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Book reviews for "Alvarez-Altman,_Grace_DeJesus" sorted by average review score:

Moon Boy
Published in Hardcover by Beyond Words Pub Co (July, 1999)
Author: Carolyn Grace Garcia
Amazon base price: $5.99
List price: $15.95 (that's 62% off!)
Used price: $3.57
Collectible price: $10.59
Buy one from zShops for: $5.98
Average review score:

Great Story--Great Message!
Moonboy is wonderfully written and illustrated. The positive message of how prejudice can isolate another person is artfully presented through the experiences of the title character. In this age of violence, all young people should be exposed to this story!

Buy it now, thank me later!
This book has it all: Great story, phenomenal artwork. In the tradition of William Joyce and J. Otto Seibold, "Moonboy" is a combination of top-notch storytelling and exquisitely, thoughtfully detailed artwork. Buy it. Read it. Keep it forever.

Today's kids should be exposed to the lessons in this book!
Considering the mayhem in today's schools and the fact that experts are saying that changes in sensitivity must be made at the elementary level, the book Moonboy is made to order! This wonderful book imparts a valuable lesson--that differences in dress and custom must not be deciding factors on who the person really is, that we must look beneath or beyond the surface. Moonboy is a love, but he looks and acts very different, due to his previous alien environment. He lived on the Moon with his father who was too busy pulling the tides, etc., to pay attention to him and play with him. The Old Man in the Moon advised his son to find friends on earth, so Moonboy jumped down to a town called Poppygold. He could wish for anything and it appeared--everything but friends. He was very sad and lonely, alienated in a way he did not expect, but still he hoped someone would come into his life. Across town a kid named Ed Bread decided to do something nobody else had tried-- to go and see for himself what this "weird new kid" was all about. Moonboy shows Ed what's inside of him. It's not scary, bad stuff, not the horrors everyone else in Poppygold imagined. What's inside of Moonboy is simply wonderful--a world of imagination and beauty, of love and joy. All it takes is one sensitive kid (Ed, in this case) to search for that goodness, and he brings this find to everyone else in the town. How many little kids are shunned because they're different? How many sit on the sidelines and cry because they're not allowed into the "in" crowd? This starts very early. My own daughter experienced this sort of thing in gradeschool, and I'm sure it was part of the reason she wrote about it so convincingly in her first book. Then, there are her fantastic illustrations. I watched her as she drew and painted many of the pages. Each page took a month. Her last pages were produced in Portland where the summer temp. soared up to 100 degrees. She sat in her un-airconditioned attic with three fans pointed at her, a sweatband around her forehead so she wouldn't drip on the pages she was working on, and she took her time. She's meticulous, and it shows in the work. I'm proud of her, and even if this weren't my own daughter's book, I'd love it. If I were a gradeschool teacher, I'd want to use it in my class room.

Moondial (Oxford Bookworms. Green Series Stage 3)
Published in Paperback by Oxford University Press (11 July, 1996)
Authors: Helen Cresswell, Gerry Grace, and Jennifer Bassett
Amazon base price: $
Collectible price: $9.53
Average review score:

This book is in my top ten of best-books-ever-written. There is always action, suspense, and it pulls you in to Moontime and the other times that Minty visits. This book is seems very, very real even though it is very unreal.
If you liked this book, you should read The Watchers by Helen Cresswell or Wait Till Helen Comes.

How a successful book!
I think ýt is a very fascinating book and it is my homework, too. I must prepare summary of "Moondial". My work is really difficult.

A brilliant book
I thought that this book was quite amazing. It combines normal Helen Cresswell writings with a touch of fantasy and mysticism yet it still remains light and easy. I would recommend this book for young fantasy lovers as I read it when I was 9 and thoroughly enjoyed it and I still read it now even though I'm 13! You're bound to love this book because it really is one of Helen Cresswell's best.

