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Book reviews for "Alvarez-Altman,_Grace_DeJesus" sorted by average review score:

Lord, I Need Grace to Make It
Published in Paperback by Precept Ministries (December, 1996)
Authors: Kay Arthur and Capstone Publishers
Amazon base price: $9.94
Average review score:

By God's Grace
This study was truly a blessing to me. I strongly encourage anyone looking for a devotional Bible study or a way to spend time in God's Word to get this book. In the first few chapters Kay Arthur gives you some foundational teaching about the law, sin, and grace. This is not your usual devotional. Kay has you going directly to the Word for yourself so that you can discover truth for yourself. I found myself wondering why no one in church taught about the grace of God. I thank the Lord for showing me His grace in providing this study. Now I know I was living by Law and as result I was living beneath my inheritance--under the curse of the Law. Walking in God's grace means that I am totally dependent upon the Father for everything. Discover truth for yourself and get this book. If possible start a bible study with some friends and family using this study. But remember to do it all standing firm in the grace of God. Be blessed.

amazing GRACE
Satan would love to keep us under the law,but God sent His Son to free us from the law and it is by Him that we enter into Gods grace. Gods'blessings do not depend on my performance, I was wrongly declaring that I was justified through the cross but that justification was maintained through the law. Kays book has guided me into a deeper understanding that through Jesus we are not only saved from the condemnation of sin but we are saved from the POWER OF SIN NOW.

God's grace is so much more than I could have imagined!
This was the first class of Kay's Precepts Upon Precepts classes which I was blessed to complete. She has allowed herself to be used by God in the most remarkable ways, yielding herself to His leading and glory by her incredible insight and sharing in not only the book but the accompanying video. Kay is one of God's blessings, and may He continue to bless her as His name is glorified by the continued use and teaching imparted upon each new reader to her books!

Marcia Schuyler
Published in Hardcover by Aeonian Pr(Amerx) (December, 1987)
Author: Grace Livingston Hill
Amazon base price: $25.95
Used price: $2.50
Average review score:

I'm 18 years old and I never read romance novels until I found some Grace Livingston Hill books that my mom bought. Marcia Schuyler was the first I read... I guess the picture caught my eye. I started reading it, and I could NOT put it down!!! I was laughing about it with my brother, telling him, "I'm actually gonna go read a romance novel now. I'll let you know how it is!" but I LOVED it!! The story was so captivating! I read the whole book, all 300 and some pages worth, in one night!!! *laughs* Since then, I have gotten alot of the other books and have really enjoyed my time reading them. Still, "Marcia Schuyler" is my FAVORITE!! I've read it 2 times, and it's also my mom's favorite. Grace Livingston Hill really captured a unique story with this one, a story that keeps you on the edge of your seat, waiting to find out what happens next. I think it is so sweet how the two main characters finally realize how much they love each other in the end.
If you want a sweet, clean, wholesome novel, I highly suggest reading this one!! I've even given it as gifts to my friends. :)

I loved this book, I've read mine three times! For anyone who loves romance stories, that have morals, but are still a great book, this is the one. I love all the Grace Livingston hill books.

One of G L. Hill's best!
I don't remember too much about the story line, because I read it a long time ago, but I do know that it was one of my very favorites of Grace Livingston Hill's books. I remember it being intriguing and touching and almost classic. I play the piano, so, since Marcia did as well, that made it all the better. I remember it having an exciting ending.

Moments of Grace : Stories of Ordinary People and an Extraordinary God
Published in Paperback by Multnomah Publishers Inc. (July, 2000)
Author: Nancy Jo Sullivan
Amazon base price: $10.99
Used price: $1.95
Collectible price: $11.59
Buy one from zShops for: $3.95
Average review score:

These short stories kept me turning pages until I was at the end. It opened my eyes up to the small miracles God is placing in my everyday life. I learned so much about the author along the way. She has a wonderful way of looking at difficult times in our lives as...well, "Moments of Grace". It brought me smiles and tears throughout every chapter. Faith, family, and relationships seem very important to me now, because I see how these miracles work in the author's life...and find them in mine too. I recommend this book to anyone who is looking for a heartwarmer!

this book has a magnet, it never allows you to put it down. these stories are powerful and you walk away truly humbled. How we can all learn and revise our own lifes.

