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Book reviews for "Alvarez-Altman,_Grace_DeJesus" sorted by average review score:

Published in Hardcover by Amereon Ltd (June, 1937)
Author: Grace Livingston Hill
Amazon base price: $22.95
Used price: $11.06
Average review score:

Implausible, Old-Fashioned, Great!
What a quaint, old-fashioned story! The plot is impossible, but the characters are endearing, and the message of faith is valuable. It was a favorite of mine as a child, because it reminds me a bit of Frances Hodgson Burnett's A Little Princess! It isn't a children's book, but there are plenty of children in it! Wholesome.

Bring the Full Tithe: Sermons on the Grace of Giving
Published in Paperback by Judson Pr (April, 1995)
Author: William D. Watley
Amazon base price: $10.40
List price: $13.00 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $8.00
Buy one from zShops for: $9.04
Average review score:

Matter of faith, not money!
For those pastors who would like to understand how to begin a stewardship camapaign, Watley's book on tithing is essential. He first helps the pastor understand the nature of stewardship: stewardwhip is not a campaign to raise money for a chruch, it is a campaign that teaches how to express our praise and thanksgiving to God for what God has already done in our lives through faithful giving. Those who hear the messages contained in Watley's book will undoubltly remark that their new understanding of tithing has changed their faith walk. Watley's messages expertly lead people to receive the tithing message painlessly. Believe me, hearing these messages preached and using the guidlines he suggests, will transform your church. It has mine!

Broken Open: Suffering into Grace
Published in Hardcover by Sounds True (November, 1994)
Author: Wayne Muller
Amazon base price: $11.95
Average review score:

I found this tape very helpful
This tape is about coming to terms with feeling violated, sexually abused, losing a loved one, betrayal by a loved one, or any aspect of grief that we may encounter.

This tape helped me come to terms with the death of a loved one. This speaker makes some wonderful points (this tape is the recording of a seminar before an audience, and it is interspersed with music provided by a man playing the flute). He mentions that it is a form of violation to make people talk about things before they are ready to (i.e., trying to make people "come out of their shell"). Having spent quite a bit of time among people in recovery, I have found that this can often be the case: if people are not ready to talk about something, they must be "repressing" it and need to be given incentive to talk. This is a form of violation. Not everyone wants to talk about things at the same rate others do.

Wayne Muller makes a call for perspective. He says to keep in mind that while many of us have suffered, we have not been given Hiroshima, Aushwitz, Rwanda, etc. In Mr. Muller's words, "What did I get? ....weird parents."

The speaker suggests that rather than letting our pain and losses make us close down, we can use them to help us open up to others. Hence, the name of the tape: BROKEN OPEN. We can let a tragedy "break" us open into a deeper experience of compassion for others.

I gave this tape to my friend Mary Jean as a way to help her cope with the loss of her friend, "Kit." Mary Jean said that she found this tape to be very helpful.

Brooklyn: People and Places, Past and Present
Published in Hardcover by Harry N Abrams (October, 1991)
Authors: Grace Glueck and Paul Gardner
Amazon base price: $49.50
Used price: $15.67
Collectible price: $21.18
Buy one from zShops for: $25.00
Average review score:

An heirloom
If you ever lived in Brooklyn or visited relatives there growing up, this book brings it all back to you. On the bottom of page 244, I was surprised to find a picture of my Grandma Josie, sitting in front of her house as she had throughout her life. Grandma is gone now . . . but she is forever immortalized in this book.

Bryan White, Country Cool (Laurel-Leaf Books)
Published in Paperback by Laureleaf (09 March, 1999)
Author: Grace Catalano
Amazon base price: $4.99
Used price: $1.64
Average review score:

Bryan White review By: Sarah Hale
Bryan White is THE BEST book I've read, when I start reading it I can't put it down. Him being my FAVORITE country star.
I just can't tell you enough about it. It is a really cool book you will just have to read it yourself to find out what I mean.
That is if your in to Bryan White.

review by: Sarah Hale

Burmese Cats
Published in Paperback by Taylor & Francis (June, 1976)
Author: Grace Mary Burgess
Amazon base price: $9.00
Average review score:

Burmese Cat Book
This is the bible of the Burmese breeders, the best book ever written for a breeder of the Burmese cat..
A must.. much better than the American one.. with better photos and pedigree's from the original cats used.

