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Book reviews for "Alvarez-Altman,_Grace_DeJesus" sorted by average review score:

Prosperity Guaranteed: Universal Spiritual Principles That Bring Peace, Joy, and Abundance
Published in Paperback by National Book Network (February, 2002)
Author: Grace Terry
Amazon base price: $10.47
List price: $14.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $8.49
Buy one from zShops for: $8.50
Average review score:

A moving, valuable, and highly positive book
Prosperity Guaranteed: Universal Spiritual Principles That Bring Peace, Joy & Abundance by Grace Terry (co-founder of Prosperity Park Associations) is an invigorating self-help guide to creating a life of happiness and abundance. Chapters address the power of thoughts, gratitude, forgiveness, and knowing one's true purpose, and how these qualities can improve live on all fronts for a healthier, happier, more satisfied tomorrow. Prosperity Guaranteed also taps into the power of spirituality and faith to deliver its message, offering biblical quotations to embellish its principles of life improvement. A moving, valuable, and highly positive book, Prosperity Guaranteed is highly recommended for self-help, self-improvement reading lists and reference collections.

Pursued by Grace: A Newspaperman's Own Story of Spiritual Recovery
Published in Paperback by Augsburg Fortress Publishers (August, 1998)
Author: Jim Klobuchar
Amazon base price: $12.99
Used price: $6.75
Collectible price: $6.35
Average review score:

Excellent book for those asking questions about spirituality
The author is a well known newspaper man in Minnesota. The book describes his problems with alcholism and his search for his spirituality. It is well written and very interesting, especially if you are also searching for meanings in life.

Queen's Grace
Published in Hardcover by Queens House (May, 1984)
Author: Jan Westcott
Amazon base price: $15.95
Used price: $9.95
Collectible price: $14.98
Average review score:

Katryn Parr and Tom Seymour
I read this book as a teenager, so many times that my copy literally fell apart. Thiry years later, I'm dying to get my hands on a copy to see how it stands up next to all the historical fiction I've devoured in the intervening years. This version of the romance between Katryn Parr, the sixth wife of Henry VIII, and Thomas Seymour, who married her after Henry's death, was really delightful. Of all the accounts of that relationship that I've read, this is the one that I hope is true.

Rainbow Cottage
Published in Paperback by Tyndale House Pub (September, 1990)
Author: Grace Livingston Hill
Amazon base price: $4.95
Used price: $0.89
Collectible price: $1.25
Average review score:

Please Bring This Book Back
This is one of the most wonderful love stories I ever read when I was in High School, which was way back in the early 1970s. The wholesome purity of the characters in it make me long for those high school days. Please bring this book back so that people in this generation can read it, and so I can get a copy. Maybe Grace Livingston Hill's people can put this in one of her collections. If it is already in a collection of her novels that is available, please let me know so I can order it.

Raphael Grace of an Angel
Published in Hardcover by Random House Value Publishing (November, 1988)
Author: Jacqueline Guillaud
Amazon base price: $49.99
Average review score:

Sensuous And Stunning!
When Pope Julius II needed someone to design and create the frescoes for his private appartment in The Vatican, he knew who to call: Raphael; and what staggering frescoes they are!

The frescoes are part of the Stanza della Segnatura which contain the famous School of Athens, and The Triumph Of Religion. These 2 works are found on the largest walls. Also included are The Stanza dell'Incendio and The Stanza d'Eliodoro.

What makes this book so sensuous and stunning are the beautiful color photographs that husband and wife team Maurice & Jacqueline Guillaud have taken. Full of spectacular close-ups, you immediately get the full force of Raphael's vivid pallette. One of the trademarks of the Guillaud's is to print all of their photographs on onionskin paper, which has the look of paint on fresh plaster. This is a great way to experience the works of this great artist.

Raphael: Grace and Beauty
Published in Hardcover by Skira (January, 2002)
Authors: De Luxembourg Musee, Claudio Nasso, Tim Stroud, and Marcello Francone
Amazon base price: $45.50
List price: $65.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $44.85
Collectible price: $47.65
Buy one from zShops for: $43.50
Average review score:

Analysis of Grace and Beauty.
Of course ! Woman is the grace and beauty, and this book focus on that kind of beauty as it's title. "Raphael : Grace and Beauty", it is not only a book about "How sprezzatura he had", but it also tell us the answers of "What are the things hiding inside his works of graces?" and "Why are they have to be realized?". With many essays of many well-known scholars, you will find many useful points of view for your doubt more or less. However, it is easy to read and follow the words. It's format is suitable and luxurious with the outstanding fornt jacket picture, "detail from Fornarina", that is also the main grace analyzed in this book. You won't be disappointed about the qualities of the pictures in this book. There is no corrupted picture color, though it is a picture detail. This book includes of many picture datails that are interesting points for everyone who wants to see the missing details of other books.

Raphael: Grace of an Angel, Force of Genius: Frescoes from the Vatican
Published in Hardcover by Clarkson N. Potter (January, 1993)
Author: Jacqueline Guillaud
Amazon base price: $15.95
Used price: $194.30
Average review score:

Noted for their works on the lives of various artists, Jacqueline and Maurice Guillaud have once again produced a STUNNING work featuring Raphael's magnificent frescoes, which are located in the private apartment of Pope Julius II. The frescoes are: The Stanza della Segnature which includes the very famous School Of Athens, The Stanza dell'Incendio and The Stanza d'Eliodoro. What is really interesting about this book is that the photographs are printed on voluptious onionskin paper!!. This selection is Perfect for displaying the artist's brilliant pallette. This book is an absolute delight!!

Reading Rock Art: Interpreting the Indian Rock Paintings of the Canadian Shield
Published in Paperback by Natural Heritage (June, 1995)
Author: Margaret Grace Rajnovich
Amazon base price: $17.99
Average review score:

Excellent book about Indian Pictographs for the layperson
I quite enjoyed reading this book, and believe it presents the topic of Alkonkian art in a very interesting manner. I grew up in Sault Ste Marie, in an area with many 'pictographs' and I think this book would be particularly meaningful to those who have grown up on the Canadian Shield and have an appreciation and interest in the history and meaning of the rock art they have seen. In terms of the writing, the book is well researched and referenced, and the writing is interesting and readable by the layperson.

Reason for My Hope: How God's Grace and Love Strengthens, Rebuilds and Restores
Published in Audio Cassette by Thomas Nelson (May, 1997)
Author: Charles F. Stanley
Amazon base price: $15.99
Used price: $6.99
Buy one from zShops for: $15.99
Average review score:

His most beautiful book to date.
His life is proof positive of God's use of difficult circumstances to enrich one's walk. There are stories in this book that will make the reader weep, because they make one understand Christ's love for us. Please don't miss this book.

Received in Grace: The Search for a Birth Family
Published in Paperback by Writers Club Press (September, 2001)
Author: Norman M. Carson
Amazon base price: $11.95
Buy one from zShops for: $11.83
Average review score:

A genealogist's delight
Norman Carson's saga is beautifully written; I would expect no less from a college English professor. His being, in addition, a Presbyterian minister did not prevent him from manipulating the beauracracy of officialdom in order to pursue the quest for his biologic family. The book has universal appeal but will touch the hearts especially of families with adopted children and the heads of budding genealogists.

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