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Book reviews for "Alvarez-Altman,_Grace_DeJesus" sorted by average review score:

Red Adam's lady
Published in Unknown Binding by Collins ()
Author: Grace Ingram
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $21.00
Collectible price: $29.95
Average review score:

A Perfect Romanic Historical
It seems cruel to review this book because you can't get it anymore. My old copy is held together with rubber bands. I liked everything about it. All the characters were wonderful; the history was accurate; the mystery and intrigue were mysterious and intriguing. The secondary characters were almost better than the main characters. Good wasn't always pretty and Evil was evil with reasons and, sometimes, even strengths. You could hiss the villians and cheer the good guys but you knew that these people lived and you mourned and rejoiced with them. When the hero finally wins his lady's love, it's a timeless moment. Her love is an achievement...not a casual tumble in the normal historical bodice ripper. My only complaint about this book was it was too short and there's never been a sequel. If you can find a copy, read it - you'll love it.

The Best Medieval Romance Ever Written!
I bought a copy of this book when it was first published in 1973 and it remains on my once a year "must read" list. The story of Red Adam and his lady Julitta is an exciting chronicle of romance, suspense, mystery, and contains the best descriptions of everyday medieval life ever put down on paper. Grace Ingram's tight, poetic prose puts to shame the modern ... that masquerades as historical romance fiction.
Mistaken for a peasant wench, Julitta di Montrigord is carried off one night by the drunken lord of Brentborough, Adam de Lorismond. To save her virtue, she knocks him silly with a stool. What she knocks into him, of course, is love. What follows is a most marvelous tale of coerced marriage that ripens into friendship and desire and the growing maturity of two young people who must learn to deal with villanious servants, abhorrent relatives and treacherous neighbors.
This author also wrote a book called Gilded Spurs and under the name of Doris Sutcliffe Adams wrote Power of Darkness, No Man's Son and The Price of Blood. None of these books, in my opinion, approaches the spectacular storytelling she achieves in Red Adam's Lady. Grace Ingram is a pseudonym and we have only two books under her name. Red Adam's Lady is a ten star romance. Grace, if you are still with us, give us one more!

One of my favorite books of all times!
I am so thrilled to finally discover that others love this little-known book as much as I do. I too have read it over and over for years now. I can only reiterate what's been said above: it's romantic, fun, suspenseful, well-written, and full of great characters. If only it could go on and on . . . .

Squirrels at My Window: Life With a Remarkable Gang of Urban Squirrels
Published in Paperback by Johnson Books (March, 2000)
Authors: Grace Marmor Spruch and Nurit Karlin
Amazon base price: $9.60
List price: $12.00 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $7.39
Collectible price: $10.59
Buy one from zShops for: $8.34
Average review score:

I loved this book, and not just because I love squirrels. This is a wonderful account of one womans life with her urban squirrel friends in NYC. Having just been to Washington Square Park where the book takes place I can see how these squirrels became so dependant on the kindness of others. This is a great book for those who may not be fans of the squirrel, but who would at least appreciate a good story and like animals. I have been recommending this one to a lot of people I know just for a change of pace in their normal reading, so go get a copy, but don't bury somewhere where you can't find it again.

Excellent book - not sentimental
Really enjoyed this book. I appreciated that the author remained objective and observational throughout - without slipping into sentimentality. I was able to relate to the squirrels directly - rather than through someone's emotional filter. I love squirrels and have befriended many - Grace was able to capture the experience of relating to squirrels. Her insights - and the depth of relationship with them - have deepened my appreciation of squirrels.

I just received this book, and can't put it down! It is great! It is the most informative and personal book on squirrels I have found! I feed a "gang" of squirrels on my windowsill at work and can really identify with the author. All of her observations of squirrels are right on the money!

