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Book reviews for "Alvarez-Altman,_Grace_DeJesus" sorted by average review score:

Out of the Storm
Published in Audio Cassette by Oasis Audio (June, 2000)
Authors: Grace Livingston Hill and Aimee Lilly
Amazon base price: $8.99
Used price: $6.25
Buy one from zShops for: $6.25
Average review score:

Out of the Storm
A tale of streanth, courage, honor, and God. After being shipped wrecked Gail must care for the man who was injured saving her. In doing so she falls in love with him feeling that her love is not returned she sets off to "make it" on her own. Those who are left behind are devestated. Not only is her loved returned but now the search is on. Can he find her befor its to late?

P.S. God Loves You: Words of Grace and Encouragement from God's Heart to Yours
Published in Paperback by Honor Books (February, 1996)
Author: Connie Witter
Amazon base price: $6.99
Used price: $1.95
Collectible price: $4.00
Buy one from zShops for: $4.88
Average review score:

Love Notes From God
As a Christian, there are moments in my life when I find myself in need of God's encouragement. During these times, I know that the treasures in His Word never return void. I often use P.S. God Loves You as a tool, a jeweler's loop, to examine these jewels of scripture, of God's promises, and of his consuming love for us. Each page has a scripture as well as a paraphrase of it. These paraphrases are love notes tucked away for you to find on purpose or by "accident." They serve as reminders and sometimes they are answers to long awaited prayers. They are food for the soul to those who may be searching, hurting, and feeling hopeless. My copy is always a new copy because I end up giving it away to someone God places on my heart. When was the last time you received a love note from God?

Pagan Grace: Dionysus, Hermes, and Goddess Memory in Daily Life
Published in Paperback by Spring Audio & Journal (May, 1990)
Authors: Ginette Paris and Joanna Mott
Amazon base price: $12.25
List price: $17.50 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $9.00
Buy one from zShops for: $12.16
Average review score:

One of My Personal "Holy Books"
This book strikes a welcome balance between Neo-Pagan fluff (no, it's not ALL fluff, but you know what I mean) and unreadable scholarly tomes (no, they're not ALL unreadable, but you know what I mean). Ms. Paris' psychological insights into these myths are incredibly compelling. Are the gods "real?" Who knows, and does it matter? Their effect on us -- as archetypes and symbols -- is deeply significant in either case, whether you're a modern maenad or an interested agnostic (or both). Ginette Paris' book addresses that significance in ways which are entirely relevant and applicable to modern life, guiding the reader on the path of pagan grace.

Pain and Grace: A Journey Through Vietnam
Published in Hardcover by San Jose Mercury News (February, 2001)
Authors: Jim Gensheimer, Kristin Huckshorn, and Mark McDonald
Amazon base price: $20.97
List price: $29.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $15.95
Average review score:

Striking and thoughtful portrayal of of Vietnam
In Pain and Grace - A Journey Through Vietnam, the outstanding photography of photojournalist Jim Gensheimer illustrate the contrasts that make up modern day Vietnamese life. Gensheimer capture the beauty and quiet intensity of a country in the midst of dramatic change - where the struggles of the past and and hopes of the future are met with courage and pride. Each photograph dramatizes a poignant moment in the lives of the Vietnamese people - a lotus glows in a dusty Koi pond; gentle light on the wise face of an elderly Vietnamese gentleman at tea, children playing in an orphanage in Danang, the meeting of a brother and sister separated for 19 years... These images portray an emotional impact that is familiar to visitors to Vietnam, with a poignancy that is hard to forget.

The Parables of Grace
Published in Paperback by Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. (February, 1991)
Author: Robert Farrar Capon
Amazon base price: $14.00
Used price: $8.99
Buy one from zShops for: $10.00
Average review score:

The Modus Operandi of Grace
So you thought you knew and understood the parables of Jesus? Take a look at Robert Farrar Capon's superb trilogy on the parables of the Kingdom, Grace and Judgment and see if they don't rattle your theological bird cage just a little. This volume is on the parables of Grace. The author again deals with lastness, leastness, lostness, littleness, left-handed images, death and resurrection, this time in such parables as the Lost Sheep, the Prodigal Son, and the Good Samaritan, among others. And he includes the hardest parable of all - the Unjust Steward of Luke 16.

I've always checked every book of Bible commentary to see what the author has to say about this parable, and so far, only Father Capon has come up with anything that makes sense to me. He says the unjust steward was wasting (diaskorpizon) his Lord's money. "Diaskorpizon" is the same word used for the Prodigal Son's wasting of his "substance." That's a clue, according to Capon, that this is a grace and not a morality parable. This is also like the parable of the Unforgiving Servant except that it's reversed. Forgiveness starts from the botom up instead of from the top down. It's the steward who forgives the debt (not the rich man or the Lord), and so he is a "dead ringer for Jesus Himself." He dies (to his bookkeeping) rises others (forgives their debts), but most important of all, "...the unjust steward is the Christ-figure because he is a crook, like Jesus."

