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Book reviews for "Alvarez-Altman,_Grace_DeJesus" sorted by average review score:

Amphoras and the Ancient Wine Trade (Excavations of the Athenian Agora Picture Bks No. 6)
Published in Paperback by American School of Classical Studies (January, 1980)
Authors: Virginia R. Grace and Homer A. Thompson
Amazon base price: $3.00
Used price: $2.99
Average review score:

A Concise Look at Ancient Wine Jars
The late Miss Grace was the foremost authority on ancient wine jars, amphorae, and worked for many years at the Agora in Athens. This book is the result of years of experience and therefore gives the reader all the benefit of her wide knowledge. Nowhere else can one find such a succinct look at these very interesting jars. The pamphlet is particularly valuable for the non-expert who just wants to know which type of jar is which, how they were used and what they contained. Very well done!

Ancient Grace: Inside the Cedar Sanctuary of Yakushima Island
Published in Hardcover by Viz Communications (May, 1992)
Authors: Hiroaki Yamashita and Seiji Horibuchi
Amazon base price: $34.95
Used price: $10.50
Collectible price: $17.46
Average review score:

Like no place on earth
I spent a week hiking the interior and scootering the perimeter of Yakushima & had the pleasure of meeting Hiroaki Yamashita. His photographs capture the spooky, spiritual, perfect beauty of this place that even the rapacious Japanese developers haven't screwed up too badly. It's so mountainous that even though it's only 32 miles or so around, there are parts of the island that have never been explored. If you get a chance, go, it's beautiful & unforgettable. If you can't go, get this book.

Angels of Grace
Published in Paperback by Crossroad/Herder & Herder (September, 1998)
Author: Anselm Gruen
Amazon base price: $10.47
List price: $14.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $6.10
Buy one from zShops for: $6.11
Average review score:

This book is absolutely amazing. It is a must for everybody who wishes to live in harmony with his/her own personality as well as with friends, coworkers, neighbours, relatives etc. I highly recommend it! Steffen

Apparel Manufacturing: Sewn Product Analysis
Published in Hardcover by Prentice Hall (04 April, 1995)
Authors: Ruth E. Glock, Grace I. Kunz, and Kunz Grace I
Amazon base price: $70.00
Used price: $7.95
Average review score:

apparel hand
Dir sir, having your name from the internet as a publisher to e-mail me more information and contents of this book as i am interested as cutting and sewing MFR. here in egypt to learn more about: 1)New trends in marker and equipment needed 2)new trends in cutting, laying of fabrics 3)new trends in sewing and sewing machines and attatchments to MFR.casual and dress Garments(e.g.shirts,pants,shorts for ladies,mens,children wear in wovens and knits 4)new trends and machines in Garment quality control systems 5)Garment ironing,pressing,packing pls.Answer me,is this books covers all above poibts,as i remember seeing a book of such information in your contents,but it was about 3000 pages from cotton through,spinning,weaving,knitting,dyeing and finishing,cutting sewing and MFRing of Garments in production lines,all the way to pressing packing of Garments My E_mail Awt.your reply to book this text book after reviewing your Answer Bst Rgds MAHMOUD MARZOUK

Arco Preparation Kit for the Toefl Test (Everything You Need to Score High on the Toefl, 2000)
Published in Paperback by Arco Pub (July, 1999)
Authors: Patrica Sullivan, Patricia Noble Sullivan, Gail Abel Brenner, and Grace Yi Qiu Zhong
Amazon base price: $29.95
Used price: $24.97
Average review score:


Ariel Custer
Published in Paperback by Bantam Books (April, 1981)
Author: Grace Livingston Hill
Amazon base price: $1.95
Used price: $0.95
Collectible price: $3.50
Buy one from zShops for: $9.95
Average review score:

A rare story of faith and love.
This book is more about the life of Judson Granniss then Ariel Custer. Judson grew up in a home that while it belonged to a women named Emily Dillon it was run by his hard mother. He and his mother had come to live there because of a will written by Emily's father. Emily was a meak person and did her best to be quiet and have others do as they pleased. However, no matter what she did Judison's mother was not happy with it. Thus when Emily appears to have been murdered the mother Judison and his new found friend Ariel are the obvious suspects. This is a wonderful story of how if you have faith anything is possible.

