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Book reviews for "Alvarez-Altman,_Grace_DeJesus" sorted by average review score:

Themes Teachers Use: Classroom-Tested Units for Young Children
Published in Paperback by Goodyear Pub Co (November, 1995)
Authors: Marjorie Kostelnik, Donna Howe, Kit Payne, Barbara Rohde, Grace Spalding, Laura Stein, and Duane Whitbeck
Amazon base price: $31.95
Used price: $13.99
Average review score:

Fantastic resource for early childhood teaachers.
This book offers wonderful ideas on every theme imaginable. It suggests books, art ideas, cooking ideas, and much more for each theme. It is easy to use and well organized for picking topics. I would highly reccomend this book for anyone who works in a preschool setting.

The Three Brothers of Ur
Published in Hardcover by Putnam Pub Group (June, 1967)
Author: Jennifer Grace Fyson
Amazon base price: $4.95
Average review score:

Excellent historical fiction set in ancient Sumer
This book tells the story of three brothers: Shamashazir, the eldest, Naychor and Haran, the youngest. Their father, Teresh the stern, is a great merchant of Ur. Young Haran dreams of following in his father's footsteps, and begins his merchant career by trading his best blanket for a lump of gold, which he has formed into a statuette which his eldest brother can then trade during his first merchant journey.

Tragedy strikes when Haran breaks the family teraphim (or guardian-spirit idol). Using contacts that Haran made during his trading, the brothers must have a duplicate idol made, and then substitute it for the original.

I simply cannot say enough about this book. The author has gone to great lengths to give the reader a deep understanding of that land and its cultures. Jenny Fyson cleverly works in the interplay between the two races of Mesopotamia (the Sumerians and the Semitic Akkadians), the experience of attending a Sumerian school, the weather, the conditions of slaves, and ... everything.

This book has a gripping storyline, and is both entertaining and informative. If you are interested in ancient Mesopotamia or like historical fiction, then this book is for you.

I wish that I could give this one six stars out of five!

Through These Fires
Published in Paperback by Bantam Books (01 October, 1976)
Author: Grace Livingston Hill
Amazon base price: $1.50
Used price: $1.49
Average review score:

My favorite one
This is a wonderful story about Ben, who remembers Lexie as he is fighting in Europe during the war. He saw her once as a little girl, and never forgot her. Meanwhile, Lexie is going through her own fires. Caring for a whining invalid stepsister and her 3 children, she is only too glad to begin a correspondence with Ben when he writes thanking her for the memory that gave him hope in a time of pain. They each grow closer to the Lord through their trials. It is a story of sweetness and joy in Christ. This is personally my favorite book.

Thunderbolt Thinking: A How-to Guide for Strategic Innovators Revised Edition
Published in Paperback by Bard Press (15 May, 2000)
Author: Grace McGartland
Amazon base price: $11.87
List price: $16.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $0.70
Buy one from zShops for: $2.46
Average review score:

A Real Flash of Inspiration!
There are puh-lenty of books written on the subject of creativity -- but this is one of the best! It's not just a great list of creative exercises (although there are many of those contained within the pages!) but it's more a manual of how to make your entire way of life more creative -- how to assemble creative teams, how to make your conversations more creative, -- it's an entire shift in the way you currently think -- a Thunderbolt Thinking Model. Be sure to visit the book's website too -- additional high-quality creative sources can be found there as well!

