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Book reviews for "Alvarez-Altman,_Grace_DeJesus" sorted by average review score:

Field Notes: Grace Note
Published in Paperback by Avon Books (Pap Trd) (September, 1995)
Author: Barry H. Lopez
Amazon base price: $9.60
List price: $12.00 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $0.88
Collectible price: $3.18
Buy one from zShops for: $1.58
Average review score:

Environmentalism through story
In this book Barry Lopez uses a novel approach to many of his stories: the short story written in the form if nature essays. Other nature writers--Edward Abbey, for example--have been known to take liberties with the exact details of the stories they tell, but Lopez actually creates new worlds in this collection of short fiction pieces. At his best, in stories such as "Teal Creek" and "Sonora," Lopez lets the story itself convey whatever larger purposes he might have. In his less successful pieces ("Conversation"), he beats the reader over the head with political psychobabble, almost to the point of sounding like propaganda. However, his ability to tell a story is undeniable, and it would be hard to argue with his place-based approach to environmentalism. And Lopez himself would be the first to say that it is the story itself, and not the moral of the story, that mattters.

Grace notes.
Barry Lopez's short stories are challenging in their simplicity. They are also challenging to describe to anyone who has never read any Lopez. Deceptively sparse, they are at the same time heavy with meaning, and rich with imagery from the natural world. This twelve-story collection opens with "the burbling call" (p. 10) of a cactus wren resonating through "the stony, cactus-strewn land" (p. 4) of desert arroyos, and ends with a run down the "really old trails, the Anasazi trails" (p. 154) of the Grand Canyon. In "Teal Creek," Lopez's narrator curiously witnesses a hermit living beside a creek in "complete stillness, a silence such as I had never heard out of another living thing, an unbbroken grace" (p. 22). In another story, a paleontologist discovers "phantoms" (p. 41), a black bear, a herd of deer, and a "tawny panther hunkered in the tawny grass" (p. 47) in an empty, city lot. I was even surprised to find a reference to my small hometown, Bisbee, Arizona in this collection.

Although some are stronger than others, each of these stories offers its protagonist a sacred encounter with the natural world we too often ignore. Each story has its own unique grace note that will leave you with a sense of wonder.

G. Merritt

Rich in images and introspection
Barry Lopez brings a unique voice to his work that is rich in observation of surroundings and living forms as well as a deeply sacred intellectual perspective. Each story in this book brings Lopez' voice to the ear of the reader as a deep intimation of experience. A writer who gives the reader a feeling of desire to listen to the storyteller as if he were speaking to you in the tradition of storytellers has transcended the special bridge from oral discourse or history to the written word. It makes me want to read all of Lopez books of which I now have four.

Food for Fifty
Published in Hardcover by Prentice Hall (18 October, 1996)
Authors: Mary, Phd Molt, Grace Severance Food for Fifty Shugart, and Mary K. Molt
Amazon base price: $80.00
Used price: $39.90
Buy one from zShops for: $39.90
Average review score:

Small variety and non-healty recipies make this book a pass
Unfortuately, this book has a limited number of fish and chicken recipies and the ones it does have, aren't very healthful. It does have more of a selection for meat recipies. I returned the book.

A vital MUST HAVE handbook for professionals!
Whether one is cooking in a restaurant or a school kitchen, this is the most valuable handbook. You'll want it at ready reference. I know, because never a week went by that I didn't consult it while running my bakery/deli in the Oregon Cascades.

I must confess that I didn't tell customers my recipe source. I preferred they think me a genius or as having come from a family steeped in cooking history. They knew I was no genius (hell, they knew I wasn't even very smart) but they did like the foods we provided. And, when I decided to produce a new, tasty meat pie, it was this book that I consulted to improve upon my concept.

Choose not to buy this book and you probably are never going to know what you don't know. Choose not to consult it while it sets on your shelf will probably endanger your relationship with your harshest critics.

