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Book reviews for "Alvarez-Altman,_Grace_DeJesus" sorted by average review score:

The Grace to Abstain
Published in Paperback by Xulon Press (March, 2002)
Author: D'Bora Schrett
Amazon base price: $11.19
List price: $13.99 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $10.55
Buy one from zShops for: $10.55
Average review score:

The words of this book were incredibly encouraging as a divorced single women. The pressures in dating today, in this world, can be very overwelming. This book was inspiring and motivational to become more Christ like.

Absolute buy!!!
This book was awesome. Not only good for young people but, for mature singles & married people. It is not just about abstinence. It is also about developing the best you

Grace Under Fire
Published in Mass Market Paperback by Silhouette (01 June, 2003)
Author: Beverly Barton
Amazon base price: $5.99
Used price: $3.25
Buy one from zShops for: $3.95
Average review score:

A great addition...
Grace Beaumont was living in an emotionless void for four years after the deaths of not only her father and her husband, but her unborn child as well. When she gets a letter stating that the accident was no accident, Grace feels she has no choice but to pursue justice for the people that she loved and lost. She turns to the Dundee Agency, and the bodyguard they send, Jed Tyree. Suddenly she her feelings are not only back, but intensified as she and Jed get closer and closer. Soon she realizes that while she may not have cared if she lived or died, she doesn't want to lose out on a second chance to love.

Jed Tyree has a bigger agenda than only protecting Grace. The more he falls for her, the more he realizes what a big mistake keeping the full truth from her was. He's not who she thinks he is. While she is on the top rung on the social ladder, he isn't even on the ladder. He soon realizes that there is no way they have a future together.

As the danger comes to a boil, both realizes that they won't give the other up. With her flair for romance and suspense combined, Barton doesn't dissapoint the reader in the new 'Protector' book.

exciting romantic suspense
Three years ago, a car accident killed Gracie Beaumont's father, husband and unborn child and for all effective purposes Grace is only going through the motions of living. The father of a rich man and the wife of a powerful person, Grace took over the reigns of Sheffield Media Inc. as the new CEO. The job occupied her mind so much that she didn't have to think about all her losses.

One day at work Grace receives a letter that states that the deaths were not an accident but a murder for hire ordered by Booth Fortier, the top leader of the southern Mafia. Her husband and father were going to expose his dirty dealing with the governor and that's why they had to be eliminated. Grace hires a PI firm to investigate the charges and Jed Tyree serves as her bodyguard since the case is bigger than she knows. Jed and Grace quickly become a couple but he is afraid she will reject him when she learns that he is the nephew of Booth Fortier.

Beverly Barton writes a thriving work of romantic suspense that has readers totally absorbed in the story. The sexual tension between the hero and the heroine is so powerful that readers can empathize with their feelings of insecurity. The villain comes across as a real person, which makes him viler than many antagonists found in crime thrillers. GRACE UNDER FIRE is a special book filled with lots of suspense and action.

Harriet Klausner

Grace Under Fire
Published in Paperback by Erica House Book Pub (April, 1998)
Author: Mae Argilan
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $5.47
Collectible price: $19.85
Average review score:

Masterfully written with motivated, realistic characters!
"GRACE UNDER FIRE" IS A MASTERPIECE! The story starts off well, and then it builds, and it builds, until you can't put the book down. The conclusion is satisfying and emotionally charged. Ms. Argilan breathed such life into Grace and her supporting cast that they become real people in the reader's mind. She researched her Philippine locale so thoroughly that the reader feels that he or she have actually experienced Philippine culture by the conclusion of the novel. The book opens with a dramatic scene, explores the background of the characters for the next couple of chapters, and then the story just sails. The depth and realistic nature of the relationships that develop between Grace and her supporting cast are masterfully woven into a gem of a story. I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys action packed, but meaningful, fiction.

Refreshing and Delightful
Grace Under Fire, a first novel from Mae Argilan, is a delightful melange of adventure and romance.
Set in the Philippines in the 1980s, the book takes its title from protagonist Grace Guitas, an American humanitarian working at a clinic in a remote jungle village.
The story opens without preamble, as a band of Communistas shoot Grace and kidnap her fiancé.
From there, the action is nonstop, as Grace, determined to rescue her beloved, solicits assistance from a powerful, if devious, Roman Catholic Cardinal and an enigmatic botanist/herbulario.