Steady On
Published in Hardcover by Howard Publishing (04 August, 1998)
Authors: Denise Jones and Point of Grace Musical Group
Amazon base price: $10.49
List price: $14.99 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $1.50
Collectible price: $5.29
Buy one from zShops for: $2.38
Average review score:

Great devotional
I absolutely liked this devotional and you get to learn more about the CCM group Point of Grace. There are 24 chapters, its easy to read, with song lyrics, questions, etc. I'd even reccomend it to those that aren't fans of POG, because its a very well done devotional. Great for beginners and new Christians. You can use this devotional anytime of the year, since it doesn't have any calendar dates. It's also great for a small group study.

It is *great*.I love POG they r so cool.
I read the book it is really good it inspires me so much.I have all their cds.I love their music so much .I can't wait to meet them.I LOVE POG.

"Steady On" makes your days....steady.
Point of Grace's "Steady On" Devotional book is a beautifully written piece of literature. For individuals who may be in a "dry" spell in their walk with Christ, I reccomend you read a devotional from "Steady On" every morning- read it in the morning (do the questions through keeping a journal)and that way you have started your day on a solid foundation. Also, be sure to end your devotional time in prayer. "Steady On" is a great way to get excited about your walk with Christ. Point of Grace is a pheonomenon in the Christian music industry. With amazing harmonies and their honesty behind their words in "Steady On", it's no wonder that this group is as succesful as they are. Go out and purchase "Steady On." If you sit down and get totally honest with yourself, this devotional book can lead you into days filled with the hope, peace, and contentment that Jesus longs for you to experience. You WILL NOT be disapointed. Enjoy...

What's So Amazing About Grace? Study Guide
Published in Paperback by Zondervan (01 March, 1998)
Authors: Philip Yancey and Brenda Quinn
Amazon base price: $7.99
Used price: $5.39
Buy one from zShops for: $5.45
Average review score:

This book changed my life
This book really did change my life by forcing me to look at the world around me and how I react to it as a Christian. Since reading this book, I have felt personally challenged to convey God's grace to others, particularly those that are "different" from myself. I think this is the best Christian book out right now and I have already given it as a gift to several friends and family members. If you are a Christian and have become discouraged by the negative reaction to Christians by non-Christians, read this book and help me start to change those stereotypes.

Here's What's Amazing about Grace
How can I add anything to all the rave reviews of this book? Why does everyone love it so much? Two reasons: the fact of God's grace and the fact that Yancey conveys that grace in a well-written book that is moving and touching. Yancey -- praise the Lord! -- is one conservative Christian who understands that Christianity is about God's love and forgiveness and not about a wrathful, rule-enforcing God who forgives grudgingly. And Yancey has a way of conveying this message with art and feeling. I have already bought multiple copies of this book to give to friends. I consider it a must-read for anyone looking for God's love.

Stunning, beautiful. All I hunger for. From Bear Grylls, author of 'Facing Up', published March 2000 Macmillans

Macedonian: A Course for Beginning and Intermediate Students
Published in CD-ROM by Univ of Wisconsin Pr (September, 2000)
Authors: Grace E. Fielder, Liljana Mitkovska, Phillip Hammonds, and Christina Elizabeth Kramer
Amazon base price: $29.95
Used price: $431.28
Average review score:

How about a software program that runs on Mac OS?
Christina Kramer has done excellent work in producing this course book. It is unquestionably the best resource available--of course, my conscience compels me to admit that it's the only such resource available. The book is certainly well written and well-organized with a surprising flaw. Some native speakers of Macedonian have informed me that a couple of the Macedonian words in the book are mistranslated.

Is it too much to ask that a companion software disk be available for the Macintosh platform (it only works for the PC). There are a higher proportion of Mac users among language learners than there are among students of many other disciplines.

Great for beginners
I used this book when I wanted to acquire a rudimentary knowledge of Macedonian. I found it very useful and well organized. I would recommend it to anyone else who needs to learn the language.

A Priceless Teaching Tool!
This text is an excellent one for anyone wishing to study the Macedonian language, which is a South Slavic language that is distinguished from other South Slavic languages by numerous grammatical features. The standard language was codified between approximately 1945 and 1950.