Moments of Grace
This is a beautiful collection of stories - made me laugh and cry. Moments of Grace had me reflect on my own ordinary "moments" and think about ways to find grace in every day.

Mr. Lincoln's Whiskers
Published in School & Library Binding by Boyds Mills Pr (September, 1996)
Author: Karen Winnick
Amazon base price: $11.17
List price: $15.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $6.15
Collectible price: $10.59
Buy one from zShops for: $11.09
Average review score:

Destined to become a classic of American literature
This book achieves the perfect blend of storytelling, historical research, compassion, and artistry. Drawing from the primary documents (the letters are reproduced in the book), Winnick creates a fully believable context for the touching exchange between the President and a little girl we can all relate to. She presents an example of how to use our imagination to travel through time by studying our cultural heritage. The illustrations perfectly match the narrative, rich with detail. Our two year old daughter already loves hearing the story told while seeing the pictures. I can't wait to see her read it for herself. This book will be passed on for generations.

Mrs. Winnick brings magic to the Abraham Lincoln legacy. This book is a must for all children. I highly recommend this book for all parents to buy and read to their kids. It will not only provide hours of entertainment, but it will bring parents and their children closer together each time they read it.

Unbelievable Artistry
While Mrs. Winnick's storytelling ability proves to be far beyond what the average children book writer is able to communicate, I found the oil paintings delightful and engrossing. Mrs. Winnick displays a true talent for the arts and really knows how to provide for children interesting and educational tales about our country's history. I highly recommend purchasing this book and sharing Mrs. Winnick's magic with your children.

On the River of Grace: A Spiritual Journey in the Alaskan Wilderness
Published in Paperback by Earthen Vessel Production (November, 1999)
Author: Liller Burk Cotter
Amazon base price: $12.95
Average review score:

Given Peace
This book created a storm in my heart and mind. It also stirred emotions I had never felt before and this is because it is a very personal story. I am Crystal. I am Weedz' daughter, and one who has also lost and survived.
It took me years to make peace with the Lord and fully understand the path that He has chosen for me.
I became a born-again Christian five years ago and I do believe it is my father's spirit who led me to that choice. Someone once told me, "Choice determines destiny." Thank you, Liller, for instilling that meaningful insight. And thank you for giving me necessary and sacred peace both with the Lord and with my father. (Be sure to keep an eye out for my auto biography!)
Please be sure to pray for the thousands of young ones who lost their mommies and daddies in the September 11 attacks. They will need it.

I know all this is real because I was there! In this book you can see the truth about how God can be there with you in the most trying times, and how he can help you every minute of your suffering. From the very beginning of this story God's presence is known, felt, there! I recommend it to everybody in the world.

Lovely Testimonial
This is a heart-rending testimonial of a truly saved Christian. The author's honesty in disclosing her innermost thoughts and passions make you feel like she is sitting across from you in an intimate discussion about feelings most people would be embarrassed to share. Her faith and trust in the Lord is amazing! A heart-lifting experience to read this book! The circumstances of her grief unfold throughout. It is a very honest and loving testimonial by a very courageous person! The physical difficulties of her remote location make the story all the more remarkable! I am ordering 5 more copies to share with friends. Jim

One Step from Grace
Published in Paperback by 1stBooks Library (November, 2000)
Author: Barbara J. Petee
Amazon base price: $26.48
Used price: $17.75
Buy one from zShops for: $21.46
Average review score:

Outstanding! Wonderful story!
Kudos to Barbara Petee!

She has captured the laughter and tears, the joys and pains of being a family. This is a wonderful, feel-good novel [but keep your tissues close at hand!].

From the first page, I could not put the book down. The characters unfolded to be real people in my world. Their strengths and weakness, make them both believable and yet remarkable.

Ms. Petee's background in the medical field provided true-to-life descriptions as needed, and lent a sense of authenticity and realism that steered clear of syrupy pathos.

I can't wait for her next book to see what happens to my new-found friends!

A Great Read
Wonderful story! I couldn't put it down. The characters are so real that I feel I walked with them through each and every experience and circumstance. The way Ms. Petee has crafted each character made me feel that I wanted to be, and at times I was, a member of the family. Here is a family who teaches and shows what it means to love and be loved. A modern day "Walton's." I loved every minute I shared with the family. The book jacket said Ms. Petee has a sequel. I eagerly await to hear more of the Durling family.