Tithing in the Age of Grace
Published in Paperback by Trafford (March, 2003)
Author: Joel P. Parker
Amazon base price: $11.25
Buy one from zShops for: $11.25
Average review score:

tithing in the age of grace

To Light a Thousand Lamps: A Theosophic Vision (Sunrise Library Book)
Published in Hardcover by Theosophical Univ Pr (February, 2002)
Author: Grace F. Knoche
Amazon base price: $12.57
List price: $17.95 (that's 30% off!)
Average review score:

One of 100
Throughout my life, various employment situations,
adventures and travels across our country it has been my
fortune and choice to encounter and read many books,
pamphlets and tracts mostly of a scientific, religious,
metaphysical or philosophical style alongside an occasional
remarkable piece of fiction and history. Of course many of
these experiences that originated in libraries and bookshops
naturally became, for me, factors of personal truth that have
without doubt assisted in creating the personality I now project
as my temporary self. It is said that we are what we eat and all
readers know that we are affected in some way or another by
what we choose to consume as our reading material. Our
choices may add to or take from our natures as free thinkers,
individual theosophical thinkers. This romp through many
tomes (some great, some not so great) alongside encounters
with individuals of various tones also led to my current
worldly role as bookseller for a choice of occupation.
Christopher Morley reminds booksellers that when we sell a
person a book, we are not selling them a pile of glue, stitching
and paper, rather, we are selling new life. New life that can
lead to new experiences which are indeed chapters during our
sojourn on earth. Experience, action or karma affect what we
theosophists call our swabhavic essence. It is this spiritual
essence that will be used to cast the future life of today,
tomorrow afternoon and also, if you will, our future
incarnations as new personalities. Old script writers, new
dramas. We alone are responsible for what we are becoming. It
follows that we are our own initiators, our own masters of
destiny. We are daily sacrificing to our transcendent natures.
In a recently published book by the leader of The Theosophical
Society, Grace F. Knoche, TO LIGHT A THOUSAND
LAMPS we read in the chapter on Western Occultism "It is
well to recall that in the ancient Greek Mysteries the stages of
the initiatory process were variously enumerated, often broadly
as three: katharsis, cleansing, purification of the soul; muesis,
testing or trial of the candidate, to prove integrity of motive
and firmness of will; and third, if successful, epopteia,
revelation, i.e., 'seeing' behind the veil of nature. Always the
character had to be shaped in accordance with the noblest
ideals; nothing was gained without sacrifice....... True
occultism - which is altruism lived, combined with knowledge
of the inner structure of man and the universe - demands of its
followers complete purity of thought and of deed..... In the
esoteric cycle of learning and discipline, the neophyte is
enjoined first to absorb so far as he is able the ideal of
self-forgetfulness and love for all beings." Concerning this
self-transcendence, the author further states that if it is to be
lasting, it will not be obtained by external means alone as "It
occurs without formality, in the still recesses of one's inmost
self. .... No exoteric training in self-transformation can match
the inner transmutation of soul quality that takes place in the
silence, the effects of which endure beyond death. They endure
because they are registered in our spiritual nature."

Some years back, as a young bookseller in New Mexico I
happened upon several volumes by an author unknown to me.
I had enjoyed for some years previous dipping in and out of
the grand masterpieces of H. P. Blavatsky's SECRET
DOCTRINE and ISIS UNVEILED alongside other
theosophical classics including some of the writings of
William Q. Judge. Many readings were inspiring. The new author I came upon was G. de Purucker. After reading the
selection it became obvious to me that there is indeed an
ethical base structure at the core of certain theosophical
literature, thought and application that can lead a "seeker" to a
valid path in a somewhat confusing world.

In Grace Knoche's new book a reader will encounter also this
same inspired theosophy that will deliver no false leads. In this
book one will find refreshing statements of theosophical
thought, evolution, reincarnation, karma, death, the Christian
message, the Buddhist Paramitas and much more. The
chapters build on a foundation that the realities of the esoteric
adventure can exist only through an ethical approach to the
truth on the path we are all traveling. A path we are attempting
to become. There is indeed new life here. A new life that
includes the vision of a universal brotherhood that all thinking
people seek.

Due to my occupation I am always surrounded by about
100,000 different titles at work and about 7,000 at home. It is
staggering and overwhelming. Nobody needs this many books!
As a result I have an imaginary library, in an imaginary room,
in an imaginary beachhouse somewhere that consists of only
100 books most of which are for reference and a few for
rereading and sharing with others. Anything else I want to read
for entertainment I can get at the imaginary public library
down the street from my imaginary beachhouse. TO LIGHT A
THOUSAND LAMPS would indeed be in my 100 volume
library. I think that any free thinking student of life, from any
bent, should make this book a part of their reading agenda.