A Must-Have!
I discovered this book several years ago while working as a hall director for a cooperative living residence hall. The college women who lived there cooked for their fifty housemates.

Molt's book was a godsend for us; the instructions were basic, easily understood, and useful.

The best aspect of Food for Fifty is the fact that, recipes aside, the book gives excellent tables and instructions for cooking times/weights/quantities beyond the recipes it lists. In other words, it is quite useful when adapting one's own recipes to meals for 50 or 100 people.

I have since used Food for Fifty in another food service job, where it was equally useful and well-received. I highly recommend it to anyone, whether you're doing institutional meals, church meals, or simply work with large food quantities on a regular basis. It's worth it!

Grace: A Fictional Memoir
Published in Hardcover by Golden Books Pub Co (Adult) (March, 1998)
Author: Robert Ward
Amazon base price: $20.00
Used price: $1.72
Collectible price: $7.41
Buy one from zShops for: $3.79
Average review score:

Writer is very talented. Recommended reading.
This work is worth reading as the writer shows imagination, ingenuity, and an ability to use the written word to create an image.

This book brought back my Grandmother.
Mr. Ward's portrayal of his grandmother was extremely vivid. It brought back a whole flood of emotions that I had not felt in many years. I, too, had a Grandmother that exuded the subtle power of his. I feel that this book was a gem of which more people should be made aware. A very interesting and compelling story.

An exceptional story from an interesting author.
The book "Grace -- a fictional memoir" is a pleasant suprise indeed. I am amazed at the way the author captured the transfer and growth of Robert, and the way he evolved from his angst of adolesence. The character portrayals were vivid and touching. All-in-all, a very good book.

To Grace Surrendered
Published in Paperback by Crossway Books (July, 1998)
Author: Deanna Julie Dodson
Amazon base price: $12.99
Used price: $7.98
Buy one from zShops for: $10.88
Average review score:

At last...
To Grace Surrendered is the final in the first trilogy by DeAnna Julie Dodson. I admire her for tying up all of the lose ends and for tackling what other *christian* novelists refuse to discuss. Through out the trilogy, we are given the biblical view of relationships. In a world wraught with scandalous views of sexuality we are provided with a refreshing view of how Christ intended for it to be. Ms Dodson has done a great job of showing Christ's love for the church with the enduring and trying relationships between the main characters. I say Bravo! Ms Dodson.

Good Romantic Christian Book
I found this book to be very well done. It has romance, sexuality and still well within the bounds of good christian reading.

I hope to see more books by this author soon as I am an avid reader and do not like the garbage that is found in most romance novels.

Miss Dodson Does It Again!
Miss Dodson's masterful command of creating and entwining characters makes this third book in the Chastelayne trilogy every bit as exciting as the first two. Trying desperately to cling to their faith in Him and each other, the Chastelaynes and those loyal to their reign must overcome deceptions, treachery, and an insane, evil man who would stop at nothing to be King. Miss Dodson shows us through Philip and Rosalyne, as well as Tom and Elizabeth, that not only does love endure, it becomes more sensual and stronger through faith in Him. I can't wait to hear what happens next!

Apples from the Desert: Selected Stories (The Helen Rose Scheuer Jewish Women's Series)
Published in Paperback by The Feminist Press at CUNY (April, 2000)
Authors: Savyon Liebrecht, Marganit Weinberger-Rotman, Jeffrey M. Green, Barbara Harshav, Gilead Morahg, Riva Rubin, Makhon Le-Tirgum Sifrut Ivrit (Israel), Lily Rattok, and Grace Paley
Amazon base price: $11.16
List price: $13.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $7.51
Buy one from zShops for: $9.65
Average review score:

very deliberate allegories
These stories are the equivalent of being hit on the head with a literary sledgehammer. The points that they make (the Arabs as The Other, the Holocaust as having an impact on modern Israeli society, etc.) are pretty obvious to anyone who has any knowledge of Israel or Jewish history. They occasionally read like writing class exercises, actually.