One Step From Grace
One Step From Grace is a heart rending story of individual survivors who share the intimate committment of being a family. Ms. Petee has created a powerful novel that captures the heart and mind of the reader as one vicariously joins in the complexities of a family's journey. The members of this family are each both the victim and the survivor as they share their journey. There are wonderful spiritual analogies that touch one's soul as Ms Petee guides us through the strength and joy found in the triumphs over adversity both minor and profound. This is a story filled with the complexities of life and human relationships told in an incredibly respectful and humane manner that leaves one filled with a renewed sense of courage and joy.

Ordinary Grace: An Examination of the Roots of Compassion, Altruism, and Empathy, and the Ordinary Individuals Who Help Others in Extraordinary Ways
Published in Hardcover by Riverhead Books (March, 1999)
Author: Kathleen A. Brehony
Amazon base price: $24.95
Used price: $2.12
Collectible price: $5.29
Buy one from zShops for: $2.15
Average review score:

Riveting chronicles about people who make a difference
Kathleen Brehony's book makes reminds you each day about the truism; "if not me Who,if not now, When! The author makes a strong argument for Who really benefits most, the receiver or the giver. The Giver wins each time in Ordinary Grace.

Kathleen Brehony's Ordinary Grace just makes you feel good all over. I have sent copies along with letters to several friends who could have been in her book and it gave me an excuse to register how much I have been touched by THEIR ORDINARY GRACE!

This book is uplifting and truly inspirational!
I just happened to find this book one day while browsing around in a bookstore and was intrigued by the title. Little did I realize what a gift I had stumbled on. I have cried and laughed and thoroughly enjoyed every story told by the author. I will definitely be sharing it with friends and family. What a necessary reminder that there are good deeds done everyday if we choose to notice them. This book is a perfect antidote to the evening news or front page of the newspaper and will surely put a smile on your face!

A truly inspirational book!
This book is truly inspirational and reminds us of the true meaning of love and compassion. A must read which I have recommended to family and friends.

Ordinary Graces: Christian Teachings on the Interior Life
Published in Paperback by Bell Tower (25 September, 2001)
Authors: Lorraine Kisly and Philip Zaleski
Amazon base price: $14.00
Used price: $9.00
Buy one from zShops for: $5.00
Average review score:

writing from the inside out
In returning to favorite quotations I choose those passages in which the authors express personal experiences of grace. Having the courage to write from the inside out reveals an authenticity which the selections that are intended to alter another's behavior do not. The last entry in the book, one of several included elsewhere by Meister Eckhart demonstrates this beautifully. "The eye in which I see God is the same eye in which God sees me. My eye and God's eye are one eye and one seeing, one knowing and one loving." In like manner the champion of little graces, Brother Lawrence confesses, "I turn over my little omelet in the frying pan for the love of God. When it is done, if I have nothing to do, I bow down to the ground and adore God from whom has come the grace to make it." Petru Dumitriu, in the chapter The Sacrament of Presence admits, "My own humble experience is not that of ecstacy. I do not levitate, I am not somewhere else, nor outside myself, not with God-nothing of that. Just a poor brute suddenly stopping halfway down the stairs, or slowly taking off his glasses. But those two or three minutes in the life of a man, are the reason why I shall not have lived in vain." And finally, Julian of Norwich ".....I was filled with an everlasting security that supported me completely, and I was without fear. This feeling was so blessed that I experienced nothing but peace and rest, and there was nothing on earth that could have disturbed me." No 'thou shalt's in those entries. Thank you Lorraine Kisly for this rich collection crammed with Ordinary Graces.

A surprise and delight
This book is beautifully conceived and executed. It is a rich collection of Christian spiritual writing rather loosely organized by general themes such as repentence and transformation. The selections are marvelous. There was nothing familiar (this is no "greatest hits") and there is astonishing breadth and quality. A constant surprise: selections that sounded very 'modern' in their psychological penetration are often from an obscure writer from the sixth century. So much hits home. I came away proud of my Christian heritage, determined to tap into it further, and inspired to take advantage of all the 'ordinary graces' available to me (and to everyone!).