Business Ethics
Published in Paperback by Oxford University Press (April, 1900)
Authors: Damian Grace and Stephen Cohen
Amazon base price: $42.00
Used price: $106.53
Average review score:

Brilliant!! Go and Buy it!!!
All I have to say is that it was the best book! Cohen is a great writter

But for the Grace
Published in Paperback by Dell Pub Co (09 May, 2000)
Author: Patricia Brooks
Amazon base price: $5.99
Used price: $0.97
Collectible price: $7.41
Buy one from zShops for: $2.40
Average review score:

Heartwrenching mystery
At 4'9", Molly Piper stuns people when she insists she is a private investigator. Most individuals do not take Molly seriously even though Washington State has licensed her as a professional sleuth. Molly has an office on Prince Island just off the coast. She has previously solved a homicide (see FALLING FROM GRACE) and is highly regarded by individuals who populate the valuable island real estate.

Posters anonymously appear throughout the community proclaiming that Edmund Bercain, President of the East Island Chamber of Commerce, is guilty of crimes against the people. The aspiring politician is livid. He hires Molly to uncover the identity of the person behind the smear campaign. However, before she can begin, someone kills her client. The spouse of the deceased retains Molly, but her task is to learn who murdered her husband. As she digs into the victim's life, Molly learns he made many enemies due to his ruthless business methods, several of who had the motive to kill him.

If one word is used to describe BUT FOR THE GRACE, grim would be the choice. The island weather is dark and damp. The heroine is alienated from her lover and her best friend. The murder suspects are more pitiful than feared. In spite of all that gloom, the story line contains a cleverly designed who-done-it with a shocking climax that will grab reader empathy. The characters seem like genuine individuals who enjoy being islanders so that they can avoid mainstream American life (whatever that is). Fans who enjoy unabashed realism will fully relish Patricia Brook's dark but compelling drama.

Harriet Klausner

By Grace Transformed: Christianity for a New Millennium
Published in Paperback by Crossroad/Herder & Herder (February, 1999)
Authors: N. Gordon Cosby and Gordon N. Cosby
Amazon base price: $16.95
Used price: $43.17
Average review score:

Authentic Theology
It has been my privilege to visit with the Church of the Saviour in Washington DC on a number of occasions & I have heard Gordon Cosby preach often. This latest book of his is a superb collection of his sermons.The script is simple to read & the theology is profound because he lives out a life of deep commitment & represents one of the most credible & compassionate Christian communities I have ever connected with.This book is a must for anyone who is serious about the Gospel of Christ.

By His Grace: A Devotee's Story
Published in Paperback by Hanuman Foundation (2001)
Author: Dada Mukerjee
Amazon base price: $19.95
Used price: $15.95
Buy one from zShops for: $19.87
Average review score:

Entertaining, spiritually beautiful, awesome. A must read.
By His Grace, is a true story based on the belief that advanced souls, actual divine beings, come into our lives, unbeknownst to us at first, to help us advance spiritually. "We are not following the guru; the guru actually is following us. I say this because I have found it in my own life, my own personal experience, and I have seen it in the case of others, too. Babaji came to me himself, unsought, unknown."

So begins the story of Dada Mukerjee, economics professor at respected Allahabad University and responsible family man, as he describes his struggle to come to terms with his faith when a wandering sadhu, a barefoot holy man dressed in a plaid blanket, walks into his life. Read Dada's honest and sensitive sharing of both, his transformation from a skeptical professor to a close devotee, and the divine being who inspired such devotion, Neem Karoli Baba.

How do you describe Neem Karoli Baba? It is said his very name was associated with miracles and mystery. He was often seen in more than one place at one time. He existed only to serve others. He helped alleviate the suffering of so very many people... and reportedly still does, though he left his body in 1973. He had the power to open people's hearts. He was kindness itself. Dada wrote, "His great power, the miracles and such, no doubt were there, but the very soft, delicate, sweet and innocent impressions left by him provided a perennial source of joy- the human aspect."

The pages of the book, filled with rare photographs printed on smooth paper, satiny and cool to the touch, are as easy to keep turning, as are the stories easy to keep reading. Lovingly edited, with a glossary of Hindu terms, you find yourself effortlessly drawn into life with Dada, his fellow devotees, and Neem Karoli Baba himself.

I wholeheartedly recommend this book. We know there are many valid paths to God, and By His Grace is a first class story about the path of love and devotion to the divine, devotion to guru, and conversion of the human heart. Here I got my questions answered about how to tell whether a being is actually worthy of your devotion and whether someone actually is your guru, both crucial to your spiritual path. This is an interactive book, too, because it will make you question your faith, and then help you build it, too. "When Maharajji had drawn anyone to him, he cared for and protected that person. He would provide whatever was needed."

Two more books I highly recommend about Neem Karoli Baba, are Miracle of Love, compiled by Ram Dass, and The Near and The Dear, also by Dada Mukerjee. Miracle of Love, I read almost twenty years ago and the deep faith I found within those stories has sustained and comforted me ever since.
I hope you will read one of these books, and that you will find within them much spiritual fulfillment, comfort and guidance. Peace.

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