Murder in the Adirondacks : "An American tragedy" revisited
Published in Unknown Binding by North Country Books ()
Author: Craig Brandon
Amazon base price: $
Collectible price: $47.65
Average review score:

A must read
Murder in the Adirondacks:An American Tragedy Revisited is a must read. It captures and holds a readers attention while teaching them alittle bit about Central New York History. Through the book, a reader begins to "meet" the parties who were involved in this historic case, which was played out so many years ago. And then after getting to know the people, the reader is captivated by the trial and the events which surrounded Mr. Gillette's life immideatly after the verdict. All in all, a great read. I escpecially loved it as a Cortland County resident.

Great for any Upstate New Yorkers
This is a great book about the Chester Gillette murder case of 1906. Gillette took his girlfriend up to Big Moose Lake in the Adirondacks and drowned her. He was later tried and executed. His story was turned into the novel 'An American Tragedy' and several movies. I am reading 'American Tragedy' now and it's interesting to see the parallels between the actual case and the fictionalized story.

It was well researched with excellent photo layouts.
I had thought I was well acquainted with the case but discovered many errors in my previous readings after reading this book. The author dispelled many myths about the case, but did not attempt to prove any position without solid facts. Recommend it to my fellow amateur "criminiologists."

My Book of Flowers
Published in Hardcover by Doubleday (October, 1980)
Author: Princess of Monaco Grace
Amazon base price: $19.95
Used price: $8.95
Collectible price: $68.00
Average review score:

From The Dust Jacket
Her Serene Highness, Princess Grace of Monaco, is recognized as an international judge of flowers. Having initiated the Garden Club of Monaco over ten years ago, Princess Grace also conducted classes in floral arrangement. Her knowledge and skill in this area soon evolved into an interest in pressed flower arrangements.

In this book, richly illustrated with artwork and lavish color photography, Princess Grace now shares her knowledge and sense of floral asthetics with beauty lovers everywhere. She discloses the secrets of flower pressing, discussing both materials needed and her own simple techniques for achieving some unique and enduring arrangements. Princess Grace suggests the place of flowers in art, literature, poetry, mythology, ballet, and opera, offering many practical uses for flowers and herbs, as beauty aids, home remedies, culinary treats, sachets, potpourris, and perfumes.

The result is a book that captures a sense of the timelessness of flowers - a book to enchant the eye and ravish the spirit. From Monaco's multihued roses to the delicate edelweiss growing on the crags of the nearby Alps, Princess Graces has looked into the very heart of these flowers, where she found in the intricate loveliness of nature a symbol of creation and the beauty of life.

My Book of Flowers
A wonderful book. I tracked down a used one years ago and now I've really worn it out. Princess Grace doesn't just touch on the surface of flower arranging and gardening, but goes into depth about old recipes using flowers, myths, legends, art and even explores some of the most beautiful gardens on the Riviera. I only wish she had included more photos of the flower pictures she created. There is quite a variety of content here and it is a joy to read.

A Stunning and Graceful Book
I loved Grace Kelly as an actress--and no doubt she would have won many more accolades had she not married Prince Rainier. However, this book, a final overture of her talents, beauty, and, yes, grace, are all here in this book, which she wrote just a few short years before she died. I know this book is out of print, but for Gracephiles out there--IT IS WORTH TRACKING IT DOWN. This book is an excellent coffee table book. And it is pure enjoyment from start to end. This book is a treasure in any collection!!!

Obsession of Victoria Gracen
Published in Hardcover by Amereon Ltd (April, 1988)
Author: Grace Livingston Hill
Amazon base price: $23.95
Used price: $19.75
Collectible price: $30.00
Average review score:

The Obsession of Victoria Gracen
An implausible plot in which the teenage boys in town are drawn to know the Lord and better behavior as the result of Ms. Gracen's picnics, elegant dinners at her mansion, classical and spiritual music, followed by her reading books and the Bible to them. Highly implausible, but a beautifully written book -- and oh, that it were so!