That being said, the stories are a good window into Israeli society and show elements which you don't see on the news. For excellent Israeli literature, though, I'd have to recommend Yaakov Shabtai, Amos Oz or A.B. Yehoshua.

Feelings expressed so well in mere words!
This is a wonderful book of short stories which contradicts the sterotypical picture of Israelis so often portrayed in the nightly news. It shows (mostly from the female point of view) the nuances of many types of Israelis, from religious to secular, from Ashkenazi to Sephardic, from Arab to Jew. In particular, it brings out the human side of each of its characters and demonstrates that feelings change from time to time and situation to situation. These are beautiful studies of human interaction.

I have four favorite stories. In "A Room on the Roof", a woman's husband goes to Texas, and she decides to build a new room on the second story of her home while he's gone. Her Jewish contractor leaves her alone with three Arab laborers during the construction process. She is not sure to how to react to their presence near and in her home. "The Road to Cedar City" tells of an Israeli couple (Hassida and Yehiel) and their son Yuval who are traveling in the United States when their rented car breaks down. The wife is unhappy when she learns that she must share a ride in a minivan with another young Israeli couple and their baby who are from Jerusalem. A talkative minivan driver further complicates matters by running his mouth during the entire trip. "Mother's Photo Album" is about a Dr. Joshua Hoshen who looks into his mother's medical record after she is hospitalized in a mental institution. He pieces together her life from what he reads in her record and uses a photograph to help resolve his anguish about what he discovers. A most notable story is "The Homesick Scientist" in which eldery Zerubavel wlcomes his nephew, a well-known Israeli scientist who lives in the United States, as he returns to visit Israel after 21 years. His nephew had frequently spent summers with Zerubavel after Zerubavel's own son Uri had been killed while on reserve duty. Zerubavel, although he had eagerly anticipated his nephew's visit, isn't sure what his nephew's motives were for returning after such a long absence.

Great writing about the things that really matter
Great, tight, vivid, exact writing about the Important Things (universal concerns, issues, and feelings) in the mood of a calm and astute observer/chronicler -- with soul. Perfect. Although these stories are primarily concerned with Israelis, I encouraged an East Indian friend to read "The Homesick Scientist"; it spoke to him so deeply of his own private experience that he immediately ordered the book (from Amazon, of course).

Cooking With Grace: A Step-By-Step Course in Authentic Italian Cooking
Published in Hardcover by St. Martin's Press (June, 2001)
Author: Grace Pilato
Amazon base price: $24.50
List price: $35.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $15.00
Collectible price: $16.93
Buy one from zShops for: $9.99
Average review score:

Cooking with Grace changed my life
I met Grace Pilato at an international cooking class. I was there because I was raised in the Betty Crocker era; I literally did not know how to cook anything but desserts. One time cooking with Grace and I was hooked.

Grace's book is so unlike other cookbooks. Usually I pick up a cookbook, try one recipe, find that it is a dud and never pick up the book again. In Grace's cookbook I can try any recipe and it will be wonderful. Some of the recipes I've made in Grace's classes, but I recently made Rolled Stuffed Salmon, a fairly complex recipe, on my own and it turned out fabulous. Because Grace's recipes have been tested repeatedly by students of her cooking classes, they are easy to follow--not to mention incredibly delicious.

The book is full of both decadent recipes as well as numerous recipes for people trying to eat more healthfully. Grace says Italians eat vegetables not because they're good for them but because they love them. You'll love them too if you try Grace's way of cooking them! Asparagus, salad dressings, marinated roasted peppers--the list goes on! I especially love the Lentil Pumpkin Soup.

I highly recommend Cooking with Grace to everyone, from experienced cooks to Betty Crocker types like me. You'll be addicted, trust me.

