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Book reviews for "Alvarez-Altman,_Grace_DeJesus" sorted by average review score:

Mighty to Save: Discovering God's Grace in the Miracles of Jesus
Published in Paperback by P & R Press (March, 2001)
Author: Richard D. Phillips
Amazon base price: $10.39
List price: $12.99 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $4.50
Buy one from zShops for: $4.27
Average review score:

Excellent Book
This is an excellent book that will encourage all who read it to give glory to God. It also is the perfect book for a person who is spiritually seeking or is a new believer in Christ.

Modernizing Legacy Systems: Software Technologies, Engineering Processes, and Business Practices
Published in Paperback by Addison Wesley Professional (13 February, 2003)
Authors: Robert C. Seacord, Daniel Plakosh, and Grace A. Lewis
Amazon base price: $44.99
Used price: $38.10
Buy one from zShops for: $35.99
Average review score:

Methodical Resolution of Pivotal Issues
Addressing a timely and vital topic, 'Modernizing Legacy Systems' is an excellent book from the standpoints of both content and presentation. The advocated approach, which is termed the Risk-Managed Modernization (RMM) Approach, is synopsized on page 28 in UML activity diagram form. The exposition in the subsequent chapters is keyed to corresponding activities in this diagram. This key makes it quite easy to situate and interrelate the coverage of the respective chapters in the context of the RMM Approach. I found this recurring orientation feature to be very helpful in understanding and integrating the book's content.

The book describes, rationalizes, and selectively illustrates the RMM Approach, where the continued availability of the legacy system capabilities is necessary over the sequence of modernization increments. While the approach is illustrated through an incremental transformation of a legacy COBOL-based system to a Java-based derivative, the RMM Approach is nevertheless applicable to other modernization problems or technologies. Moreover, the book does an exceptionally good job of interweaving explanations with examples. These examples are modest but salient and revealing, thereby avoiding unwarranted detail or distractions.

The advocated approach is at once both architecture-centric and component-centric. Architecture centricity captures and sustains a rather specific vision of the as-desired system, and the associated target architecture provides a stable reference over the various modernization activities. Component centricity enables the identification, analysis, grouping, and ultimate realization of system elements that are allocated to the respective modernization increments. Overall then, the target architecture establishes the initial and termination points of a modernization project, and the componentization installments determine the actual redevelopment trajectory connecting the project end points.

For me, the most intriguing, innovative, and vital parts of the approach appear under the RMM activities labeled Define Modernization Strategy and Reconcile Strategy with Stakeholder Needs (Chapters 13-15 and Chapter 16, respectively). Basically, the modernization strategy provides a systematic approach to delineating, analyzing, and grouping modernization elements through an examination of the legacy system implementation, subject to project constraints and certain prior higher-level technical decisions. Then, the finalization of element groupings into sequential increments is determined using programmatic preferences of the various stakeholders. This two-stage definition of modernization increments is driven prominently by cost and risk considerations, as well as by programmatic and technical factors. Ultimately, the designated increments establish waypoints on the aforementioned redevelopment trajectory, thereby identifying interim architectural configurations that facilitate closure on the target architecture, while simultaneously maintaining user capabilities during the modernization effort.

In all, 'Modernizing Legacy Systems' is a readable, coherent, illuminating, and surprisingly broad treatment of a vital topic. Hopefully, the RMM Approach or variants thereof will see widespread use in industry, thereby exploiting "a systematic and fact-based method that avoids arbitrary, intuitive decision making..."

Mom, They're Teasing Me: Helping Your Child Solve Social Problems
Published in Hardcover by Ballantine Books (Trd) (30 July, 2002)
Authors: Michael Thompson, Lawrence J. Cohen, and Catherine O'Neill Grace
Amazon base price: $16.07
List price: $22.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $6.95
Buy one from zShops for: $6.75
Average review score:

Answers so many questions a parent has
I read this book over the weekend and have already sent out a mass email to parents I know telling them to read this book! This book succinctly and honestly answers questions that I'm always hearing on the "parent circuit." Not only about about teasing, but about all social skills, popularity, being ostracized, girls worrying they are fat-- you name it, it is probably addressed in this book. And the authors do a wonderful job of letting you know when you are worrying too much, or too little about an issue. A must read!