Christian Love Shines Through In This Book
This is one of the best Grace Livingston Hill books I have ever read and that is saying a mouthful! Dick Gracen, after being orphaned, has a cruel life until his aunt, Victoria Gracen, sends for him. She shows love not only to him but to other boys who are friends of his. For her efforts, she is spitefully gossiped about by Lydia Bypath, who is like the Pharisees who persecuted Jesus. In spite of the gossip, Victoria Gracen teaches the young men about Christ and shows that Christianity should show love and not be spiteful like the Pharisee, Lydia Bypath, thinks it should be.

You're never to young or old to have fun and learn of life
Victoria Gracen shocks the local gossips when she befriends the bad boys of town. What could a single woman know about raising teenage boys? How she handles their exuberance and their solemn moments makes for a book that is both touching and humorous. The boys teach her about rag time and she teaches them about the classics. They discover adventures together and help stop a meddlesome old woman from spreading false news from her poisoned words. Good deeds triumph in the end over vindictive thoughts.

Pioneer Girl: Growing Up on the Prairie
Published in Hardcover by Morrow Junior (September, 1998)
Author: Andrea Warren
Amazon base price: $16.95
Used price: $3.60
Collectible price: $3.44
Buy one from zShops for: $5.95
Average review score:

Wonderful Book for All Ages
I read this book on a whim and thoroughly enjoyed it. The writing is first-rate, and the story of this amazing woman is inspirational. The book does an excellent job of describing what pioneer life was like. Great book for kids, but I enjoyed it, too.

One of the best books my daughter ever read, she says.
According to my 11-year-old daughter, this is a classic case of "Don't judge a book by its cover." "I thought it would be boring, since there is only grass on the cover, but it was the best book I ever read," she said. She was fascinated by the details about the nitty-gritty of prairie life, by the size of the families and the constancy of the chores. She's looking forward to reading Warren's book, "Orphan Train Rider," and wants the author to hurry up and write more.

The story of a real pioneer girl.
This is the story of a real pioneer girl, Grace McCane. When Grace was just three years old, she moved with her parents and two sisters to Nebraska to homestead a claim on the lonely prairie. Grace grew up on the prairie, and she loved her life, although it was hard. If you liked the Little House on the Prairie Books, you will love Grace's story - the story of a girl and her family striving to make their dream come true despite innumerable hardships.

Places of Grace: The Natural Landscapes of the American Midwest
Published in Hardcover by Univ of Illinois Pr (Trd) (June, 1999)
Authors: Gary Irving and Michal Strutin
Amazon base price: $34.97
List price: $49.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $25.00
Buy one from zShops for: $33.63
Average review score:

Amber waves of grain and hallowed haunts....
PLACES OF GRACE consists of a series of stunning photographs by Gary Irving and an essay by Michal Strutin. The book covers states in the upper central plains--Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Kansas, Iowa, Ohio and Indiana, although as Strutin notes, some would include other areas.

Strutin asks--what is the American Midwest? She outlines what she thinks comprises the area and discusses the forests, wetlands, huge fresh water lakes, and prairie that can still be found throughout the region. She imagines what the first European explorers must have seen when they arrived. She says, for example, the word prairie is French for meadow. French explorers were the first Europeans to travel extensively through the American plains. They saw the amazing wide open spaces where grass grew 10 feet tall and lacking any other word, likened it to their own grass meadows back home. The French named many places from Des Moines to Des Plains.

Strutin says conservationists are working to restore parts of the prairie to their natural state. She explains some of the research involved in determining the correct proportions of Asclepia (Butterfly Weed); Echinacea; Daisy; and other flora in a region that contains one of the three major U.S. flyways for birds, butterflies and other migratory animals.

PLACES also contains photos and text about non-prairie areas in upper Michigan and Wisconsin where hugh forests once existed as anyone who has ever read Laura Ingalls Wilder's LITTLE HOUSE IN THE BIG WOODS or heard of Paul Bunyun knows. Even today this area is a source of timber and home to many paper mills, though a good deal of the timber is being recovered from the bottom of Lake Michigan where it landed a century ago.