Invaluable for Pastors
This book is a true gift -- full of deep, angular passages by thoughtful Christians from a huge variety of times and places. As a pastor, I find myself going back into it while working on sermons. Not for a clever line or for a cute quote by someone famous to give credence to what I want to say. No, these passages bring me deeper into the most profound truths of the faith. They improve my own thinking and praying and preaching.

Red Bird A Novel <br>book Three In The Praire Winds Series
Published in Paperback by Thomas Nelson (07 May, 1997)
Author: Stephanie Grace Whitson
Amazon base price: $8.79
List price: $10.99 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $2.86
Buy one from zShops for: $5.99
Average review score:

Whitson Saves the Best for Last!
If it were possible to give this one more than 5 stars, I would. This author actually gets BETTER with each sequel! Carrie Brown, affectionately called "Red Bird" by her old friend Soaring Eagle (that was the second book in the series -- read that one first, or "Red Bird" will lose you), has dreamed for years of marrying Soaring Eagle when she grows up. But is that GOD'S plan for her life? The reader asks that question over and over, as Carrie tries desperately to "maneuver herself" in a position to marry Soaring Eagle, all the while praying that he remains single until she's old enough. But what should she REALLY be praying for?

This one is truly the best in the series.

Must Read! Gets Better With Every Book!
Number 3 in this series is the best yet... and I thought the other 2 were great! Don't read the end first, but it touches the soul. I have read it over and over. Godlyness (if there is such a word?) makes the romance even better than expected. Must Read!

A deep, exciting conclusion to the series!
Little Carrie Brown is a young lady with plans of her own. Soaring Eagle is an educated, dedicated Christian Indian man without a wife. Life is hard, smallpox wipes out a town and a dream. In the end, many memories are revisited! This series is superb! Stephanie, you did a great job! Is there more coming?

Nathalie Dupree's Comfortable Entertaining: At Home With Ease and Grace
Published in Hardcover by Viking Press (September, 1998)
Authors: Nathalie Dupree and Tom Eckerle
Amazon base price: $29.95
Used price: $5.49
Buy one from zShops for: $5.82
Average review score:

Get the book. Skip the PBS series!
I've always been a fan of Nathalie Dupree's books. You can almost always count on her recipes and cooking tips. But after watching her most recent PBS series, I have to admit that my admiration for Ms. Dupree has significantly decreased. If you haven't seen the woman before or realized who she is in the culinary world, you would never believe that this is a graduate of the prestigious Le Condon Bleu. Ms. Dupree appears inconfident, ill-prepared, unorganized, and sloppy in the kitchen. She's nothing like I'd imagine my favorite cookbook author would be on TV. Compared to other prominent TV chefs, Ms. Dupree flunks out big time. Some of her favorite sentences on TV include (paraphrase): "I missed a step, but that's okay. We can fix it. Follow the recipe. Don't do what I do.", "These popovers are a little bit overbrowned. Yours should look much lighter than this.", etc. The way Ms. Dupree sloppily pipes whipped cream on top of a pie or struggles to remove silver skins from a piece of beef tenderloin (resulting in a very sloppy and jagged looking piece of party roast) makes one wonder if she really belongs up there with Jacques Pepin or Julia Child.

The show needs to be retaped and edited. The host herself needs a new haircut which doesn't require constant flipping and allows people to see more than half of her face.

Like I said, get the book but skip the TV show.

How to entertain without stress
Nathalie Dupree is one of the most practical, yet creative chefs around. She has created (many) beautiful books, the being the culmination of her efforts at culinary, literary and artistic undertakings. I have watched her develop over the years and recommend this to all those who want to entertain properly as well as those who just want some wonderful recipes.
What will she publish next? I'm waiting!!!!!!

Nathalie Dupree's Comfortable Entertaining Cookbook & Series
I not only enjoy the Comfortable Entertaining Cookbook by Nathalie Dupree, but I feel Nathalie Dupree's Comfortable Entertaining television series is one of the best cooking series ever. I can identify with Nathalie more than other cooking show personality's. She makes me feel as though perfection is not a prerequisite for a good cook. She comes across as someone who finds joy in cooking and entertaining and does not require prefection in herself or others.

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