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Book reviews for "Alvarez-Altman,_Grace_DeJesus" sorted by average review score:

Surprised by God: Experiencing Grace from the God of Second Chances
Published in Hardcover by Focus on the Family Pub (June, 1997)
Authors: Stephen Arterburn, Rob Wilkins, and Terry Whalin
Amazon base price: $16.99
Used price: $1.43
Collectible price: $3.48
Buy one from zShops for: $3.55
Average review score:

The true meaning of Grace...,
In my life I have made some bad choices that led to consequences that nearly destroyed me. Then I learned the true meaning of grace. I was a "tormented" Christian and most of my life I had this "spiritual checklist" of things I needed to do before I could come before God. Once I learned that His grace covers me and I eliminated the "checklist", I have experienced tremendous growth and recovery. Our God is a God of second chances and I didn't think that applied to me. My heart ached as I listened to the story about the abortion, the infertility and the eventual adoption. God does restore and His grace covers all.......there is hope. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and have purchased several copies to give to friends who are struggling with the issue of the grace of God.

Surprised by Grace: A Journey Beyond Personal Enlightenment
Published in Paperback by True Light Publishing (August, 1997)
Author: Amber Terrell
Amazon base price: $14.50
Used price: $5.95
Average review score:

Stillness and Truth, Grace and Love
Amber's book describes the journey of a once shy and scared woman to the Stillness of the Truth which we all are. She is guided in her journey by the amazing Gangaji and she shares with us the simple, yet powerful, surprises Grace gives her.

This book is a must read for all who ask themselves, "Who am I, who am I really?" It is a deeply personal account of Fear and Grace. Amber moves from being the shy songwriter who can't perform in public to the one who can't not lovingly perform when called upon.

She moves from being the student of Love to the teacher of Love, and she takes us with her. Do yourself a favor, buy this book and share the Truth and Love of Gangaji, Amber and yourself.

Then buy a dozen more and give them to friends.

Sursum Corda!: The Collected Letters of Malcolm Lowry, 1926-1946
Published in Hardcover by Univ of Toronto Pr (Trd) (October, 1995)
Authors: Malcolm Lowry and Sherrill E. Grace
Amazon base price: $49.95
Used price: $13.55
Collectible price: $62.42
Buy one from zShops for: $19.98
Average review score:

Love of language, literature, life
It is no doubt Lowry initiates, scholars and afficianados at whom this book was and, therefore, this review will be, primarily aimed. I have no inkling as to why only Volume II is included here. It may be simply a slip on Amazon's part (I didn't realize myself that there were two volumes amounting to almost 2,000 pages until I ordered it) or that the first volume is listed as out of print. But this review applies to both volumes which, by the bye, may be ordered as one, if not from Amazon, from Edward R Hamilton booksellers.

It is difficult to put into words the boundless joy that accompanies the reading of these letters. Here is Lowry at his most winkingly self-deprecatory, literarily allusive and, above all, charming and downright funny. For anyone who values the English Language and English literature highly; as, in fact, necessary to life, as Lowry did, these letters will hold you spellbound. Here is indeed the record of a man who, quite literally, lived and died for language and literature. As his most famous letter here, the one to his publisher which ultimately led to the publication of Under The Volcano, has it, "...but just the same in our Elizbethan days we used to have at least passionate poetic writing about things that will always mean something and not just silly ... style and semicolon technique: and in this sense I am trying to remedy a deficiency, to strike a blow, to fire a shot for you as it were, roughly in the direction, say, of another Renaissance: it will probably go straight through my brain but that is another matter."

It is clear from almost every letter here, that Lowry was trying his damnedest,in all his writings, to live up to this manifesto; that, despite the continual tragedies of his life, he was always picking himself up and wringing from his life "passionate poetic writing", which, it is clear from these letters, was, to a great extent, lived as a literary endeavour.

That the shot did eventually go through his brain, so to speak, was not entirely unexpected by Lowry or anyone who knew him. - But neither was Sir Walter Ralegh's unjust execution. - Ultimately then, these collected letters live up to the title: Sursum Corda!-Lift up your hearts!-Here is page upon page of writing about things that will always mean something: Love of life, literature, words and a delight in language in and of itself.-

Unrealistic though my expectaation of their reading of these two massive tomes may be, I would recommend them to anyone who suffers from the peculiar fate of being human.

Surviving Grief by God's Grace
Published in Paperback by 1stBooks Library (May, 2002)
Author: Richard V. Battle
Amazon base price: $11.45
Used price: $9.75
Buy one from zShops for: $9.65
Average review score:

An inspirational story of the power of faith in God
Richard Battle tells us how we can deal with the worst possible thing that can happen to a couple-losing a child. The courage and wisdom Richard shows in sharing his and Laura's grief and coping is stunning. The Bible tells us that God will not give us more than we can handle and Richard explains how true this is. Detailing how one's faith can pull a person through life's tradegies is Richard's gift to all of us.
If you have experienced such a loss-get this book. If someone you know has lost a child or a loved one-send this book to them.