Having studied Macedonian for several years, having thoroughly surveyed the resources available for learning Macedonian, and having taught Macedonian for two years - one with, and one without Professor Kramer's textbook, I can say with complete confidence that this textbook is by far the most comprehensive one for anyone wishing to learn Macedonian (with or without a teacher!). The CD is excellent, too!

The Discipline of Grace: God's Role and Our Role in the Pursuit of Holiness
Published in Paperback by Navpress (November, 1994)
Author: Jerry Bridges
Amazon base price: $10.40
List price: $13.00 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $2.75
Collectible price: $6.50
Buy one from zShops for: $3.99
Average review score:

Worth referring to again and again
I bought this book, because I was intrigued by the preview on the back. At the time, I didn't really get into it and laid it on the shelf. I kept going back now and then. Finally, I picked it up and it really spoke to me. The Discipline of Grace has become a stand-by to keep me on track when I am discouraged or have time between other materials for daily meditation. Bridges has a new way of saying things that makes so much sense. This is a don't miss.

Biblical, Balanced, Substantive, and Challenging
When it comes to the area of books on Christian living, Jerry Bridges stands out among a very crowded field of authors. In the last 10 years, there has been an explosion of books on Christian living, with all kinds of authors trying to find a publishing niche - whether it's books that are geared specifically towards women, homeschoolers, men, parents, seniors, new Christians, seasoned Christians, etc. Thankfully, in the midst of all this we have an author like Bridges, whose 'niche' is writing thorough and challenging books that the entire body of Christ can profit from. This particular book certainly falls into that category.

The purpose of the book is to attempt to find a Biblical basis for understanding our individual pursuit of holiness. In particular, the book tries to explore what our role is, versus what God's role is, and then expanding upon not only what we should be doing, but what our approach and attitude should be in order for our efforts to be effective. This is a difficult area. As Bridges properly points out, teachings on personal holiness range from a 'God is in control so don't worry about your own conduct' approach to a legalistic rules and regulations approach that on a practical level leaves holiness entirely up to the individual. Bridges spurns both approaches in favor of a balanced approach that struck me as being very biblically responsible. That approach being that God is indeed in control and His grace is the ingredient that empowers our efforts to become more holy.

The strength of the book is the last six or so chapters where Bridges puts practical legs upon many of the Biblical concepts discussed in the first half of the book and develops several Biblical disciplines that all Christians should heed in their lives. Those who read the first part of the book and begin (as I admittedly did) to think that Bridges is soft-peddling sin by so exalting grace need to read through the entire book. The last several chapters really bring a solid balance to the presentation, and I found these disciplines to be substantive and challenging not only in the disciplines themselves, but also in the perspective we need to have about them as being spiritually worthless without the power of the Holy Spirit and the motive to discipline ourselves out of a love for God. Particularly insightful was Bridges comment that many folks who practice certain disciplines can get into a legalistic mindset because they don't practice the disciplines out of a love for God, but out of a fear of guilt or out of loving the disciplines themselves but not loving God. Very good point.

I would strongly recommend this book to all Christians at any stage of their Christian walk. There is some very good meat in here that personally convicted me, and I think many Christians who are trapped either in a legalistic or antinomian mindset will find the Biblical balance set forth by Bridges to be very refreshing. Those who struggle with understanding their role in holiness will find in this book a God focused perspective that affirms human responsibility in the context of God's sovereignty, and that these truths are complementary in the area of Christian living and pursuing holiness. A very good book.

One of the best books I've ever Read!
I grabbed this book of the shelf at a bookstore, started reading the first chapter for a bit, then couldn't put it down. I finished this book faster than just about any book I've read. Bridges helps explain how Christians can become for Christlike in their lives and lead their lives by God's example...I know I will refer to this book many times in my search for answers.