To Make My Bread (Radical Novel Reconsidered)
Published in Paperback by Univ of Illinois Pr (Txt) (February, 1996)
Authors: Grace Lumpkin and Suzanne Sowinska
Amazon base price: $21.95
Used price: $4.99
Collectible price: $6.95
Average review score:

It is a GREAT book!
I had never heard of Grace Lumpkin until a friend of mine took a Southern Women Writer's course. She suggested I read To Make My Bread. The book outlines the struggles people from Appalachia had to contend with while trying to reform labor problems. I would recommend this book to anyone who is interested in learning more about the formation of unions in the South.

Tokens of Grace: A Novel in Stories
Published in Paperback by Milkweed Editions (May, 1990)
Authors: Sheila O'Connor, Shelia O'Connor, and Sharon Brown
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $0.90
Collectible price: $10.33
Buy one from zShops for: $8.90
Average review score:

Excellent, sensitive, kind!
O'Connor's gentle portraits of very realistic childhood experiences of two girls forced into the world of adults too early are very touching. Living with a divorced mom, hoping for their dad to come home, dealing with difficult economic situation and issues of faith - it's all there! Very clear, very brief yet concise, lyrical prose you will LOVE!

A Touch of Grace: Songs of Kabir (Shambhala Centaur Editions)
Published in Paperback by Shambhala Publications (October, 1994)
Authors: Linda Hess, Shukdev Singh, and Kabir
Amazon base price: $12.00
Used price: $5.94
Collectible price: $29.95
Buy one from zShops for: $9.50
Average review score:

True Heart Poet
This compilation of works is timeless. The translation tries to captivate the urgency and immediacy of the message of Kabir. There is no time to waste in becoming aware of the limitless and infinite nature of the creation - embodied or disembodied, depending on how you look at it, as RAM. Although the collection lacks thorough notation as to where the each selection is found in the vast body of literature attributed to Kabir - thus it is not a scholarly book in the strictest sense and does not intend to be as the co-auther mentions in the foreword. The illustrations are a beautiful and stress the more esoteric, metaphysical nature of Kabir. Kabir is timeless...his message will be a source of divine inspiration for a millenia to come. This translation will also appeal to the newer generations, because they tend to be more questioning of religious dogma. Kabir stresses the Beyond. Kabir says, that anything short of total and perfect balance of body, mind, spirit is not acceptable. Rare are the individuals who can voice simplicity with complexity with such profound verse. If you were going to read one last book before dying - Read THIS One!!!

The Tryst
Published in Hardcover by Amereon Ltd (September, 1983)
Author: Grace Livingston Hill
Amazon base price: $25.95
Used price: $9.48
Average review score:

A terrific read for a night beside the fire
This is one of Grace Livingston Hill's best books. Patricia accidentally overhears the venomous words of her sister and mother, discovering that she may be adopted and that the confusing coolness she has felt from them stems from this. With her father gone on an overseas business trip, she has no one to turn to, and runs away from their spiteful, hateful words and behavior. Determined to hide until her father can return to help her, she finds herself alone in the city, only to have God miraculously provide a job and a new identity as a companion to an old woman who turns into her closest friend. Travelling with her employer to a far-off resort, Patricia suddenly comes across a man she knew and loved one summer long ago, but must pretend she doesn't know him in order to protect her identity. But her young man has a tryst of his own, as he fulfills his promise to his mother to try to once again earnestly seek the God he has forsaken, while balancing the demands of his rich, selfish uncle, who wants to use him for his own ends. A complex, thoughtful book... An especially good story for those who may have grown up in the church but turned away because of the influence of college professors or the secular world, who want to earnestly understand the God they once knew...and to know Him again, just as He has always known you, yet not forsaken you.

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