Italian Cooking with Heart
Ms. Pilato's cookbook is simply a must-have for anyone who appreciates the art of fine Italian cooking and who is interested in learning both basic Italian techniques as well as the most experienced cooks! Her book not only includes comprehensive Italian cooking methods and recipes, but it does so with heart. Her heart-warming stories that are a prelude to many recipes from her own experience in cooking only add to the food she so throughly guides the reader in preparing. She delivers a power-packed guide to cooking Italian with gusto and verve. It is a true favorite of mine to which I continually turn when cooking for guests as well as for my family. This book, like a fine Italian meal, just gets better with time.

A Complete Course in Italian Cooking for Everyone!!!!
If you are an experienced Italian cook as many members of my family are, you will find a wealth of information most pleasantly presented in Grace Pilato's book. Beginning with her introduction, it is clear that she truly loves cooking as she reverently describes the experience of cooking for family and friends. Then it is apparent that she really hopes to impart this knowledge by presenting the reader with a highly readable and easily followed vehicle for creating fine Italian food. This book is so much more than the usual compilation of recipes. It is truly an instructional vehicle.

My daughte received this book for a gift and hs been working her way through the "stepping stones" section which provides very helpful techniques for making the basic recipes like marinara, roasted peppers, and pesto which are used in other recipes throughout the book.

Although I have been cooking for 35 years, I am amazed by some of the tips with which this book is filled about selecting the best ingredients, storing food, and detailed information about utensils and the basic pantry. I believe that if I cook these recipes and follow the advice given, that I will really have a chance of becoming a very good Italian cook.

I have rarely seen a book cross referenced so thoroughly. For example, after the Ricotta Fresca recipe, a list of eleven other recipes which use the Ricotta and their page numbers is presented. Notes after each recipe include storage suggestions and ideas for use of leftovers or excess made in other recipes.

I intend to make this my main Italian Cookbook and though I have only had it in my possession for a few weeks, I am using it a great deal. The author's thorough descriptions, directions, are clear and easy to follow.

The Seafood Lasagna and the Stuffed Artichokes are the best I have ever had anywhere. My enjoyment of eating this food is surpassed only by the fun of watching the recipes unfold, appreciating the gentle style in which this cookbook is written and my appreciation for the plethora of practical information it offers.

I am recommending it most highly to all of my family and friends.

Gom on Windy Mountain (Tales of Gom in the Legends of Ulm)
Published in Paperback by Feral Press, Inc. (25 October, 1999)
Author: Grace Chetwin
Amazon base price: $25.00
Used price: $10.95
Buy one from zShops for: $18.50
Average review score:

Slow start to a good children's series
First off, I must admit that it has been many years since I last read this book, however I do have a relatively good memory of it.

Basic plot: Gom is a mousy haired boy living with his lumberjack father, Zig (I think) in the mountains, his mother being a wizard who disappeared at his birth and has never been seen since. Most of the book revolves around Gom's everyday life and his strange affinity with the world around him, until near the end of the book he gets drawn into an adventure that will send him off to learn magic and find his mother later in the series.

For a typical imaginative child, if they can get through this book, I think they will very much enjoy the rest of the series, I know that I did.

My first Books
I only read Riddle and the Rune, the Crystal Stairs and i was sure there was at least one more. These books were great, I have the riddle and the rune but would love for these books to be re-released so i could buy them for my neice to enjoy

oh yeah!
Excellent book wonderful for middle schoolers. It gives tem and excellent start on the world of fantasy and adult literature, and for the high schoolers through old men it lets u revisit the "good old days". In my opinion this book and the whole series is better than lord of the rings.

Being Black: Zen and the art of living with fearlessness and grace
Published in Digital by Penguin Putnam ()
Author: Angel Kyodo Williams
Amazon base price: $13.00
Average review score:

A rare glimpse into the heart of a woman.
Rarely are we able to look into the life of a person who is as honest and sincere in the telling of their story. This book goes far beyond the how to of ZEN and fixes its sights on the why. She manags to articulate her defining moments and bring the reader in to draw parallels in their own experience. I literally laughed and cried throughout this book. It is not often that we are able to see a black person in their full spectrum of human being. This book is in direct contrast of popular cultures simplification of the African American.
A Mexican-American male's perspective

a white male perspective
This is an insightful and beautifully written book about the mystery and challenge of being. It is eloquent and readable, full of both wonder and clarity. I have bought copies for my 2 daughters, as high school and college graduation presents. Deepest thanks to Ms. Williams for gifting us with such a special, insightful "guidebook" for the warrior spirit in all of us.