"The unique contribution of this parable to our understanding of Jesus," says Capon, "is its insistence that grace cannot come to the world through respectability. Respectability regards only life, success, winning; it will have no truck with the grace that works by death and losing - which is the only kind of grace there is." Jesus was "...not respectable. He broke the sabbath. He consorted with crooks. And he dies as a criminal." And he did all this to "...catch a world that respectability could only terrify and condemn. He became sin for us sinners, weak for us weaklings, lost for us losers, and dead for us dead."

For my money, Father Capon is the only writer since C.S. Lewis and Thomas Merton who has even a clue about the true dynamics of the Christian Faith.

The Peace of God : A Mother's Journal of God's Grace for Her and Her Family During a High-Risk Pregnancy and the Premature Birth of their Daughter
Published in Paperback by Our House Publishing (15 November, 2000)
Author: Sara J. Groenheide
Amazon base price: $16.95
Used price: $14.95
Average review score:

Wonderful, touching, compelling...
I've read this book, and it is wonderful! Sara's book is honest and warm and touching. The story is compelling, pulling the reader into the emotional roller-coaster world of having a crisis pregnancy and premature baby. Having my preemie was one of the most difficult things I've ever gone through, and I found it so helpful to read others' stories and learn I was not alone. There are so few books journaling the day-to-day extreme ups and downs of high-risk pregnancy bedrest and the NICU experience; this book fills a great void, and does it so well. I recommend this book to anyone going through a difficult pregnancy, anyone with a premature baby, or anyone who wants to better understand what it is like. This is a story of faith in difficult times, and is very inspiring!

Phoebe Deane
Published in Hardcover by Amereon Ltd (November, 1985)
Author: Grace Livingston Hill
Amazon base price: $25.95
Used price: $18.31
Average review score:

One of Grace Livingston Hill's best
Phoebe Deane is a beautiful orphan who is forced to live with her much older half-brother, who is rather indifferent to say the least, and his jealous wife, who enjoys putting Phoebe to work a little more than she should. Phoebe accepts her life, disappointing as it is, and makes the best of it. But a middle-aged widower who lives nearby with his passle of ill-behaved children is about to turn her life upside down with his near obsession with making her his wife. Naturally, he has her family's support and they go out of their way to throw them together...unknowingly putting Phoebe in grave danger. But all this is made bearable by an unforgetable meeting with a handsome young stranger in the woods who is willing to protect Phoebe where her family will not.
A beautiful love story of faith, intrigue, and endurance that put me very much in mind of Cinderella. Anyone who likes Grace Livingston Hill's books should check this out. It is definately one of her best works.

The Phoenix Approach: The Contrarian Investor's Guide to Profiting from Out-Of-Favor, Distressed and Bankrupt Companies
Published in Paperback by Bantam Books (March, 1985)
Author: William J. Grace
Amazon base price: $3.95
Used price: $4.24
Collectible price: $18.79
Average review score:

this book is the perfect bridge to various distressed areas
i looked long and hard to find this book and it was worth the time and effort. it is simply written, as many investment books are not, and it segues into the different areas a value/contrarian is concerned about. most books dwell on a particular aspect of investing-low p/e, value, bankruptcy etc. to the exclusion of the others. this book brings all these areas together and discusses them cohesively in a meaningful manner. the author does much of the leg work: ie. providing a bankruptcy prediction model by a noted professor. to look back at the list of bankrupt companies of the 80's was an eye opener to how lucrative this type of investing could be. an excellent, clear, meaningful book. i recommend it highly!

Picasso's One-Liners
Published in Hardcover by Artisan Sales (June, 1997)
Authors: Pablo Picasso and Susan Grace Galassi
Amazon base price: $10.47
List price: $14.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $8.00
Collectible price: $8.47
Buy one from zShops for: $9.73
Average review score:

This little book is a real joy, and it should have a wide appeal. Seeing what vital fun Picasso can have by putting his pen down on the paper for just one long line is a great way to enter into what drawing and art are all about. In my opinion, this book makes a great gift--though small, it is unlike many "coffee table books" people are always giving, in that the quantity of sheer fun on every page (also through Picasso's verbal one-liners) keeps beckoning you to open it up, the way you might put a favorite CD on the stereo. A great little book full of artistic delight!

Pizza Party (Hello, Reader, Level 1, Preschool-Grade 1)
Published in Paperback by Cartwheel Books (May, 1994)
Authors: Grace MacCarone and Emily Arnold McCully
Amazon base price: $3.99
Used price: $0.01
Collectible price: $1.07
Buy one from zShops for: $1.49
Average review score:

Very good early reader!
There is art to the economy of words in this book. The author was able to not only keep the story moving along with 2 word sentences, but to tell the story with humor and wit. We borrowed this one from school--it was so hard to give it back we decided to just buy our own!

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