Irving and Strutin could have called their book HIDDEN PLACES OF GRACE. There are many wonderful nooks and crannies that somehow escaped the developer's axe, and today are protected in one way or another. This is an interesting and beautiful book.

Fabulous pictorial
A very well composed book featuring fabulous photographs with vivid colors and composition- enjoyable page after page. Books like this succeed for me when I desire to visit these locations. Well done!

Good production values overall make this a nice addition to other landscape photography books. Highly recommended.

The Best Collection of Landscape Photographs I've Seen!
Mr.Irving has had some wonderful books in the past,but "Places of Grace"is not only his finest,but is the best collection of landscapes i've seen in a long time!This book is a must for anyone interested in the finest of landscape photography!

The Prairie Gardener's Book of Bugs: A Guide to Living With Common Garden Insects
Published in Paperback by Fifth House (March, 2003)
Authors: Nora Bryan , Ruth Staal, and Grace Buzik
Amazon base price: $10.47
List price: $14.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $10.39
Buy one from zShops for: $10.39
Average review score:

A refreshing new approach
The book is a refreshing approach that combines gardening and natural history. I like the balance. A useful guide but also a good read on its own. The best part is having a book written about the prairies by authors who garden on the prairies. Too many books miss the mark for our region but this one is on target for the insect questions I've had. I hope more garden writers in our region pick up the torch as this book does.

Good Balance
It's great to find a book that is actually of practical use. I like the mix of gardening info and Nature info. I've already identified a few critters in the garden and figured out which ones (there was only one) to keep an eye on for problems. The illustrations are top-notch. I like books that aren't dumbed-down but the average gardener can still use. I hope there are more books written by people who garden in our climate and don't just rehash info that is more relevant to warmer zones.

The Prairie Gardeners Book of Bugs - An Excellent Book!!
Everyone who gardens, especially those who live in the prairies of Canada or the Northern USA, should read this book!

It not only has great information about entomology and the individual bugs but also details about how to live with them. The illustrations are wonderful too!

As a teacher, I suggest that it would make an excellent resource for school libraries as well because it's not only dry facts but is written in a manner that is easy and fun to read.


Red Is a Dragon: A Book of Colors
Published in Hardcover by Chronicle Books (September, 2001)
Authors: Roseanne Thong and Grace Lin
Amazon base price: $10.47
List price: $14.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $9.95
Buy one from zShops for: $10.34
Average review score:

Color with a twist
The main attraction for my 2 1/2 year old son is that it had a dragon in a parade AND firecrackers! Of course that's not all, the book is very colorful & we enjoyed couting orange crabs at the sea, green toads in the graden,yellow taxis on the road, purple kites in the sky, dumplings on a plate & much more.
Very intertaining.

A wide range of ages can appreciate this one
Not just a book about colors. It's lovely to see Asian & American people and items intermixed esp. if you &/or your child are a minority where you live. But this is a book for *everyone*, read out-loud or read-to. Personally, I prefer the celebration pictures & parades more than the simple ones at the beach, and I still prefer their 'Round is a mooncake' but this book has grown on me.

a bright and colorful world
Illustrator Grace Lin's use of color and curly cue backgrounds are more than half the reason to buy this book. In short verse, the reader and female protagonist is introduced to very bright colors and a red dragon and firecrackers, red melons and lychees on green backgrounds, orange crabs on the sand in your hand, yellow incense sticks and taxis, green gourds and toads, green jade that mom and daughter share, blue sneakers, purple kites, pink peonies, and white dumplings to share with a brother. What colors surround you?? A glossary of ten words closes the book.

Morningstar Mutual Fund 500: 1996-97 (Annual.)
Published in Paperback by Morningstar (January, 1996)
Authors: Shannon Poley, Betsy Grace, Susan Paluch, Kristin Hamley, and Inc Morningstar
Amazon base price: $35.00
Used price: $19.95

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