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Book reviews for "Alvarez-Altman,_Grace_DeJesus" sorted by average review score:

The Nanny's Secret
Published in Mass Market Paperback by Harlequin (01 June, 2002)
Author: Grace Green
Amazon base price: $3.99
Used price: $1.90
Average review score:

warm and charming
The Nanny's Secret, Grace Green's latest novel, is one of her best. The warm and charming story is rounded out by exceptional characters who are human and real. The heroine's dilemma and the up-beat resolution make for a great summer read. Highly recommended.

A natural year
Published in Unknown Binding by G. K. Hall ()
Author: Grace Firth
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $75.00
Average review score:

A wonderfully Natural Year
This is one of the most treasured books in my library! It gives you a month by month account of all the wild edibles, gardening tips and charming anecdotes that the author has been collecting throughout her life. The recipes for homemade wines, breads, main dishes and desserts are simple and easy to understand, and told in a style that almost makes you feel like you're there, talking to her over a cup of coffee. The stories of her family, characters she has met and experiences that she has had are a joy to read. It's a feel-good, almost spiritual book that brings you just a little closer to Nature, and the simple life that we all wish we had. I'll be keeping my copy forever!

The Nature of Lions: Social Cats of the Savannas
Published in Hardcover by Firefly Books (September, 2001)
Authors: Eric S. Grace and Art Wolfe
Amazon base price: $20.97
List price: $29.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $19.95
Buy one from zShops for: $19.71
Average review score:

Great Gift But I'm Keeping Mine
I've read "The Nature of Lions: Social Cats of the Savannas" as I was going to give it as gift to my (school aged), nephews and neices for a Christmas present... I guess I'll just have to get another copy of it as I enjoyed it so much myself. Various aspects of these big cats, including the evolution of lions, their anatomy, social behavior, mating rituals and birth are all covered in this study. As well, there's lots of stunning photos that compliment the book well.

Navaho Legends
Published in Paperback by Univ of Utah Pr (Trd) (January, 1994)
Authors: Washington Matthews and Grace McNeley
Amazon base price: $13.97
List price: $19.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $10.00
Buy one from zShops for: $13.25
Average review score:

A classic
"Navaho Legends" is one of the earliest collections of Navaho oral traditions in English, and still the best. Originally published in 1897, this sensitive translation by Washington Matthews (1843-1905) contains an extensive version of the Origin Legend plus two other tales ("Natinesthani" and "The Great Shell of Kintyel"). These richly detailed legends remain among the most complete sources of Navaho cultural, ritual, and cerimonial information. This edition, published by University of Utah Press, is fully faithful to the original, containing Matthews' introduction, extensive notes, interlinear prayer translations, and musical notations, plus a note on modern orthography by Robert W. Young. 303 pp. (From the back cover).

Near Occasions of Grace
Published in Paperback by Orbis Books (February, 1993)
Author: Richard Rohr
Amazon base price: $11.20
List price: $14.00 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $3.95
Buy one from zShops for: $9.95
Average review score:

Earthy Sprirituality
This was the first book by Richard Rohr that I read a while back & it encouraged me to read more of his works.Rohr brings home the reality of the Incarnation in earthy language & enables the reader to connect with the "human" Christ.The reader cant help but be enthralled by the sheer reality & humaness of Jesus.So different from the portrait many author's paint of the Christ nowadays.Rohr also brings the truth of the initiative of God in phrases like "God is not just an experience of mine,but more rightly,I am an experience in the mind & heart of God." His desription of God as "A trinitarian God is a God in relationship" is brilliant.This book has been on the market for a while & I would to recommend it to anyone who is stuggling to come to grips with the "human" Jesus.

New Name
Published in Hardcover by Amereon Ltd (June, 1925)
Author: Grace Livingston Hill
Amazon base price: $23.95
Average review score:

A New Name
I encountered this book 20 years ago in a rooming house in a foreign country, one of a few books in English left behind by former occupants. I have been wishing ever since I could read it again (which is the reason I was searching for it here). This is one of Hill¹s more fascinating novels. The premise: A young man about town, rich, worldly, and something of a rake, believes he has killed the lovely unspoiled (Christian) ingenue in a drunk driving accident. He flees the scene to avoid punishment and ends up in a distant town where by a series of coincidences involving a train wreck he is mistaken for the young minister expected to arrive that day to take up a post in the local church. He now feels his only chance to avoid prosecution for murder is to assume this man¹s identity, but to do this he has to ³assume virtues that he has not² and, like Paul on the road to Damascus, assume a new name. Back in the 20¹s or 30¹s when this book was written, communications were not very good and it is entirely believable that he could get away with this impersonation without his picture being broadcasted on TV, etc. So, lodged with the respectable matron who was to have provided a home for the young minister, the rake has to give up his worldly ways, starting immediately with smoking -- a dead giveaway, as the young minister, a paragon of Christian virtues, would never have had such a vice. Soon the rake finds himself leading the youth groups, conducting prayer services, etc. An interesting psychological setup that Hill resolves in a satisfying manner. There are the usual stock characters--the saintly hardworking mother of the saintly ingenue, the rich man (father of the rake) who at heart sees his riches cannot buy happiness and is longing for the simple godly life -- symbolized for him by glimpses of aforesaid saintly mother making pancakes in her humble but clean kitchen. That¹s okay. It¹s part of this genre. I am not a Christian and was reading this as an outsider -- but I loved this book. I¹ve since read every other GLH novel I have come across, but this is the best of them all.

Nijinsky's Crime Against Grace: Reconstruction Score of the Original Choreography for Le Sacre Du Printemps (Dance & Music Series, No 8)
Published in Hardcover by Pendragon Pr (September, 1996)
Author: Millicent Hodson
Amazon base price: $70.00
Used price: $41.56
Buy one from zShops for: $150.00
Average review score:

Magnificent and Critical Reconstruction
Hodson brings back one of History's most controversial ballets after a 20 year research, which included several interviews with Marie Romberg (who danced in the premiere of The Rite), Stravinsky's own annotated score and various sketches from artists who attended rehearsals. The plotless nature of The Rite provided an opportunity to create a unique musical form for Stravinsky, one which still dazzles audiences around the world. A reconstruction was staged by Robert Joffrey, just 6 months before his death.

No Angel's Grace
Published in Paperback by Leisure Books (April, 1997)
Author: Linda Winstead
Amazon base price: $5.50
Used price: $0.01
Collectible price: $0.48
Buy one from zShops for: $1.94
Average review score:

A page turner for sure
I normally don't read romance but I did this one. I found this book very entertaining.

No Place of Grace: Antimodernism and the Transformation of American Culture 1880-1920
Published in Paperback by University of Chicago Press (March, 1994)
Authors: Jackson T.J. Lears and T. J. Jackson Lears
Amazon base price: $19.00
Used price: $15.88
Average review score:

Lears Leers at Modernity
This Marxist who belives in God makes a fine statement for the apathy and delirium covering the angst of modern culture. His prose is fluid and his arguments are strong and clear. If you are convinced that technology has stripped you of your soul, you should read this book.

Oklahoma Hills
Published in Paperback by 1stBooks Library (July, 2001)
Author: Grace Hill Gallaway
Amazon base price: $29.95
Used price: $24.29
Buy one from zShops for: $24.29
Average review score:

Great history of depression era living
This really is a great book, it really goes farther than many depression era historical books to put you into the situations faced by those living "below the standard".

If you want to feel the depression Grapes of Wrath style first hand, I know of no better book

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