Ms. Argilan has a flair for storytelling, and a keen sense of pacing.
She weaves vivid descriptions of the lush Filippino landscape into the next, sprinkles in snippets of native dialect, and cleverly ends each chapter with a cliffhanger, drawing readers into the plot and keeping them turning the pages.
The final chapter, no anticlimactic dénouement, is brilliantly written.

Grace is a true heroine, exhibiting both confidence and vulnerability.
In addition, Ms. Argilan has endowed her with a wry sense of humor, which is at its best in the snappy repartee between Grace and her cabanca.
In an age where so much fiction is either shallow or sensational, it is refreshing to find a novel like Grace Under Fire, written from the heart.

Linda W. Lee, Owner, TEK Talk Communications

Grace's Letter to Lincoln
Published in Paperback by Hyperion Press (September, 1998)
Authors: Connie Roop, Pete Roop, Stacey Schuett, and Peter Geiger Roop
Amazon base price: $3.95
Used price: $0.75
Collectible price: $14.86
Buy one from zShops for: $1.75
Average review score:

Grace's Letter to Lincoln
I really like this story because it has the President Abraham Lincoln in it. The story has a little girl who wants the president to grow a beard so that he would look more handsome and to free the slaves from freedom and they won't have to be sold to people.

A Wonderful Historical Novel
This book is a very interesting way to read about U.S. history during the times before the Civil War. It is based on the true story of a young girl who wants to help Lincoln get elected in order to stop slavery. Many important details of the time period help to make the reader understand what life was like then. It also includes photos of the actual letters written between Grace and Mr. Lincoln.

Grace/an Intimate Portrait by Her Friend and Favorite Photographer
Published in Hardcover by Random House (September, 1992)
Author: Howell Conant
Amazon base price: $40.00
Used price: $4.27
Collectible price: $42.50
Average review score:

Delightful book portrays Grace's Glamour, and Regality
This book will be highly enjoyed by avid fans of Grace Kelly/Princess Grace. Filled with many journalisic and official portraits by her personal friend Howell Conant, this fine book captures the many facets of Grace: Grace, the star, Grace, the princess, Grace, the wife and mother. Readers will enjoy the many beautiful photographs that chronicle her glamorous life.

this is a must-have for all grace fans.Just fantastic.
This book has a lot of photographs of princess Grace.They are candid and beautifull.this is the best book I know about princess Grace.

Grace: An Exposition of God's Marvelous Gift
Published in Paperback by Kregel Publications (March, 1995)
Author: Lewis Sperry Chafer
Amazon base price: $11.19
List price: $13.99 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $9.72
Buy one from zShops for: $8.29
Average review score:

How can you beat God's Grace
I agree with the reviewer from Eugene, Or. Chafer's work is a masterpiece on the grace of God. Like the prophet Jonah we all want God's grace for ourselves but we do not necessarily want it for those whom we hate. Dr. Chafer does a marvelous job of exposing the chracter of God and his Grace and how no one can merit eternal life apart from belief in Jesus Christ.

A MUST READ for all true Christians
No one has taken on the Biblical theme of God's infinite GRACE extended to mankind through the Person and work of Jesus Christ, as revealed in the Bible, like Chafer. He has skillfully exposed the simplicity and, at the same time, the depth of this glorious, Biblical theme. This is a book which will cause the reader to spend much more time THINKING about its contents than actually reading. But what a pleasure for the reader!

Grace: An Intimate Portrait by Her Friend and Favorite Photographer
Published in Hardcover by Random House (October, 1993)
Authors: Howell Conant and Howel Conant
Amazon base price: $19.99
Average review score:

I love this book!!!
This book is great because it has candid photos of Grace Kelly just doing what any normal person would do. Like fixing a sandwich. This book is a wonderful picture book of her life.