Moments of Grace: Meeting the Challenge to Change
Published in Hardcover by Crown Pub (February, 1997)
Author: Patrice Gaines
Amazon base price: $21.00
Used price: $1.00
Collectible price: $5.00
Buy one from zShops for: $4.49
Average review score:

Addresses the personal conflicts of change
After reading this book I understand the internal dialogue that occurs when choosing to change. My attention never wavered throughout the whole book. I feel Patrice put her finger on the dynamics that occur within and around us. I especially loved the references - spiritual and personal that she used to explain the process of "doing it. Whatever "doing it" means to each individual. I have called all of my support family to recommend this book. I feel like this is an excellent book for young people so that they can realize that change is a process and not completed immediately and can expect their committment to be tested

Monster Math (Hello Math Reader - Level 1)
Published in Library Binding by Bt Bound (October, 1999)
Authors: Grace MacCarone, Marge Hartelius, Marilyn Burns, and Margaret A. Hartelius
Amazon base price: $11.55
Used price: $9.83
Buy one from zShops for: $9.83
Average review score:

Monster Math (Hello Math Reader. Level 1
This is a wonderful book. I enjoy reading it as much as my 4 year old daughter loves to hear it. It helps her recognize her numbers as well as teaches her how to rhyme.

More Than Conqueror
Published in Hardcover by Amereon Ltd (December, 1983)
Author: Grace Livingston Hill
Amazon base price: $22.95
Collectible price: $12.00
Average review score:

5 stars all the way!
I am a fan of Grace Livingston Hill, although I haven't yet read all of her books, but of the ones I've read, this is one of the best! Her deep, personal faith in Jesus Christ comes shining through in each of the characters and is absolutely beautiful and lovely in the face of the death and destruction of war, and in comparison to the selfishness of the new, modern generation emerging.

Charlie Montgomery has loved Blythe Bonniwell for years, since they attended school together. But Charlie has always been poor and shy, and despite earning honors in academics and athletics, considers himself beneath the beautiful, wealthy Blythe. But on the eve of his departure for a dangerous war mission, he gathers his courage and visits her, to tell her that he has always loved her, and to say goodbye.

Blythe's family has always been conservative church-goers, kind and generous, raising her in love although not in personal faith. But because of her loving nature and her upbringing, she is able to recognize the purity of Charlie's love, and with wonder and sincerity, she returns his affections with an innocent passion. Charlie is surprised, overjoyed and in utter despair--he had volunteered for a mission that he will most likely never return from. Because his mother is dead, he thought he had nothing to return for, and his patriotism and courage made him ideal for such a suicide assignment. But now, with Blythe's love following him to the continent, his entire outlook has changed and he wonders what will happen to them. They exchanged no vows, no engagement plans--Charlie does not expect to ever see her again.

Meanwhile, on the homefront, Blythe busies herself with Red Cross work and befriends Mrs. Blake, a woman from the "other side of town", who also has a son in the army, Walter. While many of the other women ignore or scorn the woman and her poverty, Blythe makes her feel welcome and enjoys her company. Her friendship rewards itself, for Walter Blake has befriended his hometown hero Charlie on the other side of the world, and is able to send a last message from Charlie to his beloved through Mrs. Blake.

But Dan Seavers, a rich, spoiled classmate of Blythe and Charlie, is courting Blythe with careless yet single-minded attentions. He is the colorful, harsh portrait of selfishness that the "modernism" of the world has wrought in the younger generation, denigrating the "old-fashioned-ness" of faith in God and love and respect. Blythe thinks of Dan as nothing but a childhood playmate, but he is persistent in his pursuit. Meanwhile, another of Blythe's classmates, Anne, pursues Dan just as avidly as he chases Blythe, and her petty jealousy blankets Blythe's optimism and hope with mocking scorn and despair.