Spiritual Awakening
The book was a gift in every way. Ms. Williams has demystified the East and made Zen down to Earth. As an African- American woman, I've been searching in vain for a spiritual home. Thanks to Ms. Williams, I think that I've found one. I recommend this book to anyone who is looking for guidance on her/his spritual path.

The Big Lie: Hale Boggs, Lucille May Grace, and Leander Perez in 1951
Published in Paperback by Pelican Pub Co (September, 2001)
Author: Garry Boulard
Amazon base price: $12.57
List price: $17.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $12.52
Buy one from zShops for: $11.55
Average review score:

Painful Reading
An amateurish effort, full of poor writing, exclamation marks and half-formed ideas. This is little more than a C+ college essay.

Perez and Boggs are both worthy of serious treatment. Perez in particularly was a fascinating character, a powerful man who held great sway over his corner of the earth. He's worthy of a full-scale biography. Boggs, too, was riddled with contradictions. This book treats both as cartoonish, two-dimensional characters: Boggs good; Perez bad. This book does neither man justice. I was left wanting more, and angry I'd wasted my time and money.

Flawless account of the legendary l951 Louisiana governor's race with a cast of characters that includes the folk hero Earl Long, the liberal crusader Hale Boggs, (the father of Cokie Roberts of ABC), the segregationist Leander Perez and a couple dozen Communists.

A sad, poignant, funny, classic tale of how they do things in Louisiana. Next to T. Harry William's classic bio of Huey Long, this is the best book I have read on Louisiana politics.

Excellent political survey of the early l950, and the role McCarthyism played in the l951 Louisiana gubernatorial election. Good read, compelling profiles.

The Collected Stories
Published in Paperback by Noonday Press (April, 1995)
Author: Grace Paley
Amazon base price: $11.20
List price: $16.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $3.99
Collectible price: $14.00
Buy one from zShops for: $6.98
Average review score:

People say short stories are dying...
This collection of short fiction demonstrates just how horrible that would be. Grace Paley's work is amazing in its lyrical sound - at some moments sparse, at others extremely detailed, and always poignant. Stories about single mothers, about women visiting elderly parents in odd nursing homes, about families in general, and how the world works (and worked). It is hard to find a good short story writer... Somewhere between a novel (overly stuffed with words) and a poem (too highly styled and formatted to say what it really wants to say) a short story, when good, can come closest to literary perfection - you can say all that you want to say, but only that. Grace Paley's stories come close to that perfection. She is one of the most underappreciated great authors out there.

Ooh, what delicious writing this is
Grace Paley has that rarest of gifts: a voice all her own. Funny, tough, and compassionate, this voice mirrors her characters, some of whom (especially the eponymous Faith) are people you wish you knew, or already do. At every turn, her characters avoid stereotype, something most self-professed "political" and "feminist" writers fail to do. Three volumes of stories are collected here; the first volume, I think, is the richest. Here Paley is content to represent the hilarious, yet tragic, travails of her characters. In the later volumes, aside from being more experimental in form, she tackles overtly political themes. But the voice never fails her, and even the most dogmatic, contrived story is lifted above the ordinary. Paley never loses her compassion for mankind. At the end of her career, this was her abiding them: when faced with cynicism or compassion, she always extended the latter to her fellow human beings. These are great, tough stories, worthy of reading several times over. Please buy this collection and spread the word. Paley is that dying breed -- an American original.

One of America's most underrated writers
ENORMOUS CHANGES AT THE LAST MINUTE is a perfect collection of perfect stories. It's too bad the reader from Marietta, GA spews forth such ignorant bile about such a wonderful writer.

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