. The experiences that Ashe had in his life were so many and so varied, from the highs of winning three Grand Slam's to falling ill to heart disease and AIDS. His relationships with his parents, his wife and daughter, tennis players including Connors and McEnroe, and with his peers in segregated Virginia are all explored thoughtfully and with careful reflection.

In short, Ashe's book offers an account of his life, his beliefs and his final thoughts on the world and his life. Ashe triumphed in sport to become wealthy and well known, but suffered from racial prejudice as a child and terrible diseases as an adult. Yet not once did wealth change his outlook or basic lifestyle nor did he give up in the face of racism or death. Instead Ashe took another path, the noble path - he showed deep respect and understanding towards his fellow man, he used his wealth and his disease to help thousands of others and he never lost site of the moral lessons he had learned as child.

'Days of Grace' is a remarkable book from Arthur Ashe, an extraordinary man.

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