On the war front, Charlie has gone to listen to a travelling speaker, Link Silverthorn, who convicts Charlie of the sin he had never acknowledged he had, and who also brings to his eyes a vision of Christ that moves and awakens him. Silverthorn answers Charlie's questions and introduces him to the love in the eyes of his Savior, and the *recognition* Charlie sees in the face of Jesus brings him hope and peace as he sets off for certain death. Charlie is comforted by the deep-seated knowledge that he *belongs* to Christ, and that God has mapped out his steps, and is also watching over the precious girl he has left at home.

Dan Seavers is threatening Blythe's parents with an elopement, still conceitedly unaware that Blythe does not return his so-called affections. The people of the town make known their own opinions, but a letter from Charlie arrives in the midst of the fray, describing his new-found awareness of Christ, and Blythe and her parents are themselves changed by the joy and sincerity of his words.

But Dan Seavers is still lurking, Anne is still grasping and catty... And then Charlie is missing in action...

I love this book and hope you will, too. Grace Livingston Hill is a master with words that bring to life the goodness of Christ, the blazing glory of real love, and the hope that sustains in the midst of war.

Mortal Grace
Published in Hardcover by Headline (04 November, 1993)
Author: Edward Stewart
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:

Keeps you guessing until the very last pages....AMEN!
This is one of the few murder mystery novels in recent history that truly keeps the reader guessing "whodunnit"! Using familiar elements, the Catholic church, New York City, the plight of the homeless and runaways, Edward Stuart weaves a story of suspense and horror in everyday life. From the discovery of the first corpse through the breathtaking chase at the end, you're hooked. Once picked up, it's hard to put down. Ease yourself into your favorite chair with a good cup of coffee and say a prayer...your in for the duration

Mothering: The Complete Guide for Mothers of All Ages
Published in Paperback by Chariot Victor Pub (May, 1994)
Authors: Grace Ketterman and Cathy Davis
Amazon base price: $13.99
Used price: $1.89
Collectible price: $9.99
Buy one from zShops for: $10.75
Average review score:

Excellent advice
This book was given to me when I had my first child. It was the most helpful book I have ever read. Not only does Dr. Ketterman offer sound advice, but it is the most practical advice on all aspects of mothering. There is not right or wrong, just strong beliefs on loving your child is the best way to raise a child. Dr. Ketterman's book, Mothering, has been a resource I go back to time and time again, even after my third child was born.

Mullings and Musings: A Journey from Grace to Grace
Published in Paperback by Trinity Episcopal Church (December, 1997)
Author: Charlotte O. Marshall
Amazon base price: $16.95
Used price: $9.99
Average review score:

Mullings and Musings
A delightful collection of vignettes about Christian living that are drawn from the author's life in Middle Tennessee that is at the same time both simple and profound. Charlotte Marshall is an excellent writer and her insights into what it takes to be a follower of Christ are beautifully presented. This book can be the basis for daily meditations or for an occasional visit to a delightful place whenever the need is felt.

Naming Grace: Preaching and the Sacramental Imagination
Published in Hardcover by Chiron Pubns (November, 1900)
Author: Mary Catherine Hilkert
Amazon base price: $29.95
Used price: $10.74
Average review score:

Should be part of any homilist's library
Having taken approximately 30 courses at St. Bernard's Institute in fulfillment of my M.A. and M.Div degrees, I have rarely become excited over required texts. A notable exception is "Naming Grace" by Mary Catherine Hilkert. While there are certainly other high quality books on the market that deal with preaching in a general sense, "Naming Grace" is one of the rare gems that deal more specifically with the art of preparing and delivering a homily in a Catholic liturgical setting. With a combination of wit and serious scholarship, Dr. Hilkert urges anyone who is brave enough to enter into the risky world of homiletics to utilize skills inclusive of both sacramental and prophetic imaginations. In addition, she gives practical advice that is instructive toward avoiding what amounts to 'replacement theology' (an occasional hazard of trying to harmonize the Old and New Testaments). I found Dr. Hilkert's text to be highly stimulating. I therefore highly endorse "Naming Grace."

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