A Touching and Playful Photographic Tribute
Howell Conant's "Grace: An Intimate Portrait by Her Friend and Favorite Photographer" is a touching, playful and elegant photographic tribute that captures the essence of the legendary Hollywood star and princess. Conant's gorgeous photographs of the late Princess Grace are enchanting and give warm insight into her career as movie star, princess and mother. Conant's personal quotes concerning Princess Grace, her family and her duties as a member of the oldest reigning royal family in europe allow a priviledged peek inside a world that was not always so different from the world outside. Each photo has a wonderful story behind it and the book, itself, is a touching tribute that depicts Grace de Monaco as far more than a former movie star and princess. It reveals the warm, nurturing, witty and sparkling human being behind the mythical "Ice Princess".

The Graces of Interior Prayer: (1910)
Published in Paperback by Kessinger Publishing Company (March, 1997)
Authors: R. P. Aug. Poulan and R. P. Poulain
Amazon base price: $40.00
Used price: $39.34
Buy one from zShops for: $39.34
Average review score:

The Graces of Interior Prayer
I was absolutely delighted to see this masterpiece of spiritual direction and discernment reprinted and again made available to Catholics the world over. It took me nearly one year to find a copy of this book some eight years ago. In a modern world where confusion and doubts can destroy one's faith, this book will guide the reader through questions regarding scruples and various states of prayer. This is more than just a book to be read and placed on a bookshelf gathering dust. It is a book that offers spiritual guidance on a day to day basis. I highly recommend this book for any who have not found answers to their questions from traditional sources. This book is in itself an act of grace. This book would also make a wonderful gift for any priest or religious.

A classic in mystical theology
This book is indispensable for any good library in mystical theology. It is a classic in the area of discerning the true nature of mystical experiences. It is particularly useful for giving practical rules on discerning supposed apparitions and revelations. It systematically outlines the consistent teaching of doctors and saints on the nature of phenomenon associated with prayer. It recognizes the importance of modern science for recognizing the various psychological and physical factors that can mimic mystical experiences. Though written around the turn of the 20th century it is still very relevant for the questions one encounters today. I would recommend this book for any priest or serious student of mystical theology.

Great Taste-Low Fat: Over 200 Delicious Recipes Under 400 Calories
Published in Hardcover by Time-Life Books (May, 1999)
Authors: Time-Life Books, Grace Young, and Kate Slate
Amazon base price: $34.95
Used price: $11.90
Collectible price: $11.95
Average review score:

Great Taste-Low Fat-Over 200 Delicious Recipes Under 400 Cal
I love this book! The recipes are wonderful and many are easy and quick to prepare. I have purchased several as gifts and wish that the book was still in print. It is an outstanding book and I would recommend it to anyone.

The Title is True!
This is the best cookbook I have ever used. Every recipe is wonderful, and I can't believe how healthy it is. A must for any kitchen!

Happiness Hill
Published in Paperback by Bantam Books (February, 1983)
Author: Grace Livingston Hill
Amazon base price: $2.50
Used price: $1.00
Average review score:

Happiness Hill
Having read this book at least 25 times, I'm well qualified to review it! Our heroine quickly discovers that it is much more satisfying to help her suffering family (they lost their money, parents are in poor health, younger siblings need her to caretake) than to pursue the elevated social life into which she has been invited, thanks to a wealthy college friend. Enter our struggling hero, who as good as becomes one of the family. The hero and family members are appealing, and one wants to see them succeed. The heroine is beautiful, tired, and works all the time at home and the office--not much warmth or dimension. It's rather exhausting to read about her. A persistent, wealthy suiter, who provides some lightness in her life, leaves the heroine on the fence for awhile. One part of the plot is somewhat racy for GLH and the time in which it was written. Both main characters come to know God in the course of the story. So, this is a good family story, with romance, humor, suspense, spiritual content, and a plot twist. In the end, the moral is that by giving up selfish pursuits in place of duty, one in fact gains everything. It's also a love story that takes its time, with the hero and heroine getting to know each other as good friends long before there is any romance between them.

This is a book not to be missed.
This is a wonderful book that touched my heart. It is not only tells of the love of two people, but also of the love God has for us.

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