Fall from Grace
Published in Paperback by New American Library (May, 1994)
Author: Larry Collins
Amazon base price: $5.99
Used price: $0.01
Collectible price: $4.95
Buy one from zShops for: $3.99
Average review score:

Fall From Grace by Larry Collins
Larry Collins wrote "Is Paris Burning". At a dinner party a retired General told him he should research Operation Fortitude. From that research came his book "Fall from Grace." It is based upon the disinformation that was generated during Operation Overloard to make the Germans think that the Normandy Invasion would actually be 200 miles north at the Port of Calis.

The Nazis actually had enough tanks and army troops to Port of Calis to completely defeat the invading forces of the Allied armies. Because the Germans were so convinced that Normandy was only a diversion these tanks and troops were never committed to fighting the invading forces until it was too late. It is now thought that the English used double agents to let the Gestapo capture about 20 French resistance fighters who were in the Port of Calis area. These French were convinced that the invasion would take place in The Port of Calis. Under severe torture these agents finally broke and revealed the invasion plans that the British had fabricated. All of these agents were finally executed. The details of these betrayls were so repulsive to our Christian ideals that they were kept secret until 1980. The book that Mr. Collins made from this ordeal is absolutely spell binding. He has substituted a gorgeous and corageous American Girl of French ancestry to be the Spy who is broken by the Gestapo. The French spy is actually a double agent who, under British orders, has involved the Gestapo in his plans. When the British want to make the Germans believe that he is truly a Frenchman working for the Germans they order his execution. The best part is TF O'Neil who is the son of an Irish imigrant who is on the general staff of the USA. He has graduated from Yale and is told by General Marshall, before going to England, that America needs to fight with honor. So he is outraged when he learns that Catherine is sent into Occupied France not knowing that she is to be captured by the Gestapo and tortured to the brink of death. We are finally made aware of how Draconian our side was when she takes her Cyanide pill and then wakes up only to learn that it did not work.

Un relato emocionante
FALL FROM GRACE es de esas novelas que te dejan el cuerpo hecho polvo... porque no puedes soltarlas hasta que acabes su lectura. Cuenta una historia dentro de otra. La que interesa es la primera,la de una mujer decidida, aventurera y con gran sentimiento patriótico a quien el destino fatal empuja a la caída en desgracia del título. En España fue traducido como Juego Mortal, título convencional aunque no deja de ser adecuado. La otra mujer con más peso en la novela actúa más de contrapunto. Otras relaciones interesantes son las que se establecen entre Paul y Stromelburg, el americano y Ridley y, naturalmente, Catherine y Paul. Muy recomendada.

Editorial review is a mismatch -- this is a WWII thriller!
...This book: FALL FROM GRACE by **Larry Collins** is a World War II spy thriller. It's the story of a female agent on the side of the allies and a male agent on the side of the Nazis and the relationship that develops between the two spies. This is a super spy thriller that grabs you by the seat of your pants and doesn't let go! A great book!

Grace of the Clouds
Published in Paperback by PublishAmerica (09 September, 2002)
Author: Michelina Pagano
Amazon base price: $9.98
List price: $19.95 (that's 50% off!)
Used price: $18.81
Buy one from zShops for: $18.70
Average review score:

A Magical Mystery Tale
Vivid characters and a compelling story keep the pages turning in this fascinating trip to the Old West, where the mysteries of ancient folklore still shape people's destinies, and where love is still the greatest mystery of all.

A Magical Tale
Takes you on a magical trip to the legendary Old West, as the mystery maiden of the mesas confronts her destiny.

A Story for Everyone
Beautifully written tale that combines ancient fokelore with love, murder, mystery. There are characters you will fall in love with, and so many twists and turns - I could not put this book down. It's a marriage of the elements of nature co-mingling with human nature.It is a vivid depiction of this time in history plus added mythology. Gorgeous. Spiritual. Straight to the heart.