Aromatherapy Pocketbook
Published in Paperback by Llewellyn Publications (June, 1999)
Author: Kendra Grace
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $0.64
Collectible price: $8.47
Buy one from zShops for: $1.49
Average review score:

The Perfect Travel Companion
I recently picked up this book on my way to a festival. At the festival I was just overwhelmed and found myself down with a headache (not to mention numerous other aches). This book has a GREAT "aromatherapy travel kit" section that no trip should be without. Within minutes, I was back in the festive mode. After the days of travel it took to get to the festival, I know this book was the best purchase I'd made that whole weekend (and for a long time before that).

The Art of Dying: How to Leave This World With Dignity and Grace, at Peace With Yourself and Your Loved Ones
Published in Hardcover by St. Martin's Press (June, 1996)
Authors: Patricia Weenolsen and Bernie S. Siegel
Amazon base price: $22.95
Used price: $1.11
Collectible price: $4.75
Buy one from zShops for: $1.20
Average review score:

Practical book that speaks directly to the dying person.
In my search for material to help those dying of lymphoma, I found many books for caregivers, for the bereaved, and for therapists who aid the dying, but only a few books that speak directly to the dying person. Weenolsen's book fills the gap.

The Art of Dying offers much information, including very practical information, for dealing with the end of life--information not present in many other books, most of which focus primarily on the spirituality of dying, and communicating with loved ones before you die. Although these are terribly important issues, practical advice about arranging finances, preparing advance directives to ensure for or against extraordinary resuscitation efforts, and learning what to expect in the last few moments of life are questions that have been addressed in few other books.

In particular, I appreciate Weenolsen's very pragmatic list of things not to say to children. For instance, she recommends you not say you're "just going to sleep," lest they develop a subsequent fear of sleeping.

If you're facing death soon, or if you believe that one ought to prepare to die at any time, this book will serve you well.

Published in Paperback by Bantam Books (September, 1980)
Author: Grace Livingston Hill
Amazon base price: $2.25
Used price: $8.99
Average review score:

So far, this is one of the best books by Grace Livingston Hill that I have ever read. I loved it! In this book, a girl named Astra is leaving her cousin's house while the family is away; after two years, she couldn't take living with their modern ways any longer. Astra went back to her hometown where she used to live with her father before he died. While traveling there on a train, a man came to ask for someone to help a dying man get his business in order. Even after the legal matters had been settled, the man who asked for the help, Charles Cameron, took Astra under his wing and made sure she was fine once she arrived in her hometown, where he also lived. He checked on her, and even sent her presents to enjoy on Christmas, since he had found she would be alone then. Then when an unexpected business matter came up at the same time his sister was conniving to get him engaged, Charles needed Astra's help to take care of matters. While all that was happening, Astra's cousin's husband was plotting a way to get the inheritance that Astra would soon receive after she came of age. The book ended with a rescue, some Christian romance, and an example of how Christ is always there for us, turning all things into good and giving us help whenever it's necessary, even when we don't relize it. My review may not sound like it's a good book; when I read a summary of this book, I didn't think I'd like it as much as I did. But this book exceeded by far my expectations, as I think it will for you, too, if you'll only read it.

Published in Paperback by New American Library (September, 1991)
Author: Grace Chetwin
Amazon base price: $5.50
Used price: $1.01
Collectible price: $5.28
Buy one from zShops for: $4.00
Average review score:

The Nuclear Solution
In the year 2047, earth has been ravaged by a limited nuclear war and is now divided between Pan America and the Sino Soviet power bloc.

But in space there is a tyrant with the power to overcome both or shift the balance of power in either direction. On earth there is an ancient anit-war leader with psi vision of a planet linked to ours.

But full scale nuclear war could destroy both before the path to human salvation is found.

A thought provoking book that looks at human politics and human folly that could be our future.

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