Table Blessings: Mealtime Prayer Throughout the Year
Published in Paperback by Ave Maria Press (July, 1994)
Author: Victor-Antoine D'Avila-Latourrette
Amazon base price: $12.95
Used price: $55.00
Average review score:

Meal Blessings not just table prayers
Table Blessings is not just another book of dinner prayers. Rather each day's entry follows the standard form of a blessing - a reading, a responsory (verse and response), the Lord's Prayer and a Blessing. The readings are from the saints. The blessings come both from the author and from traditional sources. There are blessings for ordinary time in the four week cycle of the liturgy of the hours, for liturgical seasons, and for the sanctoral cycle. Prayers of Thanksgiving after eating and blessings for special foods are given. The result is a book intended for use ecumenically.

This is a book that belongs in any Christian home. And for an extra delight, pair it with a meal from one of the author's cookbooks.

A Table of Grace : My Recipe Organizer
Published in Ring-bound by The Cook's Bouquet (15 August, 2000)
Author: Tina Hoover
Amazon base price: $39.95
Average review score:

Finally a place to find all your favortie recipes!
This recipe organizer makes sure you can find all of your favorite recipes. There are spaces to reference your recipes from cookbooks, insert pages to save memorable recipes from Mom or Grandmom, and pages to place cut out recipes. Tina Hoover has put some thought into keeping track of where all your best recipes are kept. There are also journal pages so you can write about your last Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner. Great book with beautiful illustrations.

Tempest at Stonehaven (Scottish Shores , No 1)
Published in Paperback by Tyndale House Pub (September, 1997)
Author: Grace Johnson
Amazon base price: $9.99
Used price: $0.72
Collectible price: $29.95
Average review score:

Romance and mystery that holds your interest.
Its a fast moving novel with a strong feel of the Scotish countryside. Includes a picturesque castle looking out at the North Sea. You get the feel of Scotland in the 1800's. Romance and some surprises await you. Well worth reading.

A Temporary State of Grace
Published in Paperback by Skinner House Books (June, 1997)
Author: David S. Blanchard
Amazon base price: $7.00
Average review score:

Inspirational thoughts
A book full of inspriational thoughts. Mr. Blanchard uses his fine mix of intellectualism and spirituality to help you reach "A temporary state of grace."

A Testimonial to Grace: And Reflections on a Theological Journey
Published in Hardcover by Sheed and Ward (September, 1996)
Author: Avery Dulles
Amazon base price: $24.95
Used price: $24.00
Buy one from zShops for: $24.63
Average review score:

Esteemed Jesuit Theologian Dulles's Autobiography a Goldmine
Father Avery Dulles,S.J., has once again demonstrated his intellectual acuity and literary talent with the augmentation of his autobiographical account, "A Testimonial to Grace," which, in its updated form, with its 47 supplementary post-conversion account pages, has been subtitled "Reflections on a Theological Journey." Originally penned in 1946, Fr. Dulles's impressive autobiography,imbued with his trademark erudition, traces the evolution of his philosophy from his early days at Harvard University, where he encountered many thinkers to whose influence he acknowledges a debt, through his Jesuit training years and,ultimately, his work in fields such as ecclesiology and ecumenism in the wake of the Second Vatican Council.Interspersed throughout are unique anecdotes of episodes in Fr. Dulles's illustrious academic and professorial careers involving such luminaries as John Courtney Murray,S.J., and Gustave Weigel,S.J. Fr. Avery Dulles's autobiography will serve as an inspiration to Catholics and non-Catholics alike,interested in the reality of God's ineffable grace and its operation in the human soul by the will of God.It is to this mysterious reality that Dulles wisely attributes his conversion to Christ and His Church, reminding us once again that grace must be freely accepted by everyone who would come into union with God, be he extraordinarily learned or not. Fr. Dulles has indeed performed a great service to us laymen in reminding us of the eternally precious gift of grace, to which his life has indeed been a testimonial.

Textiles of Ancient Peru and Their Techniques
Published in Paperback by Dover Pubns (February, 2002)
Authors: Raoul D' Harcourt, Grace G. Denny, Carolyn M. Osborne, Sadie Brown, and Raoul Dharcourt
Amazon base price: $18.87
List price: $26.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $18.73
Buy one from zShops for: $17.50
Average review score:

Will please any avid textile artist
This unabridged reproduction of a 1962 classic should be an essential edition to any textile collection: Textiles Of Ancient Peru And Their Techniques covers raw materials form Peru, weaves unique to the region, and techniques and materials used in nonwoven efforts. The result will please any avid textile artist.

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