The Golden Road
Published in Audio Cassette by Blackstone Audiobooks (January, 1999)
Authors: L.M. Montgomery and Grace Conlin
Amazon base price: $44.95
Used price: $22.95
Buy one from zShops for: $33.71
Average review score:

Read immediately after finishing The Story Girl!
I enjoyed The Golden Road, but not as much as I enjoyed The Story Girl. I recommend you read the two novels together, one right after the other. If you enjoy reading books set in a long-ago era, the books have a charm to them. If you like action, these books will not appeal to you as much.

In my opinion, it is not possible to enjoy The Golden Road unless you have just recently read The Story Girl. Not all of the characters and actions in TGR will be understoon unless you have read TSG. The characters are a lot of fun and are well-written. The adventures this group of friends have together will stay in your memory forever.

One of the Two books I have read over and over....
The Golden Road and its prequel, The Story Girl, are two of the best books I have ever read. I never seem to get tired of them, either...I have read them countless times! If you enjoy L. M. Montgomery's novels, such as the Anne of Green Gables series, these books are a must. The Golden Road tells the story of cousins, Beverley (who narrates the story), Felix, Cecily, Felicity, Dan, and Sara Stanley, also known as the Story Girl, plus their friends Peter, the hired boy, and Sara Ray. The adventures these eight have are sometimes exiting, sometimes sad...but mostly really funny! For instance, one time, they have the governors wife to tea...but they think she's their deaf Aunt Eliza and comment on the governors big nose and such things! And Felicity accidentally bakes tooth-powder rusks...oh, I can't tell you the whole book! Read it for yourself!

One of the two books I have read over, and over.....
The Golden Road and its prequel, The Story Girl, are two of the best books I have ever read. I never seem to get tired of them, either...I have read them countless times! If you enjoy L. M. Montgomery's novels, such as the Anne of Green Gables series, these books are a must. The Golden Road tells the story of cousins, Beverley (who narrates the story), Felix, Cecily, Felicity, Dan, and Sara Stanley, also known as the Story Girl, plus their friends Peter, the hired boy, and Sara Ray. The adventures these eight have are sometimes exiting, sometimes sad...but mostly really funny! For instance, one time, they have the governors wife to tea...but they think she's their deaf Aunt Eliza and comment on the governors big nose and such things! And Felicity accidentally bakes tooth-powder rusks...oh, I can't tell you the whole book! Read it for yourself!

No Time to Die: A Mali Anderson Mystery
Published in Hardcover by Doubleday (18 May, 1999)
Author: Grace F. Edwards
Amazon base price: $22.95
Used price: $1.85
Collectible price: $5.29
Buy one from zShops for: $23.00
Average review score:

"No Time To Die"
After reading "No Time to Die" I was not too impressed because I found the story line pretty predictable. Although, over all it was a good book. I enjoyed reading it even though it was predictable because it was interesting, the way the writer wrote the book and the way one thing led to another kept me interested. There was a loose killer in the Harlem streets and Mali's best friend was the first to be murdered. So, because Mali was on this particular case she was very intent and determined to find the murderer. Although, I don't think she realized that while she had intent to find the murderer, the murderer also intended to find her.

A touch of Harlem History
In the 3rd Mali Anderson books, the author goes for the suspense route instead of the mystery. We know who the killer is, now we just have to figure out why and when will he strike again and who will be his next victim. The author did a great job with the transistion from mystery to suspense, A serial killer in Harlem. As always, the reader is treated to Harlem history, landscape and nightlife. If you have never been to Harlem, you will feel like you just visited there after reading one of Grace's books. THis was an intriguing novel. I look forward to the next one.

Just Delighted
Once again, Grace Edwards has delighted her readers with the intelligence and tenacity of Mali Anderson. The characters are keenly developed and the "plot thickened" with every page. Unlike the other perpertrators, in the Mali Anderson series, we are introduced to this sinister evil, early on. As a person very interested in the social sciences, I found myself wanting to help "Ache" and hoped he would find redemption before destruction.

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